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[Yuuji] Passion abduction suitesideofpassion1 <prologue.>

He was holding a heavy sword.
Every time the knife was swung, it gave just the right amount of weight , and the taste of digging into a
piece of meat
was unparalleled. The blade was as sharp as ever, even though it was stained with blood and grease , and hot blood ran down
the grooves of the blade, staining the already wet gloves once again.
There was nothing particularly good
or bad. It seemed like a lot of fun. Just like when you lightly warm up and exercise. However, as long as it wasn't
the prey he was aiming for , he didn't feel anything
beyond the
lightness of
simply moving his
body. Puck ÿ one. Puck.—
Another one. 'Where is it...' he
murmured like a hum. It
must be somewhere
in this building. That formidable prey. It's okay if he dies Or it doesn't matter if someone else dies instead of him.
In any
case, the
person who
led the
situation like this should be caught. yet. 'Aha...' he laughed. found. On top of the stairs where there is pitch black darkness
without a single light . 'As much as I have a good nose,
I tend to have a very good sensitivity, but I've never had a wrong feeling about prey.' The moment he whispered softly, the prey
began to run away. In the dark ,
leaving only faint traces that are not difficult to chase. Didn't say a word. The sound of footsteps rushing
away was somehow
unnatural. Maybe I got hurt somewhere. But it didn't matter. It was enough to catch the author
fleeing into the dead-end darkness and slit his throat . Well, I don't know again. When shot with a gun, the gun exploded, but
this time the fine blade might break. What kind of miracle will that amazing luck show this time? Will I die again this
time? Wouldn't it die
anyway? It didn't take long to catch up with the prey. I admire the way he deftly deflects the blade he wields . Rather than
luck, his reflexes are keeping him alive , at least for now. Indeed, he doesn't die so easily anyway. A pleasantness mixed with life
slowly bloomed. It didn't matter if he died, or if he didn't die, it didn't matter, but if he had to argue, this man had
better die. Of course, wouldn't it be better not to have a human who
had an unbreakable relationship with him ?----Yes. But at the same time, that was a problem. If he killed this man with
his own
hands, he would undoubtedly resent himself . That alone dulled the point of his sword.

But how far will this man's amazing luck go? At the dead end, he turned the blade and grabbed it. And
without hesitation , he stabbed the knife right in front of his prey, who was breathing heavily in the darkness. However,
the sound of gunfire resounding
as if aiming for the right moment . The pungent smell of gunpowder . ' Get away from him .' Yes, I knew
you would come. In
search of this man , the author knew he would come. I thought it wouldn't matter if I didn't come, but it was even better
if I did.
he laughed Whichever came
first was good. It didn't matter who killed this man or the author . That the author was carrying a gun didn't bother him in any way.
Rather, what hindered them were the signs of popularity that were beginning to come upstairs, buzzing loudly from
below. It seemed that slugs crawled up late. His body is bruised, and his body is bruised. It
looked like he had cut his stomach quite deeply, but he only clicked his tongue briefly. This is the lightness of tonight's short pleasures
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You can call it a price . Just when I was thinking of picking up the sword, the popularity that
came up from below almost reached it. Okay. Tonight
was quite fun. Now , it was enough if I could never see them again in front of him or in front of him. He
didn't care what those two men were saying. I was thinking of going back to Berlin. Yes, he walked a long way here to
Frankfurt and took him with him, who must be staying somewhere . The blood, thick like caramel , glistened dark red in the
flashlights illuminated by those who came up . In the light, rubbing the blade against the hem of his
clothes , he looked away aimlessly . There were his victims—those who might have been his victims. The blood and dust-stained
face caught my eye before the gag, which told me why the man hadn't said anything to the chase. Our eyes met. The hand that
was wiping the blade stopped at the same time. '...----.' He stood frozen and stared into its face. I blinked once or twice at the

unbelievable eyes that were shining

on the
person who shouldn't be there . Even the tongue, which was about to say a word, stiffened in the middle. At first glance, the
name of someone very familiar almost came
up, but the thought did not come to mind in the momentary white empty head. The owner of that name shouldn't
be here. shouldn't be there The man sitting there was the man he had
tried to kill with his own hands a while ago. blinked. It's only when he sees his
eyelashes moving that they're wet, and he realizes that his eyes aren't wrong. Was it the man I was trying to kill? If only my
hands were out of alignment by an inch. If only I had tried to sever that man's neck with a little more sincerity. He might have
been looking at the body now.

He would have seen the corpse in the light of that flashlight , where his faithful knife had slashed its

throat. '......' The man slowly got up from his seat, leaving the man who had lost his mind as he collapsed on top of himself.
The man , who had been staggering for a moment even with his hands on the stairs as if his legs were loose,
approached him staggeringly. He wiped his face with his forearm and clicked his tongue , saying "Ouch," as if he had
rubbed his wound. The man stood there and stared at him without moving until the man
approached right
in front
of him. The man spoke to him. 'Elay, you hospital.' 'what......?' I couldn't hear what this man was saying. Just look into the
man's lively eyes and confirm
that the living lips are moving. 'I can see you right now .' As if she was afraid to give her a glance, she followed the
gaze of the man
who never looked down and only pointed down with a nod of her head. The intestines were wriggling and trying to come out of
stomach that had been
cut by the knife . what did you think Did you call my name into your mouth, scream out to stop, or scream into your
mouth that you couldn't hear when the blade tore through your skin? 'let's go.' '----
desperately grabbed the man who turned his back in front of him . The man who was caught by the forearm as he tried to
turn around looked
up at him with wide eyes. 'hospital!'

' don't
need it.' 'I need it!' The man insisted with a blue face. He looked down at the man for a moment and then meekly followed. I
was walking along with the man who was going down the stairs earlier, but I had to stop again because
the man screamed, ' Don't walk! Come out! Stretcher!' He didn't take his eyes off the man who shuddered and muttered , "I
can't tell the difference between you
and a corpse, except for the fact that you're moving . He's not dead ." live.
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didn't kill The

feeling of freezing my heart, which was too cold to be called relief, didn't ease at all. The frozen heart , while watching the
man run to people asking for a stretcher and run back again, throbbed,... My heart started to run slowly, as if I had come back
to life . 'Ah... Really , just looking at it makes my heart stop. If I stay with you, I won't die .' frowned. Shouldn't I wrap it up with
something like a bandage ? I replied to the man who was looking around me muttering, 'It's okay at this point ', and a
ferocious stare flew at me. Receiving that gaze, he finally began to feel a faint sense of relief, and he took a deep
breath. but. he realized then This could happen again at any time.

regardless of one's will. His

own temper, the people around him , and the evil spirits that were entangled in them, could repeat the
thing at any time. That was the price of a life that the human being himself had
built up so far without being rough. Come to think of it, the signs were already there a couple of months ago. No,
if we were only looking at the possibility of that happening,
we could go back a few years earlier than that. Signs were visible from the time my brother was stuck on that goddamn
island in the east of Africa. However, I tried to turn my head and look away and look
away, but in the end, the reality came . While neatly cutting down the grass that had grown over the summer—while
undergoing strict checks from Peter several times—Jung Tae-eui
received an unexpected guest that day. The person who came without a message was
an older brother who should be in the land of hot martyrdom. 'Ash brother?!' Raising his scythe and wiping
the sweat from his nose with his forearm, Jeong Tae-eui blinked at Jeong Jae-eui who
suddenly appeared around the corner of the garden . Jeong Jae-eui, who was
reciting strange compliments , looked back
at Jeong Tae-eui, who was calling him, and called his name, 'Tae-eui.' Jeong Tae-eui, who had thrown a
scythe on top of a bag of dirt, approached him in bewilderment. Instead of greeting
him, he felt the
warmth of a
light hug as he
realized that he was really here. 'What's wrong, all of a sudden?' 'Ah...... just.' It's not just. That ambiguous
'Ah......' at the head of the horse was subtly suspicious, considering Jung Jae-eui's usual way of speaking . He
didn't hesitate to speak after thinking calmly, or even if his words were a bit slow , he didn't hesitate to answer.
Jung Jae-eui must have read Jeong Tae-eui's expression as he looked at him with a curious look, and an
ambiguous light shines on his expressionless face. When Jeong Tae-eui looked at Kyle in a puzzled way, Kyle
raised his eyebrows with a pleasant expression. 'A couple of hours ago, Jeong Jae-i suddenly called me. I just
arrived at Tegel Airport, and he asked if I could stay for a few days,
so I was very happy to invite him. I didn't contact you in advance for a surprise. 'Yes, that's right...' But if
he had been called abruptly about two hours ago, it would have been a kind of surprise to Kyle as well, Muttered
Jeong Tae-eui, scratching his head. Behind Kyle, who said he had put off his work to greet a welcome guest, and
came out, Jung Tae-eui quickly
turned his steps away , pretending not to see James, who was staring at James with a bleak gaze while holding
a briefcase at the back
entrance. . ' Let's go inside, brother. I'll show you to the guest room. Kyle, you can change your clothes and
come back... or finish your business with James.' Jeong Tae-eui almost shoved Jung Jae-eui on the back
and quickly entered the house . However, those thoughts were forgotten while taking Jeong Jae-eui to the guest
room. Hyung, as usual,
calmly looked around with a pale expression on his face and followed him . It seems that all of his belongings are contained in that coat po
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He's someone who doesn't like carrying things around, but he looks like someone who was kicked out without a chance to pack things.
Kicked out... 'Hyung, did
you get kicked out of there?'
Jeong Tae-ui, who brought one or two of his own clothes to change into, casually asked Jeong Jae-ui, who was sitting on a wooden chair on the
terrace attached to the room. “No,” Jeong Tae-ui nodded to Jae-eui Jeong, who rowed the whale. “ The powerful power in the Middle East, who
has signed a contract with Jae-eui Jeong, has been using all sorts of means over the years to attract Jae-eui Jeong to his affiliated organizations.
And I wrote all the methods. It's been a while since I finally managed to get Jeong Jae-eui into Riyadh , but there's
no way to kick him out. 'Yeah, maybe.' 'Ama? Why am I stuck on vacation ?' 'I said I'd take a few
days off, but I haven't heard back.'
'what......?' 'No, it'll probably be fine . I didn't say no.' Jeong Jae-eui lightly
shook his hand and said, Seeing his older brother's sad expression like usual , he didn't feel relieved. Originally, there was a corner
that was a little out of the way, but it was not like the usual Jung Jae-ui
to suddenly come in without contact. 'Is something wrong?' 'Ah... not so much.' again That vague 'Ah...' Jeong Tae-eui scratched
his head and looked at him
vaguely, but
he stopped thinking
with a light sigh. If it's something to say , I'll do it, if not, I won't. Besides, as always, if my older brother had something to worry
about or think about, he would think it over quietly by himself and come to the best conclusion. Besides, rather than sticking to a hyung
who doesn't talk to others until he's organized his thoughts and talking about pointless things, Jeong Tae-eui decided to fully enjoy seeing his
older brother for the first time in a while. Besides, more than anything else,
'Mr. Jae-yi Jeong? About the hypothesis with Pablo Fibro that I talked about when I came in
earlier , but when I looked it up, you were right. The 1879 edition proved something different from the first edition.

It must have been too late for him to realize the logical flaws in the first edition.' Kyle, who spoke in a loud and pleasant voice, carefully opened
the tattered book and entered the room lightly, seemed to have to yield to
his brother for a while. well, how are you? In this situation, Jeong Tae-eui knew that
the wise thing to do was to welcome his older brother to his heart's content and enjoy the short time he spent with him to the fullest. No one is
as far away from the word 'worry' as his older brother . It would be better to worry about the sky than to worry about that man born under
a special lucky star . Isn't it so just by looking at this timing when he appeared? It was
the dawn of this day when Illay, who had been half-joking and half-seriously aiming for his life, left Berlin for a short-term job, saying he
would be away for a few days . Somehow the picture is drawn.

Illai will come back on the very day his brother left. However, Jeong Tae-eui was grateful for the luck of not bringing the two together,
and decided to enjoy the short reunion with his brother comfortably. If you think
about it, when was the last time the brothers stayed together under one roof with such a leisurely heart? Even though Kyle
brought old books whenever he had free time and had a discussion with Jung Jae-eui, even though James' awl-like gaze flew to the
anxious Jeong Tae-eui, Illay, who had called late at night, heard the news of Jeong Jae-eui's stay and found a disturbing
silence . Even if he kept it for a few seconds, in fact, the time when the brothers were quietly spending time
together in the same space was much longer than the time they
had a good conversation, but
Jeong Tae-eui was in a good mood. One peaceful night a few days ago, Jeong Tae-ui, who was drinking a perfectly chilled beer
and listening to the sounds of bugs next to Jeong Jae-ui, who was quietly immersed in thought, felt extremely satisfied.
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Even when Jeong Jae-eui, who had been silent for a while , quietly called for Jeong Tae-eui, Jeong
Tae-eui, who half- closed his eyes and replied vaguely, 'Hmm...?', was drowsy and comfortable. 'Do you think a life
with a lover is better than a life without a lover ?' However, when the quiet voice was heard once more , that calm
and peaceful mood was quickly dissipated, and the
sleepiness in his eyes disappeared . I'll do it, but I think it's generally better , but Jung Tae-eui looked at Jeong Jae-
eui with subtle eyes while
muttering. It was a topic he had never heard before. However, Jung Jae-eui asked me as if he was serious. 'Even
if that lover is a person with ambiguous feelings, thinking for himself how much he likes him, even though he has more
than a crush on him ?' 'If you mean, 'Is it better to have a lover that I'm not willing to have, well... I guess it
depends on the person. I don't really recommend it if it's a temporary measure until a good person appears, but I think it's
better to have it, not in the second best sense, but simply in the sense of being
there.' Jeong Tae-eui, who had never dared to bring such a thought to his consciousness, rolled his head while frowning.
However, it was not a difficult question to answer, but the answer came out clearly. I thought it would be better to have
any kind of human relationship , as long as it gives you a chance to get something intangible
and desirable. In addition, depending on the case, even a relationship in the sense of second best might not
necessarily be bad. It is because relationships and emotions are always changing, even if invisible. Yes, in my case,
for example, with a man who can be called my lover now----I don't think the day when those words or thoughts come out
naturally will never come even if my mouth is torn and my head is broken----somehow, I ended
up having a relationship like this, but it's the first time It's not like he came
to me as a 'reasonable lover' from the beginning . Never. If you think about it , the moment you first met a man named
Eli Rigro , the moment you first heard rumors about the man , the first moment you saw the man's splatter movie-grade
record , I never expected a relationship like this to happen.
How could he have dared to imagine that there would be a human being to live with such a lunatic, let alone that
himself? '......' It seems like it's going to be dark somehow in the thoughts that come to mind one after another, Tae-eui Jeong quickly shakes his

I dropped those thoughts.

And again, I turn my attention to Jung Jae-eui. If hyung gets a lover, that's welcome. It would be even more desirable if I could find
a place of psychological support for my family, who were living alone in a foreign country. but. 'By the
why do you ask such a thing?
It's not a topic that hyung can talk about.'
There was something that bothered me.
Maybe not, maybe not. Even
though I thought so, I couldn't wash away the worry that shadowed like a shadow in the corner of my heart when I remembered the
words and actions of a person I had experienced in the past. Wasn't that person even right next to Jeong Jae-eui? In front of Jeong Tae-
eui's stare at Jeong Jae-eui , he didn't answer anything for a moment. As if he was lost in thought again , or as if he was embarrassed,
he lowered his head a little, and then quietly opened his mouth. 'Raman
said he wanted to be my lover .'
Damn it. They said they were catching
people. It seems that the man finally spoke. Religion, face, common sense, and the past are all thrown away, and in the end,
I'm going to have a good time with my words. Jeong Tae-eui asked again after a
pause. 'Are you kidding?' 'Yes, I asked that too . But he said
no.' 'Then......' 'I also asked if it was for political reasons . No.' '......'
'Then I said it was for strategic reasons, but he
it wasn't either .' There must be no more reason for economic reasons , and the older brother seemed to be trying to think things
through in his own way.
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Leaving the easiest conclusion behind. Well, it's normal to dismiss it as a joke without asking seriously, but if it's a problem that
you're not that insensitive, then it's a problem. 'So...?' Jeong Tae-eui
asked Jung Jae-eui at the point where almost all possible hypotheses came out . Then I asked if he wanted to get
my genes, but he didn't say anything for a while, and then he said no.' The moment Jeong Jae-eui
calmly replied, Jeong Tae-eui kept his mouth shut . Suddenly, he felt sorry for the man. Obviously, the man
made great determination in his own way and took into consideration all the atmosphere and circumstances and spoke out
the most appropriate time, but his intention was distorted in all directions and was even assumed to be very inhuman . I can
guess what countless people who coveted wanted from my older brother , and my heart ached as I thought of my older brother
who would have asked such things with a calm face . A word I don't really like. 'Maybe it's because I
genuinely like my older brother.' Jeong Jae-eui was again lost in thought for a moment. But he couldn't
have known. You don't know
if you only notice, but you have to listen to
the words. 'Yes. It
must be like that.' Eventually, Jeong Jae-ui nodded and murmured. It's like coming to a conclusion only then when it's difficult for
you to judge yourself because you're curious.

Jeong Tae-eui looked at the beer can he was holding with his eyes that had been shaken in an instant.
I felt like I had to drink more to know what it tasted like. It was a
complicated feeling. It's funny to say that he lives with a man, but he wants him to go the normal way. People say he
doesn't know things, but he knows that the possibility of feeling 'ordinary and natural happiness' is incomparably
but. Jeong Tae-eui stared blankly at Jeong Jae-eui, who was seriously thinking about it, and sighed . I wouldn't have said a
word. But there is something to worry about . '......' Why did
you come to me suspiciously out of
blue? 'So, what does hyung want to do?'
'...... It's strange why he likes
me, but I don't feel bad. He 's kind and nice to me . No, rather...' Jeong Jae-eui's eyes, which had been lost in thought for
a while, loosened slightly. Maybe it came up with some kind of trust or friendship that had been built up while others
were not aware of it . Then, feeling as if he had found an answer there , Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head.
'Don't worry . If you like hyung , it's good, and if
you don't like it, you don't like it. No matter what happens, in the end, I'm always on your side.' He raised his head to Jeong Tae-
eui and looked at him, and he seemed to smile at first glance. Looking at his older brother's eye smile as he nodded his head
almost invisible, Jeong Tae-eui prayed that this time he would receive a special blessing from a lucky star. May everything go in
the right direction for you. Just like it always has... But still. It's a thousand people with a true man. Whether it's useless or
not, I'll have to try a very small effort that I can do. 'But hyung, that
relationship ... the one who accepts it hurts inexhaustibly.' Even if he spoke vaguely, the brilliant
older brother would understand without mistake. Unexpectedly, the patient and calm older brother had a weakness for physical
pain . Perhaps it was because he was weak from childhood and often went to the hospital , or perhaps it was because he rarely
experienced unintentional pain in everyday life. In any case, my older brother hated pain rather than Jeong Tae-ui, who thought
it was a little painful. just as expected. At that very moment, I saw a new worry
appear on my
brother's face. 'it hurts?' 'Of course. It's not used for its original purpose, the
direction of entry and exit is opposite, and above all, it's probably not the thickness you're accustomed to seeing in a toilet
every day .' Somehow, I felt that the direction of the story was getting a little dirty , but still, Tae-eui Jeong steadfastly finished
speech. It wasn't until after he spoke that he realized that he had no way of knowing about the thickness, but hey, anyway,
hyung wouldn't know ... It was a bit
too big for a person. Besides, when a
normal adult man has an erection, his volume increases more than usual... 'Wait, hyung, how do you know that guy's
size ?! Jeong Tae-eui widened his eyes, feeling as if ice water had been poured over his head because he couldn't get enough of the a
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However, the older brother who muttered to himself without knowing that was only frowning with a dark face as if he was reviving a memory
of something he had seen in the past. Then, before Jeong Tae-ui had time to ask , he looked at Jeong Tae-ui
with a slightly darker wrinkle between his eyebrows. 'Tae, are
you okay?' 'huh?'

'When I was with Rick ... it seemed like it wouldn't work out.' His older brother's voice, tinged with worry, delivered a fatal blow. How
did you know how big he was ...
Tae-eui Jeong, though his alcohol was completely gone, still pressed his temples as his eyes were slightly dizzy as if he was
getting drunk. 'Uh...where
did you see that...?' 'Once upon a time at a hospital in Frankfurt. When you
were hospitalized .' 'Ah, the hospital...' Only then did Jung Tae-eui sweep away his pounding heart, recalling the hospital
where he had
come to his senses after that nightmarish night. Actually, there are many opportunities to see at the hospital even if you don't intend to
see it. Moreover , it would be even more so if you are a human who lacks basic shame like him . Even so ,
it would be strange even if he changed his clothes in the hallway where people passed by in the hospital where people were brought in
one after another and it was reminiscent of a war situation. No. Hearing that, he naturally
remembered where his brother had seen Raman's private parts , and Jeong Tae-eui suddenly lost his spirits. I didn't have the energy to
drink the last few sips of beer, so I threw it into the trash. Tae-eui Jeong sighed as he met Jae-eui Jeong who was staring at
him blankly . 'It's okay... It 's okay. is doing well without any problems . Really.' Seeing that the faint worry in his calm eyes
had softened a little , Tae-eui Jung smiled lightly. Who would believe that I was getting along with a man named
Ilay Rigro without a problem , but it was
true. At least Jeong Tae-eui thought so. Although there have been a lot of great problems in the past , and I have no idea what the
future will be like living on top of the unpredictable low-temperature and the originality that I have
accumulated so far , there
was no problem at this moment. isn't that good Jeong Tae-eui shrugged, and Jeong Jae-eui, who had been looking at him
silently for a while, also put a smile on his lips. Seeing the older brother nodding his head saying “ yes”, somehow he
seems to have understood something, so he puts his mind at ease. No, but I wasn't talking about that right now.
‘Ah, but aside from that , it hurt terribly at
first . Yeah, I really
thought I was going to die. It stayed that way for a while. So hyung, you have to think carefully . As for the accepting side , it really
hurts . ' Confirming that the negative light slowly hardened on
his brother's face , Jeong Tae-eui sang joy in his heart. At least if you do this , your brother won't be crushed.
Then the burden on the body will be less. No, I don't really want to imagine him
climbing up on top of him, but anyway. As if he understood exactly what Jung Tae-eui was saying, Jeong Jae-eui slowly nodded his
head with a serious expression, and then stopped the topic.

After calming down, Jeong Tae-eui, who was hungry again—in many ways, terribly drunk— took a can of beer out of the refrigerator and
opened it again. Jeong Jae-eui also accepted the beer. The
two brothers lightly bumped the ends of the cans and drank their beers without a word. The thoughts running through Jeong Tae-eui's
head and Jung Jae-ui's head might be the same or they might be different, but neither of them bothered to confirm them out
loud. We only exchanged stories
such as sometimes , 'The sound of grass insects is the same everywhere', 'But sometimes, when you look at those who come into the
house , they look very different' . And Jeong Jae-eui returned soon after. Jeong Tae-ui seemed to know whether it was because he had
suddenly come without contact to tell him about that trivial concern or because he had a change of heart. However, Jeong Jae-eui did not
come up with a clear and easy-to-understand answer, as is often the case, and Jeong Tae-eui did not
bother to ask. Bye-bye with the promise of the next meeting that we don't know when . That was the end. And sure enough.
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That very afternoon, Illay returned. He

clicked his tongue at the words Jeong Jae-eui came and went, then shut his mouth. He must have thought the same thing as
Jeong Tae-eui. Jung Jae-eui was born under a special lucky
star. 'Ahaha...' With that thought, everything felt relieved at once, and Jung Tae-eui laughed, telling himself that he really
didn't have to worry as much as hyung. After laughing for a long time, Tae- eui Jeong tapped him on the shoulder saying it was
nothing. At the same time , the dried blood crumbled from his dark clothes, stopping his laughter and movement at the
same time. Alas, it's not my blood ," said Tae-eui Jeong. After
silently pushing Illay into the bathroom, Tae-eui Jung no longer had any worries about his older brother. All that remains is condolences
to someone whose face is unknown . Yes, that happened all the way for the next couple of months or so. In fact, I couldn't
even think about it for long. Kristoff, who was not as lucky as Jung Jae- eui, must have been—I wouldn’t have
done it on purpose, he wouldn’t have thought much of it—but it was because he came to Kyle’s house the very night after Il-
Ray returned from Tegel Airport, before returning to Dresden for a vacation. Eh, I lost my mind for a day or two, and in the meantime,
my older brother's business had been volatilized in my head. Then, for a couple of months, as if the food line had been cut off
for a while, Ilay, who had been lounging around quietly without leaving the house,
said that he would come to see work a few days ago. It was only after he had gone away that Tae-eui Jeong
regained a tedious level of tranquility. And now, lying down in front of the terrace door, drinking beer while being greeted by
the wind blowing from the garden on a night colored by the sound of grass insects. "I saw mosquitoes not too long ago , but
I opened
the insect screen and lay there like that, they'll gnaw on me." Voices came first, followed by footsteps. When I
turned my head, Kyle was approaching me with wet hair
as if he had just washed himself.
"When did you come? You came quickly ." "Already... it's past 8 o'clock." Kyle murmured sadly and sat down on the
armchair placed next to the door. Jung Tae-eui sat up and smiled. "I thought he'd be here by midnight because James
insisted." "Today is Friday, so I took care of it... What if we really set it until midnight from next week?

Huh?" "......Fire James ."

When Jung Tae-ui muttered to Kyle, who wrapped his arms around his head as if he was really heartbroken , he jumped up at
once and shouted "That's no !!!" It was only when he saw Jeong Tae-eui's twirling face
that he clicked his tongue bitterly. " But since James is so competent , Kyle can do less work ." Jung Tae- eui laughed again at
Kyle, who buried his face in his arms and muttered in a voice that seemed to be going out of the ground . When I handed
over a new beer can that I had left next to me,
Kyle accepted it meekly. " Every time I see James , I always think of him as a great example of diligently and diligently
doing his job in the face of adversity . ” But did you know ? The most desirable boss is the
competent and the lazy one!" Kyle, adding a feeble defense , said that he had been traumatized by seeing James, who had said
the same thing once before, appearing behind his back with an eerie grin. As soon as he did, he quickly turned around and
looked behind him . ' I have no intention of disagreeing with you that you are competent, but it's hard to agree that you are a desirable
boss,' said Kyle, who had no choice but to become a honeyed mute in front of James. "Nowadays, when I look at James, my
life seems to be very lazy. I wonder if I should do something, too," Jung Tae-eui murmured, sipping a beer . Peter's—he was
helping with the work, but also, he wasn't the type to notice much when he was playing and eating, and no one noticed, but I 've been
thinking about that occasionally lately. there won't be But what ? Do you have something in mind ?" "Sure. I haven't thought about it
that specifically ..." "Hmm...? Ah, how about this. Helping me with my work !" Then, my work will be reduced and James's turmoil
will be dispersed," he muttered happily. Tae-eui Jung stared at Kyle. You don't seem willing," he muttered, and Jung Tae-eui
quickly waved his hand
and smiled. "No, that's not it, ahaha, I heard the same thing from Eli . It's a little
strange to say that we're like
brothers in this respect." Kyle openly showed displeasure, but Jung Tae-eui laughed . It wasn't even a few days . While
Jeong Tae-eui muttered to himself, “ Wouldn’t it be nice if I could do something , too?”
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Did you understand—even though it was in Korean? I don't know since

when, but did I secretly study? That vigilant man didn't know how to speak, read or write, but he was pretty good at listening. Even so,
when Jeong Tae-eui asked how
much he could do, he only smiled subtly but never answered—Illay said that as soon as he hung up the phone. 'Work? What job?' 'Well, I
haven't thought about it specifically, but if I do,
I'll have to look for something I can do.' 'Hmm...... I guess being at home is boring.

Then , what if I help out with my work, and do it together ?' Jeong Tae-eui looked at Illay, who tapped on the phone he
had just put down and spoke in a tone that didn't know if he was joking or serious . I didn't mean to
take it so seriously, but more than that... '......What is it?' 'Originally, it's not something that
would come to me, but I happened to do it , but there's a guy who steals information without the employer's knowledge
and collects money in return. Persuading him so that the right words come out of his mouth and coaxing
him out .' 'Persuading me well ...'
Jeong Tae-eui, who was looking with thin eyes at Ilay, who took out his Boston bag and packed his gloves, as if he was about
to leave, immediately waved his hand, saying, 'No, I'll decline' . Jung Tae- eui did not want to see the process of Illay
successfully persuading and coaxing the target to testify, even in his dreams. Jung Tae-eui lay down on the floor where he
had opened a newspaper, smiling as if he knew that, and looking at Il-ray, who was simply packing
his things. 'When will he come
back this time?' I was already used to leaving the house abruptly, so I wouldn't be surprised if I just grabbed my bag and
left immediately. 'I'll get on a plane tomorrow morning ... Well, I don't think it'll take too long . I'll have to meet
the employer first, but although the process is a bit cumbersome, the work itself won't take long . ' Sounds easy . All I have
to do is accept the confession, right?' 'I don't think it's going to be that difficult this time, even from my expectations ... but
sometimes it isn't like that depending on the person. For example,
if it's a human like you, Tae.' There, Eli
stopped talking for a moment. He didn't
know what kind of person a person like you was, but he didn't seem to have a good intention because he stopped talking, so
Jeong Tae-eui looked at him suspiciously. Judging from the muttering , 'Okay, let's pack another pair of gloves just
in case that's the case', it seemed like he didn't mean anything in a good
way! 'What is a human like
me !' 'A human like you wouldn't do such a thing in the first place. But, if I was in that situation, I'd blow it up quickly
before I got hurt.'
The man who smiled at Jeong Tae-eui from the side of his eye was certainly familiar with Jeong Tae-eui . Rather than
throwing the safety of one's life into a sea of blood , it is better to throw one's face into the mud . '......?'

'It'll be a little fun. It will

take a long time . One or two pairs of gloves should be enough.' 'No, no. You're misunderstanding me. I'm always
safety-oriented. I'd never think of keeping my mouth shut if I knew what kind of person you are .' Jeong Tae-eui cut it off at
once ... But after talking, it reminded me of some things from the past, and I'm a little less persuasive. Illay, who had been

putting necessary items into her bag one by one, turning her back on Jeong Tae-ui, who was scratching her head shyly,
stopped abruptly, wondering what was wrong with those words . Then, she turned to Jeong Tae-ui. 'Aha. If
you know what kind of person I am ...? I'm curious about that. What kind of person am I?' ......Evil. I must
have stepped on it.
The moment he saw the slanted smile in his eyes, Jeong Tae-eui almost bit his tongue. 'Keep packing your stuff . If I wake
up right away tomorrow morning, there's no time.'
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'I've got
everything.' Illai took the passport for the last time, threw it in the bag, and closed the fastener. 'What are you talking
about, clothes, toothbrush, towel...' 'You
can buy it . Rather than that, I won't be able to see you for at least a few more days starting tomorrow , so I think it's better to have a slow

conversation tonight .' He rose from the floor and sat next to Jeong Tae-eui, who was holding only a beer can . Pressed between the
bed and Ilay, who pushed his waist lightly against Jung Tae-eui's thighs, Jung Tae-eui muttered in his mouth without taking the beer can out of his
mouth . No, I must not know what kind of person you are. Look at it now , if I had known what kind of person you were , I would n't have been
forced into this situation for needlessly fooling around . Did you drink?' Jeong Tae-eui licked his lips as he looked
resentfully at the white hand that was taking away the beer can he hadn't removed from
his mouth. Illay emptied the remaining beer cans and looked back at Jeong Tae-eui. 'Yes, what kind of person am I?' Jeong Tae-eui thought
that this topic would not pass smoothly , so after a while, he muttered abruptly like a sigh. 'He's a whimsical, ---- rather than an
erratic person. Without a countermeasure.' Without any countermeasures , he said quietly with force. With no good or bad intentions ,
just as he meant it, he was an erratic human being. A man named Ilay Rigro. been together for a long time Just as Kyle jokingly
referred to him as an 'Ilray professional ,' Jeong-tae probably knew him better than most people. But even so, there was still a
corner that this guy didn't
know. I don't even know , and it's a corner that can't be said. For example, why he persisted in holding on to himself, that is the corner where he
doesn't know , and the unknown corner is that he won't be able to guess when that obsession will end until even a second ago. Or maybe after I
die. Also, it is impossible to predict in what form that obsession will end. ......If it's this guy, I might really kill him and eat him ... I wonder if
there's such a thing as a taboo for this guy---- I've decided 'no' for a long time without much doubt ----but Jeong
Tae-eui I looked at Ilay,
who was staring down at me. It could n't have been, but as if he was looking into Jeong Tae-eui's head, his thin eyes were somehow displeased. ergo,
no If this guy gets upset, my body hurts. 'Tell me . What kind of person is a person like me?' Jeong Tae-eui quickly rubbed
Ilay's eyelids and blurred his eyes as he asked. Fortunately, he didn't hold on anymore and seemed to be able to get over it .'...I want to
return those words as well. 'What, I'm fickle?' 'The back story.' You're also a really erratic species, so it's strange to see it again and again ......
Muttering to myself, Illay grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's hand and pulled it aside. I put a lot of strength into the hand that was holding it and slid my body
leaning on Jeong Tae - eui . breath came.

Jung Tae-eui, who muttered, “Ugh, it’s heavy,” stopped talking the next moment. The conversation stopped for a
while. 'He's a man who tastes like
beer.' '....... When did you eat barbecue without
my knowledge.' Jeong Tae-eui looked up at Illai's face, who hadn't even moved an inch from her, and licked her lips that were
glistening with saliva. A
breath of laughter touched his lips.
It was barbecue-flavored
jerky. Check again .'
I didn't have time to say that it was you when I wondered who ate the last handful of the leftover side dishes .

No matter what she was thinking in her head, and whatever this man was thinking in her head, they probably saw through
each other's essence quite accurately. And apart from that , whether he ate barbecue-flavored beef jerky or barbecue-flavored
potato chips, that was also good, but the reason was—. "It's the same as
smelling like barbecue all over your body when you shower anyway ..." "What? Barbecue? Was barbecue on the menu
tonight?" The thought must have come out of my mouth without my knowledge, and Kyle
quenched his appetite, thinking that it must have been delicious. Only then did Jeong Tae-eui quickly shake his head.
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"No, it 's not like that, uh... it just suddenly reminds me of a barbecue." "Okay? Then let's have a
barbecue tomorrow evening. Okay, shall we invite all our friends to a garden party ?" Kyle, who
accepted Jung Tae-eui's poor excuse straight away, quickly began to
recite the list of friends with a cheerful face. Jeong Tae-eui, who hadn't even wanted to
smell the barbecue for a while,
couldn't bear to say no to it now , all he could think about was, 'This is because of Dailey .' On
the spot, Rita appeared just in time to nail the next evening's menu . "Here you are."
Rita, who always appeared with a serious face , straightened her back and stopped . I'll
have to ask. Let's get it ready. Rather than that , Mr. Taei,
there's a call." Rita nodded at
Kyle and immediately turned her gaze to Jeong Tae-eui . Jung Tae-ui, who was sipping beer halfway
through their conversation, pointed at himself and blinked his eyes wide. Until Rita
nodded and said , "Right, you .
" The person who called was
my older brother, whom I had completely forgotten about for a couple of months. ÿTae-ui, Aunt Dang
passed away.ÿ It was only after Jung Jae-ui had said
that that Jeong Tae-ui heartlessly
recalled a relative aunt he hadn't thought about for years. Aunt Dang was one of the few relatives
who remained in Korea and could be contacted even very rarely. And she was the one who took
care of Jeong Jae-eui and Jeong Tae-eui's house, which remained empty . Even before they
left Korea, she was already at the age of eighty , so when she was told that
she had collapsed, she briefly expressed her regret, saying, "Oh, that."

Fortunately, it was all the more so when he got up soon and was told that there was no big problem .
My house. I wonder if it's better to organize it.” That meant that they wouldn't be going back
to Korea for a while . it took "Uh...Yeah, but it doesn't
matter...But hyung, are you going to go back to Korea after the contract ends? No, even if
it's not right after the contract ends , anyway." "Um...probably, I'd like to stay here as long as nothing
special happens." Uncharacteristically for Jeong Jae-eui, the moment he hesitated for a moment,
Jeong Tae-eui's heart sank for no reason. No, there is a reason. "Uh... that... how's the
employer? How are you doing ?" "Raman? Yes, how are you? I'm still by your side , why do you
have something
to do?" Jeong Tae-eui, who was afraid to even mention the name, answered at once. Are
you really by my side? I heard Jeong Jae-eui say something quietly in an unfamiliar
language over the phone. Beyond
that, I hear a
vaguely familiar answer. "No, no, no business. I was just asking." Jeong Tae-eui quickly responded.
Then, complicated thoughts tangled
in my head, and I shut
my mouth again. Should
I be surprised by the faint sound of friendly conversation? Or, I didn't know why I should be
suspicious of why they were together at this late hour , but either way, I didn't
have the courage to ask even though the words I wanted to ask came out of my
throat. So what happened after that? ......No, but
there's no need to ask . If I were to ask you to stop cleaning up the house you've left empty for so long.
"Yeah, I don't care about selling the house. At least
I don't think I'll be living there again in the near future ... Well, since I'm in the middle of avoiding it
anyway, I'll go back to Korea for a while and tidy up the house. Even so,
I've been wanting to go back. ." When Jeong Tae-eui answered, a brief silence returned over
the receiver. “ Yes ,” Jung Jae-eui replies. "Then, I'll send the necessary documents to Aunt
Dang. She's going down around the end of next month, so I'll have to go before then . If
it's okay by then, you can ask someone else right now . " ......." "......"
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"...Okay, then I'll ask you. Until we see each other next time, get along well ." After adding something he didn't like,
Jeong Tae-eui hung up the phone. I didn't take my hand off the set receiver for a while and stared at it in silence. As if Jung Jae-
eui was there. "What's wrong, Taei. Is something going on ?" Sitting on a sofa a little
further away and listening to their conversation
—even if it was a language he couldn’t understand—Kyle spoke to me worriedly. Jeong Tae-eui put the handset in his hand and
smiled as he turned around. "No, it's nothing special. A relative's aunt passed away, but it's not a big deal ... I think I should just
go back to Korea for a while."

"To Korea? It's really no big deal, right?"

"Yes, really really. I
just wanted to organize the house where I lived with my older brother soon . Neither hyung nor I will have anything to go back to for
the time being anyway." Kyle nodded his head with a relieved look. "Okay, then I'll have to prepare an air ticket. Let
me know when the date and time are good . I'll arrange them ." "Yes, thank you. For now,
after Ilay returns." Gotta go talk To Jung
Tae-eui, who smiled and
said something very plausible, saying, “ I don’t know what kind of disaster I’ll face if I just went there without him,” Kyle gave an inexpressible look.
am. Jeong Tae-eui, who had been scratching his head in embarrassment for some reason, flinched involuntarily at the sound
of a phone ringing right behind
him. Normally, the call that rings again as soon as the preceding call is cut off is highly likely to have been made by the same
person--. "hello."

“He was on the phone until right before, and he was the one who answered the phone as soon as the signal dropped …Who was
the call
from?” Right. I thought he
wasn't my brother. I wasn't the kind of person who had the laxity to call again because I forgot something . However, I knew that my
brother would be me, but I didn't know that the tiger would call me .

"No, no. There was a brief phone call from Jae's brother. When will you be back?"
Jeong Tae-eui, who had mouthed Kyle as 'Ele-ray' , tilted his head curiously. For a while, no sound came from the receiver, so he wondered
if it had cut off, so he called, " E-ray?"
“Jeong Jae-ira. Why
suddenly?” This was a
disapproving voice. "No. He asked me how to organize the house in Korea . That was all." "... That's not a
bad idea.
But why, Jae-yi Jeong, has no intention of going back to Korea?ÿ "Well, maybe that's the case."
This is a pleasant voice. Somehow,
the thought process seemed to be visible , so Tae-eui Jeong was embarrassed and asked sullenly, "So when are you coming
back, you?"
"Ah, that's right. I just called because things are going to take a little longer than I thought. It won't take that long, but I don't think I'll be
able to go back within this month. " "Why. Turns out this target is a 'human like me '?" "No.
Humans themselves are nothing special , but the procedures are cumbersome. Well, anyway, I'll be back next month." "Next
month..." Jeong Tae-eui
scratched his head.
Aunt Dang said that she would
go down to the countryside at the end of next month, so it won't be much of a problem if Ilay goes back to Korea. If
everything goes as
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However, Jeong Tae-eui already knew that not everything went as expected. Besides, being too close to
the deadline wasn't very good. "Then I'd rather not wait and just go first." "Hmm?" "Ah, I 'm trying to sell
the house I left in
Korea . The person who's taking care of it now has some circumstances, so I think I'll have to go by next
month." "You?"
I didn't have anything in particular busy , so I just said I'd go. Originally, I was going to talk to you when you
come back , but if you 're late..." I'm not running away .
I'm not sneaking around without
you. Jeong Tae-eui was full of such meaning and blurted out his words. It was new, but it was Jeong Tae-
eui who always thoroughly prepared for

security. “Because it’s Korea… there’s nothing wrong with it. Go .ÿ A more pleasant answer than expected
came back from the receiver. Uh, yes, I'll finish my business and come back soon, when Jeong Tae-
eui was about to reply happily. "I 'll
follow you after work, so go first . " " I 'll go there right after work . " I will.ÿ Ah, that's right. It was only then that
Jung Tae-eui realized the problem he had been
and blinked blankly. The location of the house wasn't too bad, so it wouldn't be a long-lasting headache,
but there was no guarantee that it would be put in order so quickly. Well, if it's necessary, you can buy someone
to take care of it ... I'll follow you soon ... Since it's Korea . ÿNew York.ÿ Why is it convenient to go to Korea
from New York?
Oh, yes, there are frequent direct flights. What about Jeong Tae-eui ? “Yes,”
answered somewhat bewildered. "Ah, that's right. Address. I have something
to write now.
I'll give you a Korean address." "it's
okay. I can
find him in moderation .” I
don't think he intended
to find
Kim Seo-bang in Seoul,
but he was an idiot for bringing up this in the first place. He was a man who was afraid that his hair would
be seen even if he hid in a corner of the countryside. “Okay, then see you in Seoul .”
With that, the phone hung up. He
probably wouldn't have expected it from the start , but he didn't betray his expectations and hung up
ruthlessly without asking a word about his family's well-being, staring disapprovingly at the receiver of
the call from his younger brother—Kyle opened his
mouth as if he had a rough guess . "When are you going to fly ?" "Well...the sooner the better.

As Ilay said, it might take a while for it to be sold. "

"Okay. Let's talk to James ... but let's go to barbecue together tomorrow evening." “Yes,” Jeong
Tae-eui smiled. Kyle smiled and
nodded. Jeong Tae-eui put his
hand off the phone this time and sat down on the sofa across from Kyle. As if Rita had brought it before he knew it,
there was ginger tea with steam rising on the table.
Jeong Tae-eui picked up a teacup and blew hot tea along with Kyle, who was drinking tea in silence.
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You're not going back to Korea. Only then did the conversation he had with Jung Jae-eui slowly seep into his head word by
word . The
future is unknown , but as long as nothing special happens, you probably won't be living in Korea.
Then there is no point in leaving the house empty for a long time. I had moved several times before anyway , so it wasn't a
house with such great memories. Now, the house doesn't have to be there anymore. The day when Jeong Jae-eui and Jung Tae-
eui will live together will no longer come. They weren't so affectionate and friendly brothers, so there's no
reason to be lonely or sad.
But. Somehow, I felt like I was going to spend the whole night thinking about my brother. On the other side of Jeong Tae-ui, who sips
slowly and sips of hot tea with his eyes dropped on the teacup, Kyle picks up the remote control for the component and
presses it three or four times. Soon the orchestral music began to fade quietly. It was the right tone for ending
the day and
welcoming a peaceful night. 2. "Somehow..." Jung Tae-eui smiled bitterly at the person waving at him with a
bright smile outside the gate. "It's been a while, Tae-eui. You had a lot of trouble coming." " Even though I had a lot of
trouble coming here... my destination wasn't here ." Behind Jeong Tae-eui's man , I looked around the airport, where
unfamiliar languages were encroaching. At least the letters were not in Korean. sure “What are you talking
about ? “ Did you think you could go without seeing me after coming this far ? "Ahaha, if anyone hears it, it
will misunderstand."
The uncle, who patted Jeong Tae-eui
lightly on the shoulder and burst into laughter , was still wearing that uniform today. It's an ominous uniform
that has never seen a finer look. I thought it was somehow strange. No, actually,
when I was about to leave the gate, I guessed who would be waiting for me on the other side of the gate. Yes, there
was only this man. who can
do this. When departing from
Berlin, I was issued a boarding pass for transfer - of course, I sent my luggage directly to Incheon Airport - and boarded
the plane without any problems , but my feet were suddenly stranded in Hong Kong, a stopover on the way .
Right in front of the boarding gate , despite holding a valid boarding pass , the only person who was dragged out after
hearing the words 'there was a problem with the boarding pass the customer was
holding' was, of course, the only one. Tae-eui Jeong, watching from afar as the others glanced at him strangely and
disappeared beyond the boarding gate, said, “ Oh.

uh. He had to be dragged out. 'Guest,

the boarding date has been changed in a month.' At the counter staff's embarrassed answer , Jeong Tae-ui waved the ticket
in his hand and claimed that he had never changed it, but to no avail. The plane had already left, and then I would go to the
next flight, so I asked for a change again, but the sign that the change was not allowed was dropped, as if a ghost was crying.
'Then you should be held in Hong Kong for a month. What about me?' He tried
all kinds of protests while being swung here and there, but as a result of the cruel sentence that fell, Jeong Tae-eui muttered
in a weary
voice. The staff also nodded their heads at Jeong Tae-eui with a puzzled and apologetic face as if he didn't understand why-on the
other hand, with a look as if he was looking at something very suspicious-but the conclusion didn't change. Luggage, which should
have been reunited at Incheon Airport, is also abandoned there alone . In the end, Jeong Tae-eui was about to leave the gate
dragging his luggage. What was waiting for him beyond that was his uncle with a smile on his face. “Why did it
start to sound ominous when it was said to be via Hong Kong ...” I wondered why it was not a direct flight. Still , I
got the boarding pass and got on, but I didn't know that I would be stranded like this on the way. "I'm sorry ." A man standing slightly
behind his uncle lowered his head with an apologetic expression on his face. He had n't seen him in a long
time, but he didn't change at all so that he would be instantly recognizable when he saw him again after a few years. Perhaps it
was this man who did the practical work as his uncle ordered . “Your uncle must have used his superior’s power to persuade Professor
Kang, who said he shouldn’t do that. I can understand how difficult it is to have a difficult superior .” "Euhaha, Lieutenant Kang was
also happy to hear that you
coming, and he called me happily saying that it went very well." "......?" When his uncle burst into laughter,
Lieutenant Kang smiled awkwardly and bitterly. Jeong Tae-eui said "Oh," and tilted his head. Jeong Tae-ui, who
rubbed his chin for a while and looked at them in turn, smiled lightly .
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"I wanted to see you more than Governor Kang , my nephew. Aren't you happy ?" "You didn't want to meet me like
that?" Seeing his uncle roll his
eyes and roll around , Jeong Tae-eui was silent , then murmured with a sigh. "Originally, I didn't think of that at all , but now
that it's happened, I'm thinking that it would have been a hundred times better if we hadn't met. I
became very suspicious of the reason that blocked my way ." "Haha, well, it 's not such a big reason, so there's no point in
looking at it with such vigilant eyes. Oh, yes, did you eat? You must have eaten some mediocre in-flight meal anyway ."
Jung Tae-ui , who was watching from behind his uncle, who went one step ahead, saying, “Let’s go eat properly,” and Gyo-wi
Kang, who hurriedly walked towards the parking lot with Jeong Tae-ui’s luggage, took a step ahead of him . It
doesn't really change here ." Jung Tae-eui
muttered as he watched the passing scenery outside the car window. Brilliantly sparkling streets, bustling people, and cars
filling up all over the city. However, if you turn your head from the gigantic city, above your head, you
can see the decrepit buildings that will crumble at any moment with a tap, and their dark discoloration. Against the
background of the old building walls, in the air between the alleys, there were piles of laundry hanging on long pole clotheslines.

Where else is there a city where the newly prosperous side and the other side of the long-time decline can be
contrasted with such stark eyes across the land and sky. "Really? These days, Kowloon seems to be constantly
construction." "It's the same as when I was there." Uncle burst out laughing at what was so funny about it. Jeong
Tae-eui had been looking at the scenery outside the window of the car
going down Nathan Road ever since, but
he suspiciously
glanced at his uncle. "It looks
like it's going to
the port
for some reason." "Yeah. I must have eaten. I'll have to go in now." "......Where?" "Where?" Jeong Tae-eui stared
at his uncle, who smiled round and round. The
UNHRDO mark on the
badge on the uniform his uncle is wearing stands out especially clearly. "Me too?" "Then, I'm welcoming you ." The
road was already open in front of me, and I could see the sea. Now the car will turn right and stop a little
further , and then a dedicated ship with the UNHRDO mark will be waiting in front of it . And Jeong Tae-eui
already knew where the
ship was leading . “Can

outsiders just go ?” “Why are you an outsider?” "......" Jeong Tae- eui silently stared at his uncle who was
laughing round and round. As he stared at him with a
smile that didn't break, a crack quietly appeared
between Jeong Tae-ui's brows. "Uncle." “There is something I really want to ask for your help. Tae-eui.” Only
then did the smile on his uncle's face lighten slightly. When I smile like that, my father's face is vaguely reflected and
my heart becomes weak . Actually, even if it's not, I've never defeated this man before. However, even though he
clearly knew that it was a battle he could not win , he
had a feeling that he would not be able to produce a good sound, so Jeong Tae-eui
frowned and scratched his head. "Jae's brother is in Riyadh. He was there until I called five days ago. Maybe it will
be easy to reach him." "Then. Jae-ui is living well, I know. I 've heard that the
country's chieftain is living well-fed
and well-fed without envy . According to a colleague who went there for work a while ago, he gives everything
he wants except for women ." Well, that country is a country that needs to be very careful with women's
issues , he added. That's probably not the reason why he won't take the girl , Uncle, I muttered the words in my

mouth."...... If it's not related to you, I don't think there's anything I can help with .""Why not ? There's a job
that's perfect for
you. You 're
passing through Hong Kong at this time . This is a job for you." "...... What is that?" It was very dubious. I didn't
want to ask, but the car was already stopped at the pier, and in front of it was a dedicated line ready to float at any moment.
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“It’s not that great .

it?” If you even know that there is a deadline, it will be futile to endure . Why am
I?” Needless to say , it is a word about the assistant position of an
instructor . Just one month, and even if I looked at it, I couldn’t come up with a reason to hire an outsider and
place it in the position . It's going to be an exchange training period. For 15
days." Ah, Tae- eui Jeong recalled the past. Come to think of it, UNHRDO regularly conducted joint training
with other branches. It must have been that time. "But this time, the headquarters There was a major
reorganization in , so we decided to skip exchange training between branches. Instead, we
received applicants from several neighboring countries and started joint training . The program is the same
as during exchange training."
“ Are you training with a mixture of non-UNHRDO members?” "To be precise, I am not an ordinary person . Because I sent official
letters to the government and public institutions . I became a person in the related field equivalent to a 'public official'. In addition,
in the European branch, an idiot called the person in charge sent official letters to organizations in each country, and
Israel and Hamas
included at the same time." "...... It's going to be rough there for a while." "No way. On the other hand, our branch only
official letters
to the peaceful Asian region, so it will be a very comfortable joint training ." " What role am I supposed to play in that
comfortable joint training?" Jeong Tae-eui stared at his uncle who got out of the car first, and did not
budge from the car . It was useless, but the car door opened from the back and Lieutenant Kang pulled Jeong Tae-eui out of
the car . Among
the leadership-level personnel who visit our branch, there are people from the Korean military as well . The US military is in there.
So , if possible, it would not be good to assign someone who can speak Korean and English at the same time as a rank. Even
so, someone who already knows what the rank should do . In other words--"Aha. Now I could see the flow of the story. Jung
Tae-eui muttered, “That’s right,” as
he somehow understood . Certainly, if you think about it that way, it would be difficult to find someone more qualified
than yourself. Who knows what a lieutenant is supposed to do—a person who has previously held a
seniority position, and who can speak English. You can find it without difficulty up to this
point, but on the condition that you are fluent in Korean.
If you stick to it, it won't be that easy.
Jeong Tae-eui glanced at Kang Gyo-wi. Inspector Kang, who tilts his head suspiciously and smiles like a habit, would also meet
difficult conditions, but
he is his uncle's lieutenant.
"You mean a
full moon?" "Yes.
joint training ." "Well... I like it. It's not difficult. But." Jeong Tae- eui raised both hands to his uncle with a sigh, while
looking at Kang with his luggage and boarding the ship first with a somewhat complicated mind . " Thank you for your help ," said the u

"Yeah, what about

that?" “It is said that it has been released now , but in the past, it was wanted as an international terrorist and brought down the prestige of UNHRDO.
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Chun Dae-won can serve as the instructor. Even the honored guest from
outside?" "Ahaha, what else did that bother me?" Uncle patted Jeong Tae-eui lightly on the back. With
that hand, he led Jeong Tae-eui toward his stomach and walked side
by side, saying, " I don't care at all. nothing Actually, that was more of a Ligrow
problem than you. And that problem has already been solved. Even if he were Riglow himself, he
would have no problem returning as an instructor if he wanted to.” I muttered something, but my uncle
just laughed nonchalantly at what he was saying . I told Ray that I was
going out and
came out. "Yes. Then, please take good care of me for 15 days. Isn't there anything else to do besides
the sergeant's
job ?" Followed by his uncle, who had boarded
the ship first, Tae-eui Jeong
stepped onto the stairwell. Uncle put his foot on the boat and held out his hand . Her generous
hand, which was larger than her size, grabbed Jeong Tae-eui's hand and pulled him in. As if Jeong
Tae-ui was the last person to board the ship , Tae-eui Jeong, guided by his uncle, climbed onto the ship
and soon lifted the anchor. Slowly, the ship began to
move away from the port After a certain distance , his uncle looked back at Jeong Tae-eui on the
boat that was being carried away by the waves as if to speed up. "Of course, all you have to do is take
good care of your instructor. So that nothing happens , well , ---- that's all." Saying that , the uncle
smiled affectionately against the background of the distant land . I think
I did too. But I don't know why they are the same. "Uh. You...?" So did the man who was trembling
in front of the elevator like a patient with anxiety
opened his eyes wide to see Jung Tae-eui. Jung Tae-eui, who had gone through similar situations
a few times,
even remembered their names. said, "Hey. It's been a
while, Alta." He raised his hand nonchalantly. From the first floor to the 7th floor, each with an area of
2,000 pyeong , there are about a hundred people in total. Even at Tou , the moment Tae -eui
Jeong was about to step into the UNHRDO
Asia branch building, the reunion was exactly the same as the first encounter when he came out
with a cigarette in his hand . "Tae! Hey, it's been a while. Are you still alive ?!” “Are
you still here?” There
is a
dissatisfaction with that
expression that welcomes you with a wide smile on your round and flat face.

It wasn't like that, but Jeong Tae-eui's voice wasn't as sweet as Alta's. Even though it's been a few years
since I've been here, I'm seeing familiar faces one after another , as if I'd seen you the other day . .
I see the still image
and smile. “What, you suddenly
disappeared one day and we all thought you were finally killed by the lunatic Rick and buried somewhere in
woods!” The hand that burst into laughter and tapped the shoulder was particularly painful. It's because I've
already been hit in the same spot several times. This heartless bastard, there has been no contact
since he ran away like that, isn't it ?! The book he threw away also hit his shoulder accurately, and the same goes
for Ching he encountered while leaving the office. "Hey, I'm going to a restaurant. Let's go together . Do you
want to eat too?" As if the dinner time hadn't changed , Jeong Tae-eui shook his head as he looked at the clock
pointing to the
exact dinner
time. "I already ate." "OK got it.
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Then I go to my room later at night.

Oh, yes.
Where is the room ? Who do
you share it with ?" Alta asked Alta in the middle of the night with snacks, alcohol and cards, and Jeong Tae-eui
scratched his head and muttered awkwardly ,
"That's..." " B1 floor." "Huh?...... Are you here as an instructor or a school guard ? " "No, that 's not the case .
What is it?" " I mean......"
Actually, Jeong Tae-
eui also wondered about that. After
arriving here, encountering unfamiliar faces every few minutes , several years have already passed. The dormitory
that his uncle personally guided Tae-eui Jeong, who was very suspicious that it was still intact, was on the first basement
floor. As Jeong Tae-eui remembered, it was a floor where only instructors and teachers stayed. They are the
same, but the internal structure of the building "This is the first basement floor. Uncle." 'Yes, I know. And as
know, my room is just around the corner and go straight. It's the same room as before.' 'Do the lieutenant and
instructor stay in the same room these days?' Jeong Tae-eui looked suspiciously at the room that his uncle guided
and opened the door to himself. Opening the door leading to the hallway, there was a small living room, and inside it were two
doors that looked like bedrooms. 'The left is your room,' he said. Judging from what my uncle
said , the right side seems to be the bedroom for the outside instructor.'No , as before, the instructor
stays on this floor and the lieutenant stays on the 6th basement floor with the other members/' ' But why am I
staying with the instructor? Is it the same
room?' 'The bedrooms are
separate, so what's going on ? Besides, isn't this much better than the office room, which is a 3 - person room?'
Tapping Jeong Tae-eui's shoulder as he simply nodded his head in agreement - yes, thinking about it, it was his uncle who started

'I hope I'm going to help 'well'. I share a room like this, but I don't feel sorry for the instructor . The role of
the rank is very important.' To
the uncle who spoke in a playful voice , Jeong Tae-eui also joked and said, 'Ahaha, the instructor I'm going to protect is at
least El-Ray. Like a human who planted enemies everywhere and always lives on a lifeline .' 'Haha, no way. Your
instructor is a very ordinary and ordinary person.' Jeong Tae -eui laughed and went into the room. Behind Jeong Tae-
eui, who was putting down his luggage on the sofa in the living room , his uncle, who still had work to do, spoke to him
without even entering the room. 'Then unpack and rest for
now. The outsiders will come
in here next week. Next week, there are only three or three days left , but please rest well until then. I'll be a bit busy after
that .' If you're bored, I'll tell Kyo-ho, so get
the key to my room and read a book,' said Uncle, then waved lightly at Jeong Tae-ui and turned around. Tae-eui Jeong,
who had put out a couple of clothes, went straight to the first floor and got the key to his uncle's
room from Kyo-ho and was about to go down. " It's on the first basement floor... Then it's going to be a bit difficult to
go out comfortably at night." "Don't worry . I 'll go down to the sixth floor later . Prepare a beer and wait. " Alta, who
was immersed in love, was delighted to hear Jeong Tae-eui's words, shouting , "Okay. Leave it to
me! It's free time after dinner, so come anytime!" and knocked on his chest . Really nothing has changed," he muttered
and smiled. "Then let's go to uncle's room right away... I think the books have increased in the meantime ." Slowly going
down the stairs, Tae-eui Jeong turned the key on his finger . Kyo-ho, who gave me
the spare key, told me not to lose it. It's the key I put on my palm-sized Mickey Mouse key chain. "......" Come to think of it,
one thing has changed. Xinru. A long time ago, when Jeong Tae-eui was here , Shinru was the
school leader in charge
living. Suddenly, a faint mixture of

longing and sorry, such subtle feelings came to mind. However, those feelings soon faded into something resembling
relief. Unlike Jeong Tae-eui, whose age had changed since then, Shin-ru, who would still be living at that age, had
never met since the breakup in Johannesburg. Just intermittently through Kyle—to be exact, after he escorted the injured Xinru
to his house, somehow it continued.
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Through Gable, Kyle's old subordinate who had been working there—I only heard that he was doing well. Then, last
year, I only got one call. It wasn't long after the nightmarish night in Frankfurt was finally pardoned by Raman and
released from the international wanted list.
'Congratulations on getting your
freedom back. ps It seems that the author's loss of inhumanity is still far away . Cheer up. ' On the paper of the same
material that came out of the elegant and beautiful letter envelope, that is the only word. Looking at the playful
page, Jeong Tae-eui burst into laughter. You haven't forgotten. You 've been doing well too. Get out of the emotions
that were bothering you. With that thought , Jeong Tae-eui couldn't help but laugh happily as he touched the paper
for a long time . Raising his eyebrows, he muttered meaningfully, ' It's inhumanity. You're
saying something interesting .'

Jeong Tae-eui slowed down.
When I thought of Xinru, the memories that naturally followed me like potato stalks always contained
Ilay. And the Elijah in those memories, even looking back on it after a long time has passed ... made unforgettable
memories. It's okay, I'm glad I saved my life and now I'm walking around like this. "Well , besides, it's less inhuman
in its own way. To me anyway, maybe." Even now, he throws away his bloody gloves from time to time----Grama, since
most of them are thrown away before returning home, it must be 'sometimes' ----Jung Tae-eui sighed as he tried to
masturbate like that . "Come on , let's just think good thoughts , only good thoughts. Until we go to Seoul on the moon, we
won't meet each other, so it's okay to forget about it for a while, but what's there to remember about the dark
past ? Come to think of it, I didn't tell him that I had stopped by in Hong Kong—even that I was caught
and tied up by my uncle. I
couldn't speak for that. Just three or four hours ago , even Jeong-tae himself didn't know he was
here. "...Whatever it is. He said that the work would last until next month anyway , and I will be going to Seoul after
15 days ." When he entered Korea, he was not there because he had leaked somewhere else on the way, or
something like that
should not happen. Before that, if anyone gets in touch, I'll say I'm staying in Hong Kong for a while, or we'll meet
Korea as planned. Jeong Tae-eui hummed lightly, and while doing so, entered the room of his uncle, who had
come in front of him. In the meantime, I wondered if my uncle had returned from work, but it seems he wasn't. There was
no one in the room. Like everything else, nothing has changed in this room. The familiar smell of books that comes out the
moment you open the door , the familiar structure of the room that emerges
when you turn on the light . Tae-eui Jeong looks around the room, as if years of time have disappeared, and throws the
Mickey Mouse key chain on the desk at random. I laid down and stretched out on the bed. As I buried my face in the pillow that
smelled like my uncle's familiar, and stretched my stomach on the bed , the feeling of being tired came like a wave.
Maybe I was quite nervous without realizing it myself . Thinking about it, it was tiring. After flying a long way on a
plane for about eight hours or so and arriving at the stopover, I was suddenly stranded and ran around for a long time in
panic, and eventually I was kicked out of the gate
with my luggage . Looking back, I couldn't take a break for a moment. "Come on, I'm still a person like a
surprise box ... You could have contacted me in advance before leaving ..." Jeong Tae-eui lazily muttered a complaint to
his uncle who wasn't there and closed his eyes . My heart seems to have melted away, and I smile softly. Being the same
gives 10%
boredom, 20%
longing, and 70% relief. Now it was time for relief. Shake shake, shake shake. It wasn't
even a waterbed, but it seemed like my body was swaying pleasantly. I may have fallen asleep. Half-dream, half- dream, half-dro

My body seemed to sink under it, but even that felt good.
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Then, at some point, even in my sleep, I remembered it warmly. good, good, and
A thought that suddenly overlaps at
the same time. But can peace last so long in my life? "......!" The moment the
thought came to his mind , he fell asleep in an instant, as if he had been splashed with cold water, and Jung Tae-eui jumped up
from the
bed and sat up. "Hey, hey,
that's not it. Of
course it is.
What are you talking about?" While hurriedly picking up words he didn't know who they were from, Jeong Tae-eui hugged his body in an
eerie manner . I must have gotten too used to bad luck. To feel doubt about
a peaceful life . It shouldn't be like this.
Jeong Tae-eui, who somehow recalled the beaten wife syndrome, shivered and quickly erased the thoughts that popped into his
mind. Also, ignorance is scary. I had a good
night's sleep, but what is this ? In
an instant, my sleep was blown away . It seems like a pretty sweet sleep, but not much time has passed. My uncle also
showed no signs of coming. "......" Jeong Tae-ui, who was scratching his head, suddenly looked at the nightstand next to the
bed. On
bedside table, which was as neatly organized as his uncle's personality , a few pieces of paper, which seemed to have been thrown while
looking, stood out. At first glance, it seemed that something was written on
the list. Without much meaning, Jeong Tae-eui slowly pulled the paper and looked at the list with names, ages, affiliations,
and nationalities written on it. Looking at the list of dozens of people,
they blinked their eyes , then nodded their heads saying "Ah". Looking at the dates written in the far right column, it seemed like
that. Most had a date for the next week written on it , and only one or two had a different date for a day or two. "I heard that an official
document was sent to Asia, and indeed most of them are of Asian nationality... But is this a document
that I can look at ?" I tilted my head, but I didn't worry for long. If it was such an important document, there's no way that uncle
have thrown it away while Tae-eui Jeong knew how to come in and out of this room , and these are the faces everyone will see next week
anyway . These were innumerable things. "Total number of people is 45. Well, even during the joint training , I received half of the number
of people in the branch . It seems that it is still the same . Let's see, how
many come from my home country ... " Korea (Repof)' stopped at the beginning . ( It is shameful that it was marked repof,
but there was no one from North Korea.) There were five people from South Korea. It was in shape.

"Ronaldhorgan... Somewhere below that , most of them seem to be

military personnel ... sang-rockKim, chanh-ohYun, ho-jinPark, jeong-pilKim... ... ...huh?" Jeong Tae-eui's fingers, which were going
through the list, stopped.

It's not just the fingers that

stop. His expression
also became strange. .......I feel like I've seen a familiar name a while ago . Not only is it familiar , but it's also very obtrusive and
unpleasant. "......Kim
Jeong-pil...?" Jeong Tae-eui's eyebrows curled up like thin sheets of paper as he checked his spelling. It was at that time that Jeong
Tae-ui, who had been glaring at the name for a few seconds, was about to cross his finger
to confirm his affiliation . The phone rang low on the desk, breaking the silence. Jung Tae-eui looked at the phone with
annoyed eyes. He dropped his gaze for a moment with the paper in his hand, but soon put it down as if tossing it
away and walked to his desk. However, although I woke up reflexively at the sound of the phone call , I soon realized it as I walked
along. Along with the fact that there is a problem with whether I can answer other people's calls at will, I realize that it is an outside line,
judging from the long cut-off signal. "Um—" I quickly reached the front of the desk, which was a few steps away, but while I was
hesitant to answer the phone call, the phone went to an automatic answer after a few beeps. At the same time, the LCD
screen turned on with light. “ Are you not there ?”
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A low, cool voice came over the phone. The moment he heard that voice , and the moment he saw the video on the screen ,
Jeong Tae-eui stopped moving as if frozen. It seems that the video on this
side was also reflected on the other side as it went through the automatic response . The voice that had been muttering in an imaginary way
stopped halfway and let out an unnatural silence."..."
It was clear that he was looking this way from the other side , just by looking at the silent silence that hadn't hung up the phone.
Just like Jung Tae-eui is looking at Moson on the other side of the screen. To be precise, the figure on the other side was not reflected intact.
Only a part of the person sitting on the other side of the phone was reflected. Only white hands that are beautifully shaped to exude admiration.
Suddenly, a sharp sense of déjà
vu came over me. It's as if I've seen
it somewhere ... ...... Let's stop escaping from reality . It 's not like I've seen it somewhere , I've definitely seen it. It doesn't have to be the same
as before. Jeong Tae-eui thought about that and slowly stretched out his arm and pressed the auto-answer release button . "......My uncle has n't
come yet ." "Yeah. I guess so . "

“ Should I write down a note if I have

something to say?” "No, it's not such
an urgent business ." “Thank you for that. By the way, Taei?ÿ The moment he
heard that voice
calling his name , he thought that this was the end of their friendly conversation. Jeong Tae-eui said in a voice that instantly
became depressed . Why, he muttered.
“What are you doing there?
By now, you should have already arrived in Seoul and entered the Grand Intercontinental Club Residence .”

The reason why the answer didn't come out instantly wasn't just because Jeong Tae-eui wasn't in the place he was
supposed to be. "Did the hotel reservations work like that ? I didn't know that either. Thanks for
pointing me out , Elijah." Yes,
it's Ilay Rigro. that was
this man I told this man that I would give him an address so he could find him easily, so he could dictate to me. Anyone can laugh at
me as
much as they want. Jeong Tae-eui gently pressed his temples, which were getting heavy. "It's because a trivial happening happened . No,
would it be more correct to call
it a trouble ... But really. The timing is great. I was going to stay here for about 15 days and then go to Korea as planned, but still, by chance
I was with you before that. I was going to tell you that if I can get in touch, I'm stuck in Hong Kong right now."

"Yeah. I was asked to do something by my uncle." Jeong Tae-eui sighed lightly. I was momentarily
froze at the unexpected phone call , but when I think about it, it's rather a good thing. I was able to let you know that I was staying in Hong Kong for a
while on the way . ....?ÿ Ellei muttered slowly. "Yeah, well, it's not that difficult . There's a joint training from next week, and I asked for a lieutenant
to protect one of the
people who will come."
While Jeong Tae-eui sat down on the chair in front of the desk, talking plainly, somehow no words came back over the receiver. "Elay?" “Yes,
I am listening .”

Inside the screen, fingers began to tap the table, tok, tok, silently . You seem to be starting to think about something, is it interesting? Or are you
upset? I
can't tell because I can't see his face. “ I
mean, there’s a full moon…”
Jeong Tae-eui replied meekly to the subtly dragged-on self-talk . Silence passed again, but this time it was short. “Okay, that’s
great.” The voice came back
as if it had finished thinking and came to a clear conclusion. "uh.
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What?" "We'll meet sooner than

planned , Taei ."

"Huh? " Jeong Tae - eui hesitated . The atmosphere...
"I'll see you when I go in there next week." "Next week? You?"
Something was
gross. Next week, outside personnel will come in for joint training.
weird. At the point of thinking like that, a shadow was cast over Jeong Tae-eui's voice. "But you're still working.
Are you finished already?" "No, I 'm going to do that ."

"Uh. But your job..."

Jeong Tae-eui kept his mouth
shut midway through. It seemed that my brain, which had been flowing idly and stupidly, was slowly hardening.
The answer to all these situations . Looking back, the answer
that does not go wrong as to why it
happened . "... I'm somehow at this point. I've come up with a hypothesis about the fundamental reason I'm here
right now ..." " Aha . It
seems to be similar to the hypothesis .ÿ "Illei." The beautiful hand, which is unlikely to exist in the world , tapped
the table slowly as if to continue speaking . “It would be perfect if he had the last name Hogan on top of
that.” Like this goddamn uncle. Jung Tae-eui barely swallowed the swear words that rose to
his throat and pressed his temples harder. ----All you have to do is take good care of your instructor. Don't let anything
unsavory happen to him , well. That's all. Now I know what my uncle meant.
meaning of that deep smile. "I won't !" It was when Jeong Tae-eui screamed and opened his eyes. As if waiting
the right moment, the door opened suddenly. "what?" The uncle, who entered with leisurely steps and asked with a plain
smile , looked at the nephew who looked back at him with a
stark look , and then at the white hand reflected on the video screen in front of the nephew. And this ghostly uncle
seemed to have deduced the answer to his question himself . How are you, Rick, how are you doing ?"
Uncle, unconcerned, took off the jacket of his
uniform and hung it on a hanger, pretending to glance at the screen. ÿAh, of course. By the
way, Instructor Jeong Chang-in ……? I thought that an agreement had already been
reached regarding
Hogan ? ÿ ÿBut
what is this?ÿ Eli said ' this', Jeong Tae-eui glared at his uncle with a sullen face . "We agreed on getting Hogan out ,
but we couldn't agree on a solution to that . They'd want to take testimony and expose his actions to the public, but
we don't want to . Secretly, he wants to finish the job... but if it were you, Riglow, who was in charge of the job, he would
do whatever he could, but if he gets messed up and the situation leaks out, it won't do much good for
us." ÿAha......So you want to use that guy as a shield? ÿ

Still glaring at his uncle, he frowned. "Uncle. First

of all , it's a human error. I
don't know exactly what it is, but do you think you can protect the human this guy is targeting with your
own abilities?"
"It would be impossible." My uncle answered very succinctly and decisively, without thinking a bit. No , yes, it's a stretch,
but admitting it so easily is kind of hurting my pride
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It's the same ...

Somehow , the uncle's smiling gaze returned to Jeong Tae-eui, who was biting his lips bitterly
in a complicated feeling . “However, in the limited situation of 15 days in this base, would n’t it be
possible to try a little bit ? I looked at him . Yes, how is it strange? I thought it was strange that life
was going so smoothly . No, but this time it's different. He
definitely had a choice. "I won't, Uncle." Jeong Tae-eui looked straight at his uncle
and said clearly. The uncle let out

embarrassing silence and gave a subtle wry smile . Should I say something or not? Then, before
long, he can't. muttered and sighed. “The information
that Hogan stole—and probably
will try to steal from the branch
here during this joint training—is the molecular formula of the chemical weapon Jaeui devised . The
rights to it were also moved there, but the molecular formula was a bit dangerous . Maybe I thought
that there would be a lot of room for dangerous use to bring it to Riyadh, so I left it here on the
condition of covering it and not putting it into practical use. there." I won't do it, said Jeong Tae-
eui, whose determined face suddenly blurred.
Seeing that face, the uncle smiled bitterly. It seems that even as an uncle, he didn't want to say
much. “If Hogan is cut off anyway , it will be inevitable that the words will spill out to some
extent, but if Rick turns him into a piece of meat here and grows a horse——there is a possibility that
Jaeui’s current research institute and our institution will have to hold a trial over Jaeui. It's big. Of
course, there's a lot of room for that molecular formula to
be used in a direction that Jae's intention doesn't want ." "...ÿ." "There are other reasons for wanting
to finish
things quietly on our side, but my
personal reason is the biggest." My uncle concluded by saying, “End there.”
It seemed that he would hand over the choice to Jeong Tae-eui . Jeong Tae-eui silently looked at his
uncle. Then, she
glanced at Illei----'s white hand---- who was quietly listening to the
conversation over the phone, and muttered reluctantly. "Can't we solve it quietly ? We just
need to secure the testimony." “My client is. I hate Hogan very much . I want to make things as big as
possible and make them unstoppable .” Jeong Tae-eui glared into the air with a cheeky face. I
thought I definitely had a choice... but it seems like it's not. No, I didn't think of making
choice. "Ah... I really will hate you. My brother and my uncle." Jeong Tae-eui muttered as if in a
sigh, and rubbed his face with his hand, tired just thinking about it. Ironically,
his uncle tapped Jeong Tae-eui on the shoulder as if to comfort him. But on top of that, because he knows that he is since

He had no choice but to put an end to his resentment at this pinch. “Because you hate the person on the other
side of the phone.” "...... I 'm on the verge of risking my life for 15 days without sleeping after hating
you . "

"Anyway, that's what you were aiming for."

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Illay, who had only listened to their conversation until then, snorted briefly . "It's okay, Taei. I will
wholeheartedly respect your choice for choosing Jung
Jae-yi over me. " As usual, the voice seemed to be mixed with faint laughter, but there was a
little more
laughter than usual. But Tae-eui Jeong knew well that sometimes his laughter was n't laughter . , Illai
added "but" . “Also, with a very generous heart, I will guarantee your life.” Thank you for that . Really.

But on the other hand, there was also a vague skepticism about this relationship, where I had to
be sincerely
grateful for the fact that my life was guaranteed. Jung Tae-eui muttered in a voice that
did not even let out a sigh, as if he was digging into the ground to the other side of the earth. "Hey,
since you're using patronage , try spending a little more . We 're not like that."
People say that as people get older, their faces get thicker. A short silence passed. It wasn't long
before I heard a chuckle and laughter. Tok, tok, the fingers tapping the table become somewhat
pleasant. "I didn't
expect that
sound to come out of your mouth , but it's not bad. It's not bad. —Okay, Taei. Then do it like this. I'll
give you a chance to complete the mission,' said Elay. This time, the laughter in his voice was pleasant, but
Tae-eui Jeong raised
his eyebrows in wonder at those words. Jeong Tae-eui's duties are
opposite to those of Eli and Lee. Hunting and protection. The two could not coexist. “ Let’s put a
penalty on it. When he attacked the site where he was stealing information, I said, “ I ’ll catch him . ” Either
keep an eye on me so he doesn't go, or fight against me who will attack him while he's stealing information
and protect him, do as you please . ” ÿJung Tae-eui looked at him gently. "Then ,
what if he doesn't give out the information and quietly goes back after joint training? "
person who answered Jeong Tae-eui's question was his uncle, who was leaning on the desk with his arms
crossed . Their words will surely be
right. That man—a man named Ronald Hogan—would undoubtedly try to smuggle information while staying
at this branch , and Illay would attack the scene and crush him. And Jeong Tae-eui had to stop him in any way Ilay

Tsk, Jeong Tae-eui lightly

clicked his tongue. This time,
I really didn't have a choice. No, I had to be sensitive to the fact that I put a penalty like this. At
least there is no need to face
indiscriminately . "Okay. Okay. Thank you." “What, between us.” Jeong Tae -eui bit his lips
bitterly at the reply with a subtle smile . Do you have any ?" said the uncle admiringly, as if surprised.
But all that came back was a short laugh. "cost. You talk funny.
Do n't you think
it's pity for your nephew to have as a lover a man who can't do this much for nothing in
return ? It's not something you can see. Nevertheless, the uncle, who had been staring at the
video on the screen with a calm smile on his face without any change in expression, slowly turned
his head to Jeong Tae-eui . It contained countless words, but Jeong Tae-eui tried hard not to make
eye contact with his uncle. “Besides , this is a short entertainment. If Taei can't protect him, it
will end in
that moment.” These words were
directed at both Uncle and Jeongtae. At the same time as patronage , this is entertainment for him.
He had no doubt that he would achieve what he wanted. The reason why he penalized Jung Tae-eui
was nothing more than to make the game, which had already been decided, more enjoyable by
adding some balance to the overwhelming difference. For Jung Tae-eui, it is a dark cloud coming
over the future, but for him , it is a bit of a delicious seasoning...... For some reason, I was a bit upset.
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However, as if he recognized Jeong Tae-eui, who was scratching his neck like a ghost , a giggle came over the
phone. “Tae, don’t get
serious. I know that I'm a man who can be very annoying if I meet you as an enemy . So, even if I see you like this,
I will do my best to slaughter Hogan in front of you . ” Do n't overestimate me ,
I 'm not that kind of guy ! As soon as Ilray's words ran out, Jeong Tae-eui responded, and he burst into laughter.
“Okay, then wait for the day we meet next week. It hurts that I won't be able to stay on friendly terms with you
while I'm there .
Good luck. And Instructor Chang-in Jeong , I sent you an e-mail about what you said, so check it out.” After that,
the phone hung up. Will there be another goodluck that is so heinous ? “……What are you sending by e-mail?”
"A few documents
necessary for the work to qualify him to
participate in joint training."
He did not want to deliberately confirm that lies were prevalent in the world , so Jeong Tae-eui did not bother
to ask about the documents. Even now, truth and reality are different. Fatigue set in at once. It seemed that
the brain was overloaded with an uncontrollable amount of information (and
information content) . What is this? Even if I had to die all my life, I didn't want to meet him
as an enemy----but I definitely met him as a colleague.

I didn't even want to—why was the man standing on the other side of the gold out of nowhere? Even if
there is no threat to life, this is a rather harsh ordeal. The over-capacity head turned white with mental fatigue.
Jeong Tae-eui's gaze, wandering aimlessly in the air, stopped on the sheets of paper scattered on the bedside
table. The name Ronaldhorgan, written in the middle of the list , came
into my tired eyes exceptionally clearly. " Leaking confidential information......Are you the kind of person
who has to do that?" I don't think it would be possible for a person with a decent job or position to do so, but
for example, there are dozens of military families who were born as the eldest son of a very poor family,
and their old single mother needs money because she
needs surgery ...
Uncle Jeong did not listen to Jeong Tae-eui's muttered words until the end and cut it short . "It's just greed." "It's
not nice to be in
a position where you have to protect such a person ." Jeong Tae-eui slowly shook his head, and his uncle
smiled bitterly. "Wrong. Taeui. What you are protecting is not Hogan. Jaeui's tranquility." Jeong Jae-eui, who was
living peacefully under the distant sky, did not even dream that such a situation was taking place on this land
thousands of miles away—perhaps even that would be Jeong Jae-eui’s luck—but Jeong Tae-eui nodded as if he
understood. When things turned out like this, I even thought it would be better now. If you think about
it , even if Jeong Tae-eui had rejected Hogan's
position, he wouldn't be able to just stare at it if he faced the scene of Illai tearing the man apart
right in
front of his eyes. If that's the case,
good is good , and it's good to feel the
reward of being helpful to hyung . but. Jeong Tae-eui was very tired at this moment. I was mentally exhausted
and passed out. "Well, don't worry too much . That's what the lieutenant does anyway. Follow him
around. He won't openly
commit any transgression in front of you , and you can keep an eye on him so he doesn't catch Rick on the scene."
"It's a simple word. Uncle. How did the things that got entangled with him go so easily?" As he muttered that,
he suddenly felt
that he had a vague idea of why he had become accustomed to bad luck, but in any case, he had to stop
here. I am really tired now. So, what was the name I saw on the documents , and I
didn't want to think about it now. I didn't even want to ask now about the ominously familiar name that was written
a few lines down from Ronald Hogan . If I thought about it and asked now, I felt exhausted and fell to the
bottom, and I had a feeling that I should dig deeper, so I wanted to ask after I regained my energy . After leaving his uncle's room , his Ro
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I trudged to a room that I could use alone. It seemed to be a

terribly long fortnight. 3. 'Hey, you

fagot!' The moment

he heard a harsh voice with clear mocking laughter , Tae-eui Jeong momentarily stopped. The phrases
spoken by the unfamiliar voice sounded very familiar. Homo bastard, that was the word that damned Sowi Kim
would smirk and say whenever he saw Jeong
Tae-eui. But that voice wasn't Sowi Kim's , and it wasn't directed at Jeong Tae-eui.

The voice was coming from behind the quarters building , just around the corner where I was about to turn, from
a place that hadn't yet come into the line of sight of Jeong Tae. There was no need to think about
whether there was another person in my unit who had the same taste as me . 'Now, now. Stop moving.'
The moment Jeong Tae-eui spoke imaginatively, both the giggling voices and the bustling presence
stopped. Jeong Tae-eui glanced at the faces and rank insignia of the three or four standing there . Three were
under Sowi Kim, and one was a member of Jeong Tae-eui's platoon. As Jeong Tae-eui approached, he said that he
was accustomed to military life, so he straightened up immediately and walked slowly in front of them in
a ready- made posture . Looking at the youthful face, Jeong Tae-eui asked meekly. 'Do you like men?' 'This, Private
First Class Choi Chang-shik! No!' Jung Tae-eui, who was muttering 'Really?' from private first class, who
had probably heard the word
'faggot' a while ago, muttered nonsensically to the other three, who were standing stiffly with faces as if they had
stepped on it. 'Fuck me.' They rolled their eyes in bewilderment at that short
remark, but when Jeong Tae-eui's gaze took on a slightly ferocious light, they hurriedly put their heads on the floor and
prostrated themselves. 'Why are you fighting a guy who says no? Hey, Jeong In-tae.' 'Corporate Jeong In-tae!'
'Why do you
think someone who is not from our platoon is touching a child from our platoon ? Among the three lying face
the one on the right, who is at the top of the rank , said with a strained voice, 'No', with a pale face, whether it was
because he hit his head or was nervous . 'Why are you promoting a warm-hearted atmosphere with you ? Are you
guys comfortable living in the military ? Are you bored ? Private First Class, who had been keeping an eye on him,
flinched and
shrugged when Jung Tae-ui's eyes flew by. Seeing that, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Jeong Tae-eui, who
had no bad taste to
harass his subordinates and easily skipped about any task, would have finished it at this level if it had been
another time, but unfortunately, he felt bad now. That said, I didn't have the intention of
venting my bad feelings on others , but at just the right timing, Sowie Kim's underlings, of course, his own
underlings, and of course, what about being a homosexual. Besides, this idiot-like lower man
helped me to the best of his ability, but he was nervous while looking at himself . Even if you run in droves , I hate it!
Jeong Tae-eui wanted to hang a
loudspeaker on his pole and shout. There was already no one in the university who did not know about Jeong Tae-
eui's sexual orientation . So-wi Kim's contribution was great. It was because he lived with a 'faggot' in his mouth every
time he got into a fight with each other . However, Jeong Tae-eui, speaking on his own honor , had never seen
any of his colleagues with that kind of
eyes. In the first place, there was no one to look at with such eyes, and even if there were people who were
close to Jeong Tae-eui's taste as if they were sprouting from a drought, once they were colleagues, they
quickly gave up and
didn't look back twice. They were all just 'people'. regardless of gender. Nonetheless, thanks to Kim So-wi, who constantly fires homo-homo
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There was no one who didn't know Tae-eui's disposition , and what made it even more disturbing was that even the members
of the unit, who had already spent enough time with Tae-eui Jeong, sometimes looked at him with awkward eyes . If so, can
I cheer you up tonight? ' Even if I hear it , I won't eat it! I don't know how many times I shouted into the loudspeaker in my
heart. Should I just beat this guy’s military life? These days, I'm feeling serious skepticism about the job I thought I'd drive a
stake for the rest of my life. Besides, today is even more so. I don't know how far
and how the rumors about that madman went around, but Jeong Tae-eui was just on his way back from
meeting with the company commander. ÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ 'ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ'ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ,ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿ.'ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿDon't fall over there and hold on properly. If you fall over, time will
increase.' Jeong Tae-eui glanced at his wristwatch and thought, ' Should I keep it to this extent ?' 'What are you doing
there?!' A thunderous roar was heard from behind. This time, a familiar voice appeared. At the end of Jeong Tae-eui's gaze,
who only turned his head skewedly without looking back, he saw Sergeant Kim walking towards this
direction with a shaggy face. As soon as
he arrived, he glanced at Jeong Tae-eui ,
the guy standing awkwardly next to him, and the guy with his head down below, and at once he crumpled his face
and shouted. 'Stand up right now!' 'If I stand up, I will die.' I was thinking of telling him to stand up, but
it wasn't until this guy appeared like this that I withdrew my thoughts . In front of the three pitiful
subordinates who
were watching the two of them, wondering whether they should stand up or not, So-wi Kim, who shouted out loud,
turned his ferocious gaze to Jeong Tae-eui. 'What are you doing?!' 'These guys are holding a kid from our platoon, so I'm
giving them some training , why?' 'What?!'
Lieutenant Kim glared at the private who was standing behind Jeong Tae-eui
as if hiding, then fiercely looked at the subordinates who were still subtly lying on the ground. 'I told you to stand up,
what are
these bastards doing !' 'I told you not to stand up. Are you going to
break discipline , Kim Jeong-pil? I don't know if these guys are members of your platoon, but I'm above
them.' When Jeong Tae-ui opened his eyes and said, Sowi Kim snorted, “Ha.” Then, he kicked the flanks of his
subordinates who were still wandering around. Hana let out a shriek and fell to the ground, and
as a result, even the two next
to it fell like minnows. I looked back at Jeong Tae-eui with red eyes at Sowi Kim, who had kicked these assholes
two or three times as if to vent his anger. He also looked even worse than usual. I was summoned by the company commander,
and I don't know what I heard, but I've been woken up . But you're not the only one in a bad mood , you son of a bitch. 'Hey,
Jeong, what are you, you're
giving our kids spirit. Do you want to die, you faggot?!' 'Yeah, why didn't you say that? No one knows anymore anyway, so stop talk

After replying like that, a new angry temper rose up. Yeah, no matter how much I think about it, I'm afraid I'll have to settle
with this guy at least once . 'Bastard, did you think you were the only one called by the company commander ?! 'These
were calling my inferiors homosexuals and harassing me, so I had some discipline . How come your platoon's upper and
lower oral habits are the same? Did Kim Jeong-pil teach you good things?'
Only then, as if he knew the situation roughly, kicked the guys who were still rolling on the floor casually, turned his gaze
to the guy standing awkwardly behind Jeong Tae-ui, and finally glared at Jeong
Tae-ui. 'You look like a fagot . Or how do you know? I don't know if you've become a fagot since you're so cheap.
Isn't that right? Private soldier standing in the back like a chaff over there , tell me once, you slept with this bastard. Didn't all of
your platoons sleep with this bastard? . Normally, that level of ridicule would have been passed off with a snort, but today
Jeong Tae-eui was in a very, very bad mood. I felt as dirty as the look on Sowi Kim's face. So
it must have been.
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Soon after , I heard a tick, the sound of a screw flying in my head. 'Why are you curious about my technique ? If you
're good at it , learn it? Being a homo is a hundred times better than being unable to ejaculate prematurely.” “What, you
bastard?!” Second Lieutenant Kim opened his eyes right away and pushed Jeong
Tae-eui's shoulder like a slap . Normally, a scuffle would have started here, with Jung Tae-ui replying, 'Why is this bastard hitting
him ?' and slapping his forearm. , 'This baby ......', even before the one or two stroking -in -law , he was still losing his
center on the legs of the guys who were still on the floor. 'Uh......' The hand he was swinging reflexively grabbed Sgt. Kim's collar.
However, Kim So-wi
had an unexpected wish, so he could not be Jeong Tae-eui's support, and instead fell down together. 'Hey, bastard,
can't let this go...?!' Despite the panicked shouting, Jeong Tae-eui, who fell on the ground as a rug, did not let go of his hand
gripping the man's collar. If you fall alone on this board, what's the point of selling it ? If you want to fall, you have to fall
together... But I didn't expect it to be this heavy. Come to think of it, this bastard pretended to be skinny and secretly had
muscles . 'Oops!' 'Ah!' Most
of the screams came from the three people at the bottom , but one or two words
have been mixed with the screams of Jung Tae-eui or Second Lieutenant Kim. Kim's screams were probably
the least. The one who fell on top of Jeong Tae-eui, who was lying on the soft floor of the three , let out a short,
reflexive sound. As he fell, Jeong Tae-ui groaned as he hit Jung Tae-ui's
side with his elbow . Sergeant Kim, who had collapsed on top of Jung Tae-ui as if he was on top of him, seemed to lose
comprehension of the situation for a few seconds, then seemed to come to his senses. I look at Jeong Tae-
eui, who is right under me. 'Bastard, why are you pushing and fucking?! Don't get out of the way right now?!' Jeong Tae-
eui shouted while still holding So-wi Kim by the collar. The word "moving away" while holding the collar and
shaking it was absurd, but no matter what, I was passionate until the end of my head.

On top of Jeong Tae-ui, who was watching and shouting from this elaborate shout , So-wi Kim didn't say
anything for a while.
Didn't even move. Tae-eui Jeong looked at him suspiciously, wondering if this guy had accidentally twisted himself while falling
down. . Jeong Tae-eui also tried to move his limbs properly, but they were fine. But this bastard pushes and knocks people
down and doesn't even apologize. If you apologize, you are not Sowi Kim. Standing up without a word, Sowi Kim, who
twitched his wrists with a
displeased face, stood up after him,
and Jeong Tae-eui frowned and spat out. 'You bastard, do you like me when you get to know me? Laying down on
people ...' It was just something I said, but after I said it, I felt more uncomfortable with myself----it wasn't a position that I
would fall
for, and there was nothing to say
about this bastard----Ay, I'm in a good mood , It was the time when he, too, was trying to move the joints of his hands and feet.
'What, you bastard...?!' Suddenly, a piercing voice came close. Uh, before I could look back, I felt a hard fist piercing my
stomach. I was breathless. And in
the very next moment, “Yes, let’s catch me today ” caught fire in my head. It seems that Sowi Kim had a similar thought. It
didn't look normal to see him rolling his
eyes, swearing unintelligibly, and swinging his fists at random. However, if it was insane, it was the same with Jeong
Let's see the end of this Kim . You try to die today. What followed was mayhem. The sounds of blood splattered, flesh

splattered, and bones snapped mixed with shouts and gnawing sounds around him, but Jeong Tae-eui didn't hear
anything. The patience that
had been built up over five years had finally run out, and the only thing left in my mind was that today I would kill this damn bastard
at an early age. When I came to my senses, I was lying in a military hospital. As luck would have it, the
bastard was lying side by side on the bed next to him. Although he was asleep and his mouth was shut, Jung Tae-ui
clicked his tongue as soon as he saw his side profile. 'Is it good that you broke my knee ?' We've met a few times before,
and an army surgeon clicked his tongue and tapped Jeong Tae-
eui's head with the corner of the
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Jung Tae-eui muttered sullenly , “It hurts,” rubbing his head. 'Well done.
One guy broke his knee and the other broke his arm.' Only then did Jung Tae-eui look down at his leg,
where the white cast was wrapped around him. Even though the painkiller hadn't run out yet, he felt a faint throbbing
pain. But the guy lying next to me with a cast on his arm didn't seem very different. Jeong Tae-eui, who
didn't think about it
and muttered viciously to himself, sighed soon after . 'How many weeks do you think it will fall?' When Jeong Tae-
eui asked, the corner of the file
flew again. Even with a vinyl file, it hurts quite a bit if it hits the middle of the forehead.

'A guy with a broken knee sounds like a few weeks ... I told him to take good care of himself when he was
young. Do you think your body can go back to normal after it takes a month or two to attach your bones?
Now you're an old man every bad day for
the rest of
your life I had to live muttering something like neuralgia or something , but it was very

clear. I did it Anyway, the two of them are so good together. Did n't the story I told you when I was
brought in
before was overcooked?' '......' Every time I saw it, I didn't look at it with a good face, but this time, the medical
officer with a really difficult face clicked his tongue and left quickly. Jeong Tae-eui raised his throbbing
but still manageable arm and scratched his head . Maybe he wasn't asleep, but a voice came from
next to him. You bastard, you pretended to be sleeping and left all the nagging of the army surgeon to
me . I didn't have the energy to
shout, so I replied in a calm voice. There was a sound of swearing next to me, but I pretended
not to hear it. My knee is broken. It must be a little difficult. If you take care and treat well for a while, it will go
back to its original state after a while. I was thinking that I would have to give up my military life anyway. I
wasn't too sad about that part. Still , at one point, I thought I would bury my bones for the rest of my
life , so I somehow felt down . I heard they're having a hard
time getting a job these
days ... Ay, I'm sure it'll work out somehow. I don't know. Jeong Tae-eui closed his eyes. Deciding to quit
made me feel at ease in a way. At least you
won't have to face-to-face with this goddamn bastard. The sickening misery is over. Yes, I hated the
bosses who lingered and threw unpleasant jokes , and the subordinates who would back down with an
uncomfortable face even after treating them well . Jeong Tae-eui did everything he
could , and there was nothing more he could do . '......' It seemed to
hear a familiar voice from outside. It's my brother's voice. I couldn't understand the contents
of the words, but with that tone and that kind of tone, there was only
hyung. Perhaps the patient's family was called. Are you a military officer or a senior? My brother will come
in after talking with that someone. However, even after waiting for a
while to see if the story was getting longer, there was no sign of the conversation stopping. Jeong Tae-
eui turned his head and looked out the window. A tree branch that had just begun to
bud was poking its head into the window. The dazzling yellow sunlight filtering through the branches and
leaves swaying through the branches. It's okay , I thought, in a different mood than before.
There must have been a lot left in the future , and there
must have been a lot of things ahead of Jeong Tae-eui. What he had to do and what he could do. It's okay, it's okay, as if to ble
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Looking at the sunlight with slender eyes, Jeong Tae-eui quietly whispered in his heart. ÿ I hope that a
future full of new and surprising things that are unimaginable right now awaits... And if possible, we can go through that
future together for the rest of our lives. It would be better if I could meet a lovely lover who would
be there ... Jeong Tae-eui , who shyly added one more line as he rubbed his lonely side, muttered, " It must be
because of my mood, but yes, yes," and laughed awkwardly as the wind seemed to be caressing him . got better

"But they are not human . They must not be able to understand human wishes with human senses." It was
Ching who made the assertion in a tone that made her speechless. When I was young, I made a wish while looking at
the moon every full moon, but that wish never came true as I wished, he said , recalling painful memories from the past,
with a distressed face, "So in the end, Meishang is a 'girlfriend'. I was left behind , ” he muttered. Next to him, the ignorant
—or rather, the mean—Tou put chopsticks in his mouth and smiled, saying, "Was n't Mei Xiang the close childhood
friend who sent you a wedding invitation by hand to this far away not too long ago?" He slapped Tou's back with his
face. Oh, you almost stabbed yourself with chopsticks, it's an attempted murder. He didn't even pretend to hear what Tou
shouted. "But I can't help it . Whether you wish to the moon or the stars , people often make wishes that are unlikely to
come true." "Originally, wishing
is a bit like that. Besides, even the term
has its own meaning . Even if it's not the stars or the moon , God or Buddha, in any case, wouldn't it be far from
humans?" Carlo shrugged. He had already finished eating
a bowl of rice and was chewing on toothpicks, and he triumphantly said, "That's why I always wisely said, 'Let me
eat braised meat for dinner tonight. Beef is good for meat, but if it doesn't work, pork is fine. ' I want to have a new
black bike that Fredericosa released last June, with one gear higher than Pedro's
next door .' I made a wish that my parents could hear it ." said. how old was that I was about six or seven years old , ”
while talking about childhood memories, the cigarette smoker
who couldn’t bear to light a cigarette because it was non-smoking indoors, bit by bit, as if it had no taste for food from
earlier, with chopsticks. I looked at Jeong Tae-eui, who was just stirring . " Why is he not eating properly since before ?"
"I don't know. Last night's dream was wild or something. It looked very gloomy from the morning, but the more it went
on, the worse it got." "Hey, Tae. What's wrong?" Next to him, Alta brought two more bowls of
rice and ate it up with
good appetite, stabbing Jeong Tae-eui in the side. Jeong Tae-eui muttered as the barrel swayed weakly. "If I
had known that human wishes could not be understood by human senses , I would not have wished for such a wish..."
"What? What are you talking about? What
Jeong Tae-eui put down the chopsticks he was holding. No, nothing, the muttering voice is sad. Yes, if you think about
it later , it might not be that bad . My colleagues giggled as if the misfortune of others was their own happiness. "Well,
it's just like
dreaming. I 've been having trouble sleeping too . It's today, he's coming in . Let's stay still, I'm
hungry in the afternoon.

Since it's floating, are you going to arrive

around four or five o'clock?" Carlo said, checking the time that lunch break was not over yet. Uh, who's coming in? Alta, who was late
for the rumor, looked puzzled . No one said anything for a
while. And in the midst of that, Jeong Tae-eui, who changed his mind that it would be better to attach his physical strength,
picked up a spoon again and diligently ate. In this rough neighborhood , the only thing I could trust was my physical strength .
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Do you know him? It seems that there are evil rumors going around. " Tou muttered as he smoked a cigarette . I didn't know what
it was, but it didn't sound like a very desirable rumor . And the things that didn't change were even
the little things like this, the fact that nobody wants to talk about Rick the lunatic. He seemed to guess about Jung
Tae-eui and Rick's relationship,
and some seemed to
have a slight misunderstanding - looked at him with great pity or with great contempt - and some didn't seem to make any
connection at all, but for whatever reason, he didn't really like him . He didn't say anything about it. Just saying it would make his
gloved hand jump out of the air . In this atmosphere, even if I die, I can't defend him ... I've never done anything to defend
him. ,I can't give it to you, but I can't give it to you. "Yes, I'll send it to you. You sneaked out of here without him
knowing, come to think of it . That crazy guy had been around for a while , and even that guy disappeared at some point."
I thought, finally, where did you get buried," Ching said calmly, which was horrifying to hear. While thinking that this is amazing ,
Jeong Tae-eui muttered vaguely , "Uh, what." I'm coming as an instructor ." Then, next to Ching, who snaps her finger as if she
understands , Alta frowns as if she senses something unusual and asks, " Who is that crazy guy ?" Alta, who had been staring
at him for a few seconds, seemed to have remembered who the madman might be related to Jeong
Tae- eui in those few seconds of subtle
silence . Evil! That baby is coming?! To catch Taei ?! " Do you like it ?” Tae -eui Jeong, who had lost his appetite
and felt
depressed, shouted sullenly as he pounded the table with a spoon. However, his colleagues, who must
have already heard all the extensive international news about the international wanted criminals—--Alta was the only one who
received the news a little later. Other than that---- he looked around with a not-so-serious face. "It seems like he was
why is he so low-pressure ?" "I guess it's because he doesn't have Shinru ." Please don't increase the source of this !!" Jeong
Tae-eui, who cries out while tearing his hair , throws a somewhat puzzled
look this time.

Rumors didn't seem to spread until it was related to Shinru. Well, the news didn't cover it until then. In the meantime, only
Alta belatedly looked around unsteadily, shouting , "I thought this joint training would be a bit peaceful, but why is that
madman here?!" It's as good as a fingernail that he comes alone ." To Woo muttering while
chewing on a cigarette , Jeong Tae-eui raised his
eyebrows while covering his mouth with barley tea. “Are you still on good terms with them ?” "Tradition
changes so easily, where." "What
kind of tradition is that?" Jeong Tae-
eui laughed bitterly. I don't
know if it's really a tradition to
see that this is still the same. Like the atmosphere inside the university. Seeing Jeong Tae-
eui smile, Toh-woo also quietly raised his mouth. "I guess I'm feeling better. I've been
dying since morning." "Ah... I had
a rather bad dream . So." Jeong Tae-eui recalled the dream of the night before and licked his lips bitterly. Another gloomy
thought seemed to come to mind.
"What kind of dream. Did Rick
come out?"
"No. There is. The old bad guy who got entangled before he first came here ." Jeong Tae-eui
kept his mouth shut there. After waiting for a while, it seemed that nothing more would come out, Tou nodded
and murmured, "Everyone has at least one or two bad luck in their life. But suddenly , why.
Did they meet recently ?" "No......" Jeong Tae-eui sipped barley tea.
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Barley tea is especially bitter today.

We haven't met recently.

Before I left Korea , I wouldn't call it recent as we had already met years ago. However, we were going to meet sooner or later. very soon
let's go and
take a nap. If the humans come in in the
evening, you won't be able to sleep properly until the end of training tomorrow." Carlo stood up stretching. Uh, me too, I need to do some
maintenance. I should go to the medical team and get some tonics in advance, everyone muttered and stood up from their seats .
As if withdrawal symptoms were already appearing, Toh stood up trembling . Then, he looked down at Jeong Tae-eui, who was silently
holding barley tea. "you?" "Well, first of all, let's finish this and take a nap ..." "Okay, take a good rest beforehand . Aren't you the
most exhausted person?" Tow, who
left ambiguous words of consolation or ridicule, patted Jeong Tae-eui on the shoulder and left. Upon hearing that, several of them nodded and
patted Jeong Tae-eui's shoulder as if they were very sympathetic. Jeong Tae-eui is just having a bitter taste. Joint
training starts tomorrow.

The short few days I came here and spent comfortably came to an end today. No, to be exact, it will end as of this afternoon. Outside
personnel were scheduled to come in here in the late afternoon or close to evening today . Among those people who will be training
together for the next 15 days, there will be Ilei. And another , ugly face. "......"

'Kim Jeong-pil? Ah, yes. He's on the training list this time. I was in the
Korean Army. Let's see...
Captain. He's 30 years old, but he's the same age as Tae-eui.' The words of his uncle, who took a casual look at the list,
rang in his ears. Army Captain Kim Jeong-pil,
who is the same age as himself. There is no law that there is only one person who meets the conditions, but there are not many like that.
At least, Jeong Tae-eui had never heard of such a person.
"Ah----Really, what is this?" Jeong Tae-eui hit his head on the table with a thud. Even so, I have a lot of worries and responsibilities on
how to protect and protect my body (plus the body of the instructor in charge ) from that crazy guy , but I don't know
why one more face I don't want
to see comes along here. Could it be that this situation was also orchestrated by the uncle? He glared at his uncle with very suspicious
eyes , but he didn't notice when he asked, ' Why ?' With this friend named Kim Jeong-pil ? ' The 'future full of unimaginable new and amazing
things ' I hoped for was never like this. It is true that I could not imagine such a reality even in my dreams , but that was not what it meant. Jeong
Tae- eui sighed and stood up. It 's already been like this , no need to agonize over it to change
anything. Anyway, the time of 15 days was just around the corner , and it was better to rest for the next few hours in preparation for the sweet
time that Tou said. There are still a few more hours before the ship carrying the outsiders can come in. Jeong Tae-eui left the restaurant,
recalling the regular time of the boat. If there was a place where I could forget everything for a while and rest without being disturbed by
anyone, there was one place I knew a long time ago. I went back the day before yesterday, but it was still the same as it was a few years ago.
It was a rooftop
on the ground floor, a place where you could bask in the natural sunlight.

I did lose sleep last night. I

haven't been able to sleep properly since waking up from that damn dream , so I've been a little sleepy. And today
the weather was very good, and the dazzling sunlight was shining in every corner of the rooftop on the ground floor.
It was unreasonable not to fall asleep in such a situation , but I didn't know that I wouldn't wake up until the time the sun started to
lean toward the west. Even though the pager was ringing, I just slept. There was a record of four or five calls on the pager. When I
checked the number, it was the office. I clicked my tongue and went
down from the rooftop and went straight to the office and listened to the nagging of the teacher in charge of public
affairs. To Kyo-ho, who said he was about to call an emergency call if he didn't come after calling him one more time , and asked Kyo-
ho fiercely about what he was doing, Jeong Tae-eui licked his lips and said that he had slept on the roof for a while, and then added a lot of nagging
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However, judging from the nagging eyes, it didn't seem like an emergency that was so urgent that it called four or five times in a row. For once,
I'm glad
"But what happened?"
Jeong Tae-eui looked around
and asked. For some reason, the office
seemed busier than usual. I thought the atmosphere was a bit... but the office door slid open behind my back and a man came in and
said to the staff in charge of living , "I've lost my office room rulebook ." Jeong Tae-eui blinked his eyes
and looked at the man. It wasn't because the
man himself was unusual or caught. However, it was unfamiliar. On this isolated island where a limited number of people live, there is
absolutely no
chance to see a stranger out of nowhere. "......"

Jeong Tae-eui looked at the wall clock hanging in the office. It was a little less than five
o'clock. He looked at his watch just in case, but it was pointing at the same time . The time the ship regularly arrives is between 5 and 5:30 with
some errors . When Jeong Tae-eui asked questioningly, the head of the public
affairs officer glanced
at him and muttered indifferently, "I do n't know. There's no way I know every outsider that I am ... I don't answer the
phone . Are you not in the room ?" The moment Jeong Tae-eui arrived Kyo-ho, who had been on the phone somewhere since , clicked his tongue.
But no matter where he was on the phone , Jeong Tae-ui stared intently at the back of the man as he took the rule ticket.
"An outsider...? What an outsider?" "Outside personnel to train
together , the day they come in is
today." Kyo-ho looked at him with a puzzled face, wondering if he didn't know. "It's not yet time for the ship to arrive, isn't it?" “There
were a lot of people, so the flight was operated on a temporary flight.
They arrived a little while ago, so everyone
should be unpacking their luggage in the company
room by now . Rather, you have a person named Lieutenant Commander, an instructor in charge, coming in , but I can’t get in touch with
where he went… Shouldn't we greet each other face-to -face ...But now the instructor can't reach us again . and just looked
at him. It's absurd ...... Rather than that, I was staggered. To myself. It's just absurd that the number of people rushed in and was sleeping
peacefully on the roof , even though it was enough to be woken up by the crowd . Come to think of it,
when I listened closely, everything outside seemed busier than usual. Not only the staff doing their work in the office , but the
occasional footsteps coming and going from across the hallway and the muffled voices that came from across the hallway were a bit calmer than
usual . .......Wait. But if the outsiders came in, that would mean it. "...Excuse me, then work..." "I can't contact you at all . I can't. Mr. Jeong
Tae- eui, go down to your room right away. If the instructor in charge is contacted earlier, I said I would send you down to the room right
away. Please go and say hello and
briefly talk about your future schedule . ” We
have to go and say hello .” Kyo-ho, who glared at him , couldn’t bear to say anything else.

had to come While

Jeong Tae-eui was walking out of his office and toward the elevator , he passed two strangers walking out of the elevator that had just
arrived on the first floor. Even from the clothes they were wearing, the men, who could clearly see that
they were outsiders, nodded lightly with Jeong Tae-eui and passed them by, conversing in an unfamiliar language. He probably
went out to smoke a
Right. You're here. Jeong Tae-eui sighed.
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“They didn’t wake up even though they lined up, is Jeong Tae-ui carefree or dull?” he murmured, patting his head lightly.
Jeong Tae-eui, who was just about to get on the elevator that opened in front of him , said, “That’s
not it,” and stopped taking steps . You have to go to the floor where the instructor stays, just one floor below. I didn't even
bother to use the elevator, I moved to the stairs.

“……Alright then.”
Somewhere in this building right now—or somewhere on this island—there are them. An unwelcome classmate and a life
partner that would never be welcome in this situation, if not at other times . I didn't know what to define the relationship between.
There is a word that is closest to the current
relationship, but it's a word that I can't put into my mouth. Sometimes, it seemed that he would say it calmly.) This closed space It
was never pleasant to have two unwelcome faces in the room, but Jeong Tae-eui sighed lightly and
shook his head. Still, it won't be that easy. Of course, you will inevitably come across them during training , but the UNHRDO
Asia branch building here is spacious. A total of eight-story buildings with an area of 2,000 pyeong each . About
a hundred people stay there . The population density is absolutely low. If it wasn't for training, there was a high
possibility that we could spend 15 days without meeting each other even once if we just lived our daily lives. Yes,
besides, it's already been several years since I was discharged. Perhaps one of the unwelcome faces had already
forgotten him . Anyhow. The immediate problem is Sowi Kim - or is he called Captain now ? If
possible , let's live together without running into each other. In the case of El-Ray, it would be impossible because things
are intertwined anyway, but for Sowie Kim, it 's possible if he does well. Yes, yes, this vast place, where humans can pass
the time , is fixed. “What? Jeong Tae-eui?!” however. Unfortunately. Jeong Tae-eui's wish was already showing signs that it
would not come true. At the bottom of the stairs Jung Tae-eui was going down , about a couple of floors down. "Why is
that bastard
here ?"
"No, there is a
Korean, so I asked him and he said his name was Jeong Tae-eui. I may have heard it wrong because the pronunciation is a bit
strange." They were having a conversation
with a displeased voice contrasting with an insignificant voice. Sitting in a simple chair with the water purifier on each
landing between them, drinking water .

And on the landing just two floors above , Jeong Tae-eui stopped walking down the stairs as if frozen. I don't
know how long it's been since I've heard other people converse in Korean , blankly recalling a somewhat
thought. “Isn’t it just another guy with the
same name ?” “From what I heard , the first time he came here was the same year he was discharged. Besides, he was a
former officer . Jeong Tae-eui sat down on the chair on the landing where he had stopped. Why does the voice that I want to
forget, that I want to forget in a hurry, come back to life in my memory exceptionally vividly? But as if I didn't
remember it because it was a voice like
that , I quickly guessed who the owner of the slow and carefree voice was . Likewise, I graduated from the military academy in
the same period, and the place where I was commissioned wasn't too far away, so I often saw my face at every jockey meeting.
He was a friend I ran into. He was a friend who got along well with Jeong Tae-eui without being too harsh . Yoon
Chang-oh. That guy came with me
and now that I think about it , I think I saw his name on the list at first glance . I didn't even think about it because Kim Jung-pil's
impact was so great at that time. Jeong Tae-eui quenched his thirst by drawing water from the water purifier next to him. Over the
years, I thought my memory was a little too strong, but I guess it wasn't. When I heard Sowi Kim's voice, the resentment that had
been dormant rose anew. I hadn't thought about it because I hadn't been like that before, but
maybe, surprisingly, I had a backbiting personality. ......Huh. If you forget that resentment in a few years, that's the middle of
the Buddha. The moment he remembered the past , he felt his eyes go up , and Tae-eui Jeong grumbled inwardly . was
coming “Even so, I was curious about how you were doing, but I never expected to meet you in a place like this .” “ What are you curiou
He must still be a homosexual.” Kwajik,
the paper cup was crushed in his hand.
How come that bastard doesn’t change ? The elbow and ribs that were smashed then are now healed.
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As I was crushing it, I heard a door open downstairs. Perhaps

someone had come out on the landing. The conversation between the two of them stopped for a moment. I
heard Yoon Chang-oh's voice saying hello briefly. After a few seconds of subtle silence , that damned voice spoke.
"So, what is that bastard doing here?" "Huh? Uh, Taeui? I didn't ask that far . I just heard that such a person is here." “I
guess the word homosexual
didn’t circulate here .” "Hey, Pil-Pil Jung..." "Huh? What, you're a
foreigner. Can you understand Korean anyway? What if you understand ?" , That damned Sowi Kim was steadfast. Yes,
go around saying that Jeong Tae-eui is a homosexual all over the world. How
many of the 6 billion people will understand what you say? Jeong Tae-eui clicked his tongue. However, if
you think about it,
there is no damage to the horse here. It was already known that Jeong Tae-eui's tendency was that way. I don't know if
it's the personnel who have changed in the past few years, but the colleagues I've known from before already knew
Jeong Tae-eui's tendencies.

Is it
only Back then, I used Shinru as bait and teased Puck a lot. "But now that I think about it, it's strange... Tae-ui,
you were put on the international wanted list for
terrorism? But how do you work here?" At that time, I was very surprised, but I couldn't believe that Tae-ui was a terrorist .
I knew that, but as expected, the incident was known that far. At that time, I had never touched a gun about it, but as soon
as I knew it, I was in a position where I was wanted as a heinous terrorist. However, those who
knew would know, and those who did not know would be suspicious no matter what they said. “ Ah, that was
solved . " I want to too. The fact that he was pardoned wouldn't have appeared in the news,
so you're
saying he confirmed it one by one? I didn't hear Kim Jeong-pil's answer. All I could hear was a plaintive snort. Soon,
oh Yoon sighed. "You're pretty, too. Now, even though I don't see you anymore, I feel like looking for
you ? Actually, it's been really bad that you guys haven't been on good terms since before." "I don't see more,
I don't see more . We run into each other here too . Eh, it's unlucky."
It's me who can't
do it. What am I
going to say! Jung Tae-eui, who threw a paper cup into the trash, jumped up from his seat. Even staying still like this didn't
feel like eavesdropping on someone's words secretly, so I wanted to go down and go downstairs to the
1st basement floor to avoid it, or go down further and
grab the reunion by the collar. Jeong Tae-eui didn't even think about killing him, and he went downstairs. If he said
one more word like this, he would turn to grab him by the collar .
Yes, just say one more word . Just one word... " But why does that foreigner keep looking at us from a while
ago? His face is going to be pierced.” “ Looks like he came out to drink water. "I think I saw it on a boat when
I came in here
earlier . I didn't think I would work in a 3D industry like this , so it was memorable." "Aren't they just people who do desk
work ? Hey, look at that white hand . It doesn't have a single wound. It's not a hand that does rough
work. Did you ever hold a gun with that hand?" That's right, it looks like it 's just a desk , talking about whales, not
cursing, but
what to do? The two were talking in front of each other in a Korean language that few foreigners understand. And
toward them—or even lightly thinking about whether to just leave on the first basement floor on the way—
Jung Tae-eui was walking down the stairs. Meanwhile, their conversation
continued. “But he keeps staring at that foreigner . It was when I whispered, “Foreigners are friendly even with people they don
As they said, the friendly foreigner, who had probably come out on the landing for a while and sat on a chair near them to
drink water and rest, finally seemed to be talking to them . Ah......, yes, and the conversation that the two motives
began to mingle with a friendly foreigner turned to English. It doesn't seem like
you 're a regular member of this place, but it looks like you're an outsider who came in for this training.
Yes, that's right, that person seems to be the one I saw on the ship earlier.
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A normal conversation that can occur between people you meet for the first time was exchanged
in a safe atmosphere. And. Hearing that moderately sociable conversation , Jeong Tae-eui stopped
walking this time ........ Huh? Conversation was still flowing in his ears, with a face as if he had seen a ghost. “ Is this
your first time in Hong Kong ? "Ah... I came alone, but I know someone
here . As for you?
Do you have connections here as well?" "Uh... someone I know. I've heard that he has a former
motive." I'm not sure yet ,
but Yun Chang-oh blurted out vaguely.
The interlocutor seemed to be intrigued and intrigued. "Motivation, what?" "Ah, it's a classmate from when I was
in school, but I
haven't heard from you for a while." "Haha, I see... It must be nice to see you after a long time." "at all." Ah. This is that
Kim Jung-pil. He is the only one
who would throw negative words like that in front of a stranger. “Because he’s never had a good relationship . “ I
wondered if the grunting and gossiping guy wasn’t talking about being a faggot at all, maybe it was the least courtesy
towards strangers. Still, at that point, perhaps he wanted to stop talking about
unknown people , Kim Jeong-pil changed the subject. “The person you know here must be a friend?”
"A friend...... should I call it a friend ..." The other person slowly extended his words in a
voice with a subtle smile. Then, he gives a concise answer. "We know each other every nook and cranny.
I even counted the number of wrinkles in the holes when I was free ." "......? Haha, you seem to be
very close." It seems that he didn't
understand the phrase after 'when I'm free ' that the man added lowly and quickly . Next to me, Yoon Chang-oh smiled
carefreely and said, “It would be nice to meet your friend .” And Jeong Tae-eui. Jeong Tae-eui,
who was frozen on the stairs. ...... . Without
realizing it, I almost spat out swear
from my mouth. At the same time, the accident took a sharp turn. The place you need
to go is not the landing two floors below. Before I ran into them, I had to get out of the basement first floor. The new voice
added between those two voices was terribly familiar, so there was no choice. "By the way, I think
someone is coming downstairs ...?" However, the efforts of Jeong Tae-eui, who immediately killed the sound of
footsteps and quietly walked towards the first basement floor, were not worth it, but the foreigner who
had mixed in seemed to be looking up and muttering . Oh, I'd
rather turn around and go back to the first floor . "It's kind of fate that we ran into each other like this before we even
started training on the stair landing that not everyone goes to, but the person above him also came down for a
while and said aloud ...?" If you go down just two more stairs, you will reach the door on the 1st basement floor , and Jung Tae-eu

I listened to the voice that came up with a smile and questioned it very seriously. I can understand it just by
that voice. The guy
knew. He must have known that it was Jeong Tae-eui who was frozen right here . Where does that guy's ghostly feeling come
from? "Seeing as you've been listening quietly since a while ago, you seem to be able to understand what I'm
saying." Shit. That was it. Well, he must have already known that a human being was hovering over his head. Jeong Tae-eui
hesitated as he glared at the door on the first basement floor in front of him, then sighed and moved on. I passed the front
door and trudged down toward the floor below . Eventually , I turned once and then again , and the people I was talking
with below came into view. Yeah, I thought it was those faces. On the
landing half a floor below,
three faces were looking up at Jeong Tae-eui. One with a blank face, the other with a curious eyebrow.
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With a raised face, Hana had a smile on her flat face. "......It's been a while."
Everyone, he omitted
the afterword. A subtle silence flowed
as Jeong Tae-eui went down one step, two steps, and the rest of the stairs. The first person to break the silence was Chang-oh Yoon. He opens
his mouth exclamatingly , saying "Hey!" with a light that he is glad to see his round and round
impression as before. "It's eventful. You seem to have
gained some weight in a while , did you get married ?" "Uh. Last year. Haha, back then, you were mentioned for a while when friends
gathered . You were in the news, a few years ago." "......"
Yes, I remembered. Yoon Chang-oh. Is this guy ignorant or prejudiced? If I misunderstood even the slightest bit, I
throw away a very
sensitive topic with a calm and peaceful face and laugh carefreely. "Huh, throwing a bomb in someone else's country is good news."
And then a voice opened his mouth and snorted. It was a very valid
word, but it never sounded nice as the speaker was the speaker , and Jeong Tae-eui raised his chin and looked at the guy who was glaring at him
with a kind look. The guy was still the same. Kim Jeong-pil, from the moment he entered the military academy to the moment he was discharged, had
an endless bad relationship. The last remaining memory, So-wi
Kim. Now I feel bad about being captain. Jeong Tae-eui clicked his tongue. Seeing that, Kim Jeong-pil's eyes grow fiercer. "You
became famous,
Lieutenant Jeong? Ah, you 're not a second lieutenant anymore, you're just a normal
person. No, you're not just a normal person. You've become a body that's been on the international wanted list . It wouldn't have been easy to
do that , but it's amazing,
Jeong Tae-eui?" "Then it wasn't easy, was it? You're just a captain, but it 's only a captain . Who said he couldn't even wear two or
three diamonds? He didn't have the ability!" Jeong Tae-eui only snorted at Kim Jeong-pil, who was getting angry.

He counted his fingers inwardly and thought that he still lacked years of experience to meet the requirements for promotion,
but he did not retract his sarcastic expression. Then, with that expression on his face, he made eye contact with the man who
was just watching with his arms crossed behind
"......." "......."
The man, who was looking at him with a very interesting look, gestured leisurely as if to continue, and seeing that gesture, Jeong Tae-
eui lost his heart to continue. With a bitter face, he only quenches his
appetite. There's no way the faces we've met in a few days have changed, but why did this guy look exceptionally
sane. Maybe because of his mood, he even
looks happy. ......Ah.Yes.
'Entertainment' This man said that entertainment was what he was going to do here. I will also have
fun. Following Jeong Tae-eui's gaze, whose expression suddenly became depressed, Kim Jeong-pil looked at the man for a
moment with puzzled eyes, but soon returned his stern gaze to Jeong Tae-eui. And he makes a sarcastic face no less than Jung-tae's.
"You threw a bomb in the capital of another country ? Anyway, you ordered all the disgrace of the country , huh? This criminal
bastard, I hear you say you work with foreigners here, aren't you
ashamed to see them?" When you say a foreigner, do you mean the foreigner next to you ? There was no doubt that the corners
of his lips, which were slightly weeping, were smiling. And at this moment, Jeong Tae-eui was sure that he would at least be
able to understand the contents of this series of conversations, although he did not know how good the man's Korean listening
skills were. Jeong Tae-eui, who has no shame in looking up to the sky, is overwhelmed with resentment and
is at a loss for words. The guy who threw the bomb is just watching over there without a hint of guilt .
Do I have to be beaten by that unlucky race? No matter how he interpreted Jeong Tae-eui's reaction, who
couldn't answer , Kim Jeong-pil—even more exasperated
—made a slightly elated face. "Hmph, I guess I have nothing to say. I didn't hear the news, and after that, there were no people
who said I'd seen it, so I thought
I'd shut myself away and die .
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But how did you manage to get a pardon ,

huh?" "...... How did you know I was
pardoned? That wouldn't have been on the news , but did you search every day ?" This time , Kim Jeong-pil
kept his mouth shut. He stared at Jeong Tae-eui with stark eyes in an instant to see if there was a
corner to
be stabbed. Then he shouted ferociously . I was embarrassed to have this, so I looked for it. A guy who doesn't
just stop being a homosexual and even terrorizes him, he went further and
said he was embarrassed and looked for what he would do ! There is no plan to return, so just live there as you
like ! You will never see me again, so don't hit my name on the keyboard with your fingers ! " Chang-
oh Yoon muttered carefreely, and both Kim Jeong-pil
and Jeong Tae-eui glared at him at the same time . Chang-oh Yoon looked at him with a casual face , huh? Why
are you looking at me? He raised his chin and sneered.

"Looks like you're going to live

abroad. It's
really fortunate. Well, since there are more fagots abroad, it's a perfect environment to play
promiscuously. Where would you
like to come in ? did you make it?" yes, made it Are you
dissatisfied ? That man, whose arms were folded and his fingers tapping his forearm, looked quite pleasant, and when his
eyes met Jung Tae-eui, who glanced at him, he rolled his eyes and said , "Don't worry about me and continue." How far
does that bastard understand what he is saying ?! He looks like a snobby guy !
While swearing inwardly at an idiot--if you think about it, he wasn't very squeamish--to Jeong Tae-eui, who
keeps his mouth open and can't answer, Kim Jeong- pil hurls vicious words one after another . was “Why are you
suddenly silent? You didn’t do that
with just one or two guys, so you don’t even know which of them is your lover? Damn. If that was the case, then I wouldn't
have any regrets about my youth. Thinking back on his twenties, he felt remorse for some reason, and Jeong Tae-eui, who
had been lowering his head for a while, raised his gaze. If
you think about it, the culprit is Kim So-
wi. If this guy didn't do all that shit , he wouldn't have been discharged, if he hadn't been discharged, he would n't have
left Korea . I don't do it , but I sometimes thought that it was a pretty good life , but that does n't mean that my anger toward
this guy disappears . "...? What does it matter, you bastard?" Kim Jung-pil, who had a puzzled face at the sudden
question, frowned. The clenched fist had no rings on any of his fingers. Jeong Tae- eui
raised one of his lips. "You
haven't fixed premature ejaculation yet. No, it was impossible. Isn't there a woman who wants to marry you ?"

this kid
Kim Jeong-pil raised his eyes and rushed at me, pulling his fist. Jeong Tae-eui also clenched his fists, preparing to strike
back. But at that time, Yoon Chang-oh, who was just watching calmly, quickly hugged Kim Jeong-pil from behind as if
he knew this would happen, and in the meantime, Jeong Tae-ui, not missing the
slaps Kim Jeong-pil in the face.
"Ouch! You bastard. Hey, Chang-oh, let go of this! Don't let go soon?!" "Yayaya, what if I hit you right now,
in a situation like this , you should stop as well!" Jeong Tae-eui, an opportunist who has lived a
life far from the virtue of
being fair, fair and fair, wanted to go back to Yoon Chang-oh and beat him one more time, but he didn't get the
chance . Just in time, the pager at my waist started ringing. The mechanical sound that beeped nervously continued twice , three
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I took it off and looked at the pager. The number 16 was flashing and being stamped. Room 6 on the first basement floor. Where
was this... But I didn't have to think long.

It was the room number assigned to Jeong Tae-eui. Jung Tae -eui blinked as he unknowingly shook the key with the same
number in his pocket . Alas, Instructor. Jeong Tae-
eui frowned
and clicked his tongue. Come to think of
it, Jeong Tae-eui was called to the office and was on his way to the 1st basement floor to greet the instructor in charge. And
enough time had passed for ten more round trips from the office to the first basement floor. I could see Kyoho holding an axe and tapping
a pager . "Eh... I don't know." Jung Tae-eui hurriedly put the
pager in his pocket and turned around. "Where does this bastard run away. Can't he stand there ?!"
Kim Jung-pil
ran a long way from behind, but he must have given me a shot. There was no reason to wait any longer. “You will run into each other for
15 days, but running away will freeze to death. During training, don’t let your weak body get in the way of training .”
"You're just going to take this
bastard !" Jeong Tae-eui started to go up the stairs again, ignoring Kim Jeong-pil, who was turning his eyes
while writing evil . Just as they stepped onto the stairs , they met eyes with the man behind them for the last time just
before they turned around. At Jeong Tae-eui, who unconsciously frowned on his lips reflexively, he narrowly
narrowed his eyes. See you later. The dark eyes were smiling happily.

Ronald Hogan was a man with an ordinary appearance that could be seen anywhere. Brown hair, blue eyes, medium height,
and average build. I was able to understand the reason immediately , and only the affiliation and position were barely covered by
the military, but in reality, he said that he was doing administrative work that was far from the field. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ronald
Hogan." Saying that , the man stood up
and held out his right hand to
Jeong Tae-eui, covering his laptop, which seemed to be in the middle of checking his e-mail. Forgive me for being late. Jeong
said, and Jung Tae-eui
held his hand. Feeling a gaze that was neither good nor bad, it was carefully going through him from head to toe, and Jeong Tae -eui
looked at him with a not too blatant gaze. . Facing the man with a smile on his lips but not his eyes , Jung Tae-eui realized what the
emotion in his gaze was closest to. it's a boundary She wondered what reason she had to be wary of him, but soon smiled bitterly.
She remembered why she had been given this man's rank. Anyone who does something dishonest is bound to be
suspicious of everyone and be wary of them all. They say to protect them, but they will protect them, but protecting people who do
bad things isn't worth it . Seeing him muttering , Jeong Tae-eui lightly helped. "Tae... OK. Feel free to call me either. Ronald or
Hogan." "Yes, Hogan."

Jeong Tae-eui did not think long before choosing a family name. He nodded and seemed to be thinking about something for a while,
then looked up at Jung Tae-eui . "Ah, yes. I'm no longer a UNHRDO researcher." "I heard that you went to the Middle East
last year. It would be nice to have a great person as an older brother." "I don't know about Jeong Jae-eui, who is a great
person, because I have little to do with him , but my older brother, Jeong Jae-ui, is the perfect person." Jeong
Tae-eui lightly
lifted his shoulders. It's a flow that comes
out when talking about my older brother with someone I'm seeing for the first time . And in this flow , like most people do, the man who
carefully looked at Jeong Tae-eui is a genius and a brother of a rare generation, but his brain level is significantly different.
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He seemed to have lost interest in Jeong Tae-eui,

the criminal. "Come to think of it, you're staying in Korea right now." As if she hadn't unpacked her stuff
yet , a Korean weekly magazine in English was protruding from the half-open suitcase standing next to the bed. I
probably read it to pass the time on the plane , but when I saw a politician's face , which I rarely see on
international news, was on the cover of a
weekly magazine , it gave me
a new feeling. Jeong Tae-ui, who knows that living in a foreign country other than his own is sometimes not so
easy, this time he looked at him with a rather sincere smile. But Hogan raised his eyebrows and
shrugged, as if he hadn't really thought
about that . "It seems that your term of office is almost over. You must have been in
Korea for a long time ." "Ah, my
job has a short rotation
period, so I move from place to place every year." Hogan said calmly and glanced down at his laptop. He was
banging on his laptop until Jeong Tae-eui came in, and he looked at the laptop with a
little impatient eyes, perhaps in the middle of his work. Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk too long. It seemed
unlikely that this was a 'friendly foreigner' . “Haha, then you might come to Hong Kong for your next
appointment.” “No, probably not. Basically, I go to
places where US troops are stationed. If I move in Asia, I will probably go to Japan . Hogan, who added the
last word as if he were the representative, smiled a polite smile. Jeong Tae-ui also smiled at him. This
opportunity...... Do you think it's an opportunity to get '
information that only exists
here '? "Okay, then," said Hogan, apparently running out of patience . It looks like he's about to issue a
congratulatory order. “Let’s say hello for the first time …. Please take good care of me for the next
15 days.” "Please take good care of me. You must be tired as you have just arrived, so please
rest well. You will not have enough time to rest for a while from tomorrow." Jeong Tae-eui smiled and showed
signs of turning around. Hogan nodded , "Yes," as if he had suddenly thought of Tae-eui Jeong as he
was about to grab the doorknob and leave, he called out and stopped.

"It's because I came here with the title of instructor. It seems that I was given a rank because I needed
it based on rank , but I'll call you when you need it and ask for help. Hogan smiled in
his generous boss's face. Jung Tae-eui also laughed. So, don't
hang around in the neighborhood normally , that 's what I mean... If I had heard that from someone else
in a different situation, I would have thought it would be generous,
but now I do n't." I will go around and help with all my heart. Because that is my job.” "I don't have
to do that. I'm rather
uncomfortable with someone standing next to me. I can do my own work, so I don't have to worry too much
about it. When I need it, please ask for help." Hogan shook his head and declined again.
And finally, looking straight at Jeong Tae-eui as if driving a nail in, he says, "So, make sure you're
comfortable." Of course, Jeong Tae-eui was not a stubborn and faithful person, and he
wanted to goof around if possible. Work is easy and surprising, but at other times, I just nodded, saying thank
you. But not now. It was her job to make this man with a clear future ahead of him return to his normal body. It
something I liked very much, but it was something I had to do anyway. Jeong Tae-eui responded with
a deep smile that was not
defeated by Hogan. “Thank you for
your words. But I will only accept your request after that. I also have the position of a lieutenant and I have the
responsibility to faithfully fulfill my duties. Originally, the first lieutenant's job is to always follow the instructor,
escort and assist . However, there may be unexpected dangers . Since it is a very isolated island, even snakes
appear occasionally. You will always be near and serving , but please excuse me for a full 15 days even if it is
inconvenient .” You son of a bitch. If you don't, neither you nor I will look good . Well, I'm not too different. Hogan
disapprovingly at Jeong Tae-eui, who was smiling with an iron-clad face, then frowned.
However, he was reluctant to decide that it would only be suspicious if he refused more than that, but he nodded as if h
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The slightly chilled voice issued a congratulatory order this time. "Anyway , there's nothing to help right now , so you
can go. I'll take good care of you for the next 15
days." “Please take good care
of me. As you know, the other side of the living room is my bedroom, so please call me whenever you need it.” After the short
argument was over, Jeong Tae-eui politely bowed his head and turned around . It was plugged in, but he didn't look back. Only
after closing the door behind him did Jeong Tae-eui let out a quiet sigh. This is it . I'm tired of my boss who always asks me
to stay by my side and hand over all miscellaneous tasks, but I'm also tired of my boss who insists on going somewhere else
and doing
other things. In this situation. With that attitude already , it won't be easy to stick around for the next 15 days. Jeong Tae-eui scratched
his head and walked a few steps to his room across the street.

Maybe on the way, Hogan will come out of the room and go somewhere else. He always left his door wide open so that he
could see the
living room. * The smile had vanished from Ronald Hogan's face. Deep in thought, he was staring at the door that Jeong Tae-eui
had just closed with thin eyes. Then, suddenly,
he lowered his eyes and looked at his laptop. Slowly, he opened the laptop again. When he pressed the button, the
screen lit up brightly with the low sound of the hardware starting up. There, the e-mail screen he had been checking until just before
appeared. ÿ......Information has come in that there has been an order to find out about your affairs, find out the circumstances,
and expose them. We have not been able to figure out who that person is yet, but it is assumed that he is
currently in the UNHRDO Asia branch. I will contact you again as soon as it is confirmed, but until then, I need to be careful
my behavior . I hope that this transaction can be completed safely. ÿ pointed out A faint wrinkle appeared
between his eyes. Not good. That
was a bad
sign. Would it be better
to quit this job? If you think about
short-term safety, that would be much better. But this job was expensive. Above all, the opportunity to
enter UNHRDO's branch as an outsider is not very common, so it was unknown whether this would happen again. Besides,
once you start to get suspicious anyway , even if you quit this job, it will be the same that you will
be monitored next time. It might be better to be careful this time, when
the pay is higher than other times, and rest for a while after finishing the work properly. no, that's better
Hogan, who scanned
the e-mail one last time and permanently deleted it, picked up the document that the teacher in the office had handed over to
him, claiming it was information about his degree. It was a document that contained only superficial information
anyway, but read it again . Age,
nationality, history , etc. I heard you
were outside until recently. However, it is not a common thing to come in and take a teaching position. When we asked Kyo-ho
why, he said that he thought it would be a perfect fit for Hogan, who is currently staying in Korea,
because he is a Korean who knows
the work of the lieutenant and has no problems with the language . but......
If it was the rank, it was the perfect position to monitor his every move. It is the perfect position for the unknown watcher to keep an eye
on him with his eyes shining. And an outsider who has settled in that
position. Is there any story more fitting than this? Hogan clicked his
tongue. It's
annoying. Muttering in his mouth, he glared at the wall---- at Jeong Tae-eui who was
on the other side. ÿÿÿ Jeong Tae-eui, who came out of the shower just lightly rinsing off sweat, glanced toward the living room.
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Well, I didn't see Hogan go out even in the middle of the shower. Jeong Tae-eui tapped the door of the glass shower booth with
his knuckles and rubbed his wet
hair with a towel. I laughed because the situation where I had to wash naked in a glass shower booth with the door wide
open and looking outside was somewhat comical. Then, while I was taking a shower , I would be embarrassed to even meet
Hogan's eyes as he came out of that room. It might be taken in the exposure light of taking a shower with the door wide open ... If
that's not Hogan over there, but Sowi Kim----now he's a captain, but his narrow-mindedness makes him think
of giving him the title of captain. If it had been theÿÿÿÿÿ guy, he would have poured out all sorts of swear words at me again,
saying what a faggot and pervert bastard. "...Ah, damn it, I just thought of something unpleasant
again ..." Jeong Tae -eui grumbled, shaking his head , shaking his head. Jeong Tae-eui opened the refrigerator as he recalled the
four letters, "Evening is bad." However, after checking the inside, which contained only a can of water and a can of Coke, I left the
refrigerator door open and was silently soaked in depression. Come to think of it, I think it was the last
beer I drank last night. It would be nice if there was just a sip of draft beer rather than that 350-milliliter can of coke that is
also available in
Africa . As I looked into the empty refrigerator with a gloomy mood , the pager on the table beeped. Jeong
Tae-eui , whose refrigerator was distorted, woke up with a grunt. The number that flickers on the pager is 18. "......" For a
moment, I wondered if this bastard was

swearing at the pager , but soon he regained his senses and thought that he couldn't tell his call number. recalled the origin of
the number. Room 8 on the 1st basement floor . It is the room right
next to this room. And the people staying on the 1st basement floor are outside personnel, excluding instructor
level or higher, teachers, or joint training participants.
"...I didn't see it."
Jung Tae-eui put down the pager and turned away, muttering as if suggesting to himself . Even if there was someone in
room 8 —no, I vaguely guessed that—even more so—I had a not-so-good
feeling. Let's drink Coke as much as we want . We went back to the refrigerator, took out a can of Coke, and while we
were opening the pull top, the
pager rang again. I tried to turn away and I didn't hear. I didn't hear, I cast a spell on myself, but that
bastard's pager
rang insistently every minute. "......Ah, really." Jeong Tae-eui, who put down the cola after drinking and picked up the pager
with a frown , was even more distorted by the list of 18181818... displayed on the screen . The person who took this number
had no intention of doing so, but Tae-eui Jeong was disgusted when he saw that exquisite number, which had another
meaning for someone born and
raised in Korea. Let's call this number 18 from now on . . yeah, that's a very good idea Even if he could understand
some Korean, how could he think of anything more than his room number from that title? Thinking of it as a way to secretly
rejoice in the dark without giving the other person any discomfort, Jeong Tae-eui threw away the constantly ringing pager and picked

When I dialed the room number on my extension line, I heard a voice answering the phone as if I had been waiting
for the
signal to
ring properly. ÿIt's late.
Are you taking a shower? Or maybe my ears just skipped the sound of the pager on their own.” The voice with a
faint smile still sounded
like a ghost. Yeah,
I thought it was this guy. Eli Rigro. Jeong Tae-eui licked his lips bitterly and muttered , " Both." Then I raise my
eyebrows and say. "I'd rather call you. Why do you keep calling me ,
number 18?" "No. 18?" " That's your room number . That's how it was
printed on the pager." ÿAh, I guess. Okay, have you finished saying hello to Hogan ?
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If you're not in the room, it's useless to call.” I

didn't notice. don't
notice Jeong Tae-
eui smiled darkly. In the first
place, I erased the thought that I was pathetic for myself who was happy by myself while swearing that the other person couldn't
understand. If
it had been to the point where I felt ashamed of each and every one of those things, I wouldn't have been able to live with this guy until now. There
should be at least this little pleasure. While masturbating, Jeong Tae-eui
said, "But why?" “Ah, but we met again after a few days , so shouldn’t we say goodbye ? As a present for you, I’ll get you some really good dark be
I brought it.”
“…… I don’t need
it.” It took a lot of effort and pain to say it. Black malt. Even if Illay brought it on purpose, it must have been really
delicious . I was thirsty for no reason, so I picked up a glass of water. Damn. Why doesn't the water taste like anything?
ÿReally? Too bad. I bought different types
of stout.ÿ "...-."

The muttered voice, like an arrow , pierced the heart like an arrow. My throat is so dry that I can't burn it. damn
it "To get me away from Hogan and do
in between." Jung Tae-eui muttered in a lowered voice as he stared at the closed door of the cage .

“Did you forget the promise ? I said I would catch him only when he attacked the scene to steal

information.” “...”
I remembered. Illay was going to catch Hogan at the scene where he was doing something and beat him, and at this point,
when he had just arrived and hadn't even properly grasped the inside yet, there was no way for Hogan to act hastily .
I will. However, unexpected things happened at any time, and there was no law that it wasn't today. Besides, even
if you had to leave Illagan, leaving the instructor behind as a lieutenant was not a good thing.

......but it's past office hours now. (pages 120-125 missing) "I don't
think it was. ......No ,
well. It's a bit ambiguous."
Illai rubbed his chin and seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. Jeong Tae-eui lightly shook the can, looking at him with
a slightly curious look at him, who rarely responded vaguely unless he deliberately responded. There is the sound of half
a glass of beer slithering. "I thought it was
interesting. I'm not the type to be interested in people, but I also thought that this guy is somehow like
a person who will remain in my memory for a long time ." Jung Tae-eui smiled at Illay, who muttered while searching
for memories from a
long time ago . “Then I knew when it would be like this.” "...... When I couldn't kill you ." After seeming to
think for a moment, Jeong Tae-eui groaned at the answer, and wiped his mouth where a few drops of beer had
spilled with his fist. It is said that he tried to kill me, but I don't know when it was......,......I don't know
because there are too many to guess . he murmured. Illai, who seemed to be silent for a moment,
turned her arrow
here. “You knew when it would be like this.” "Me? Eh. When was it..." Jeong Tae-ui shrugged his shoulders a little
and pretended to think. But I knew it without even thinking about it. In the past, he
had already
thought about
when he started to fall into the
bog in earnest. It was in
Seringe. I thought then. I said I had to 'go back' to this man . "......I'm sure it's not here ." However, when he tried to say it
in front of him, he was shy and blurted it out . Illay looked at Jeong Tae-eui, but luckily, he didn't seem to have any further ques
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It is structured like a
room. It was a room where I was alone without sharing space with my supervisor. “Come to think of it,
who is
"doesn't exist." "No. Why not?"
"Because I didn't come as an

instructor. I came as a general training person.

I." “……Then
you will also participate in the training?” why not Ilya shrugged lightly. Jeong Tae-eui stares at him intently without blinking his
open eyes. ----As an instructor level, who the hell is this crazy guy who decided to let a dangerous guy participate in training even if he
is one step away from actual training !... I thought I knew it somehow. "Your uncle said it would be nice to come as an
instructor, but it's probably because normal people will be able
to move more freely." "...Uh...But why is the room on this floor?" "They say it's a courtesy to
someone who held the rank of instructor in the past."

I haven't done much, but I'm grateful. Tae-

eui Jung murmured to Ilay, who smiled modestly , saying yes . It would not be enough to file a claim for damages against this man,
who would have contributed to a large increase in insurance premiums related to the personal safety of the branch staff . The branch is
very kind- hearted . “Hmm? Ah—it’s okay. I noticed that he didn’t like
me very
much.” Jeong Tae-eui said what he felt. Well, I didn't come here to do a good job, so who am I to be
envious of? Illai gazed at Jeong Tae-eui and raised his mouth at an angle. "I'm sure he knows my situation. He has more enemies than
allies, so he'll have to pay attention to everything . Well, since
he has so many enemies, he's probably going to hire me to put him down ." Large. A person who even touches dangerous things . To
live a peaceful life, you must first have no enemies.” Jeong Tae-ui then suddenly shuts his mouth and stares at Ilay. As for having
a lot of enemies, it would be sad if this man was second in
number ... But this man doesn't know the danger and lives well . "The world isn't that fair..." Ilray narrowed his eyes as if he could
clearly see what Jeong Tae-eui was thinking while sighing heavily. "Yeah, come to think of it, it looks like you have
enemies too. Enemies. You seemed close to enmity."
"Huh?......Ah." Jeong Tae-eui soon
realized who he was talking about and frowned . "No. Yes, I 've rarely seen him like that, so it was fresh. Is that man 'Second
Officer Kim'?" Next to Jeong Tae-eui, who muttered sullenly, Illay
laughed lowly . “What’s so
interesting about
it. I was excited to watch it before.” "Ah, it was fun. It's not often that I see you setting a blood cord around your neck while showing your
hostility overtly. Why, didn't you like that I just watched you? Did you want me to step in and help you?"
" Don't joke." Jeong Tae-eui cut it off at once. I didn't like it too much to see him circling around and watching , but he
was even less reluctant
to intervene in order to help in the
fight. no i never hated it. In the first place, it was not a matter of interfering with someone who had nothing to do with it, and it
was not even a matter of interfering with this man who confused the meaning of fighting and slaughter. No matter
detestable Sergeant Kim was, I had
no desire to see him die a hideous death. Even if I kill him, I will kill him. "You never interfere . That will make you really angry." Illay smiled
lightly, as if he already knew that Jung Tae-eui would
reject him without thinking twice, and said, "What's good?"
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“Since we met, fight to your heart’s content . It was very fun.” "...... I told you not to interfere , but have you ever heard of
fanning a fire ...?" Jung Tae-eui opened her eyes in a triangular shape and muttered, Illay laughed quietly.

Suddenly, he reached out his hand and thought he was touching Jeong Tae-eui's ear, then lightly
grabbed it and pulled it. Jeong Tae-eui, who leaned in, was dragged along by the strong white hand . He bit
his lip . After biting Jeong Tae-eui's lower lip hard enough to prevent blood from coming out , Illay
tapped his closed lips with his tongue. Jeong Tae-eui obediently opens his mouth while grumbling, “It hurts.” It's
only been a few days . I think it's been about 10 days. Whether it's in one day or ten days, it's no different that I always feel
a sense of danger as if I'm being eaten, but perhaps because I'm a human who can't tell where I'm going, when I meet him
after a while, I really feel that he's there after meeting him. did. Maybe this man sometimes thinks the same. Sometimes, I
wouldn't let it go as if it would eat people's mouths, but
it was only before I ran out of breath that I would mumble, 'I'm done checking' and fall. After thinking about that,
Tae-eui Jeong laughs. Even at
a close
distance where the tongue
was intertwined, I could feel Illai raising his eyebrows as if wondering. "Ah, that's right. Don't show off in front of him ." Elijah,
who was licking Jeong Tae -eui's moist
lips, tilted his head , saying
"Hmm ? " lost. Jeong Tae-eui met the gaze that gently fell from above. "Why. Is it embarrassing to have a foreign
homo lover?" "... How much Korean can you understand ? Speak properly !" His black eyes narrowed slightly
without answering. Jeong Tae-eui clicked his tongue as he stared straight into his eyes as if he was saying , “Why do I tell you
that, how many interesting things
are there?” "That bastard is homophobic . You heard it before. Adding 'homo bastard' at the end of every

sentence." "Aha, so you want to hide it ?" "That 's not it! You 'll hear that too!" Just thinking about it made Jung Tae-eui frown in
displeasure. It was up to him to take care of himself if he openly stepped out in front of a human weapon and turned into a
blood clot or a bowl of jelly, but I didn't want to see Illay simply verbally
insulting that unlucky guy by calling him a faggot. Illay, who was looking down at Jeong Tae-ui, who was frowning, raised his hand
and pressed Jeong
Tae-ui's wrinkled
forehead to straighten it. "I don't care." yeah you don't care You must have heard harsher sounds a hundred times , and each
time you broke your neck without even lifting an eye,
would you pay attention to such words all over again? "I hate it." Hmmm, Illei muttered a short, incomprehensible sound. He
was looking down at Jeong Tae-eui, and at one point, he smiled faintly . For some reason, he smiled even at the
corners of his eyes as if his mood had improved. "Okay, Taei. I 'll
do that. If you say so, there's nothing I won't listen to ... But." The hand that was rubbing Jeong Tae-eui's
forehead slowed down. The hand that
was stroking slowly and gently as if caressing left the forehead and went down to the cheek and neck... Uh. Now, somehow, I have a n

Looking down suspiciously at the white hand stroking his shoulder from the neck, before he could raise his head, Illai lowered his
head beside him . Illai's lips approached Jung Tae-ui's ear, who gave a short moan involuntarily
as he bit the nape of his neck and left teeth marks. "Only in front of
him. I have no intention of celibate as long as I'm here ... Look. Even now." After sweeping Jeong Tae-eui's
arm and holding his hand gently, Illay led the hand to her groin. Fumbling with his hand for a bump that
could be clearly seen even through his pants—the hand became Jeong Tae’s hand, but it was Illay who was
groping—Jung Tae Ui glared at the beer can he was holding in his other hand . I’m an
idiot. Selling my personal comfort for a beer. It was nothing new that this man's lower body was equal to that of a
beast, as it was in the past and now, but the time and place were always important. And now , as of now, there is no problem with the p
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There's a serious problem at one point . "Training starts tomorrow ,

Eli." "Okay. Let's have fun together for 15 days." You're playing, but I'm not! Jeong
Tae-eui gently squeezed the large bump that was still in his hand. If he grabbed it like
this--...... I'm sure it would be me to see him in pain . "My older sister says, Ilay Riglow. Your stuff, it's not small."
"Thank you for the compliment." No praise, you son of a bitch!!
Jeong Tae-eui wanted to
pull on this guy's stuff, but he managed to restrain himself and catch his breath . "Yeah, so I'm giving it to you only.
Keep everything for you ." Jeong Tae-eui thought. If this guy made up
his mind to do so, he would surely be able to make himself out of breath
with just his tongue. I can't. It seemed better to appeal to emotion rather than persuasion. "'s
daunting ... no matter how much I say it, after sleeping properly with you, the next day's daily life will be nothing. Do you
really want to see me go through training ?" ....You throw me anguish. Jeong Tae-i." Illai, who was looking down at Jeong
Tae- eui,
with a sigh. It didn't seem like he was in much anguish, judging from the fact that he put down the fastener and pushed
Jung Tae-ui's hand into it, perhaps because he felt sorry for the way he rubbed his pants. In Jeong Tae-eui's ear, Illay
whispered, "You have to take responsibility , Taei." "What responsibility." “You say that unless my
stuff goes
inside your body , ejaculation won’t satisfy you. The low whispering voice as he licked his ear lobe was
dangerous. "What-" "Even if I masturbate while listening to your voice
while I'm out at work for a long time sometimes. Even if I loosen it four or five times and manage to hold my breath ,
it's not refreshing at all. Yeah, to put it in a way that's easy for you to understand, I'll sweat a lot and come out of the
shower and come out with a cold beer. Instead, if you say it feels
like drinking lukewarm water, you
know.” Ugh, that would be really lukewarm. It was a metaphor that made sense at once.

But despite this, what I couldn't readily understand was, "But why is it my responsibility!"
“You made me look like this. Who said that, every time I tightened it to death ? !!" Jeong Tae-eui tried to scream
out loud, but his mouth opened as he choked on breath. If I did it just a
little longer, I would really run out of breath. Looking down at Jeong Tae-eui, whose mouth was muttering
with a reddish-purple face , Illay raised his lips. This kid must have known this reaction would come out.
Somehow, it seemed that humans were getting more and more grumpy as the days passed. "I don't think it's
all your fault , but it 's not a lie that you made me this way." no. I have never
contributed one speck of dust to
twisted personality formation process, no matter what your body does. Jeong Tae-eui sighed fiercely at Eli,
smiled and kissed him, then sighed deeply. Come to think of it, he had rarely gotten what he wanted
completely without any reciprocation. Especially in matters of this kind. "......Let's
compromise. How are you doing ?
Until the end of training ." As Jeong Tae-eui muttered, sliding her finger between her and his lips, Illay,
who had been there for a while, seemed a little dissatisfied, and opened her mouth. "It's a mouth... it doesn't
tighten as hotly as between your legs , but it's warm enough there, so it feels good to put it in there."
"No, I'm not asking for an evaluation ......"
Jung Tae-eui, who was somewhat saddened by the unwelcome compliment, murmured, and Illai
smiled. Then, lightly kiss the fingertips between the mouths . "Okay. UNHRDO's training won't be so easy , so
I 'll make a concession. Let's try to

compromise." "Uh. Really

—" "However, every morning and evening. Until I am satisfied."
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"And don't spit it out, swallow it all . I'll watch if you spill a drop or two."
"hey!!" Jeong Tae-eui screamed involuntarily. "Even if it's the first condition, what 's the reason to drink it !" I've
been living with this guy for several years. It would be enough for one drum of what he had drunk so far , and
what he drank from Jeong Tae-eui, who was not very one-sided, would be no less. However, depending
on the mood at that time, you can spit it out or swallow it. “I want to pour all my semen inside of
you . Although it’s better to pour it down
below .” “...ÿ.” Tae - eui Jeong was speechless when he saw Ilay talking casually with a nonchalant
face. Was that why you did n't use condoms ...? Even when I solve it by myself , there are times when I
wonder if I should collect all of this and bring it home to drink.” "...Hey , you pervert..."

All he could do was mutter curses in a low-spirited voice. However, Illay smiled lowly even after hearing the swear
words. Seeing that he doesn't say anything wrong, he seems to know it himself . "It's all because of you ." "It's all my fault,
yes..." "No, it's not like that . I'm clearly aware that it's my fault that you
made your body like this. It's
entirely because of me that
you've become like this." Jung Tae-eui was speechless as he smiled calmly, but not in a joking tone. But if you think about
it, it makes sense otherwise. The responsibility of this man was very heavy for Jeong Tae-eui to become
like this. If it wasn't for this man , your body wouldn't have gotten used to the ridiculously large object you can't even hold
with one hand right now, and you wouldn't have known where your erogenous zone was , There shouldn't have been anything
good about it. Then it wouldn't be too strange if the opposite happened. Jeong Tae-eui let out a deep sigh. shit.
"Okay. Got it, number 18." Jung Tae-eui murmured like a sigh, and Illay smiled with thin eyes. Why are you

he asked, and he
shook his head, saying it was nothing. “Then, let’s do our share for dinner tonight.
—Come on, Taei.” Illai pulled out his penis through the gaping fastener. The object Jeong Tae-
eui was
holding in his hand a moment ago had become thicker and raised his head. Jung Tae-eui emptied the beer can he was
holding in one hand while looking at the
object with slightly tired eyes . Gulp, after taking the last sip, he put down the can and knelt down on the floor .
a taste as familiar as beer filled my mouth and began to pour in. 4. "Today's training ends
with this. Everyone worked hard." The moment the instructor's words
fell, light and heavy sighs flowed out from here and there at the same time . When I wiped my forehead with my
forearm, sweat was dripping from it. Even so, do not forget to check the time. exactly five
o'clock. Now, the instructors will go back to the office
and report on what happened that day and have light discussions with each other , and then the

instructors will finish their work for the day. It was around 5:30 at that time . I still had about 30 minutes to spare. In
the afternoon training, the lieutenant also participates. Jeong Tae-eui also followed Hogan in the morning to guard the guard,
and participated in training in the afternoon . Above all, during the afternoon training, the
instructors also work as a team, so there is no need for Jung Tae-eui to keep an eye on Hogan separately , but after 30
minutes, it is the instructor's own time. It's a lieutenant's job, but it's time to do it. "Once you've filled your stomach a little,
take a light shower and go..., it won't work ." I didn't want to.
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For now, let's put up with the feeling of discomfort in our body , calm ourselves down from hunger, and
go back to our room at night to wash up .ÿÿÿ."Come on, get up." "Kuk......, thank you for helping me,
but I'll catch someone." A dry cough erupted from
the throat as the neck collar was pulled back. Jeong Tae-eui rubbed his neck and kept pace with Ching.
“The training here still catches people. "It's embarrassing to say something like that from the first day.
Knowing that it's gradually getting stronger . I'll have to endure it lightly today." Even as she said that, Ching
showed a tired expression on her face . Perhaps she was more hungry for rest than food, she muttered, “I need
to go to the office and close my eyes .” Personnel were pouring in. In the meantime, Jeong Tae-eui found Alta's
familiar face and lightly raised his hand to greet
him. Alta also raised his hand and came back energetically, even though his body was drenched in sweat .
Were you in the same group as Tae?" "Yeah, what about that
one?" "as you see." I
could see Carlo coming out
through the
door Alta
came out of. He also looks this way and lightly raises his hand and pretends to know. "Ching went to the
man's room and looked forward to stretching. Carlo and I are going to go to the
restaurant after washing up. Taey, would you like
to come with us?" “No, I have to eat first and go to Instructor Hogan.” When Jeong Tae - eui tapped
his watch , Alta nodded , saying " Aha . " Go under a workaholic worker like a dropout instructor .
Die. Die." The guy who shares the same room with me is the rank of the eldest son , he fell asleep after
midnight and woke up
sunrise and suffered from the elopement , Alta deliberately shook his shoulders . . "How's that Hogan guy ?"
"Uh. It's normal." Jeong Tae-eui did not think long before answering. Ronald Hogan, who came as an
instructor, was in charge of a task that

be more appropriately called training
rather than training. Still, the amount of work was not significantly different from that of other
instructors , so it was not difficult to compare her work ability with others. And his work ability was mediocre.
competent nor incompetent , just
average. "It's not bad as a direct superior . There's no needlessly twisted places ... I 've only just finished the
first day, so how do you know that?" "If you put it that way, if you
put it all together, you'll only be together for fifteen days, but you'll have to find out in that time to
know how much." In reply to Qing, Jeong Tae-eui smiled and said, “Yes, it is.” It would be nice if the
rest of the period would pass like today. “I hope it goes without a
hitch.” "It can't
be." Scary as Jeong Tae-eui murmured , Carlo approached right behind his back asking when he had arrived there.

said rudely.
"What can't be
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Why are you making such an

ominous prophecy ?” “What I am saying is not a simple guess, but a prediction that has a basis . ”
Carlo shook his head. When Jung Tae- eui looked at him curiously, he let out a deep sigh. " Is it
because of you ?" If I had come as an instructor, I wouldn't have run into Dalian

opponents during training, but I'm asking why I came as a general training person , that crazy guy ...!" No
need to explain who that ' crazy guy' was, while everyone thought of the same person, Jeong Tae - eui
bitterly smacked his lips . !But you never know when you'll run
into them . No, you 're bound to
run into them at least once during training. ” " Among the training programs designed to inevitably

encounter other groups at least once

during the entire period, everyone had to face each other at least once. Like it or not. Jeong Tae-eui
his head. That
'crazy guy' rumored throughout the base. Where is he supposed to be by now ? Did he encounter an unlucky
Joe today and gave him an unlucky day ? It was unlucky .” Ching wrapped up Jeong Tae-eui, probably
trying to protect
him from Carlo . .......Thank
you , but somehow I wasn’t happy . I have to deal with it. Listening to the opinions of people around
me with a complicated mind, Tae-eui Jeong made an excuse saying, "No, not
really..." , but no one pretended to listen . Submerged in a subtle mood, Jeong Tae-eui licked his lips. "But
why...... I haven't heard any rumors that this time there was a guy who ran to kill him with a 50 caliber
revolver like before ." "It's only been the first day. There are still a dozen days left." Next to Carlo, who
said negatively , "It's still unknown ," Da-Ching looked at Jeong Tae-eui as if he felt sorry for him and
clicked his tongue. “Well, it wasn’t even the time when the European branch killed people every time they had
enemies in
joint training, and since it’s already been several years, there aren’t many people with direct grudges left .
Actually, among the guys who came in in the past two or three years, there are quite a few
people who don't know him ." People who know him don't even want to talk about it. said Ching. That's
right, a proper noun that accurately indicates who 'him' was in the conversation
from earlier hadn't come out.

I can understand the feeling that I don't want to put it in my mouth.

"Still, there are people who hold grudges. You have to be careful during outdoor night marches . Even
if there is no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation, there will be people who think what will
happen to at least one leg club in an ambush . " I know several people ... I wish you luck ." Jeong Tae-
eui muttered, recalling the past when he had broken his limbs while
aiming for his leg club. It's a better situation than before , but it 's still the same. Well, there are not
only one or two resentment scattered here and there , but it was no wonder that
were people who ran to slit his throat wherever he went. "......" It's self-inflicted , but I think that almost nine
out of nine
times the proportion of his mistakes is much bigger, but it still doesn't taste good. I couldn't criticize the
opponent, but Jeong Tae-eui was going to raise his hand in the end.
"what?" "There might be some who are after you to catch him, so you'd better be
careful ." But if that were the case, I thought Tae-i would be more dangerous than the person who
actually bore the grudge, listening to Alta casually muttering , "What? Me?" "It's
unfair!! That's a ridiculously unfair treatment!!" Soon after, Jeong Tae-ui, who came to his senses,
appealed for relief, but no one listened to his desperate cry.
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Only the voice of a carefree sneer , who asked if someone had lined up wrong , returned heartlessly. * The
restaurant was overflowing with people.
Well , it was only right after the closing time of work. There was nothing strange about the fact that the members, exhausted and
hungry from the hard training, each flocked to find something
to eat. There was not enough space or time to settle down and eat properly . Tae-eui Jeong looked down at the clock, which
was still free, and took two loaves of bread and a carton of milk and left the restaurant.
It's hard to find a place to sit in the restaurant, so I thought it would be better to look for a chair in the aisle or on the stairs.

"Uh ... Taeui?"

A faint voice called out from behind. Jeong Tae-eui, who had been looking around for a suitable place to sit, looked
back and found Yoon Chang-oh looking at him at the end of his gaze. Sitting alone in a chair next to the
central staircase, he raises his hand with a friendly face when he confirms that Jeong Tae-eui is right. In his hand was a piece
of bread
like the one Jeong Tae-eui was holding. "Why are you eating bread here ?" Putting aside the fact that Jeong-tae himself
was holding the same bread, he smiled tiredly as he sat down next to Yoon Chang-oh. "I'm tired, so I don't eat much , so I'm just
trying to calm myself down." "What should I do if a guy with only one captain in the Republic of Korea Army says he's this
tired ? So can he protect me?" “ How is it? There are no subordinates here.” In
front of his subordinates, as if he had eaten
a delectable feast even though he hadn't even gotten blood porridge, Captain Yoon, who should be commanded by the commanding
officer, smiled and bit off a piece of bread.

Jeong Tae-eui laughed and bit off the bread next to him.

"Even so , eat diligently. You still have to endure two more weeks." "That's you."
"Ah, I still have work to do. I have to eat quickly and go back ." Jeong Tae-eui habitually looked at his watch, knowing that
he was still fine. You're busy, Jeong Tae-eui, muttered Yoon Chang-oh as he munched on bread. "Did your training go well
It was hard. I feel like I came after hitting the parade ground." Yoon Chang-oh let out a long
sigh. Hearing the words after a long time, Jeong Tae-eui laughs again. I had known Chang-oh Yoon quite close since my
cadet days, but I wasn't very close. Even so, somehow I didn't feel awkward or that it had been a while. Maybe it's because I'm
older too. “How are your classmates ? How are you all doing?” "Uh. There are a lot of people
have almost lost contact among those who have been discharged, but they are doing well ." "Are there a lot of people
who have been discharged ?" "Hmm. Those who thought it wasn't this way quit before they got older and started looking for
other ways. The older you get, the harder it is to find another job." I don't know if I retire after wearing a star. Tae-eui
Jeong nodded instead of answering Yoon Chang-oh's muttering words. It's unlikely that the social structure will change in a few
years , but that seems to be the same.
"Are you okay with military life ?" I don't know what he looks like now, but when I asked Yoon Chang-oh, who remembers that he
had a calm personality that didn't seem to fit into a class society when he was in the military
academy, he lightly raised his shoulders. "Well, I don't have the skills to do something else after quitting . You
can't starve after getting married." That's what he said , but he didn't say that he was forced to serve in the military
even though
he didn't like it. It seemed that he was doing well. Jeong Tae-eui thought it was fortunate and leaned his head against the wall.
"Yes, I don't know if I starve
alone , but I shouldn't starve my wife
too ........Marriage......" It's not like that in Jeong Tae-eui's life. Yoon Chang-oh seemed to have had similar thoughts and awkwardly
kept his mouth shut. Even if he didn't have the mentality of Kim Jung-pil, who would say 'faggot' whenever he met his face ,
Yoon Chang-oh, as an extremely ordinary person living in a normal
society with a general mindset, would have had a basic sense of rejection. Jeong Tae-eui looked at the ceiling and
mumbled bread in
then looked back at
Yoon Chang-oh. Then, he smiled. "good?" "Huh? Uh..., good." Yoon Chang-oh, who seemed a little flustered and blurted out for a while, replied with a sh
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It's hard, but there are some difficult things . Once my life is completely not mine. I had to
give up what I liked , I had to force what I didn't like , and there were things like that... But, I have to think of it as my responsibility and
accept it, well. Everyone thinks that much before getting married. ." Yoon Chang-oh, who started to gain weight around his
chin or stomach from the image Jeong Tae-ui remembered, but looked better than before. To Jeong Tae-ui, it looked like that. "Chang-
oh, you." "Huh?"

Yoon Chang-oh looked back at Jung Tae-eui, who smiled. "I'll be a good uncle." “... Not a good

husband, not a good father , what is a good uncle ?” Yoon Chang- oh muttered incredulously and lightly tapped Jeong Tae-eui on the back of the head . The
standard is marriage, so I will never become an uncle. exchanging tongue-in-cheek words. Those words faded away quietly at some point.

Yoon Chang-oh, who had been silent for a while, murmured softly. “You… won’t you marry?” "huh."

Hearing the answer that came back soon without thinking for a long time , Chang- oh Yoon smiled bitterly . ...... I went to get something to drink. Seeing
it's late, there must be a lot of people in the restaurant ." "Isn't it spread somewhere ? Come get trampled on." "Haha, Jeongpil isn't that bad either..."
"He's a bad guy to me." Yoon Chang-oh seemed to want to defend his friend, but soon kept his mouth shut, probably knowing that he would
not be eaten by Jeong Tae-eui. turn the subject soon "It's okay if you don't get married ? That......,
uh..., are things going well with the person you're dating right now?" To Yoon Chang-oh, who stuttered and chose his words as if he didn't know what to say ,
even Jung Tae-eui couldn't

answer right away this time. Should I say it's going well , or what should I say ... I don't know where to base my answer.
Depending on the criteria, the answer could be 180 degrees different. "Uh...,...Yeah, it 's going well ." Here, I felt like the explanation would be very difficult
if I said, 'I'm in a

state of threat to my safety these days .' So I picked the most acceptable answer. Yoon Chang- oh nodded, saying, “Oh, I see.”
"What kind of person are you? Are you a good person?" "......uh." This time too, if you replied, 'According
to general opinion, you shouldn't approach within hundreds of kilometers, but personally, I'm a person who can find some good aspects if you wash
your eyes well .' I gave the most straightforward answer. And as the years went by , I reflected on myself for about a second, getting tired of the time of the
world and

lying casually . "I've dated you for a long time. Are you good to me?" "Yeah, it's been years already. Be nice to me too ." This time though, it's not a lie at all.
I've been living with him for several years already. Looking at how he usually treats other people, he was surprisingly kind to himself. ......But maybe it's
better not to talk about this topic for a long time. The
more I talked about it, the more I felt like my heart would hurt. "It's just that, how are you doing normally? More than that..."

"Ah---- fuck it. Why did you sit down while listening to boasting about your gay boyfriend? Yoon Chang-oh.

Your ears get dirty." It was when Jeong Tae-eui opened his mouth to bring up a dead-end topic. The impact came through the chair with a
thump and a dull sound. Tae-eui Jeong, who had stopped moving from the moment he heard the voice saying, “Fuck it,” kicked the chair next to him.
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Only after the kicking had disappeared did I slowly look away. There stood Kim Jeong-pil, holding a juice pack in each hand.
Faced with him glaring at Jeong Tae-eui with an unpleasant light all over his face , he drew a wrinkle between Jeong-tae's
"I was wondering if I didn't see it today, but I'm going to throw away my eyes......" "It's me who
throws away my eyes,
bastard." I wondered why it didn't show up.
Jeong Tae-eui clicked his tongue and furrowed his lips. “You guys fight every time you run into each other. Stop it.
There are a lot of people.” Yoon Chang-oh quickly moved to a seat between them and sat down. People passing by the
glance at each other as if wondering what they were doing. Jeong Tae-eui let out a bitter sigh and stood up. I still had
time to
sit down and rest a
bit more, but I thought I'd better stop. I'm not afraid of shit, so I'm avoiding it. then see you later A loud voice , “Hey !”
flew into the back of Jeong Tae-eui’s head as he left a short greeting, “Chang-oh .” "I know it's embarrassing . It's
something I'm proud of, so I'm bragging about being a homo lover in public ." Even if you try to avoid this shit , it keeps
coming to your feet and lying down......
Soon, he only raised one side
of his mouth and
smirked. "I'm prouder than premature ejaculation." "This bastard...!" Kim Jeong-pil threw down the juice pack as if in a
fit of anger. The pack, which flew in an exact straight line, hit Jeong Tae-
eui on the side of the head and bounced off. The paper pack exploded and the juice scattered everywhere.
"......" Juice dripped from the
ends of Jeong Tae-eui's hair, which
was covered in juice all of a sudden. Shall we turn this upside down here? But there is no time to fight. I don't have
so it's best to just leave now and
plan for the future , but I just couldn't get enough of it. "...----." Jeong Tae-eui took a deep breath. Namu
Amitabol...... Yes. If I say that I am proud of my lover, I am
able to boast about Illei as well. What can I not stand? but. Jeong Tae-eui took another deep breath. To calm down, he
slowly lowered his gaze from the ceiling and looked at
Kim Jeong-pil. A deep smile appeared on his face. Kim Jung-pil strangely raised his eyebrows, as if taken aback by the
laughter that came out of nowhere, and Jeong Tae-eui walked up to Kim Jeong-pil and held his shoulder affectionately with
one hand. And he speaks kindly
in slow, clear English. "Jeong Pil-ah." "...----?! Why is this bastard ..." "It's not my fault that Chango doesn't accept your feelings. Just give up like a

That looks
"What?!" Even so , there were many eyes watching this situation where people were exchanging words in
a threatening atmosphere in front of a crowded restaurant , and one of them even covered the juice. What are
they saying? ,Well, it seemed like they were old enemies , but no, I didn't understand it until halfway through,
but now I see that it's not that, it's a rivalry . So it 's a fight of love? He looked around in
bewilderment , saying “No, that’s not it,” and stuttering out excuses before turning his terrifying glance
at Jeong Tae-eui. “You bastard!! What did you just
say!!” You're married , so you don't have to stop it . Kim Jung-pil, in a fit of anger, grabbed his collar. Only then
did Jeong Tae-eui turn a sarcastic glance at Kim Jeong-pil. Before it was over, Kim Jeong-pil swung his
fist. The blow he got while he was caught was quite bad. At once, the taste of blood smeared as if his mouth
was torn. "Did you hit it...?"
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Jeong Tae-ui, who briefly touched the wound with his tongue, looked at Kim Jeong-pil with his sideways eyes . I
guess I'll
have to step on shit today. hey it's a fight Fight, who fought, Tae and the past enmity, the guards, who seemed
to have no
intention of stopping them, gathered around them. In the meantime, voices such as "Tae-i, don't lose !", "Yaya, don't
call the
instructor , call me for a little more watching" came out mixed with light playfulness.
Among them, only Yun Chang-oh tried to stop them, but that was not enough. While he said , "Taeui, be patient,
Jeong Pil, stop it," the two were already grabbing each other's collar and fighting. "You bastard, you're stuck in
Taereung until you die. Why are you crawling out to another country ? " Punching and swearing came and went, and the
two got tangled together and rolled across the floor . As the result of tossing and turning without a certain
direction, even onlookers who were unable to take
care of themselves while watching were slapped or kicked one or two times , the scuffle escalated more and
more . There was. You homo bastard, you are a homo bastard. Die, this baby, you die today, chew, and the words are
getting better, and the onlookers also moved to a certain area as they flocked to or flocked to the direction of them.
Seeing the
onlookers moving as if they were playing a Mars game, the number of people snooping around saying "What is this, a
fight?" increased one by one. However, the fighting party did not care whether the onlookers increased or not. First
of all,
Jeong Tae-eui had a screw blown off. The same goes for Kim Jeong- pil, who is holding onto his neck with a
stranglehold in front of him . No, I didn't hear any
sound. No matter who is booing or cheering. Then, at some point , a fist came into the right jaw. Even though it
would have been less shocking if I had bitten my body for a moment, my fist came straight through as I held on to the collar with a

A star flashed in front of my

eyes. Behind Jeong Tae-eui, who fell backwards and collapsed , onlookers who were unable to escape and were knocked
down or beaten screamed short , "Ouch! My feet ! ", "Ouch! My shins are broken!" It's a fist fight, a fist fight..."
Kim Jeong-pil breathed heavily and sighed, barely swearing. That's not too good of a thing to say. "----Okay, then try to hit
that cotton bat once more ." Jeong Tae-eui grinded his teeth. I grabbed Kim Jung-pil's collar again, which I had missed
for a while due to the fall, and grabbed my right hand . But then. I thought the onlookers who had gathered behind
me had retreated at an appropriate distance, but I wonder if there were still people there. The feeling of
being pushed hard against the elbow that was swinging back came through. Rather than being touched, being
beaten is
an appropriate blow. "Uh......" Even in a situation where I was so busy fighting that I couldn't even be conscious of
beating the
onlookers trivially, this was a bit big. It was beaten so well that I couldn't recognize it. Jeong Tae-eui, feeling
a little sorry , frowned at the thought that some foolish guy was just staring at it, and then he stood there and got
beaten . The surroundings were so quiet. weird. Until a little while ago , I couldn't hear it well, but it seems that the people
were talking quite
loudly .
But it's not like everyone is missing, so why is it so quiet even though it's crowded like this? no. Now that
I see it, it's not a quiet face, but a frozen face. All of those faces were staring at the person who had been
a moment ago behind Jeong Tae -eui . Jeong Tae-eui, who slowly turned his head creaking like an old robot, found
someone's pit in the
place where his elbow had been stuck a while ago. I was somehow afraid to check his face, which was about a hand
above Jeong Tae-eui. I didn't want to check the reason for
the chilly atmosphere around here, as if cold water had been poured on it. The man who had been hit with an elbow in
the pit of the stomach let out a low cough belatedly. Tae-eui
Jeong, still not raising his head , slowly and slowly took his elbow away from him. It was a horrifyingly familiar cough.
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good at it. Do you even hit people
who don't care ?" Was the chilly atmosphere
around me strange? Even though he was weighed down by that strange atmosphere, Kim Jeong-pil glanced around
while uttering hateful words. Then he turned his gaze to the man Jeong Tae-ui had just met. Oh, and a short sound bursts out.
"You, that desk I saw on the landing the other day ..." Damn it. Jeong
Tae-eui barely swallowed the swear words pushed to the tip of his tongue. A drop of cold sweat forms on your forehead.

I couldn't look away any longer, so I raised my gaze very little. And, Jeong Tae-eui had no choice but to make eye contact with Ilray, who
was looking down at him in silence ."..."
I didn't hit you to hurt you , never intentionally, I didn't mean to hit you.
In front of Jeong Tae-ui, who was fully active , Illay, who rubbed his stomach
once, spoke
quietly. "Be careful. If you don't, you'll
injure others." I
doubted my ears for a moment. However, it seemed that it was not just Jeong Tae-eui. The onlookers who had been
staring at Illai's face while frozen also widened their
eyes, wondering what they had heard. It was a line that really did not suit this man. Besides, above all, the elbow
from a moment ago, although it was a mistake, went into the pit of the stomach correctly. Even so, if it was enough to stroke
it with one
cough, that
man would say , ' Don't worry about it. "......sorry." Illai's eyes briefly descended on Jeong Tae-eui,
who quietly apologized and backed away. Thankfully. There was no sign that he would soon retaliate with
a punch. Kim Jung -pil's dads are so bloody, and this is the most effective
fuck of this
guy. "are you okay?" It was Yoon Chang-
oh who spoke with concern. I guess I don't even know what people are looking at me with , what is that ? Even if you
rush to cut off the head with an axe, even if you throw a cluster to catch that one, how many times will you hear
the words of concern about whether that
monster is okay with the monster itself being fine while only the person trying to kill it dies. Yoon Chang-o, who was
halfway between Jung Tae-eui and Illei, looked at the two in turn with a
slightly flustered expression, pointing to Ilay as if he had
nothing to say and said as if he were introducing him to Jeong Tae-eui. “Taeui, this person is in the same group as us.” "what?!"
Was it you who was the fiercest member of the group ? Blinking his eyes, he muttered , "That's right. Why didn't
I see you today ?" I
gave Illai a glare, apologetic for not
remembering. Eli lightly raised his eyebrows. And , ah, he smiles at first glance. "It could be because I only
attended the practical theory
lecture in the morning and didn't participate in the afternoon training." "Ah, that's right. That's why you
remember—but why didn't you take the training? Can't you just stop taking it like that ?" In
front of Kim Jeong-pil, who jokingly added , " I don't want to take it either, " Illay answered plainly. “I was
lying down in the medical class. I probably won’t be participating in general training on weekdays in the future either .
You liar!! It seemed as if he could hear the angry
roars of the crowd who surrounded and watched them from a distance.

Of course, the voice in Jeong Tae-eui's heart was not missing from that shouting sound. He likes being weak !
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I can't even hear that blatant clamor from all the people present. That stupid Kim Jeong-pil was just nodding his head. "Ah,
actually, the training here is hard for normal people to overcome ... I haven't done
anything too harsh. Kim Jeong-pil smiled
as if he had no doubts that
El-Ray was a desk worker, and added, “ You have to be careful about your health.” Yoon Chang-oh also nodded
at the same time, unknowingly next to him . . "Thank you for understanding me like that. Maybe it's because I cleverly
skipped training
by myself, but no one in the
same team talked to me, so I was a little embarrassed." You know that's not the reason! This time, the soundless clamor
shook the
heavens and the earth, but it was still to no avail . I felt like my head was hurting. I don't know what this guy was eating wrong
all of a sudden , but it didn't look very serious. Somehow, it felt like he was talking to the two of them , it didn't seem
like it was just because of his feelings. "Elay." Jeong Tae-eui touched his forehead and rubbed his temple with his thumb and
muttered in pain , "Don't interfere . This isn't your problem , nor is it my problem with
you , it's
entirely my personal problem. It has nothing to do with you." "Interrupted? Me?" Ile snorted. "I was just watching here. Who
was it that hit me who didn't care?" Jung Tae-eui was dumbfounded by Illay's
leisurely words as he
shrugged and spread his
arms. His words were
very fair. He never discouraged or
encouraged Jeong Tae-eui. Jeong Tae-eui
scratched his head and clicked his tongue. Kim Jeong-pil, who was looking at them suspiciously next to them, said to
Illay. "Is that your name? Il-"
"Rick." Before Kim Jung-pil could finish his words, Illay cut him off with a concise word . “Rick? But
he just killed you—” “Rick.” Elijah spoke again. The gaze looking down at Kim Jeong-pil is cold. Kim Jeong-
pil, who stared at the
curved eyes for a while, muttered, "I see," shrugging his shoulders faintly . "By the way, Tae." Hearing the voice calling
slowly , Tae-eui

Jeong looked up at him

suspiciously, wondering why he was calling again. “Are the hours okay? It looks like Hogan finished his work earlier and went
to his room .” “...ÿ!” Alas. Jeong Tae-eui frowned. damn, i forgot

Glancing at the clock, the time I should have gone by has already passed.

At least Ilray was in front of my eyes, so my fundamental concerns were alleviated, but it was negligence at the most
basic level.
“Since it happened like this, why don’t you eat slowly and take it easy ? Hogan might like it better without you, right?” The
smiling face looks especially hateful today. Jeong Tae-eui hurriedly walked away, regretting in his heart that if he had known this
would happen, he would have hit the stomach harder. "Hey,
where are you
going!" As if reviving the halfway halted fight in his memory, Kim Jeong-pil shouted from behind, but the atmosphere that had already been
crushed by the wave didn't seem to flare up again . The people also started to disperse.
"Sounds like running
away. If you train anyway, even if you don't like it, you're going to run into that face again, so don't bother, bastard!" He shouted over
his shoulder as he straightened the crumpled and tattered hem of his clothes.
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At the end of his gaze, which was almost running towards the stairs, it seemed that Illay's smile was caught for a moment, but he just turned his head away. Too much

evangelism, too much

evangelism. I just mumbled those words into my mouth.

Hogan said nothing. He returned

at the right time and just said, "Yes, did you come," as if seeing someone, and was greeted with Jung Tae-eui.
Jeong Tae-eui, who was prepared for at least a cold glance if not a harsh scolding, sat in the living room and flipped through the evening
newspaper, staring blankly at Ho-gan from the front door, who didn't pay much attention to this side, scratched his head and muttered, "I'm
sorry ." He walked in. Tae -eui Jeong, who was quietly heading toward his room as he showed no sign
of giving any instructions or saying anything, was called to stop by Hogan, who recognized his outfit only belatedly. "What's
wrong with the clothes? Who did
you fight with ?" "Yes? Ah..., yes. There's someone I don't get along with." "Hmm? If you're not close enough to fight like that , it'd be
best not to face each other as much as possible . Yeah,
who from where? Is
this branch member?" Jeong
Tae-eui hesitated for a moment. But I don't feel like saying that I'm not getting along with anyone because it seems like
I'm just telling them. However, when I thought about it, it seemed that it would be right for an instructor to know the basic human relations
of his/her rank. "No, this is an outsider who came for this training. Kim Jeong-pil, a Korean national
captain." "Outside person? Kim Jeong-pil? Have you known each other for a long time?" Hogan asked again if he didn't understand at first
glance that they weren't close enough to fight each other even
though they weren't members of the same branch. Jeong Tae-eui smiled bitterly and
nodded. "Yes. We went to the same school. Since we were in school, we know each
other in a bad way ." "Same school?" Hogan covered the newspaper as if he was in the mood to talk to Jeong Tae-eui . Jeong Tae-
eui did not hesitate for long and sat down as he pointed out. “If you were an alumni of the captain, were you also a soldier?”
“Yes, after leaving the military academy and being commissioned as a second lieutenant, I was discharged shortly after, and soon became an ordin

It's okay." It
was Kim Jeong-pil who was the reason for being discharged. He added and
laughed. Hogan nodded, saying "Hmm , he's a former officer, " and seemed pensive . Did you come to the branch right here ?" Yes.
My uncle was here, so I stayed
here for a while..." While answering , Tae- eui Jeong tilted his head. What Jeong Tae-eui was talking about now was a very basic history of
himself . Nevertheless, Hogan seemed to know nothing at all. There's no way someone in a position to move cautiously wouldn't have
done some basic interrogation ... Ah, is this the interrogation period? Because today is the first day Jung Tae-eui nodded inwardly.
But it's strange that you don't know such basic things. He should have
received the resume of the professor in
charge, even on paper. In other words, I don't know if it's from the uncle's line or from which line, but it must mean that the information
was restricted in an appropriate line ... I don't know how much I can talk about. I don't want to do anything stupid that could lead to
even more suspicious suspicions by telling a lie. “Then have you been working here since then until now ?” "No, I had some problems
with my relationships here too, so I quit halfway and went on a long trip." Hogan's eyes narrow. If there was a problem with human relations
at the military
academy, there was a problem with human relations at the branch here, and if there was a person who caused problems everywhere, he
was the kind of eye who thought that this guy
had a problem. Jeong Tae-eui
agreed to some extent with the contents of the accident , but he felt unfair because it was his own problem. I don't know the former,
but the latter is just bad opponents. "It's good to get along well with the people around you .
Life becomes difficult when you pretend that you're a little annoying." "I'll remember it." The word "unjust" welled
up in his throat,
but Jeong Tae-eui forced himself to swallow it. I don't know how he behaved, but hearing such words from a man who had an
enemy so fierce that he hired Ilay made me feel very complicated.
"Yeah, how come again
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it came I
heard that a colleague I didn't get along with at the time quit now?" "Yes, well, that's the case, but I thought it wouldn't work
if I just hung out for too long . I wonder if people should live while working ." The answer was far from the truth . That
wasn't a lie at all . I've been living without a job for several years (well , I couldn't have a proper job
as a wanted criminal ), but I've been thinking about something I've been thinking about lately. Even though I couldn't get a
sharp answer from the brothers of the Ligrow family . Even so, the job I was assigned this time was by no means something
Jung Tae-eui wanted to take on, but with a heart of comforting myself, I said, 'Yes, it's been a long time since I've been
working on something, so I thought it worthwhile. "Let's try it.
" ...... But I'd like to say something useless to my uncle. The night I arrived here , I couldn't help but grumble
and complain about the fact that I had agreed to help. Feeling that things would get better, Jeong
Tae-eui sighed lightly and said , 'Still, since I'm doing this for the first time in a while, it's nice in its own way.'

The uncle, who had been fiddling with papers for a while to see if he was finishing up his work for the day, smiled.
Thank you for saying that , I said. 'Even if that's the case. My heart was heavy because I thought I had gained some
weight in my thighs .' Uncle Tae-
eui, who tapped his
thigh as he stared at himself in the mirror, raised his eyebrows as if in a strange way. When I heard from Jung Tae-eui
what I would normally hear from girls in their prime, it looked strange. 'Thighs. Why, the
pants don't fit?' 'No, it's not like that, but somehow I feel that way. ...... After hearing that, it seems that
the pants have become a bit
uncomfortable .' 'Then you can just buy new ones. You mean you didn't have money to buy pants because you didn't
work? no way And the card that was 'ripped off' from Tarten Street in Dresden a long time ago was still in Jeong
Tae's wallet. When I tried to return
it, Illay told me to use it as I liked with a serious face, but he didn't even look at me. (After that, as
if he suddenly remembered, he subtly laughed, saying, 'Come to think of it, it looks like you decided
to feed me.' ) 'No, that's not the problem .' 'then?' 'So to speak. In the old days, while playing and eating without
riding a
horse for a long time, I must say
that I
somehow understand
the feelings of Mr. So-and-so, who was sad that he had gained weight in his thighs before he knew it .''...... ' As if he had
finished, he tapped the papers on the desk and put
them together neatly, staring at Jeong Tae-eui. 'I don't know if you really have a task as big as that so-and
-so that you
must accomplish ... but rather than that. Hearing that, somehow I don't think you'll get fat on your thighs. I guess it's just
your fault.' '......?why. Do you think it's not very steamed?' Jeong Tae-eui looked at his thighs.
My uncle
is a very good looking
person, so if he didn't gain weight, he
probably wouldn't have gained weight in reality . 'I'm sure you'll get on a rampage that's louder than a horse--or you're
going to get on it--where are you going to get fat?' '............I always think about it,
but my uncle is really... He has a knack for telling embarrassing stories with a nonchalant face.' Jeong
Tae- eui glared fiercely at his uncle, who smiled and said, “Thank you for the compliment.” It's stupid that I
forgot. It always is. Talking to this person is not worth it. Whatever it is, please try your best, thought Tae-eui Jeong as he
looked at his uncle laughing hahaha. Rather , I would rather just strangle him to
death by saying that he
is a hogan
or something . Life is not rewarding.
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People have to work .”

Without knowing what Jeong Tae-eui was thinking, the man who was about to strangle him right now stood
in front of him, nodding his head and arguing . Thinking about it, Jung Tae-eui also
smiled and said, "That's right. That's right," he
replied. "Yes, so how
long have you been here? It doesn't seem like it's been that long since you came back here."
"Ah, I came here because of this training. I came just a while ago."

"......Hmm." Hogan murmured

softly. He changed the direction of his hands clasped on his thighs and pursed his lips slightly . "You
must have come around the same time as me. Then, as soon as he arrived, he assumed the rank of
lieutenant......?” Hogan muttered in a tone close to himself, and did not take his eyes off Jeong Tae-eui .
Looking at his narrowing eyes, Jeong Tae-eui smiled. It must be hard to work. Chasing people
around isn't a normal thing either ... No , was n't it unplanned ?" "...----. " I had vaguely
felt it the other day, but this man was suspicious of Jeong Tae-eui . I don't know exactly what kind of suspicion it
was, but I can guess it roughly . After staring at Jeong Tae-eui, he sighed lightly as if he liked something . It's my
job to help. There's no such thing as hard work."
Tae -eui Jeong shook his head again with a nonchalant smile . Hold on to anyone passing by - who has been here
for a while - and ask. That person is the person
you should be most concerned about ! Let's just keep our mouth shut. "It must
have been difficult to travel for a long time. Well, I don't know anything about it, but usually it's about
money—" Hogan didn't seem to want to keep the topic going for long. He was a little nervous that he might
ask more
questions about something suspicious, but he unexpectedly went back to a more mundane
topic, and Tae-
eui Jung rolled his eyes. blinked a couple of times . Things haven't been so good since." Jeong Tae-eui recalled a
few years ago when he had to go on a trip—even though it was an evacuation rather than a trip. It was
obviously more difficult than ordinary people who travel. Rya, hiding from the death god who doesn't know when,
where, or how he'll come after you ... isn't it?"

what." It had absolutely nothing to do with that time now, but Jeong Tae-eui evaded it moderately,
thinking that if he said otherwise, it would take a long explanation to follow. He didn't have the
confidence to give a succinct and precise account of what had happened since then . Hogan patted
himself on the knee. He lifts his gaze from looking at his fingertips and glances at Jeong
Tae-eui. "Since my uncle is an instructor here and my older brother is
researcher Jung Jae-yi, it shouldn't have been that hard to get a new job here ." "......Yes, what." Jeong
Tae-eui gave the same answer this time. Did you come here through connections ? If
my uncle hadn't been here , I wouldn't have
been able to work here in the first place . Jeong Tae-eui scratched his head. Here, if Hogan bursts into
with the feeling that he's
got a good deal,
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If he asked his superiors that he had no intention of leaving him as a supervisor, and
removed himself
from the position of supervisor. ......Then
it would be great. But that won't happen. In front of Jeong Tae-eui, who was staring at the ceiling for a moment
and lost in dreamy thoughts , Hogan, who had been staring at him, slowly opened his mouth. “As a human
being , there are times when unavoidable things happen in life. There are times when you have to do something
you don’t want to do in order to get through those things, but I understand that situation well.” Jeong Tae-eui
hesitated at the slow and subtly flowing words. “Oh, yes, that can be done , ” he said, but for a moment, he felt
unsure . Well, in its own way, it's not something you can't understand . For example, if something happens to
the detriment of an organization , it's rarely actually a problem for that organization . If it's just one
or two things." "......" Somehow this......,somehow the atmosphere...... Jeong Tae-
eui kept his smile on his face and just stared at Hogan with his mouth shut . "I should n't
know your situation, " Hogan said in
a soft voice . ,If you change your mind just a little bit, there are times when a very new perspective opens up .
” Jeong Tae-eui struggled to keep his strangely distorted face as it was . Apparently, this man named Hogan was
trying to bribe him—whether it was money or whatever.
You might think that if you have to, your uncle behind him or even the thick food called Jeong Jae-eui might
follow you one after another like potato stalks. I'm talking about it in my own way,
but that's the conclusion. If you help me with my work, you will benefit too. "Yes......, I don't think so ."
Jeong Tae-eui managed to control his expression and opened his mouth.

"People shouldn't live by setting too many standards for themselves. I think the way to live a more comfortable life is to live
while looking at the atmosphere around you in moderation and
leaving your body to the flow ." "Yes,
yes. I agree
with that."
"Yes, it is. By the way."
that's not my way He has lived a life that has not been very righteous , and it is likely that he will continue to do so-- and
he will continue to move forward with a bloodstained man who commits evil deeds that are incomparable to this
man --at least for now, and for that reason, that man 's argument was
not something that Jeong Tae-eui could
understand. "At the very least, you have to live while protecting what you protect. Even
if you do bad things, at least you don't
rationalize yourself, or something like that ." The smile disappeared from Hogan's face. Oh, Jeong Tae-
eui clicked his tongue inwardly as he saw his smiling eyes glinting coldly. I wondered if it would have been better to
turn around and say it moderately, but it was already too late . "I see. I understand what you mean." Hogan was
silent for a moment, then
said that and shut his mouth. And pick up the newspaper again. There was no way for Jeong
Tae-eui to know what kind of face he was making beyond the newspaper that soon blocked his view.
Jeong Tae-eui scratched his
head. After wiggling his fingers for a while, he made a gesture to stand up. "Then I'll go in." "Um..." An

ambiguous voice came from across the newspaper to say it was an answer. Jeong Tae-eui lightly bowed his head over
the newspaper that he couldn't see and turned around . It was the same as if we were in the same space as we left the
door open anyway , but even so, his heart calmed down a little more when he
entered his room. Jeong Tae-eui sighed silently. It seems that Chuck was lost in one shot. Even if we hadn't met
because of this in the
first place, it didn't seem like our personalities would match that well. But still, if possible, I wanted to stay safe. During the difficult 1
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I don't know if there's a problem ..." Jeong Tae-eui threw off his sweaty, crumpled clothes and
muttered, suddenly stopping. Life
moving in a slightly difficult direction doesn't matter what choice you make. When we were at a crossroads , wouldn't it
be that we were making choices unconsciously to become like that ? Sun. _ _ _ _ _ I inevitably stuck with him, saying he
would find a book that would come when he came ..., knowing that he would come
and go without a single hair damaged anyway, but worrying about him for no reason, chasing him all the way to Frankfurt
and struggling to die ..."

As I turned my fingers one by one, I became more and more depressed. Is it all my fault
in the end? ……No. Come to think of it, Illei was at stake in all of those situations. Yeah.
It's his fault. ......But if you think about it again, I am the one who decided to live with that guy and sat down . I thought it would
be better to put aside my thoughts . Jeong Tae-eui, whose self-defense instinct is unrivaled, quickly put his thoughts
aside and took off his clothes. I was a little sad that I had to pay attention to the outside with the door open even while taking a
shower, but I quickly dismissed that thought. ÿÿÿ "I want to become a boa constrictor ..." Jeong Tae-eui suddenly
muttered while looking up at the
ceiling while waiting for his
turn to enter the shooting glass booth. During the two- man shooting training, Ching, who was right
next to Jung Tae-eui and Jung Tae-eui, looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. I followed his gaze as he
was looking at the ceiling and muttered , "Aha ." A lizard the size of a finger was crawling to find out which vent and how it
hid . “This is on the 3rd basement floor , so it must be difficult . "Why, but you didn't fall all the way to the bottom." "There
are still four floors
left until the 7th basement floor,"
said Ching with a light laugh.
If it was crawling on the wall or the floor, I would have picked it up and put it in a pocket or something and release it
later when I go out to the ground floor to take a breather. Bonnie Ching seemed to think that the end of that lizard was
imminent. In fact, Jeong Tae-eui had a similar idea. Animals that enter human buildings rarely get a good look. Not even a
normal family home. "But even
though they are the same reptiles, the gap is too big. A lizard and a boa constrictor are all of a sudden.
Why are they boa constrictors?" "It doesn't matter if it's not a boa constrictor . It doesn't matter if it's
a creature that can freely insert and remove the jaw joint." “The temporomandibular joint? Suddenly,
why is the temporomandibular joint. Do you have a bad jaw ?” Ching tilted her head with a puzzled face.
Jeong Tae-eui shut his mouth
for a moment. " I'll be born as a boa constrictor in my next life ... " Jeong Tae-eui let out a long sigh and muttered , then a short
mechanical sound sounded above his head . Numbers began to appear on the screen of the video panels lined up in rows of
two or four. It seemed that the individual scores of the groups that had just finished shooting in the glass
booth were floating ."9.8,10,10,9.8,10,10,10. .....Hey, there's an amazing score mixed in . Let's see, Booth 13? Who is
shooter?" Hearing Ching mumble , Jeong Tae-eui, who was still looking at the lizard, frowned . I seemed to
know without looking.
who's the guy over there “Hey, I
guess I just ate expensive food and shot .”
Jeong Tae-eui turned away from that direction while grumbling with a mixture of malice. Even without looking at it, I could
tell that the damned Kim Jeong-pil was coming out of there . Even if he didn’t know anything else since his cadet days, he was

In this afternoon's training, Jeong

Tae-eui finally met Kim Jeong-pil. The two of them were already in a crowded restaurant on the first day of training.
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There's no one in the branch who doesn't know

that grappling took place. Ching grunted and muttered , 'The single wooden bridge is flat . As Ching said, it was
not a direct fight, but if it was a shooting close to individual
training, there was no problem with each other. Of course, that's true, but there's no guarantee that we
meet again in another training session . The sight of Kim Jeong-pil coming out of a glass booth far away came into
the corner of my field of vision . Only the lizard in the room stared intently. "Hey, then the
lizard will puncture," Ching pretended not to hear him
say. But... just then, the lizard really punctured. Compared to the body of a lizard, it
was cut with a knife that was ignorantly large. Huck, in front of Jeong Tae-ui, who breathed briefly , he saw a lizard
that had flown in from somewhere and had its tail accurately stamped on a blade stuck in it. And the way the
falling lizard fell into the outstretched white
hand in the middle. “You want to be born as a reptile ? The hand holding the head of the lizard wriggling and
floundering approached Jeong
Tae-eui. He didn't want to take it, but if he didn't take it, it seemed like that hand would crush that little head, so
Jeong Tae-ui silently accepted the lizard. After looking around, I found an empty tumbler lying on the window
sill toward the hallway, wondering who had left it there, and put it in it. "In my next life, I'm a boa constrictor...
Let's see if I'll do it again in my next life. Thank you. Then what should I be born
as..." The guy's voice murmured
as he smiled leisurely, piercing his ears very clearly. I heard it. Shit. Ching was staring at me suspiciously
from the side . It would be great if I could mumble in a tone that I couldn't
tell if it was a joke or serious and give me a slap on that face with a natural smile. “Why did you come because
you said you weren’t participating in training ?”
Jeong Tae-eui spoke to Eli Riglow, a
man who appeared out of nowhere in a gruff voice, a man who apparently hadn't even seen his hair in the
shooting room until five minutes ago . He says he is training with Joe, but can he miss it ? Of course he
has to come... Hogan is going through job training with a dropout all afternoon . I see. Hogan came here
because he was bored because he had no room to do
anything else. Jeong Tae-eui was about 10 meters in all directions around Illai - the rest was focused on
shooting - in an atmosphere where the air temperature seemed to have dropped by about 2 or 3
degrees , he silently looked
ahead and waited for his turn. After the group in front of you comes out, it's your turn to enter. Illai looked
around leisurely, still looking refreshed today. That's right, since I took
it off in the morning, it's refreshing. Jeong Tae-eui swallowed the curse in his mouth. It was this morning.

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