Topic 26

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Topic 26: Biomechanics.


1. What does it mean that the biceps is at a mechanical disadvantage when lifting a weight?

2. What is the structural elementary unit of contraction in striated muscle and what filaments make it
up? l(L {im~o,ri, LQl(l ~- GoMfu- lffOh- i~ ,K,l vu:r V ~ I
t,Je~ tJ ()'1clCU up 6'Q a)Ji A e<Qn,LA-jof;J,,.,._~_[C>fJY'A1"\,1
3. What does it mean that bones are mechanically anisotropic? n CA.J;
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'6I wS a \ .xlri{4- List the o/Pes ~f joints based on the movements they allow with one example for each.
. \J.\'\ Clbll o--l Jrn1\-I-) h irtC-f ~o11'\J - ) 1/JcDQi ~/l~or' 1 ~etw
t'\l1(B.,llld.10..\ <X:lv11: i<J()\.-\- r.:r v~t- 1))\Y\ ~- ") \-xi£XClonl'\Q'cl< J e\h710 l 1,LU,--«- cJ,_~ '-) ,
YJjJc Jov1-1 ._ & (~o M-1,\0.(tl ! o.lclo,11-loj- i '
5. What mecHtii~ advantage does a hollow (tubular) bone have compared to solid bone?

6. Name the anatomical reference planes of the human body.

7. At what contraction speed does striated muscle produce the greatest power?

8. What are pennate muscles?

Tole or false: -
1) The shoulder is a uniaxial joint. T ISB-'
2) The biceps forms a two-armed lever with the load held in the hand and the elbow joint as the

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rotational axis. t A}.;C
3) The sarcomere generates the greatest force at its shortest length.

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Relation analysis
1) The total force generated by a stretched muscle can be greater than the maximum force produced by
the contractile component, because the passive stretching of the fibers and connective tissue also
produce force. ___ T o2 elcLVJ
2) During eccentric contraction the length of the muscle increases because the muscles cap generate
greater force during concentric than eccentric contractions. T- T AA r( L C!.L-4-V
3) The ability of bones to resist stress is aniSstropic,_b~cause bone can withstand much greater
compression than shear force. T- I ,~lct.W·
4) The biceps muscle with the elbow forms a lever with mechanical disadvantage to lift heavy loads , .
because the moment arm of the biceps is much smaller than that of the load in the hand. T- \ r-Q

5) During eccentric contraction the muscle does negative work, because the length of muscle increases
during eccentric contraction. \ ~ \ itlCJJ,{9 .

6) During eccentric contraction the length of the muscle increases because muscles can generate greater
force during concentric than eccentric contractions. -

7) 8aafV\--c cha~ (V\ \e0e-J4~

011-9th Ct l I e(':)-I,

1) Draw the stress/strain curve of a bone. Show the elastic and plastic deformations. )

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