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in this video we're going to be diving deep into the magician

so i'm going to take you on a little journey into the magician

i'm going to tell you all about the magician what he means some of the key symbols that
you need to be aware of

and then we're going to go deeper and we're really going to explore what he's all about

and how the magician shows up in your life and what he means for you

so you might want to have a notebook and pen handy

i'm going to be giving you lots of questions to ponder and you might want to journal on
those questions so you may want to be prepared

the card that i'm showing you is from the universal weight tarot

and the magician is all about manifesting and manifestation

the magician is a master director of energy and ideas he's a conduit between the world
of energy and ideas and the physical world so

one key symbol is his body posture he has one arm up and one arm pointing down
towards the earth

the arm that's pointing up is the the hand that's receiving he's receiving the ideas and
the energy from that world of spirit and energy

and the hand pointing down is him making it manifest making things happen on the
physical plane

so that is what the magician is all about he takes things like ideas and inspiration and he
makes it real he makes it happen in the physical world

so a question to ask yourself ís how good are you at manifesting on purpose

because we're always manifesting all the time whether we whether we know it or

but how good are you at being intentional in the things that you manifest
the magician encourages you to step into your own power

and to recognize that you are always directing energy whether you know it or not

so the magician is about seeing yourself as as being a powerful manifester and

creator and really honoring yourself in that way and stepping into your power

the dark side of the magician which we'll get into in a minute is he can also symbolize
illusion and trickery; get into to become interested in sth:

every card has a dark side and that is the dark side of the magician

we'll get to that in a little bit

so some key symbols other than the one that I already mentioned with the the hand
positions is the infinity loop and the snake biting its own tail

so if you look at his waist he has he's wearing a belt and it's a snake biting its own tail
so those two symbols kind of mean similar things

it's about kind of the energy loop and energy the cyclical nature of energy
and infinity and the other uh

so there's four other symbols which are really important

if you look at the magician's table he has four symbols on there he's got the pentacle
the cup sword or dagger and wand

now those each represent each of the four suits in the tarot deck

and i'm going to be going into why those symbols are there and what they mean in
a minute

so back to my original question how good are you at manifesting

can you think of a time that you

intentionally manifested something in your life

and can you think of a time that you

tried to manifest something but couldn't

both of those things are important to

kind of keep in mind when you're when

you're looking at this card

so a question to ask is when it comes to

trying to manifest something whether you

are successful or not successful

were your emotions actions thoughts and energy all in alignment with your goal

so when i talk about those four symbols on his table

the cups represents feeling

wands represent energy

and action


swords represent thoughts


pentacles represent now maybe pentacles

represent action
real world action

um so each of those symbols represent

you know one of those realms and when

we're trying to manifest something if we

have all of those things in alignment so

um if you're trying to manifest say a

new job

you want your thoughts to be on the same

page you want your feelings your energy

your actions your words you want all of

that to be in alignment with what it is

that you're trying to bring forward and

oftentimes when we're trying to make

something happen we just can't it's not


it sometimes is because one of

those one or more of those things

are out of alignment you know maybe we

tell ourselves that we want this thing

but maybe our

thoughts and the words we say and the

feelings that we have

are you know suggest otherwise maybe

they're not all in alignment so that's

an important uh that's that's really the

wisdom of the magician that he brings

forward is that you want all of those

things to be in alignment when you're

trying to manifest something

um all right so

the magician is also

as i said he's a director of energy

he isn't about creating energy out of

thin air he's about taking

the energy and the ideas that exist on

the non-physical plane and directing it

downward into the physical plane and

making it happen

THis is where you really step into your

own power when you see yourself as like

the director of your own life you may

not have control over everything that

happens in your own life but if you see

yourself as kind of the director it

really shifts your perspective on things


do you see yourself as the director of

your life

are you in the driver's seat or do you

feel like life

is a runaway car and you're just kind of

like along for the ride in the passenger


this is the question that the magician

always asks you

what can you do today

to step into your power more fully so if

you feel like you're kind of in the

passenger seat of life being being taken for this wild ride

what are some things that you could do


that move you closer to being in the

driver's seat that make you feel like

you are

like the magician you're the director of


um so when i ask myself this question

i immediately thought of making a to-do


so making a to-do list maybe setting one

goal to focus on

getting organized


taking action towards that one goal that

i set for myself all of those things

help me feel like i'm you know in the

driver's seat and and really

taking charge of my life
responsibility for controlling or caring for something:

and i feel more like a magician when i'm

doing those things

so let's talk about the dark side of the

magician i love exploring the dark side

of the cards and every tarot card no

matter how

uh positive and sunshiny it is and i

would say the magician is a very

wonderful card to get

but no matter what card it is there's

always a dark side and the dark side of

the magician

is illusion and trickery

think for a moment what illusions have

you fallen for

over your lifetime

now when i asked myself this question i

you know thought of you know pyramid


self i mean i haven't fallen for any

pyramid schemes yet

but i thought of you know those things

like pyramid schemes

self-help gurus


or pyramid schemes but

those are the kinds of things that are

in the in the dark realm

of the magician

things that captivate and create an

illusion and kind of trick you

um so i do actually have a story about

this so
um so i do actually have a story about

this so

a few months ago i was in this store

that sold bath salts

and the woman that worked in the store

was like a very good sales woman and i

had some questions for her about these

bath salts and so we were talking and

she held up this one bag of bath salts

and she said

these bath salts will change your life

do not

put these salts in your bath unless you

are truly


for a shift like this that you won't

believe it like if you have a bath with

these bastards like things will change

things will shift you set an intention

while you're in the bath and boom like

you're gonna manifest it really quickly


i was very skeptical and i could tell

that she wasn't bullshitting me like she

believed this

i didn't really believe it but i'm like

i can tell that she believes what she's


and she had this story about how she

used these bath salts and

she was trying to manifest something and

it happened the next day

and i was kind of like i don't know but

a part of me like really wanted to

believe it

so i bought the bath salts

and i was excited to like try them out

and have a bath

and i drew myself a bath i put the bath

salts in

and i was all excited i'm like oh i

wonder what's going to happen in my life

and i had the bath nothing happened and

i did i was kind of like

i was kind of

i was kind of let down a little bit but

that was

uh something that i fell for now i don't

think that the woman who is selling me

the bath salts was trying to trick me or

create an illusion i think she believed

she really believed that these bath

salts were magical and maybe for her

they were magical um i didn't have the

same the same experience and so i

realized that i'd sort of bought into

thisthis illusion and this this idea


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