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Opening Statements (Round 1)

Envoys introduce their

current stand on the
assigned problem statement
and express their
expectations regarding
potential solutions.

Constructive Debate (Round 2):

Envoys engage in vigorous
debate by raising their hands
to discuss sub-questions
related to the problem state-
ment. Cross-questions are
permitted, encouraging
active participation.

Closing Statement (Round 3):

Each and every envoy will
close down the agenda
individually by stating
minimum one solution with a
closing statement from their
stakeholder point of view and
will complete the form in
hand which will have the
following sections:
1. Team Code
2. Short-Term Measures
3. Long-Term Measures
AGENDA Implications of AI in Autonomous

1.Traffic Complexity
2.Infrastructure Readiness
3.Regulatory Compliance
4.Continuous Testing and Iteration
5.Collaboration with Authorities

Here are a few ways in which

Artificial Intelligence is used in
self-driving cars:
•Sensing and Perception
•Decision Making
•Predictive Model
•Natural Language Processing
•Deep Learning in self-driving cars

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the

potential to revolutionize the way
we drive and transport goods and
people. Self-driving cars, also known
as autonomous vehicles, are a type
of vehicle that use AI and other
advanced technologies to navigate
roads and highways without the
need for a human driver.
Artificial intelligence has
revolutionized the automotive
industry in ways that were once
unimaginable. From self-driving
cars to intelligent traffic systems, AI
has transformed the way we travel
and interact with our vehicles. With
the help of machine learning
algorithms, cars can now make
decisions on their own, adapting to
changing road conditions and traf-
fic patterns in real-time. This has not
only made driving safer, but it has
also made it more efficient and

Tesla, a leader in electric vehicles and clean energy, is spearheading the integration of
artificial intelligence (AI) in autonomous vehicles and bringing its market to India. This
case study explores the implications of Tesla's AI technology within the specific context
of autonomous vehicles in India, considering the unique challenges and opportunities
posed by the country's intricate and diverse traffic conditions.

India's traffic complexity is unparalleled globally, featuring a diverse array of vehicles

from bicycles and rickshaws to buses and luxury cars. Tesla's AI must adeptly navigate
the unpredictable nature of Indian roads, accommodating non-standard driving
behaviors and a lack of adherence to traffic rules. Moreover, inconsistent road
infrastructure and quality present hurdles for AI navigation, requiring adaptability to
handle varied conditions and infrastructure disparities.

The presence of stray animals on Indian roads adds an additional layer of complexity.
Tesla's AI needs to recognize and respond to animals in real-time, ensuring the safety of
both passengers and animals. Additionally, cultural nuances and driving habits in India,
characterized by informal communication between drivers, pose ethical and
navigational challenges that demand careful consideration.

Tesla's AI could potentially contribute to improved traffic management in Indian cities

by optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion through efficient route planning.
Furthermore, Tesla's alignment with India's push towards electric mobility presents an
opportunity to impact positively on environmental concerns by reducing air pollution
and fossil fuel dependence.

The introduction of Tesla into the Indian market could also lead to job creation,
fostering a skilled workforce for AI development, maintenance, and support. This
potential for economic contribution underscores the broader impact that Tesla's AI
integration could have on India's automotive and technology sectors.

While Tesla's AI technology holds promise for the future of autonomous vehicles in
India, its successful implementation demands a nuanced understanding of the
country's unique challenges. Addressing cultural, infrastructural, and regulatory aspects
will be pivotal for Tesla to navigate the complex Indian landscape and make
meaningful contributions to the advancement of autonomous driving technology.

Tesla: Entering India's market provides expansion prospects but requires

adaptation to local regulations, consumer preferences, and infrastructure
challenges like charging stations. Despite hurdles, it enhances brand recognition
and image.


Indian Car Users: Tesla brings access to premium electric vehicles, fostering
innovation and sustainability. Affordability concerns arise, but it may inspire local
automakers to innovate, expand charging infrastructure, and contribute to
environmental efforts by curbing emissions and air pollution.

AI Developer and Engineer: AV development sparks demand for AI experts,
elevating job prospects and incomes. Specialized fields like computer vision surge,
enabling career growth. Yet, pressure for flawless algorithms can stress developers.
Automation in AVs might displace jobs like driving, affecting employment.

Automobile Manufacturer: AV pioneers gain market advantage, boosting share
and profits. Subscription-based self-driving services offer fresh revenue. R&D costs
challenge smaller manufacturers. AI integration demands hefty adjustments and
investments in manufacturing.

Transportation Authority: AVs pledge smoother traffic, cutting congestion and

accidents for quicker travel, enhanced productivity, and less fuel use. They
potentially reduce fatalities, saving lives and healthcare expenses. Yet, updating
infrastructure and complex regulations challenge AV integration, creating
uncertainty for transportation authorities.

Insurance Company: AVs enable tailored insurance, potentially reducing collision
payouts due to fewer accidents. New risk models are vital for precise AV risk
assessment. Legal uncertainties in AV accidents could result in complex disputes
and financial losses for insurers.

Data Privacy and Ethics Expert: As worries about data handling rise, the need for
privacy and ethics experts grows. Their role in ethical AI deployment in
autonomous vehicles is vital. Balancing privacy and AV innovation is a challenging
task. These experts must stay updated due to the swiftly evolving nature of data
privacy and ethics.

Traffic Safety Organization: AVs cut traffic problems, freeing law enforcement. They
communicate directly for faster emergencies. Adapting law practices for AVs is
key. Sorting multi-jurisdiction AV accidents is complex.

Disability Advocacy Group: AVs hold the potential to enhance accessibility for
people with disabilities by offering features like voice control, wheelchair access,
and navigation assistance. However, incomplete accessibility in some AVs might
cause frustration and exclusion. Concerns arise over data privacy and potential
discrimination due to extensive data collection, impacting individuals with

Cybersecurity and Legal Compliance Team: Cyberattacks on AVs will heighten the
need for cybersecurity experts. They play a crucial role in safeguarding AVs and
find it intellectually rewarding. Staying updated on cyber threats is vital for
effective AV protection. However, the evolving legal landscape poses challenges
for compliance teams staying current on AV regulations.

Law Enforcement and Task Force: AVs may cut traffic violations, easing law
enforcement tasks for other priorities. Their tech enables direct communication
with law enforcement, aiding quicker emergency responses. Adapting law
enforcement practices for AV challenges is necessary. However, determining
jurisdiction and liability in cross-jurisdiction AV accidents could be intricate.

Public Relations Specialist: PR specialists shape public opinion on AVs, addressing
safety, privacy, and ethical concerns. Their campaigns foster trust, vital for
widespread AV adoption. Addressing existing fears is a priority for these specialists.
However, countering misinformation and fear around AVs poses challenges.

Startups and Innovator: The growing AV market lures startups with disruptive
potential. Innovation may reshape transport, but intense competition hinders
startup visibility. High costs and technical demands remain barriers for these

Vehicle Owners and User: AVs offer convenience by eliminating driving, allowing
multitasking during travel. They reduce accidents, enhancing safety. Yet, their
higher costs in purchase and maintenance raise concerns. Extensive data
collection raises privacy and security issues.

Labor Union: Labor unions advocate for retraining programs aiding workers'
transition amidst economic changes. They negotiate fair wages and benefits for
AV industry workers. However, AVs could automate various human jobs like taxi,
truck, and delivery drivers. As automation rises, unions might encounter
challenges representing workers and securing favorable deals.

Supply Chain Company: AV development spurs demand for various components,
benefiting supply chain firms. Innovative materials drive technological
advancements. However, as AV tech evolves, supply chain companies must adapt
to changing component needs. The AV market might trigger competition and
industry consolidation.

Tech Journalists and Public Awareness Group: AVs promise to cut greenhouse
gasses and air pollution via better traffic flow and fuel efficiency. Electric-powered
AVs reduce reliance on fossil fuels. However, AV manufacturing and disposal
impact the environment due to energy use and resource depletion. Moreover,
increased AV use may exacerbate urban sprawl, with associated negative
environmental effects.

Government AI Oversight Board: AVs promise to cut greenhouse gasses and air
pollution via better traffic flow and fuel efficiency. Electric-powered AVs reduce
reliance on fossil fuels. However, AV manufacturing and disposal impact the
environment due to energy use and resource depletion. Moreover, increased AV
use may exacerbate urban sprawl, with associated negative environmental effects.

Product Safety Reviewer: Safety reviewers ensure AVs are safe, building public
trust. Quick approvals for commercial deadlines might compromise standards.
The complexity of AV tech challenges reviewers to stay updated.

Marketing Strategy Consultant: Consultants aid in crafting AV communication
strategies for target audiences. Effective strategies boost AV growth and adoption.
Yet, some marketing might exaggerate AV claims, leading to unrealistic
expectations. Additionally, data collection in marketing campaigns raises privacy
concerns for potential AV users.
h t t p s : // t a t a e l x s i . c o m / i n s i g h t s / 5 - c h a l l e n g e s - i n - t h e - a d o p -
h t t p s : // w w w. g o v t e c h . c o m / f s / t h e - 6 - c h a l l e n g e s - o f- a u t o n o m o u s - v e -

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