Primary Singing Program

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New Testament

Singing Time Plan for the Year

Use this guide to help you plan out which songs
to teach each month of the year to be Program-
ready by the Fall! Plus, a simple Program

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NEW TESTAMENT YEAR OUTLINE | This lesson plan was created by and is protected material. Do not distribute.
New Testament – Singing Time Plan for the Year
Suggested Song List: January:
- January: Come, Follow Me Hymn - Come, Follow Me
- February: Baptism - Search, Ponder and Pray
- March: I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus - Choose the Right Way
- April: Gethsemane o A Child’s Prayer
- May: I Am a Child of God o Jesus Once was a Little Child
- June: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (Not in PP) February:
- July: I’ll Walk with You (Not in PP) - Baptism
- August: I Will Follow God’s Plan - I Am a Child of God
- September: I Know That My Redeemer Lives - I Will Follow God’s Plan
- October: The Church of Jesus Christ o He Sent His Son
- November: Search, Ponder and Pray o The Holy Ghost (Aug)
- December: Choose the Right Way March:
- Alternate: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus - I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
- Alternate: If the Savior Stood Beside Me - Come, Follow Me
- Alternate: Peace in Christ - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- Alternate: The Miracle o Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
o Did You Think to Pray?
Primary Program Suggested Outline: April:
- Primary President Introduction - Gethsemane
- I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus - I Will Follow God’s Plan
- Sunbeams– “I can be like Jesus by…” - Search, Ponder and Pray
- Come, Follow Me o Faith
- CTR 5 – “I can Follow the Savior by….” o I Feel My Savior’s Love
- Choose the Right Way May:
- Valiant 9 - “I can choose to be obedient by…” - I Am a Child of God
- 1 minute talk on Obedience - Baptism
- Search, Ponder and Pray - Choose the Right Way
- Valiant 8 – “Studying the Savior’s life taught o Families Can Be Together Forever
me…” o Keep the Commandments
- Baptism (child playing piano) June:
- Valiant 7 – “My baptism was special to me - Did Jesus Really Live Again? (Not in PP)
because…” - Gethsemane
- 1-minute talk about Baptism - I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
- I Will Follow God’s Plan o Love One Another
- CTR 6 – “Following God’s plan makes me happy o Kindness Begins with Me
because…” July:
- Gethsemane - I’ll Walk with You (Not in PP)
- Valiant 10 – “The Atonement makes an impact on - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
my life by…” - Search, Ponder and Pray
- 1-minute talk on the Atonement o Stand for the Right
- I Am a Child of God o I’ll Walk With You
- CTR 4 – “I know I am a Child of God because…” August:
- Did Jesus Really Live Again? - 5 mins: Activity with a song that needs review
- Closing remarks from Bishop - 15 mins: Program Songs Review Activity
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives (with Congregation) o When I Am Baptized
o The Lord Gave Me a Temple

NEW TESTAMENT YEAR OUTLINE | This lesson plan was created by and is protected material. Do not distribute.
New Testament – Singing Time Plan for the Year
My Song Picks: January:
- January: (Teach Jan/Mar) - January:
- February: (Teach Feb/May) - November:
- March: (Teach Mar/June) - December:
- April: (Teach Apr/June) o January #2:
- May: (Teach Feb/May) o January #3:
- June: (Teach June, Not in PP) February:
- July: (Teach July, Not in PP) - February:
- August: (Teach Feb/Apr) - May:
- September: (Teach Mar/July) - August:
- October: (Teach Oct, Not in PP) o February #2:
- November: o February #3:
o (Teach Jan/July) Nov-Christmas Song March:
- December: - March:
o (Teach Jan/May) Dec-Christmas Song - January:
- Additional Song: - September:
- Additional Song: o March #2:
o March #3:
Primary Program Rough Outline: April:
- Primary President Introduction - April:
- January: - August:
- CTR 5 – - November:
- March: o April #2:
- Sunbeams – o April #3:
- 1 minute talk on: May:
- August: - May:
- CTR 6 – - February:
- February: - December:
- Valiant 7 – o May #2:
- 1-minute talk on: o May #3:
- December: June:
- Valiant 9 – - June: (Not in PP)
- CTR 4 – - April:
- November: - March:
- Valiant 8 – o June #2:
- 1-minute talk on: o June #3:
- April: July:
- Valiant 10 – - July: (Not in PP)
- CTR 4 – - September:
- May: - November:
- Closing remarks from Bishop o July #2:
- September: o July #3:
(Sing as Closing Hymn with Congregation) August:
- 5 mins: Activity with a song that needs review
- 15 mins: Program Songs Review Activity
o August #2:
o August #3:

NEW TESTAMENT YEAR OUTLINE | This lesson plan was created by and is protected material. Do not distribute.
New Testament – Singing Time Plan for the Year
My Song Picks: January:
- January: -
- February: -
- March: -
- April: o
- May: o
- June: February:
- July: -
- August: -
- September: -
- October: o
- November: o
- December: March:
- Additional Song: -
- Additional Song: -
Primary Program Rough Outline: o
- Primary President Introduction o
- Song: April:
- Class: -
- Song: -
- Class: -
- 1 minute talk on: o
- Song: o
- Class: May:
- Song: -
- Class: -
- 1-minute talk on: -
- Song: o
- Class: o
- Class: June:
- Song: -
- Class: -
- 1-minute talk on: -
- Song: o
- Class: o
- Class: July:
- Song: -
- Closing remarks from Bishop -
- Song: -

NEW TESTAMENT YEAR OUTLINE | This lesson plan was created by and is protected material. Do not distribute.
Primary Program Suggested Outline
Primary President Introduction of the Theme
Song: I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
Scripture: John 13:14-15 “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your
feet; ye also out to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example,
that ye should do as I have done to you.”
Sunbeams: “I can be like Jesus by…”
Song: Come, Follow Me
Scripture: Matthew 4: 18-19 “And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw
two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into
the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will
make you fishers of men.”
CTR 5: “I can follow the Savior by…”
Song: Choose the Right Way
Scripture: John 13:17 “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”
Valiant 9: “I can choose to be obedient by…”
Talk: 1 minute talk on Obedience
Song: Search, Ponder and Pray
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:15-16 “From a child thou hast known the holy
scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith
which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
Valiant 8: “Studying the Savior’s life taught me…”
Song: Baptism (child playing piano)
Scripture: Matthew 3:13,16 “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto
John, to be baptized of him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, when up
straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him,
and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.”
Valiant 7: “My baptism was special to me because…”
Talk: 1-minute talk about Baptism
Song: I Will Follow God’s Plan
Scripture: Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it
is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew
first, and also to the Greek.”
CTR 6: “Following God’s plan makes me happy because…”
Song: Gethsemane
Scripture: Luke 22:44 “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and
his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down on the ground.”
Valiant 10: “The Atonement makes an impact on my life by…”
Talk: 1-minute talk on the Atonement
Song: I Am a Child of God
Scripture: Psalm 82:6 “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of
the most High.”
CTR 4: “I know I am a Child of God because…”
Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again?
Scripture: Luke 24:39-40 “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me
haven. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his
Closing remarks from Bishop
Scripture: John 20:16 “Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and
saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.”
Closing Song: I Know That My Redeemer Lives (with Congregation)
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NEW TESTAMENT YEAR OUTLINE | This lesson plan was created by and is protected material. Do not distribute.

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