FINAL - SEE - CHD - XI - CS - 2020-21 Answer Key

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Session Ending Examination Chandigarh Region 2020-21

SUBJECT: Computer Science



Attempt any 15 questions from question no 1 to 21.

1. _________ is the part of the CPU that performs the arithmetic operations.
Ans: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
1 mark for correct answer
2. A nibble in computer memory is a group of _______.
A) 8 bits B) 8 bytes C) 4 bits D) 4 bytes
Ans : 4 bits
1 mark for correct answer
3. What is IPO cycle?
Ans : A computer takes input in the form of data and generate output in the form of information. This
process of converting data into some meaningful information is called IPO cycle.
½ mark for each correct answer
4. Which gates are known as universal gates?
Ans : NAND & NOR .
1 mark for correct answer
5. “Unicode is the superset of all other character sets that have been encoded”.
Above statement is True or False).
Ans : True
1 mark for correct answer
6. Prove that X.(X+Y) = X by truth table method.
1 mark for correct prove
7. A _______ is simply a sequence of steps for completing a task.
Ans : Algorithm

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1 mark for correct answer
8. Is python a case sensitive language ?
Ans : Yes,
1 mark for correct answer
9. To increase the value of k five times using an augmented assignment operator, the correct expression
will be
A) k += 5 B) k *=5 C) k = k**5 D) k = k * 5
Ans : (ii) k*=5
1 mark for correct answer
10. Which of the following is an invalid identifier:
A) my_day B) my_day C) 2_myday D) myday2
Ans : ‘ C. 2_myday
1 mark for correct answer
11. What value will be returned, if x=math.floor(24.6)?
A) 24 B) 24.6 C)25 D) -24
B) Ans : A: 24
1 mark for correct answer
12. Consider the loop given below. What will be the final value of I after the loop ?
for I in range (11) :
Ans : 0
1 mark for correct answer
13. The _______ statement forms the selection construct in Python.
Ans : if
1 mark for correct answer
14. What will be the result of the expression “Class”+ “XI” * 2
A) ‘ClassXIClassXI’ B) ‘ClassXIXI’ C) ‘ClassXI’ D) ‘ClXI’
Ans : ‘ClassXIXI’
1 mark for correct answer
15. Varun wants to delete an element from the list whose value is known to him, he is confused with these
list functions clear( ), pop( ) , remove( ) and del, which function he should use from these to remove an
element matching a given value from the list.

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Ans : remove( )
1 mark for correct answer
16. Write any two characteristics of tuple.
Ans: 1. Tuple is sequence of data value, 2. It is immutable data type
½ Mark for each correct characteristics
17. _______ is a self-replicating virus and creates its multiple copies to eat up the entire memory of the
Ans : WORM (1 mark for correct answer)
18. What is plagiarism ?
Ans : Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work and representing it as you own work
without citing the source of information.
1 mark for correct answer
19. Discarded electrical or electronic devices are known as _______ .
Ans : E-Waste
1 mark for correct answer
20. Which is an example of an open source software
A) Windows B) MS Office C) Oracle D) Mozilla Firefox
Ans (d) Mozilla Firefox
1 mark for correct answer
21. Which cyber law in India deals with cyber-crimes?
Ans : IT act 2000
1 mark forr correct answer

Both the Case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each
question carries 1 mark
22. Observe the following code of python and answer the question followed (any four) :
x = ____ (input (“Enter value of x :” )) #line 1
st = “I love python” # line 2
print(len(st)) # line 3
f = list(st) # line 4
print(st) # line 5
st[7] = ‘P’ # line 6 having error

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i) x in line 1 is to be taken from the user as a float value complete line 1 fill in blank statement for this
ii) What will be the output of line 3 statement ?
iii) What will be the type of f in line 4 statement ?
iv) We are getting output of line 5 as “I love python”, what changes should be made to produce the
output as “I Love Python” in line 5 statement.
v) Line 6 is producing error. What is the reason?

Ans : i) x = float (input (“Enter value of x :” ))

ii) 13
iii) List
iv) print(st.title())
v) string is immutable and a character on an index cann’t be changed this way.
( 1 Mark for each correct answer)
23. What does each of the following expressions evaluate to ? Suppose that L is the list having :
[“These”, [“are”, “a”, “few”, “words”], “that”, “we”, “will”, “use”]
i) L[1][0::2]
ii) “a” in L[1][0]
iii) L[:1]+L[1]
iv) L [2 ::2]
v) L.pop(-1)

Answer : i) ['are”, “few”]

ii) True
iii) ['These', 'are', 'a', 'few', 'words']
iv) ['that', 'will']
vi) ‘use’
1 Mark for each correct answer/output


24. Define System software and application software?

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Ans : There are broadly two categories of software :
1. System Software : This type of software controls internal computer operations. The system
software can further be classified in two categories :
i. Operating System
ii. Language Processor
Application Software : An application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operation
for a specified application.
1 mark for each correct category and explanation
25. Convert the followings:-
i) (146)8 = ( )10 (ii) (A2C)16 = ( )2
Ans : i) 102 ii) 101000101100
(1 mark for each correct conversion)
Write a note on ASCII and ISCII codes.
(1 mark for each correct explanation)
26. Write the equivalent Boolean expression for given Logic Circuit :

Ans : (P+Q’)(Q+R’)
1 mark for each correct expression
27. Write one feature and one limitation of Python language.
(1 Mark for correct feature and 1 Mark for limitation)
28. Find error in the following code(if any) and correct code by rewriting code and underline the
x= int(input(“Enter value of x:”)
for i in range(0,10):
if x>=y:
½ mark for each correction
29. Define Run time error? Give example.

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(1 mark for correct definition and 1 mark for example)
Explain use of % and //operators with example?
(1 mark for correct explanation of operator and 1 mark for example)
30. Differentiate between break and continue statement. Use appropriate examples..
(1 Mark for correct difference and 1 Mark for the example)
31. Which are the two ways to delete elements from a dictionary? Give example of any one way.
Ans: For deleting element from a dictionary we can use either del statement, pop( ) function and
popitem( ) function. The del statement can be used as follows :
del <dictionary>[<key>]
person={“sal”:20000, ‘age’:29, ‘Name’: “Manoj”}
del person[‘age’]
(1 mark for correct ways to delete one mark for any correct example)
32. What is Intellectual property? Give some examples of digital properties.
(1 Mark for explaining Intellectual property and 1 mark for examples)
33. What can be done to reduce the risk of identity theft? Write any two ways.
Ans : i) Use of unique ids to protect your devices and accounts.
ii) Using bio-metric protection.
(1 mark for each any correct way to reduce risk)

34. Write a program to which accept SalesAmount from user then calculate and print discount amount per
following criteria :

Sales Amount Discount

Less than 1000 5% of Sales Amount

1001 to 3000 7% of sales Amount

More than 3000 10% of Sales Amount

(e.g. if Sales amount is 800 then Discount amount would be 800*5/100 i.e 40)

1 mark for input & output, 2 marks for conditions & calculating discount

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Write a program to print grade of a student as per input percentage as per criteria given below:-
Percentage range Grade
More than or equivalent 90 A
60 to 89 B
40 to 59 C
Less than 40 D
1 mark for input & output, 2 marks for conditions & calculating grade
(Any correct code program to do the given task is accepted, step marking for the code as per board
35. Find and write the output of the following python code :
s = “C Vaccine#2021”
for i in range(0,k):
Answer : c@vACCINE@#202
(1 mark for character correctly, 1 mark for digit and 1 mark for rest character)
36. Answer the following questions :
i) Convert of for loop :
while(x < 15):

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x = x +2
Answer :
for x in range(0,15,2):
(2 mark for any correct conversion)

ii) How many times the following loop will execute :

for x in [6,4,3,2,1]:
Answer : 5
(1 mark for correct answer)
37. What are the benefits of e-Waste Recycling ?
(1 Mark for each correct benefit)
Write at least three ethics to use social networking sites?
(1 Mark for each ethics)
38 Write a Python program to input 10 student name and their marks in a dictionary as key value pair then
print the names of those students who secures marks more than 60.
2 marks for input and creating dictionary
1 marks for correct loop for search
1 marks for checking condition
1 marks for output
(Any correct code program to do the given task is accepted)
39. (i) Write a program to check whether given integer is Prime or not.(3)
(ii) Write a program to check whether input year is a leap or not. (2)
Any correct code program to do the given task is accepted, step marking for the code as per board
(i) Write a program which accepts 8 integer numbers in a list and change each even number
with its half and odd number with its double. (3)
Input list: [2,5,6,8,11,15,20,30]

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Output List: [1,10,3,4,22,30,10,15]
(ii) Write a program to count vowels in a given string (2)
Any correct code program to do the given task is accepted, step marking for the code as per board

40. Read the following situation and give answer after understanding it :
i) Manoj is preparing a project on “Digital India Initiative”. He got information from the internet. He
downloaded web pages and images containing information on “Digital India Initiative”. He used
these data and images in his project without quoting the source, Is Manoj has committed any cyber
crime, if yes name the crime and give justification.

ii) Manoj received an e mail from SBI department. On clicking on it, he was taken to a site designed
to imitate an official-looking website, such as SBI. He uploaded some important information on it.
Identify and explain the cybercrime being discussed in the scenario.

iii) Explain any two ways in which technology can help students with disabilities.

Ans : i) Yes, Manoj is doing Plagiarism because he is using someone else’s work and showing as he
have done this work.
(1/2 Mark for say yes, ½ for correct identification as crime, 1 mark for explanations)
ii) It is an example of phishing.
(1 mark for correct crime naming )
iii) Talking word processor
Screen reader
Eye Tracking Mouse
Conversion of local language to Braille
(1 mark for correct way)


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