From World War 2 To Cold War

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From world war 2 to cold war: the emergence and development of georce c marshalls transatlantic

worldview and policies 1939-1951

Marshal US secretary of state for two years, with the European Recovery programme that bears his
name and the NATO pact completed a few months after he leaves office.

Placed severe limits on US aid to latin America and asia despite looming victory of communist
military forces in china’s civil war.

Favoured continental or hemispheric defense . opposed sale of war supplies to Britain and France on
grounds they were needed for his own forces and to uncertainty as to whether Britain would

Supported lend lease bill 1941 for Britain once it was clear she would survive and upon strategic
reassessment and orders from the president.

We achieved the impossible of allied military unity of action.

That ‘little more’ was, of course, the invitation for Europeans to develop an
integrated programme for recovery with the help of extensive American financial aid,
an invitation that would result in the European Recovery Programme that bears his
name and for which he would later receive the Nobel Peace Prize

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