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Jamie Olivia Vinny Ese Tendai Halina

Prabhjot Maria Samuel Weronika Billy Emmanuela

Abdoul Nadia

Taiah Yusheng Faizal Katie Celestyn Destiny Daniel Caitlyn

Tomasz Stephen Nathan

Our Ladyʼs RC High School Historical Skills: N/A
Duration: 60 minutes Intro to Year 7

Welcome to History at Our Ladyʼs. My name is Mr. Edge and I will

be your History teacher for year 10 and 11.

On the front of your books and
your assessment folders
Top Line: Your name
Second Line: History:
Elizabethan Era
Third Line: Mr. Edge
Fourth Line: Room S15
Classroom expectations in
Be respectful and always use your manners
Always try your best and take pride in your work
Do not talk when I am talking
Do not talk when others are talking
Listen to instructions
Raise your hand if you wish to speak/answer
Presentation expectations in
Handwriting in your books to always be your neatest.
Always write in black/blue unless told otherwise.
Cross any mistakes out once with a ruler.
Underline the title, date and lesson objective every lesson.
Rule off each lesson.
No scribbling/graffiti in your books.
Take pride in your work, do your best!
History GCSE
1. It is one of the HARDEST GCSE options but one of
the better ones for preparing you for doing A-Levels
and being at University.
2. The GCSE comprises of 4 parts
GCSE – 4 parts
Part 1 – 25% – Paper 1: The Elizabethan Age
Part 2 – 25% - Paper 2: Germany 1890-1945
Part 3 - 25% - Paper 3: Conflict and Tension 1918-1939
Part 4 – 25% - Paper 4: Health and the People
C1000-present day
The Elizabethan Age 1558-1603

• Part 1: Elizabeth’s Court and Parliament

• Part 2: Elizabethan life
• Part 3: Trouble at home and abroad
- Historical Site: The Americas and Drake’s
circumnavigation, 1577—1580
Revision Guide

These have now been ordered for you.

You will be expected to contribute £1 towards your guide
If you have any questions about this speak to me at the end of lesson please.
Title: Who were the Tudors?
LO: To gain an understanding of
the Tudor family.

Starter: Answer the following 3 questions

1. Write down 1 thing you already know about the

Elizabethan era
2. Write down 1 thing you think you know about the
Elizabethan era
3. Write down 1 thing you would like to know about
the Elizabethan era
1. Henry VIII was Elizabeth’s
2. Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth’s
3. Mary I was Elizabeth’s older
4. Edward VI was Elizabeth’s
1. Henry VIII was Elizabeth’s
2. Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth’s
3. Mary I was Elizabeth’s older
4. Edward VI was Elizabeth’s
Complete the sentences about
Elizabeth’s family tree as we go
through the information.
1. Henry VIII was Elizabeth’s
2. Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth’s
3. Mary I was Elizabeth’s older
4. Edward VI was Elizabeth’s younger
1. Henry VIII was Elizabeth’s
2. Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth’s
3. Mary I was Elizabeth’s older
4. Edward VI was Elizabeth’s
The Tudors
• Before 1485 England had many civil
wars between two families: Lancaster
and York. They fought for 30 years.
This was known as the Battle of the

• In 1485 Henry Tudor, a man from the

Lancaster family invaded England
became king, Henry VII (the 7 ).
- Henry married Elizabeth of the York
family and the civil wars ended.

• In 1509 Henry Tudor died and his son,

also named th
Henry became king, Henry
VIII (the 8 ). Henry VIII was
Elizabeth’s father.
The Tudors
• In 1547 Henry VIII (Elizabeth’s father) died and her
brother Edward VI became king when he was 9. He
died when he was 15.
The Tudors
• In 1553 Edward died (Elizabeth’s brother) died and her
sister Mary I became queen (also known as Bloody
The Tudors
• In 1558 Mary I (Elizabeth’s sister) died and Elizabeth
became Queen Elizabeth I
1. Henry VIII was Elizabeth’s
2. Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth’s
3. Mary I was Elizabeth’s older
4. Edward VI was Elizabeth’s
The Tudors
Elizabeth inherited a lot of problems from her father,
brother and sister.

Look at the family tree and your independent notes

from today.


What problems do you think she will have?
To finish…
Before today’s lesson I had learnt some facts about the
Elizabethan era. These were…

Henry VIII – Wives - Religion –Catholic – Protestant -

Religious Settlement – Spanish Armada – Spain

3 new facts that I have learnt this lesson are:

Homework: 30 minutes minimum
Fill in the fact file about Elizabeth I using what you’ve
learnt this lesson but also using your own research.

Please complete this in pen.

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