Notice For Internal Assignment of SEM V 2023

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Department of Geography
For Internal Assignment- 2023
B. Sc Semester –V (Honours)

Paper- Soil and Biogeography (Theory)

Paper Code- DC 11 A
Q. Briefly discuss about the factors affecting of soil Formation specially reference to physical structure and texture and
chemical properties NPK.
Give an account on energy flow in eco-system. Define Biogeochemical cycle with special reference to
Carbon-dye-oxide and Nitrogen.
Paper- Hydrology and Oceanography (Theory)
Q. Discuss about the definition and characteristics and precipitation, Evaporation, Evapo-transpiration and Infiltration
which relates to recharge and discharge of ground water.
Mention the morphological features of Indian Ocean basically origin, characteristics and major structure
formation of ocean basin discuss briefly with diagram.
Paper- Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (Theory)
Paper Code- DSE 1 A
Q. What do you mean by sensor resolution and their application with reference to IRS and LANDSAT mission (image,
referencing, schemes and data acquisition) What do you mean by TCC and FCC.
Mention the principle of preparing attribute tables, data manipulation and overlay analysis.
Paper- Social and Cultural Geography (Theory)
Paper Code- DSE 2 A
Q. Give the discussion on nature and scope of social geography. Mention the concept of space social differentiation
stratification of social processes.


Give an account on the concept of cultural hearth and realm. What do you mean by cultural diffusion cultural
segregation and cultural diversity.
Paper- Geography of Tourism (Theory)
Paper Code- SEC 1
Q. What do you mean by sustainable tourism? Write down the impact of role on national and global tourism.

Explain about the meeting initiative conventions and exhibitions (MICE). Write down the impact of factors of socio cultural
economy influence of Indian tourism.

Important points for Assignment:

*Assignment should be at least 600-700 words with suitable Diagrams and tables.
* Cover Page (1st page) of assignment must should be contain, Title of Assigned Topic , Name, Roll No, Registration no,
Academic Session, Department Name and Name of the college etc.
** Assignment must be own hand writing.
Note bane : Soft copy will not be accepted.

Date of Submission: 27-12-2023 Department of Geography

Time of Submission: 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM South Malda College
Place of Submission: Room No- 205 (Department of Geography)

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