Lesson Plan - Speaking

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Teaching date:

Duration: 55 minutes

Level: B1 - Intermediate

Number of students: 40

Unit 1: Your world
Speaking lesson
A. Main lesson aims:
By the end of the lesson, students (Ss) should be better able to discuss people's
personality and use useful phrases to express likes and dislikes.
B. Language materials:
a) Vocabulary
- caring
- artistic
- adventurous
- ambitious
- sporty
- amusing
b) Pronunciation
− Correct pronunciation of the previous words.
C. Skills
Integrated skills: Speaking - Reading - Writing - Listening
* Focus on: Speaking skills

1. Methods
Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT)
2. Teaching aids
Laptop, powerpoint file, white-board, markers, handouts, working sheets
Coursebook: National Geographic Learning/ Cengage Learning/ CLOSE-UP B1+
(second edition)
IV. Steps of teaching:
1. Greeting
2. New lesson (55-60 minutes)
Stages Procedures
Teacher (T) Students (Ss)
and lead- - Greet the class - Greet the
in teacher
Hangman game: Rule:
- Ask Ss to play - Ss join the
“Hangman game” game - Each team has a Hangman figure
using 3 previous and tries to guess the word by asking
vocabularies. what letters it contains.
- when the team guesses wrong, T
- Divide the class - Divided into 2 draws a part of the Hangman.
into 2 teams ( A and teams (A and B). - Which team guesses the correct
B). word will be the winner, or which
team gets full parts of the Hangman
- T shows the hint - 2 teams look at first will lose.
image for each word the hint and
for 2 teams to guess. guess the word. Word list:

- T checks and - Ss fix their

corrects Ss’s answers.

1. artistic (8 letters)

2. caring (6 letters)

3. sporty (6 letters)

- T asks: “What kind - Ss stand up and

- Correct answer: They are
of word form are answer the
they? “Are they question.
nouns, adjectives, or
adverbs?” and call 2
Ss to answer.

- T explains to Ss
that those words are
adjectives describing
pp’s personality, then
lead into the lesson:
speaking about pp’s

Pre - Activity B: 6 lexical items:

- T shows Ss 6 - Ss look at the
vocabularies and 6 vocabularies and
(20 paragraphs. paragraphs.
- T asks Ss to work in - Ss work in pairs
pair in 1 minute to to find the 6 paragraphs:
match the vocabulary answer.

with the suitable

- T calls 3 Ss to come - 3 Ss come to

to the board and the board and
write their answers. write their

- T checks and fixes - Ss write down

Ss’s answers the correct

Correct answers:
1e 2b 3c 4d 5a 6f

Activity C:
- T asks students to -Ss proceeds to
prepare their ideas do what T
relating to part C in 5 instruct them, by
minutes, students brainstorming
will use their ideas to their ideas on the
prepare for while- sheet of paper
speaking activity via
a mindmap-liked
sheet that T has
prepared for the
student to brainstorm
their ideas.

Useful expressions:
- T teaches Ss how to - Ss learn how to
use Useful use Useful
expressions to make expressions.
a sentence and gives
examples. Example:
- I love reading because I find it quite
- T calls some Ss to - Ss stand up and interesting.
read the example read the example - It makes me feel relaxed.
loudly. loudly.

While- Activity D:
speaking - T asks Ss to work in - Ss work in
(20 pairs in 5 minutes to pairs, following
minutes) ask and answer about T’s instructions.
the points in Activity
C, using the Useful
expressions in their

- T goes around the - Ss listen to their

class to check if partner’s speech
everyone participates and then help
in this activity, them to fix and
listens and suggests finish the speech.
corrections and

- After 5 minutes, T - Ss stand up and

calls Ss to stand up report about their
and talk about their partner.

-T listen and provide -Ss take note


-Switch Students and - Speak with

speak again other students

Post - - T gives feedback to - Ss listen to T’s
speaking the Ss if the task was feedback.
(5 done well or not.
- T points out some - Ss take note of
mistakes that Ss the things T just
make and correct corrects.

- T call some Ss to - Ss stand up and

stand up and present present again.
Consolidat Activity A: ‘Talk
ion to your partner’
minutes) - T divides class into - Ss join group
pairs of two per table of two to
to work in 2 minutes, participate in the
asks Ss to ask and discussion by

answer the questions g a set of
in the Handout. questions

- While observing, - Ss listen to

walking around the their partner and
classroom, T will report back to T
give feedback by when he/she asks
asking a student
what his/her partner
said => then give

- After 2 minutes, T - Switch partner

will say “switch when teacher
partner” says
Students will move
to another table to
ask/answer the same
set of questions

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