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Siblings = Brother and sister.

Step siblings = is a brother and sister who not related to you by blood
but they're related to you through marriage.
Half-siblings = are related to you by blood.
Extend family = a family that extends beyond the nuclear family to
include grandparents and other relatives.
Traits = particular characteristics, qualities, or tendencies that someone
Reserved = tending to keep your feelings or thoughts private rather
than showing them.
In-laws = people related to you through your marriage.
To get on = to have a friendly relationship.
To see eye-to-eye with someone = to agree with.
Personality clash = a situation in which people have very different
characters, and are unable to have a good relationship with each other.
Entitled = feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want
without having to work for it or deserve it.
My hometown
Province = the whole of the country outside the capital, especially
when regarded as lacking in sophistication or culture.
Entertainment = pleasure, enjoyment, relaxation…
Hiking = is an activity going for long walks, especially across the country.
Landmark = sign, indicator.
Majestic = great, royal, queenly, lordly…
Breathtaking = exciting, amazing…
Destination = stopping place, station, landing place….

Daily routine
Supper = dinner, evening meal
Catch = to get on
Get off work = finish work
Stay up = not go to bed
Set aside = reserve, allow, give a certain amount to.
Toughest = most, difficult, hardest...
Take care of = look after
Various = more than one, several
Grocery store = fruit and vegetable store
Pick out = choose
Unfortunately = sad to say, unlucky, unhappy
Old enough = to be of the age where you can do something yourself.
Briskly = quickly, energetically
Washing dishes = doing the dishes
Storey = floor
Suburbs = countryside, around the city.
Terraced house = a house built as part of a continuous row in a uniform
style. Houses have other houses on both sides.
Semi-detached house = has another house just on one side
Detached house = the building doesn’t share walls with other houses.
Stands by itself.
Converted apartment = when a house is divided into apartments.
Studio = a one-room apartment with a bedroom and living room.
Neighborhood = it's the area near your home.

Positive words for describing your home

Spacious = Larg, with lots of rooms.
Cosy = comfortable in a warm welcoming way.
Light = describes a home that gets lots of natural light.
Warm/Cool = comfortable in winter/summer.
Convenient + for = close to other places you need, it is close to your
job, it's close to children's school.

 Negative words for your home

Cramped = small with not enough room.
Dark = doesn`t get much natural light.
Drafty = lets in cold air in the winter.
Stuffy = uncomfortable and airless in the summer.
Noisy = if you live near the main noisy even at night.

Patches of cloud = peace of cloud
Shower = rain
Coast = shore
Isolated = seclude
Thundery = thunderclap
Pennines = a system of hills in England
Thunderstorms = storms of the thunder and lighting
Drizzle = light rain
Elsewhere = somewhere else
Throughout = all over
Mini waves = ripple
weather forecast: a statement saying what the weather will be like the next day or
for the next few days.
Healthy Life Style
stay in shape
It means that you do things to help you to stay fit
and healthy.

a hard time
It means that you do not find it easy.

It means that there is a lot of natural daylight or

in the same boat

It means that you are both experiencing the same
things or are in the same emotional position.
It means that you will not eat meat, but you will eat
some animal products like eggs.

Learning Style
1- I encounter different kinds of learners in my classrooms.
When you 'encounter' something or someone, you come into contact
with it. Notice the following:
2- primarily
'mainly' or 'essentially.'

3- visual learner.
A 'visual learner' is a person who learns best by seeing something,
rather than just hearing it.
4- phonetic script?
it is written with special symbols that show how it is spoken.
5- Recall
When you 'recall' something, you remember it.

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