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EFE indonesia

February 8th, 2023

Learning objectives

At the end of the learning process, the participants are expected to :

• understand and use vocabularies related to culture,
• find out the information from the video,
• be able to read the dialogue with minor mistakes in pronunciation.
1. Brainstorming
2. Game
3. Lead in questions
4. Vocabulary bank
5. Listening for gist
6. Dialogue
7. Exercises
8. Breakout room
9. Quotation

Mention one of famous cultures

in Indonesia/ in your hometown!
What is it
A cremation ceremony held by Balinese A ceremonial celebration of the first time
Hindu. baby touch the ground.

A common Javanese wedding ritual One of traditional dances in Bali island.

before a wedding ceremony.
It is ……….




01 Do you think culture is important?

Yes, I do. I personally believe that culture is important because it
is the identity of a country.

02 Have you ever celebrated traditional ceremony?

Yes, I have ever celebrated traditional ceremony, it was Dieng
Culture Festival in Wonosobo, Central Java.
Vocabulary bank
No. Words Meaning Sentence

1 Tourist Wisatawan Borobudur temple attracts a lot of tourists.

2 Heritage Warisan This monument is a part of national heritage.

3 Ceremony Upacara Dieng Culture Festival is an event designed for Dieng local
society for “Ngruwat Gimbal” ceremony.
4 Tradition Tradisi Culture is made up of the traditions and beliefs of a group of
5 Ritual Adat As part of the ritual, everyone carries various kinds of fruits.

6 Diversity Keberagaman London has a large amount of Ethnic and cultural diversity.

7 Culture shock Keterkejutan budaya Foreign students often experience culture shock.

8 Consider Mempertimbangkan Being late is considered polite in some countries.

9 Rude Kasar/ tidak sopan I was shocked by her rude behavior.

10 Practice Berlatih I have to practice speaking English before going to Melbourne.


1. Who is Michael’s friend?

2. Did Michael feel happy after having trip around the world?
Listen to the video carefully !
Practice the dialogue below !
George : Welcome back, Michael! How was your trip around the world?
Michael : It was amazing. I had so many new experiences and learnt so much about different people.
George : What do you mean?
Michael : People in different places do things differently. So, in some places certain behavior is good and
certain behavior is bad.
George : Oh, I’ve heard of that. What was example from your trip?
Michael : Well, in some countries it’s considered polite to make lots of noise when you’re eating, however in
other countries it is considered extremely rude.
George : Wow that sounds confusing!
Michael : Yes, it is sometimes. Another thing is wearing shoes inside. In some places you can wear shoes inside,
but in others it is standard practice to remove your shoes before you go into the house.
George : What about being late? I heard it’s okay in some places.
Michael : You’re right. In some South American countries, it’s actually rude to arrive on time. People believe that
it is much better to arrive about an hour after the scheduled start time.
George : Wow, there is so much to remember. Was it hard not to offend anyone?
Michael : Sometimes it was but I decided to just copy what the local people were doing. I found that if I did
that, most of the time I was okay.
Exercise 1
Choose the best answer!
1. How was Michael’s trip around the world?
a. It was disappointing b. It was amazing c. It was embarrassing

2. What did Michael learn from his trip?

a. He learnt so much about different people
b. He learnt so much about different food
c. He learnt so much about different vehicles

3. Do people in different places do things differently?

a. Yes, I do b. No, they don’t c. Yes, they do

4. In some South American countries, it’s actually rude to arrive on time.

The synonym of the underlined word is ….
a. impatient b. impolite c. impossible
Exercise 2
Arrange the words below into meaningful sentences :

1. love – ceremony – watch – I – to – traditional.

2. tourists – Millions – visit – of – temple – Borobudur – August - on.
3. is – of – our – The building – heritage – national – part.
Take turn to ask and answer these questions with
friends in your room !

1. Do you follow your traditions in your hometown? Explain!

2. If you could change anything about your culture, what would you change?
3. Have you ever experienced culture shock? Tell us!
4. If someone visited your country from another country, what advice would you give?
5. What should you learn about foreign country’s culture before visiting it?
6. What is something that people should never do in your culture?
7. Is there anything you don’t like about your culture? Explain!
“Culture opens the sense of beauty.”

Ralph waldo emerson

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