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EEM 307 Midterm Exam 08/12/20

Due: 10:55


R(s) U(s) 2 Y(s)

s ( s  5)

For the given block diagram;

(7p) a) If L = 1+ K s2
, Find the range of K1 values that makes the inner loop (the transfer
function from U (s) to Y (s)) stable.

(8p) b) If L = 1 + Ks1 , Find the range of K1 values that makes the inner loop (the transfer
function from U (s) to Y (s)) stable.

(10p)c) If L = 1+ s
, Find the range of K2 values that places all poles of the outer loop (the
transfer function from R(s) to Y (s)) to left of the s = −1 line.
EEM 307 Midterm Exam 08/12/20

Due: 11:25


R(s) Y(s)
+ F + K + J G

For the given block diagram;

(10p) a) Find the transfer function from Y (s) to R(s) using block reduction techniques.

(15p) b) Convert the block diagram into signal ow graph rst, then write down Mason' gain
formula to calculate the transfer function from Y (s) to R(s).
EEM 307 Midterm Exam 08/12/20

Due: 11:55


r e K1 y
s(s  2)

1 K2s

The feedback control system shown above is to be designed to satisfy the following specications:
(1)steady-state error to ramp input less than 5% of the input magnitude,
(2)maximum percent overshoot for a unit step is less than 4%,
(3)peak time for a unit step input is less than 1 second.

(6p)a) What does specication (1) imply about the possible values of K1 ?
(6p)b) Sketch the region in the complex plane where the closed-loop poles may lie.
(7p)c) Show that this system can not track a parabolic reference signal.
(6p)d) Set the gains of K1 and K2 so that given criteria is satised. Show the closed loop pole
locations of the system for your design.
EEM 307 Midterm Exam 08/12/20

Due: 12:25


R1 L

Vi C R2 Vo

For the circuit given above:

(15p)a) Find the transfer function from Vi to V0 .

(10p)b) Assume a DC voltage source Vi = 4 V is applied at

t = 0. Calculate the voltage value Vo
at t=1 s if component values are selected as R1 = 1Ω, R2 = 1Ω, C = 1 F, L = 1 H. (Initial values
of the memory components are assumed to be zero)

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