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Lesson topic: Jobs Class / Level: Grade 3 Day/Date:

Vocabulary: Doctor, Teacher, Firefighter, Grammar points: Subject + To Be verb + noun
Waiter, Chef, Police officer, Taxi driver

Goal/Aim: + Make sure the students learn by heart all the vocabularies about jobs.
+ The Ss can make a sentence about a person’s job with correct grammar points.

WARM UP: Time: 10 minutes

T & Ss: Greeting Resources needed: 16 pieces of paper
divided into 4 piles, each pile will have
The class have learned about “Subject + To Be verb + Adj” in the
previous lesson. 4 pieces of paper, each piece will have
a word in a sentence below. Then
Activity: Jumbled Sentence (Divide students into 4 groups of 3). shuffle the pieces in that pile.
 Hand out a sentence that has been cut up into multiple words + Pile 1: [He is a doctor]
and pieces (is / doctor / he / a), (teacher / she / a / is), …
+ Pile 2: [She is a teacher]
 Tell the Ss they will work in groups to put the sentence back in
the correct order. + Pile 3: [She is a chef]
 After they have finished, The T confirms the Ss’ answer and
+ Pile 4: [I am a firefighter]
corrects it.
 The Ss will need to listen to the T to say that sentence correctly
first, then they need to repeat it aloud.
 PPT slides, pictures (Doctor,
 Then, give each of the group a picture about the job in their
Teacher, Chef, Firefighter),
Example: Group 3 have rearranged the sentence “He is a doctor”.
Next, the T will give them a picture that has a doctor on it.
Then, the teacher will ask them to guess “So what is doctor in
Vietnamese? Can you guess?” to make sure the students understand
the vocabs.
Repeat this process with the other groups with this same method until
you got the Vietnamese meaning of all 4 words.

+ Lastly, start asking them “So what is the topic for today? Can you guess
+ After they guess all the possible topics, reveal the actual topic for them
and move on to the presentation.
PRESENTATION: Time: 12 minutes
Presentation 1: Resources needed: Blue and red
 Present the vocabularies about jobs using pictures: markers, white board, PPT slides
 Write “Doctor / Teacher / Chef / Firefighter” and tell the class to of jobs, pictures of the 7 jobs, a
repeat after the T one more time. The T confirms and corrects paper ball.
them if there are any mistakes:
“Repeat after me: Doctor” “What is Doctor in Vietnamese?”
“Repeat after me: Teacher” “What is Teacher in Vietnamese?”
“Repeat after me: Chef” “What is Chef in Vietnamese?”
“Repeat after me: Firefighter” “What is Firefighter in Vietnamese?”

After they know the first 4 vocabs, move on to the other 3


 + Hold up the picture of “Waiter” and ask: “Who’s this?”.

 Make sure to translate the phrase “Who’s this?” so
that the Ss understand what the T is asking for.
+ The T confirms the Ss’ answer and corrects it.
+ Then write it on the board and get them to repeat after the T,
practice and help them with pronunciation.
+ Ask them again “What is Waiter in Vietnamese?”.
 Repeat this process with “Taxi driver, Police officer” with the
same method as above.

 Activities: Choral repetition (words), Pronunciation practice,

Translation, Game: Toss the ball

Toss the ball:

 Rules: Ss get in a circle, then toss a paper ball around the

circle. When a S gets the ball, he or she has to say a word
about a job that we have just studied.

i.e: The T tosses the ball to Student A, Student A will say

“Doctor” then Student A tosses the ball to Student B, then he will
have to say a different job than “Doctor”, he could say “Waiter”
and so on (You can’t repeat the same job as the previous person
just said). Keep passing the ball around the circle for about 1
minute 30 seconds and then tell the Ss to give a big round of
applause for everyone and for yourself.
PRACTICE: Time: 5 minutes
Practice 1: Resources needed: Pictures of the
seven jobs.
Quick Reflexes
 The T will randomly hold up the pictures about jobs and the Ss
objective is to say the correct word about that job aloud and as
fast as possible.
 i.e: *The T holds up the picture of a Teacher*
 The Ss will need to say “TEACHER” it aloud within seconds.

First round:
+ Hold up the pictures one by one randomly for the WHOLE class to
say it aloud and practice quick reflexes. (Use all 7 pictures)

Second round:
+ Approach 2 students and hold up 2 pictures in total for them to say
it aloud while the whole class spectate. When the 2 students finish,
make sure to tell the class to applause for them.

+ Continue with this method until the T reaches the end of the class
with the last 2 students. Then the T should say “Everyone give a big
applause for the last pair and for yourself please!”.

Presentation 2:
Time: 15 minutes
+ Link back to the Warm up activity and tell them they need to
say it in a full sentence now with the correct grammar points: Resources needed: Blue and red
“Subject + To Be verb + noun” markers, white board, PPT slides,
 After giving them the grammar points, the T will break it down pictures of the 7 jobs.
slowly for them.
Subject: I, you, he, she ( we / they will be taught in the future
To Be verb: am / is / are
Noun: A doctor, a chef, …
Subject “I” will go with the To Be verb “am”
Same goes with You, He and She, break it down for them

 Then, start getting them to say it in a full sentence, show them a

picture of a female teacher, a male chef, … and get them to talk
about them in a full sentence. (He is a doctor) (She is a chef) …
+ Continue with this exercise and start showing them more
pictures about the jobs, they will need to say it in a full sentence.
If they can’t or make some mistakes, the T will need to corrects
them and encourage them to try again and speak in full sentence.

+ Introduce them with new questions “What is his job?” “What is

her job?” “What is your job?”
 Break these questions down so that they can understand
whether the T is asking about the student’s job or someone’s job.

T: “What is her job?” *Show picture of a female police officer*

Ss: “She is a police officer”

T: “What is his job?” *Show picture of a male taxi driver*

Ss: “He is a taxi driver”
Time: 8 minutes
Practice 2:
Resources needed: 12 pieces of
 Go around the class and hand out each student a piece of paper paper that have a job written on
that has a job written on it, then tell the Ss to hold the paper up
it. (2 Doctors, 2 Teachers, 2
so that everyone in the class can see what is your job.
Firefighters, 2 Taxi driver, 2
 + After that, the T will come up to a random student and ask Waiters, 1 Chef and 1 Police
“What is YOUR job?” Make sure to translate the question again officer)
if the student seems lost and can’t understand the question.
+ The Ss can look at the board if they forget any of the words or
the phrases. After they give the T an answer, the T confirms it
and corrects it.
Repeat the same process with 6 other Ss.

 Then, approach a student to ask the job of other Ss.

i.e: “Hello, what is HIS job?” the T points at a boy in the class.
After that student give the T an answer, the T confirms it and
corrects it.
Repeat the same process with 8 other Ss. Time: 5 minutes

Resources needed: PPT slides,

pictures of the 7 jobs, duct tape
+The T will put all the 7 pictures of the jobs on the board and (to stick the 7 pictures on the
then invite 2 students, one will ask and one will answer. (All the vocabs
and phrases are still on the board to guide them)
Student A: “What is his / her job?”
Student B: “He / She is a teacher”
The T at this stage will focus on the fluency, so if any of them make any
pronunciation mistakes, the T should correct them.
The T should invite all 6 pairs for this part
WRAP UP: Time: 5 minutes
 Give them about 2 minutes to look at all the 7 pictures on the Resources needed: pictures of the
board, look at the words and phrases and think to themselves 7 jobs, words and phrases about
what they have learned in the lesson today.
today’s topic on the board.
 Tell the class to repeat all the vocabularies and phrases of today
with the T.
“Doctor, Teacher, Firefighter, Waiter, Chef, Police officer, Taxi driver ”
“He is a…” “She is a…”

 Give them homework:

+ Review the vocabularies
+ Practice all the structures “He is a firefighter” “She is a chef” …

 Say goodbye to the class with a big smile and full of energy.

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