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Version 1.4
AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

Table of content

1 DELIVERY SPOT CHECK .............................................................................................................6

2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................7

2.1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................7

2.2 OPERATING PRINCIPLE ..............................................................................................................8

3 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ....................................................................................9

3.1 DIMENSIONING THE AFQ RATED CURRENT...............................................................................9

3.2 PLACING .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 LONG STORAGE TIME...............................................................................................................12
3.4 W IRING ....................................................................................................................................13
3.4.1 Wiring of active filter (AFQ-4W) .....................................................................................15
3.4.2 Wiring from 2 to 8 Active Filters (AFQ-4W) in parallel................................................17
3.5 CONNECTING FILTER TO MAINS ...............................................................................................18
3.6 COMMISSIONING......................................................................................................................19

4 DISPLAY PANEL ...........................................................................................................................25

4.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ...............................................................................................................25

4.2 MAIN SCREEN ..........................................................................................................................26
4.3 SETUP SCREENS .....................................................................................................................27
4.3.1 Operation mode screen ..................................................................................................28
4.3.2 Parameters screen ..........................................................................................................33
4.3.3 Filter data screen .............................................................................................................36
4.3.4 Setup panel screen..........................................................................................................37
4.4 AFQ-4W VIEW SCREENS ........................................................................................................38
4.4.1 Voltage and current screen.............................................................................................39
4.4.2 Power screen....................................................................................................................40
4.4.3 Power load screen ...........................................................................................................41
4.4.4 Power mains screen ........................................................................................................41
4.4.5 Power filter screen ...........................................................................................................42
4.4.6 THD(I) screens .................................................................................................................42
4.4.7 Harmonic content load and mains screen....................................................................43
4.4.8 Total THD(I) screen..........................................................................................................45
4.4.9 Log screen ........................................................................................................................46
4.5 PASSWORD ..............................................................................................................................47
4.6 WARNING DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................49

5 POWERSTUDIO APPLICATION.................................................................................................53

6 MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................54

6.1 STANDARD MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................55

6.2 COOLING FANS AND TURBINES. ...............................................................................................56
6.2.1 Inductor cooling fan .........................................................................................................56
6.2.2 Semiconductor cooling fan/turbine ................................................................................60

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.3 DC BUS CAPACITORS ..............................................................................................................64

6.4 SOFTWARE UPDATE .................................................................................................................65
6.4.1 Update AFQ software ......................................................................................................65
6.4.2 Update panel software ....................................................................................................67
6.4.3 Checking the configuration after complete the update ...............................................70

7 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................71

8 MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT .......................................................................74

AFQ Instructions Manual

The following safety instructions are for all operations performed on the active

The electrical installation, commissioning and

maintenance work must be done by authorized and trained

The energy levels used and generated by this converter

can be dangerous. The AFQ-4W contains power capacitors
which may remain charged after the disconnection. Do not
attempt to manipulate the inside of the equipment until 5
minutes after disconnection from the mains.

The device has dc and ac capacitors. Before performance any maintenance

works wait 5 minutes and check that there is no residual voltage on the

Check that the ground connection is properly done before energize the device.
An earth fault may damage the device and cause electrical shock.

An incorrect installation or incorrect configuration of the active filter may

damage the unit itself and other devices connected in the net.

Before manipulate the current transformer, check that the secondary is short-
circuited. An open secondary of a loaded current transformer can generate
dangerous voltage.

Never energize or start the active filter with the open door or the side covers

AFQ Instructions Manual

1 Delivery spot check

This manual is aimed to be a help for the installation and maintenance of the
Active Harmonic Filter (AFQ-4W).

After unpacking the equipment, check the AFQ-4W corresponds to type and
size you ordered and that it has not suffered any damage during transport.
Check that supply voltage in your site is according to the equipment
characteristics (see nameplate on the back of the front door).

Figure 1: Label on the back of the front door.

Check that neutral is available in the site you are going to connect the Active
Harmonic Filters of four wires (AFQ-4W.)

The active filter (AFQ-4W) must be rated according to the harmonic currents to
be filtered and the electrical characteristics of the installation. Check paragraph
“3.1 Dimensioning the AFQ rated current” to define the correct range of active
filter. Skip the recommendations may cause improper operation of active filter
and the impossibility to properly compensate harmonic currents.

AFQ Instructions Manual

2 General description

2.1 Introduction

Harmonics are generated by power electronic devices such as rectifiers,

inverters, motors drives etc. These loads generate currents formed by a
fundamental frequency component of 50 or 60Hz, plus a series of
superimposed currents in multiples of the fundamental frequency.

Table 1: Each harmonic frequency.

Harmonic distortion may generate overload of machinery, overheating of

copper, activation of magnetic switches, damage of sensitive loads…

Current Total harmonic distortion THD(I)

Current total harmonic distortion THD(I) is the measurement of the relation

between harmonic distortion present in a signal and the fundamental frequency
component (50Hz or 60Hz).

Equation 1: Current THD(I) calculation.

AFQ Instructions Manual

2.2 Operating principle

Active Filters target is the harmonic current filtering including zero sequence
currents (harmonics multiple of three generated by single phase rectifiers), load
current balance across phases and between phases and neutral wire and
reactive current compensation.

The operating principle of Active Filters is to detect the difference between the
required sinus wave and the signal deformed by the effect of the harmonics.
Therefore the Active Filter injects the difference of currents between both

Figure 2: Currents at load, filter and mains.

AFQ-4W is connected between the supply line and the coupling point of the
loads in parallel. Current measurements will be made at load side (downstream
the AFQ-4W connection point).

Figure 3: Generic scheme of AFQ-4W connections.

AFQ Instructions Manual

3 Installation and commissioning

3.1 Dimensioning the AFQ rated current

The active filter must be rated for harmonic currents that must be filtered. AFQ
rated current must be at least 20% above the maximum level of harmonics to be
filtered. This factor may be higher depending on the electrical characteristics of
the installation.
Ifilter (AFQ) = [FSh · Iload · THD(I) ]
Equation 2: AFQ rated current.
Where: Ifilter AFQ rated current
Iload Load maximum current
THD (I) Harmonic distortion of load current
FSh: Safety factor > 1.2

The active filter may present overload problems compensating harmonics

currents on installations with high short-circuit impedance. The symptom to
detect this effect is that originally the THD(V) (voltage) is over 3%. Has been
confirmed that a higher THD(V) increases the probability of overload filter.

The reason of this effect is that the load does not behave as a current source.
Increasing the harmonic current absorbed by the filter causes an increase of the
harmonics generated by the load. The load could generate more than double of
the initial harmonics current.

To avoid this effect it’s necessary to oversize the active filter multiplying the
initial harmonics current measured for a safety factor (FSh).

I load ⋅ THD ( I )%
I filter = ⋅ FS h
Equation 3: Dimensioning the AFQ range current.

To calculate the safety factor it’s necessary to estimate previously the short-
circuit relation (RSC) in the converter connection point (CNL) (no in the
installation input). The short-circuit relation is defined as the relation between
the short-circuit current of the mains and the rated current of the no lineal
converters (ICNL).

AFQ Instructions Manual

Equation 4: Calculate the short-circuit relation.

On a real installation, the short-circuit relation on CNL spot may be calculated

measuring the voltage with two different load current values. For example, full
load and 10% of load. VOC is the rated voltage (no load current). The short-
circuit relation may be calculated following the formula showed on next figure.

Figure 4: Graphic to calculate ISC. Figure 5: Graphic to estimate FSh.

AFQ Instructions Manual

3.2 Placing
Install the AFQ-4W in an indoor area, maintain an ambient temperature range of
0ºC to 40ºC, maximum humidity of 90% non condensation.

Do not install the active filter near a heat source and avoid the directly exposed
to sunlight.

Leave minimum clearances between AFQ-4W cabinet and surrounding cabinets

and walls:
• 200 mm clearance between AFQ-4W cabinet and other cabinets or walls.
• 200 mm clearance between cabinet and ceiling.
• 800 mm clearance in the front part to allow door opening.

Figure 6: Mounting clearances.


Install the AFQ-4W in an environment protected from water,

flammable liquids, gases and corrosive substances.

AFQ Instructions Manual


Check that there is not compensation systems installed in the same

grid as AFQ. In case there are compensation systems, these must
be detuned to avoid interaction problems between AFQ and
compensation systems.

3.3 Long storage time

If active filter is not installed after receipt, follow these recommendations to keep
the device in proper conditions.
- Keep the device in a dry ambient. The temperature should be between 0 ºC
and 50 ºC.
- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
- Keep the device inside the original package.

After long storage time without connect the active filter to the mains is
recommended to apply a process to regenerate the dielectric layers inside the
capacitors. Next table shows the commissioning depending on the storage time.

Storage time Procedure

< 1 year No special procedure
1-2 years Connect AFQ to the grid at least one hour
before starting the device.
> 2 years Connect AFQ to the grid at least one hour
before starting the device. The maximum
charging current should be limited to 5mA.

Table 2: Commissioning after a long storage time.

AFQ Instructions Manual

3.4 Wiring
AFQ-4W requires the following external connections:
 L1, L2, L3, N - Power connection to mains: 3 phases + neutral. Use
the required wire size according to current. The minimum cable
sections according to the range of the filter are shown in the table


25A 50 A 100 A 150 A 200 A

Wire size
10 16 35 70 95
(mm )

a ≤ 10 a ≤ 10 a ≤ 10 a ≤ 10 a ≤ 10
L1 L2 L3 Terminal b ≤ 20 b ≤ 20 b ≤ 20 b ≤ 20 b ≤ 20
(mm) c ≤ 21 c ≤ 21 c ≤ 21 c ≤ 21 c ≤ 21
Ø>8 Ø>8 Ø>8 Ø>8 Ø>8

Torque (Nm) 7,6 7,6 7,6 14,4 14,4

Wire size
25 50 95 2x95 2x95
(mm )

LN Terminal
Ø>8 Ø > 10 Ø > 10 Ø > 10 Ø > 10

Torque (Nm) 12 20 25 30 30

Wire size
25 50 95 95 95
(mm )

Ground Terminal
Ø>8 Ø>8 Ø > 10 Ø > 10 Ø > 10

Torque (Nm) 12 20 25 30 30

Table 3: AFQ wire sizes and torques.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 7: Terminal connection wire.

 S1/L1, S2/L1, S1/L2, S2/L2, S1/L3, S2/L3 – Current transformers

(TI1, TI2, TI3) connections. These transformers are used for
measuring and control purposes. TC or TCH type transformers,
class 0.2s, are recommended for this application. The use of
transformers of classes 0.2, 0.5 or 0.5s would deteriorate slightly
AFQ-4W behavior. However, the harmonic filter responses shall
remain acceptable.

 Ground – Earth connection.

Active filter (AFQ-4W) connection terminals:

Figure 8: AFQ-4W connection points.

All power cables and load current measurements should enter the cabinet at the
bottom to ensure the IP and to protect users against high voltage parts.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 9: Cabinet cable entry.

3.4.1 Wiring of active filter (AFQ-4W)

Review the connections according to scheme below.

Figure 10: External connection of the AFQ-4W.

Check the AFQ-4W is properly grounded to reduce the risk of
electric shock.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Voltage and current connections must match phases. Otherwise, Active Filter
will not work properly.

Please review that following connections are correct:

 Current transformer 1 (TI1) has to measure L1 and secondary
transformer wires must be connected to S1/1L and S2/L1 in AFQ-4W
 Current transformer 2 (TI2) has to measure L2 and secondary
transformer wires must be connected to S1/2L and S2/L2 in AFQ-4W
 Current transformer 3 (TI3) has to measure L3 and secondary
transformer wires must be connected to S1/3L and S2/L3 in AFQ-4W

AFQ Instructions Manual

3.4.2 Wiring from 2 to 8 Active Filters (AFQ-4W) in parallel

The connection of 2 to 8 AFQ-4W is accomplished by connecting in parallel the

three phases plus neutral. The measurement of load current is connected in
series, so that all filters are using the same transformer.

Figure 11 shows the connection of 2 or more AFQ-4W in parallel with the same
load. Notice that all AFQ-4W use the same current transformers.

Figure 11: Connection of 2 or more AFQ-4W in parallel.

Check “4.3.2 Parameters screen” to configure Active Filters in parallel.

All active filters (AFQ-4W) connected in parallel must have identical
configurations on OPERATION MODE and PARAMETERS. See (“4.3 Setup

AFQ Instructions Manual

3.5 Connecting filter to mains

Once all electrical connections stated above have been checked, switch on the
circuit breaker to start the AFQ-4W. When starting the filter, the display will light
on and the following messages will appear: “NO INICIAL CONDITIONS” and

Figure 12: Initial screen when the AFQ-4W is starting

A few seconds after, the following messages will appear: “NO INICIAL
CONDITIONS” and “Setup transformers ratio”

Figure 13: Initial screen when the AFQ-4W has started

If there is a problem in the wirings or in the power supply, the screen may show
another message. In the section “4.6 Warning descriptions” in this manual
describes all the causes of malfunctions and their solutions.

AFQ Instructions Manual

3.6 Commissioning
The following describes the steps for starting the active filter (AFQ-4W). To see
in detail all configuration parameters, check section “4.3 Setup screens” of this

Follow the steps for configuration of the equipment before starting the AFQ-4W.

Step 1.
Setup of the load current transformer and the number of modules in parallel

• Access the configuration screen parameters:

• Set the parameter RATIO TRANSFORMER with the current relationship

between primary and secondary of the load transformer.
o The AFQ-4W accepts the following load current transformer
relations: 5/5, 10/5, 15/5, 20/5, 25/5, 30/5, 40/5, 50/5, 60/5, 75/5,
100/5, 125/5, 150/5, 200/5, 250/5, 300/5, 400/5, 500/5, 600/5,
700/5, 750/5, 800/5, 1000/5, 1200/5, 1500/5, 1600/5, 2000/5,
2500/5, 3000/5, 4000/5 and 5000/5.

• Set the number of modules in parallel. Leave the default value (1) if there
is one AFQ-4W.

Figure 14: Step 1: Ratio of the transformer and number of modules in parallel.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Step 2.

Configuration of the AFQ-4W functions

• Access the configuration screen mode.

• Enable harmonic filtering, balanced phases and / or reactive

compensation depending on the requirements of the facility.

Figure 15: Step 2: Configuration of the AFQ-4W functions.

Improper configuration can significantly affect the performance of the AFQ-4W.
Consult the technician to select the configuration of equipment according to the
needs of the facility.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Step 3.

Checking the network voltage and frequency

• Access to screen of voltages and currents.

• Ensure that the voltage measurements correspond with the real tensions
of the plant.
• Verify that the frequency measured by the AFQ-4W corresponds to the
real frequency of the installation.
• Ensure that the load current measurements correspond to the current
levels of installation.

Figure 16: Step 3: Checking the network voltage and frequency.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Step 4.

Verification of active and reactive power

• Access to the display of load power.

• Verify that the active power measurement of the load corresponds to the
power levels of the facility.

• Verify that the reactive power measurement of the load corresponds to

the reactive power levels of the installation.

• Check that power factor in the three phases. If there were very low power
factors that would indicate an error in the order of phases. In this case,
you should check the wiring to mains and to the current transformers,
read “3.4.1 Wiring of active filter (AFQ-4W)” paragraph for the AFQ-4W

Figure 17: Step 4: Verification of active and reactive power.

Once verified the real power, reactive power and the power factor, you may
return to the main screen for starting the active filter (AFQ-4W). Press “MAIN”
button to access to main screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Step 5.

Starting the active filter (AFQ-4W):

If there were no problem in connecting and configuring the AFQ-4W, the

message “STOP” should be displayed in the main screen.

Figure 18: Message when Active Filter is ready to start.

Press the "START" button to begin the harmonic neutralization, balance of

phases and / or reactive power compensation. If starting was correct, message
“RUN” will be displayed on the main screen. Press “VIEW” button to see all
electrical values.

Figure 19: Message when active filter is working.

AFQ Instructions Manual

If there is a problem in the wiring or in the configuration of the AFQ-4W, the

message "NO INITIAL CONDITIONS" will appear. Paragraph "4.6 Warning
descriptions" of the manual contains all the causes of malfunctions and their

Figure 20: Message when Active filter is not ready to start.

If an alarm trips, a message will appear in the main menu describing the
problem. Check “4.6 Warning descriptions” for alarm descriptions.

Press “RESET ALARM” button to start AFQ-4W again when the problem has
been solved.

Figure 21: Message when an alarm has occurred.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4 Display panel

4.1 Screen navigation

Figure 22: Panel functional flowchart.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.2 Main screen

The main screen contains information about the status of the filter, the
START/STOP control key, the alarm recovery key and the access to setup and
view windows.

Figure 23: Main screen

1 START/STOP: Start and stop control key. Filter status must be “STOP” to
start the Active Filter.

2 RESET ALARM: Alarm recovery key. Recovers the AFQ-4W from an alarm
and brings it to “STOP” mode.

3 VIEW: Access to the visualization screens.

4 SETUP: Access to the parameters and configuration screens..

5 Additional information of Filter performance: “4.6 Warning descriptions”

section contains the explanation of the messages displayed in this box.

6 Filter status:
a. NO INITIAL CONDITIONS: Initial conditions for the AFQ-4W
starting are not fulfilled.
b. STOP: The AFQ-4W is ready to start.
c. RUN: The AFQ-4W is working.
d. ALARM: The AFQ-4W is under alarm.

7 Date and time: Visualization of date and time.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.3 Setup screens

The initial setup screen allows the user to access to the screens related with the
configuration of the AFQ-4W.

Figure 24: General setup screen.

Operation mode: Contains the options of harmonic filtering, phase balancing,

reactive current compensation and selective filtering.

Parameters: Contains the options of transformer ratio, minimum current,

control algorithm and number of parallel modules and limit power value.

Filter data: Contains the AFQ-4W5 system information.

Panel setup: Contains the options of selecting the language, set date and time
and enable/disable sound.

Main: Access to the main screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.3.1 Operation mode screen

User may change options of harmonic filtering, phase balancing, reactive
compensation or selective filtering in the following screens. It also allows user to
disable the polarity alarm, the resonance alarm and the low temperature alarm.
Password must be introduced to modify AFQ-4W parameters.

Check “4.5 Password” section to lock and clear password.

Figure 25: Operation mode menu.

Function selection: Access to the screen to enable or disable de active filter

functions: harmonic filtering, reactive compensation and phase balancing.

Selective filtering: Access to the screen to select the number of harmonics you
want to neutralize.

Enable alarms: Access to the screen to enable or disable the alarms.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to configuration screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Function selection:

Figure 26: Function selection screen.

Harmonic filtering: Neutralization of the harmonics. This option is set by


Phase balancing: Current balancing across phases and current minimization in

the neutral wire. This option is set by default.

Reactive compensation: Reactive current compensation. This option is not set

by default.

Function priority order: The AFQ-4W sets a priority order in case of overload.
When the “Function priority order” is enabled, the harmonic filtering is the first
priority and phase balancing and reactive compensation are reduced. If the
“Function priority order” is disabled, the first priority is the phase balancing and
the reactive compensation. The harmonic filtering is reduced in case of
overload. This option is not set by default.

Prioritization of functions

Phase balancing +
Harmonic filtering

reactive compensation
Phase balancing +
Harmonic filtering

reactive compensation
Table 4: Function priority.
Lock/Unlock parameters: Key to lock/unlock the configuration parameters.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to operation mode menu.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Selective filtering:

Figure 27: Selective filtering screen.

Individual harmonic selection:

 AFQ-4W configured in control algorithm method 1 (FRECUENCY
MODE)(default control algorithm):

o Select the individual harmonics you want to neutralize from 3rd

to 25th.

 AFQ-4W configured in control algorithm method 2 (use this option

under the supplier recommendation).

o Deselect all individual harmonics. Automatically AFQ

neutralizes all harmonics from 3rd to 50th.

o Just select harmonics NOT want neutralize. Selected

harmonics are not neutralized.

Check “4.3.2 Parameters screen” for control algorithm configuration.

Lock/Unlock parameters: Key to lock/unlock the configuration parameters.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to operation mode menu.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Enable alarms:

Figure 28: Enable alarms screen.

Polarity alarm: Enable or disable the polarity alarm.

If the polarity alarm is enabled, the active filter detects automatically the load
current polarity. If there is a regenerative load that temporarily injects energy
into the mains, the polarity alarm will activate.

When the polarity alarm is disabled, the AFQ does not detect the load current
polarity. To verify the polarity of the current transformers, check if the active
power is positive when the load is consuming energy from the network. In case
that there is a regenerative load, the active power will be negative when the
load is injecting power into the network. Disable polarity alarm only when there
is a regenerative load and active power may be negative.

Access to the visualization of active power:

AFQ Instructions Manual

This option is set by default.


Before starting the AFQ with the polarity alarm disabled, check the correct
wiring of the measurement transformers.

Low temperature alarm: Enable or disable the low temperature alarm. This
alarm avoids starting the active filter when the temperature in the cabinet is
under 0ºC or there is a problem

This option is set by default. It is recommended not to disable the alarm.

Resonance alarm: The resonance alarm protects the device against resonant
currents between AFQ and load. When a harmonic content load increases
above the limit, resonance alarm disables these harmonic. Before disable the
resonance alarm is necessary to check there is no resonant current.


Before disable the resonance alarm is necessary to check there is no resonant

current. Resonant currents may damage the active filter and other devices
connected on the grid.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.3.2 Parameters screen

This menu contains the installation parameters and it should only be modified
during Active Filter start-up. Password must be introduced to modify the AFQ-
4W parameters. These parameters cannot be modified when filter is running.

Check “4.5 Password” section to lock and clear password.

Figure 29: Parameters screen.

Transformers ratio: Load current transformer relation between primary and

The AFQ-4W accepts the following load current transformer relations: 5/5, 10/5,
15/5, 20/5, 25/5, 30/5, 40/5, 50/5, 60/5, 75/5, 100/5, 125/5, 150/5, 200/5, 250/5,
300/5, 400/5, 500/5, 600/5, 700/5, 750/5, 800/5, 1000/5, 1200/5, 1500/5,
1600/5, 2000/5, 2500/5, 3000/5, 4000/5 y 5000/5.

Minimum current: Load minimum current to start the AFQ-4W. When load
current is lower than minimum current, the AFQ-4W will stop. When load current
is higher, the AFQ-4W will start working.

Control algorithm: Select the harmonic filtering algorithm.

1 Frequency mode: Harmonic filtering based on the selection of the

harmonics to neutralize from 3rd to 25th. Frequency mode is set by

2 Temporal mode: Harmonic filtering based on total harmonic

neutralization from 3rd to 50th.
When temporal mode is activated, AFQ-4W resets all individual harmonic
selected in "Selective Filtering" to perform a total harmonic neutralization.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Avoid using 2 temporal mode except your supplier recommends it for your
installation. This method may produce resonance problems in specific

Parallel modules: Access to the screen to setup the number of parallel AFQ-
4W modules installed.

Power limit: This parameter allows limiting the maximum power of the active
filter. The value is the percent of the rated power of active filter. The value must
be between 20% and 100%.
Lock/Unlock parameters: key to lock/unlock the configuration parameters.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to configuration screen.


Figure 30: Parallel modules setup screen.

Number of modules: Setup the number of parallel AFQ-4W modules installed.
Up to 8 AFQ-4W can be installed in parallel.

Check “

AFQ Instructions Manual

Wiring from 2 to 8 Active Filters (AFQ-4W) in parallel” section to install 2

or more AFQ-4W in parallel.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.3.3 Filter data screen

This menu contains the Active Filter system information. Information of this
screen if configured in factory and it is not modifiable.

Figure 31: Filter data screen.

Filter range: Nominal compensating current per phase.

Serial number: AFQ-4W identification.

Setup code: Internal code for setup operation.

Software version: Software version of the AFQ-4W.

Panel version: Software version of the panel.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to configuration screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.3.4 Setup panel screen

This screen allows the user to select the language, set date, set time and
enable or disable sound.

Figure 32: Setup panel screen.

Language: Select the language.

Date: .Set date.

Time: Set time.

Sound: Enable or disable sound.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to configuration screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4 AFQ-4W view screens

This screen allows the user to access to visualization screens.

Figure 33: General view screen.

Voltage & current: Access to the voltages and currents screen.

Power: Access to the powers screen.

THD I: Access to the THD(I) screen.

Alarm history: Access to the alarm history screen.

Main: Access to the main.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4.1 Voltage and current screen

This screen displays three phase RMS voltages, the three phase RMS currents
and the network frequency.

Figure 34: Voltages and currents screen.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to view screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4.2 Power screen

This screen allows the user to access to load power screen, mains power
screen and filter power screen.

Figure 35: Power screen.

Power load: Access to the active, reactive and apparent powers load screen.

Power mains: Access to the active, reactive and apparent powers mains

Power filter: Access to the power filter screen. This screen shows the power
filter used in percentage of the rated power filter.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to view screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4.3 Power load screen

This screen displays the active power, reactive power, apparent and power
factor power of each phase at load side.

Figure 36: Power load screen.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to power screen.

4.4.4 Power mains screen

This screen displays the active power, reactive power, apparent power and
power factor of each phase at mains side.

Figure 37: Power mains screen.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to power screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4.5 Power filter screen

This screen displays the power filter used on each phase. The value is the
percentage of the instantaneous power filter at rated power.

Figure 38: Power filter screen.

4.4.6 THD(I) screens

This screen allows the user to access to the total THD(I) screen, the load
harmonic content screen and the mains harmonic content screen.

Figure 39: THD(I) screen.

THD(I) content load: Access to the load current harmonic spectrum screens.

THD(I) content mains: Access to the mains current harmonic spectrum


THD(I) total: Access to the view of the total THD(I) of each phase with bar

AFQ Instructions Manual

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to view screen.

4.4.7 Harmonic content load and mains screen

Load side (downstream the AFQ-4W)

Phase 1

Figure 40: Display of the harmonics of the load current of phase 1.

Phase 2

Figure 41: Display of the harmonics of the load current of phase 2.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Phase 3

Figure 42: Display of the harmonics of the load current of phase 3.

Mains side (upstream the AFQ-4W)

Phase 1

Figure 43: Display of the harmonics of the main current of phase 1.

Figure 44: Display of the harmonics of the main current of phase 2.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Phase 3

Figure 45: Display of the harmonics of the main current of phase 3.

L1/L2/L3: Access to the view of the current harmonic content of another phase.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to THD(I) screen.

4.4.8 Total THD(I) screen

This screen displays three phase total THD(I)s at load and mains side.

Figure 46: Display of the total THD(I) in load and mains side.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to THD(I) screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.4.9 Log screen

This screen displays the active filter log that contains all alarms tripped. It
shows the date and time that started and finished each alarm.

Figure 47: Log screen.

Clear all: Delete all the messages.

Clear select: Delete the select message.

: View the messages of the previous page.

: View the messages of the next page.

: View the message of the previous line.

: View the message of the next line.

Main: Access to the main screen.

Back: Back to view screen.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.5 Password
All the setup options can be password protected. To enable or disable the
protection, you must press “LOCK/UNLOCK PARAMETERS” key. This key is in
and “PARAMETRES” screens.

Figure 48: Lock/Unlock key.

When the lock is enabled, appears the unlock option.

When the lock is disabled, appears the lock option.

To lock or unlock the edition of parameters you must enter the password using
the virtual keyboard that appears on the screen after pressing the "LOCK /
UNLOCK Parameters" button.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 49: Password screen.

Default password is 1 – 2 – 3 – 4. Press “Enter” key to validate the password.

“Esc” key returns to previous screen.

Lock the password again after modifying setup options to avoid accidental
modifications of AFQ-4W configuration.

AFQ Instructions Manual

4.6 Warning descriptions

The following charts show all messages that may appear in the main screen
with the description and the corrective action.


Turn off the main breaker before performing any maintenance

operation on the AFQ-4W. Do not attempt to manipulate the inside of
the equipment until 5 minutes after disconnection. Check there is no
voltage on dc capacitors.

This chart shows messages that may appear before AFQ-4W starting


Message Description Corrective action

Wait until the AFQ-4W has finished

the starting up.
Whether the message keeps on the
Starting… AFQ-4W is starting
screen, check that the RS-232
communications wire between
panel and control board
Setup Check paragraph “4.3.2
The transformer ratio of the load is
transformer Parameters screen” to configure
not configured
ratio transformer ratio
Minimum current parameter can be
MIN. Load Load current is lower than minimum
modified in paragraph “4.3.2
current current configured on AFQ
Parameters screen”
MIN. Mains Review voltage levels in mains and
Mains voltage is too low
Voltage the 1Q22 breaker
Review voltage levels in mains and
MIN. DC Bus Not enough voltage in DC capacitors
the 1Q22 breaker
No detection of network frequency Review network connections

AFQ Instructions Manual

Review transformers load current.

Polarity error Measure load current error Review the configuration on “4.3.1
Operation mode screen”
DC bus Reduce the number of harmonics
DC link voltage is unbalanced
unbalance to compensate
Check that the NTC sensor is
The NTC sensor is unplugged or the
NTC connector plugged to the control board .
temperature inside the cabinet is
failure Check that the temperature inside
below 0 ºC
the cabinet is above 0 ºC
Table 5: No initial conditions messages.

This chart shows all alarms messages


Message Description Corrective action

Check fans and turbines, of the

NTC1 sensor over temperature higher part of the cabinet, are
working properly
Check fans and turbines, of the
NTC2 sensor over temperature higher part of the cabinet, are
working properly
Temperature Check fans, of the lower part of the
Inductors over temperature
Inductor cabinet, are working properly
Review equipment connection and
MAX. DC Bus DC capacitor voltage is too high
check voltage levels in mains
MAX. Positive Review equipment connection and
DC capacitor voltage is too high
DC Bus check voltage levels in mains
MAX. Negative Review equipment connection and
DC capacitor voltage is too high
DC Bus check voltage levels in mains

MAX. Current Current in the AFQ-4W is too high Review equipment connections

MAX. Mains
Mains voltage amplitude is too high Check voltage levels in mains
Review connections between
Desaturation Problem related with the drivers
control and driver boards
Initial Reiteration of no initial conditions
Review initial conditions
conditions error state

AFQ Instructions Manual

Verify filter operates on frecuencial

Harmonic resonance detection mode. Check paragraph “4.3.2
Parameters screen”
Contactors or magnetic switches Review that wires are well
inside the cabinet are not working connected to the contactors and
properly the magnetic switches
DC bus charge The dc bus voltage is not enough for Review connections on the control
error proper operation of AFQ board and drivers board
Table 6: Alarm messages.

Press “ALARM RESET” in main screen to recover Active Filter, if the cause of
the alarm has disappeared or has been solved.

This chart shows messages that may appear while AFQ-4W is running


Message Description Corrective action

The AFQ-4W is working properly

but under saturation. It is
recommended to reduce the
Load harmonics are higher than number of harmonics to
MAX. Load
nominal value of filter compensate or to reduce the power
limit. See paragraph 4.3.2
Parameters screen” for more
Table 7: Operation messages.

AFQ Instructions Manual

This chart shows messages that may appear during AFQ-4W configuration


Message Description Corrective action

End Setup Setup code is not correct

Filter Range
Filter range is not correct
Parallel AFQ Number of parallel AFQ-4W is not Enter a valid value to all
Error correct parameters in the configuration.
Number of the control algorithm is not
Algorithm Error
correct If any messages of configuration
The software version of the screen appears, contact the technical
does not match the software version service
version error
of the control board
The value of the power limit error is
Power limit
not correct. Set up a value between
20 % and 100 %
Table 8: Configuration messages.

AFQ Instructions Manual

5 PowerStudio application
PowerStudio is an energy management software package and its main features
are the configuration, communication and monitoring of devices and creation of
SCADA screens and reports. It also has a set of tools such as events, filters,
calculated variables, and an images and styles manager to facilitate the user’s

The communication protocol between PowerStudio and active filter is Modbus

RTU, with RS-232 cable.
The configuration parameters of the communication are shown in below table.

Serial Type RS485

Protocol Modbus RTU slave
Station number 2
Baud rate 9600
Data bit 8
Parity none
Stop bit 1
Table 9: Configuration parameters of PowerStudio communication.

The communications cable RS-232 plugs into the back of the panel, according
to the following scheme.

Figure 50: PowerStudio wiring diagram.

AFQ Instructions Manual

The active filter requires minimal preventive maintenance. Follow the
maintenance instructions to avoid premature spoilage of the components.

The table below shows time interval and the maintenance operations.

Description Interval
Standard maintenance 5.000 a 9.000 h
Cooling turbines (for AFQ100A, AFQ150A y AFQ 200A) 40.000 h
Cooling fans 100.000 h
DC bus capacitors 200.000 h
Table 10: Maintenance operations.

* The interval times of the maintenance operations may vary depending on the
operation conditions and environmental factors.


Follow the safety instructions described in the chapter

“SAFTY INSTRUCTIONS” before performance maintenance
on AFQ-4W.

Ignore these instructions may cause injury or even death.


Inside the cabinet there are components that reach hight

temperature. Wait to cool the AFQ-4W before performance

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.1 Standard maintenance

Perform maintenance every 6 or 12 months depending on the environmental
dirt and operating conditions of the AFQ.

Set AFQ in STOP mode and open the main switch (OFF position).
Wait 5 minutes and check there is no residual voltage on the capacitors.
- Clean the dirt from fans, vents and inside the device.
- Check the torque of the electrical connections.
- Replace the panel’s battery if the low battery led is on.

The panel uses a 3V battery. CR2032. The led in lower left corner indicates the
state of battery.
- Green: correct battery level.
- Red: low battery level.

Figure 51: Front panel image and rear panel image.

After replace the battery panel, it’s necessary to setup the language, the date
and time.

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.2 Cooling fans and turbines.

The proper work of fans and turbines is necessary to avoid over-temperature of
the active filter components.

The fans and turbines used for cooling the inductors and semiconductors in
each model of AFQ are described in table below.

AFQ Cooling fans Cooling fans Cooling turbines

Inductors Inductors IGBT
AFQ-4W-25 A 3 2 -
AFQ-4W-50 A 3 4 -
AFQ-4W-100 A 3 - 1
AFQ-4W-150 A 6 - 2
AFQ-4W-200 A 6 - 2
Table 11: Cooling components depending on the AFQ range.

The next symptoms may indicate a fans / turbines malfunction:

- The increased fan/turbine noise.
- The temperature increase inside the cabinet under the same operating
conditions and ambient temperature.
- The alarm temperature is activated regularly.

It’s recommended to replace the fan or turbine if any symptom is detected.

6.2.1 Inductor cooling fan

AFQ-4W-25 A / 50 A / 100 A
The following instructions are for replacing inductor fans AFQ-4W-25A, AFQ-
4W-50A and AFQ-4W-100A.

- Set AFQ in STOP mode and open the main switch (OFF position).
- Wait 5 minutes and check there is no voltage in the capacitors.
- Unplug the fan supply wire. The connector is found in the lower right corner of
the fan.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 52: Fans change on AFQ25, 50 and 100. Step 1.

- Unscrew the four screws. Use a 3mm. allen key.

Figure 53: Fans change on AFQ25, 50 and 100. Step 2.

- Replace damaged fan. Install the new fan in the right position, with the supply
connector in the lower right corner.
- Plug the supply wires

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ-4W-150 A / 200 A
The following instructions are for replacing inductor fans AFQ-4W-150A and

- Set AFQ in STOP mode and open the main switch (OFF position).
- Wait 5 minutes and check there is no voltage in the capacitors.
- Remove the methacrylate protection in front of fans.

Figure 54: Fans change on AFQ150, 200 and 100. Step 1.

- Remove inductor wires and busbar.

- Unscrew the box cover. Use a torx 20 key. Remove box and unplug the fan
supply wire.

Figure 55: Fans change on AFQ150, 200 and 100. Step 2.

- Replace damaged fan. Use a 7mm. allen key to remove the fan from the

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 56: Fans change on AFQ150, 200 and 100. Step 3.

- Plug the fan supply wire and assemble the cover.

- Connect inductor wires and busbar. Keep the original scheme.

x: R, S, T phase.
Figure 57: Fans change on AFQ150, 200 and 100. Step 4.

- Mount the methacrylate protection.

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.2.2 Semiconductor cooling fan/turbine

The IGBTs are mounted on a heatsink cooled by fans on AFQ-4W-25A and
AFQ-4W-50A, or cooled by turbines on AFQ-4W-100A, AFQ-14W-50A and

AFQ-4W-25 A / 50 A
The following instructions are for replacing the heatsink fans AFQ-4W-25A and
- Set AFQ in STOP mode and open the main switch (OFF position).
- Wait 5 minutes and check there is no voltage in the capacitors.
- Remove the methacrylate protection and bring down the panel that holds
electronic boards.
- Remove the right cover of the cabinet.

- Remove the six screws that fix the air hood on the heatsink.

Figure 58: Fans change AFQ50A. Step 1.

- Lift the air hood, unplug the fan supply wire and remove the air hood.

Figure 59: Fans change AFQ50A. Step 2.

AFQ Instructions Manual

- Remove damaged fan.

Figure 60: Fans change AFQ50A. Step 3.

- Install the new fan in the same position as the replaced fan.
- Plug the fan power and insert the air hood.


- Unplug the fan supply wire from the bottom of the heatsink.

Figure 61: Fans change AFQ50A. Step 4.

- Remove the four screws that fix the fan on the heatsink.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 62: Fans change AFQ50A. Step 5.

- Replace damaged fans. Install new fan in the same position as removed fan.
- Connect the fan supply wire. Install the right cover. Check that the ground wire
is properly connected on the cover.
- Bring up the panel that holds electronic boards and insert the methacrylate

AFQ-4W-100 A / 150 A / 200 A

The following instructions are for replacing the heatsink fans AFQ-4W-100A,
AFQ-4W-150A and AFQ-4W-200A.
- Set AFQ in STOP mode and open the main switch (OFF position).
- Wait 5 minutes and check there is no voltage in the capacitors.
- Remove the methacrylate protection and bring down the panel that holds
electronic boards.

Figure 63: Turbine change AFQ150A| 200A. Step 1.

AFQ Instructions Manual

- Disconnect turbine supply wires.

- Remove screws 1 and 2 that hold the turbine, and remove screws 3, 4, 5 and
6 that fix the turbine on the heatsink.

Figure 64: Turbine change AFQ150A| 200A. Step 2.

- Replace damaged turbine.

- Fix six screws and connect the supply wire.
- Bring up the panel that holds electronic boards and insert protection

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.3 DC bus capacitors

The life expectancy of the dc capacitors is about 200.000 hours (22 years). The
life expectancy may vary depending on the operating mode of active filter and
environment conditions, especially on the room temperature.

The active filter capacitors do not require maintenance, except for the
commissioning after al long storage time (see “3.3 Long storage time”)

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.4 Software update

The active filter has the option to update software using the memory provided
The upgrade process is completed in two steps: upgrade control software and
upgrade panel software.
The tools needed to perform the update process are:
- CIRCUTOR memory
- USB pen memory with software Vx.yz
x.yz: version software number

The control version and the panel version must match in number version. The
active filter can become out of service if two different software versions are

To check the software version access to filter data screen (“see 4.3.3 Filter data

6.4.1 Update AFQ software

Follow next instructions to updade the AFQ control software.
- Switch off the filter. Wait 5 minutes before opening the door.
- Disassemble the polycarbonate protections to access the main board.
- Locate the control board. If the control board has microswitches, switch the
2 microswitches closer to the battery. If the control board has jumpers, move
the 2 jumpers closer to the battery. If the initial state was “0000”, after
switching it must be “0011”.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 65: Configuration control board for updating. A jumpers. B microswitches.

- Plug the device supplied in the connector, close to the microswitches. Must
be connected with the flat part in the opposite side of the battery, the
bumped part close to the battery.

Figure 66: Connecting the memory to the control board.

- Switch the filter on. It can be done with door opened, but work with extreme
caution. You can do it, but under your risk. In this case, you can follow the
upgrading procedure. A green LED will light during the updating process,
and will be off after that period. If you want to upgrading with the door
closed, switch on the filter, wait 2 minutes, and switch it off. The upgrading
procedure should be finished.
- Switch off the filter again. Wait 5 minutes.
- Unplug the device supplied. Switch the microswitches or jumper back to the
initial position “0000”.
- Mount the polycarbonate protection.
- The filter is updated.

AFQ Instructions Manual

If the panel software is no updated, update this software before starting the
active filter (see 6.4.2 Update panel software”).

Finished the update process could be necessary to setup again the filter
parameters. Before start the filter check the configuration parameters. (See
“6.4.3 Checking the configuration after complete the update”)

6.4.2 Update panel software

The panel software can be updated with an USB memory stick and the file
x.yz: number of version software.

Follow next steps to update de panel software:

- (Skip this step if you already have a memory stick from CIRCUTOR)
Unzip the file XP_Project.rar and move the folder XP_Project to the root of
the memory stick.
(root USB memory):\XP_Project\Vx.yz_CIRCUTOR

- Turn off active filter, wait until the capacitors are discharged (about 5
minutes). When the capacitors are discharged, plug in the memory stick into
the USB port found behind the panel.
- Power the active filter and wait until the screen has started. Check the filter
is STOP state. Access the FILTER DATA screen and change the setup code
number to 25.
Access the SETUP screen and push EXIT button.

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 67: Access to the panel menu.

- Inside the panel menu configuration, press Storage Function.

If the warning “Cannot find any removable Storage” is displayed on the
panel, try disconnecting and reconnecting the memory stick.

Figure 68: Panel update. Step 1.

- Press “Download project”. Select the file Vx.yz (x.yz is the version number of
software) and press OK.
- Wait until the update is complete. After the udate, the panel will restart the

AFQ Instructions Manual

Figure 69: Panel update. Step 2.

- Turn off the active filter, wait until the capacitors are discharged (about 5
minutes.) and unplug the memory stick.
- Reenergize the filter again.

If the message “End Setup” appears, you should change the setup code
number to 14 in the FILTER DATA screen. Back to main screen and verify
that the “End Setup” message is cleared.

If the message “Parallel AFQ error” appears, you should access to

PARAMETERS screen and configure Parallel Modules option. (See “4.3.2
Parameters screen”)

If the AFQ software is no updated, update this software before starting the
active filter (see “6.4.1 Update AFQ software”).

Finished the update process could be necessary to setup again the filter
parameters. Before start the filter check the configuration parameters. (See
“6.4.3 Checking the configuration after complete the update”)

AFQ Instructions Manual

6.4.3 Checking the configuration after complete the update

Check the configuration on the screen OPERATION MODE:

Check the configuration on the screen PARAMETERS:


Check the configuration on the screen FILTER DATA:

- FILTER RANGE: 25 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 (see the description on the
nameplate behind the door)
- SERIAL NUMBER: 802xxxxxx (see the serial number on the nameplate
behind the door)

AFQ Instructions Manual

7 Technical characteristics
AFQ_4W-25 AFQ_4W-50 AFQ_4W-100 AFQ_4W-150 AFQ_4W-200
Harmonic phase current 25 A RMS 50 A RMS 100 A RMS 150 A RMS 200 A RMS
Harmonic neutral current 75 A RMS 150 A RMS 300 A RMS 450 A RMS 600 A RMS
Harmonic peak current 50 A PEAK 100 A PEAK 200 A PEAK 300 A PEAK 400 A PEAK

Electrical characteristics
Nominal Voltage 400 V ± 15%
Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz +/- 10%
Number of phases 3 phases plus neutral wire ( 4 wires)

Filter specifications
Current harmonics compensation 2nd to 50th harmonic
Specified harmonic selection 2nd to 25th harmonic
Load current balancing Yes
Reactive current compensation Yes
Controller Digital, DSP
Transient Response Time < 1ms
Current limitation Protection from over current by current limitation at filter nominal value
Graphic Display Panel LCD display, 5,7” 320x240 pixel

AFQ Instructions Manual

Reference Harmonic Standard EN61000-3-4, IEEE519-1992
Reference Design Standard EN60146
Safety Standard EN50178
EN55011, EN50081-2, EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4
Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-6-2

Display functions
Controls Start, stop, reset alarm and filter status description
Configuration of all filter parameters including: harmonics filtering,
load balancing, reactive compensation, load transformer ratio,
minimum current, control algorithm and number off AFQ-4W in parallel.
Language, date and time and sound.
Voltages and currents measurements.
Real, reactive and apparent power and power factor measurements.
Electrical values display
Current harmonics and harmonic spectrum graph.
Internal temperatures and alarms history

Optional products
CVMk2 Three phase power quality analyzer
Power Studio SCADA software for online-instantaneous values and historical

AFQ Instructions Manual

Environmental conditions
Operating Temperature +0ºC to +50ºC
Relative humidity 0 to 90% without condensation
Operating Alititude < 2000m

Mechanical characteristics

AFQ_4W-25 AFQ_4W-50 AFQ_4W-100 AFQ_4W-150 AFQ_4W-200

Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 500x830x450 655x1350x450 665x1800x457 1190x1900x620x720 1190x1900x620x720

Weight (kg) 135 212 272 505 511

Figure 70: Dimensions of AFQ-4W (25A, 50A, 100A). Figure 71: Dimensions of AFQ-4W (150A 200A).

AFQ Instructions Manual


In case of any doubt or failure of equipment operation, please contact the Technical Assistance
Service CIRCUTOR, S.A.

Servicio de Asistencia Técnica

Vial Sant Jordi, s/n
08232 – Viladecavalls (Barcelona)
Tel: 902 449 459 (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 937452900 (outside Spain)

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

AFQ Instructions Manual

Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta publicación, sin para ello contar con la autorización previa y por escrito de CIRCUTOR, SA
En caso de cualquier duda de funcionamiento o avería del equipo.
Avisar al Servicio de Asistencia Técnica (S.A.T.) de CIRCUTOR CIRCUTOR, SA
Vial Sant Jordi, s/n – 08232 – Viladecavalls (Barcelona)
ESPAÑA: 902 449 459 Tel. +34 93 745 29 00 – Fax: +34 93 745 29 14
INTERNACIONAL: (+34) 93 745 29 00 Web: – email:


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