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Uni Th. Bio Bignell Charaderistics and Electrode Congfigurabions Bicsigrnla chvacboiatien — pequiny gad emphtuds verges £66 — Fintheven's berg, Atondord 12 heed sytem, EEG —10-20 alechede Ayton , unipolar, bipelar nd averag. mode, EMG — unipelar and bipolar rece 1. Biosiqnals Cheracteristis r Frequency. end amplitude yonys : 7 Frequency Type of jectric signal | range in pv electrodes Hy, used. produces bioelectric signal) Electrocardiogram | 0.05 to 100 | 10-3000 | Surface Heart muscles. (ECG) electrodes are used with jelly. Needle electrodes are also used. Electro 0.1t0100 | 2-200 | Surface Activity of the Encephalogram electrode or brain. (EEG) needle electrode. Cerebral potential | It has pulse | 10- 100000 | Deep needle | Cerebrum of uration electrodes are | the brain. 0.6 ms— used. 0.1 see Electromyogram | 5-2K | 20-5000 | Surface Skin muscles. (EMG) electrodes or needle electrodes are used. Electrogastrogram | 0.05-0,2 | 10-350 | Surface Peristaltic (EGG) electrodes are | movement of | used the gastro- intestinal tract, Electroretinogram | 0.01 - 200 — Corneal Retina of the (ERG) electrode eye (dedicated to ERG) Electrooculogram 10-3500 | Miniature | Comeal- (E0G) surface retinal electrodes are | potential RECG - Einthoven’s triayk, ABlandard 12 Lead aystem x BCG yreant Klectre Cardio Giraphy «flack Candia Greaph hows tha wledriced eubivity og ect! wuss ja lerean ot Electra Gordie Graph f a» The reo EC rewagernne te witrumenk Is harmed a sind sedingat Ely gins the valuable information ook cardiac duorders oe Action Patented eo a zai Cag & exds Puimonary artery Superior vena cava ned Pulmonary vein Fig 2.) Roni | K, > Salina Coeaacsestion of He heark — Lon ventricle — Tendon suppanting valve Right ventricle jdid ind 1p chambers x Heat is divi x A thambet aye vorbis [come ~ Blo cnet | | ‘impure wo eS rg ye Champers in hyast an left atrium, right abrium , lope venbicl wv | ow Totungs impure bioes (Tobe oxygeraied) <—— | Toll tho pars of ee ‘our body Right —Abvio Vintriadar valve ©) eypid Valve Reb GE lecaked in bebonen the right pbrium and righl- byicle Ob preventer hackwerd — pleed flea eer righ venbrille bight 7 vi abriwm fLepe Abio Ventrieuey Valve © Bicuspid Mitral Velve te ie howkd im betwen Legk atrium and Lo vanbiele at pavers blood Slow from eft venbnele & pe abi: Pulmonary Valve, Tk th becoksd ok right ventricle. 7k han 8 half meen allow blood te ame bak te te Abaped cusps DE derA nek ti venbricle and rovka. Bt dow nek faerie Valve lacabed etoren fag vinbnee te Legh venkericle « a ie qillow the bool mE bak & le Heart conic & & layers rarely a) Peri cardum b) Ende condiunt 6) Hye candiom 9) Pericardium + at x He outer lags % heent. DE keeps He cubes sunset we er he griction and prevents the heen 6) Endecondlizm Ge ae the Inner leper He buck. TE provides ameoth pat for bleed flew. ae ack a the main 9 Hyocardiune* A ie the idle deg g heart . muscle of Ue heals Bt is mesle up f Sherk epbrdvical fee: Id) Bloed veasela ) Blocd Messin These ore hellow te the velo) part of the bay. sh Bleed Vessels fabes — Ereugh which the bloc ig tanried i Arteries ¢ These are thick walled —vicaele used te carry He o generated blood ews m Ere earl Bleod yesaels — that eaary pure, blood gro heank te Variow organs & Veins! these cre thin welled veadels trogt vakich—frapune bloed raburnt b> the heart a Coptllaries These ere very droll blood capillaries em présente jumanbeing. ae The heat prepa the bleed ys moveraent bermed a heck denk r The nevmal heat Poke U6 #2 peaks [minute The heart pumps Eh bleod — Hare the pubnenary Circulator tthe dung cand Unyough Ayhtemodde creation be o ther gen vessels. 8, 00,00° fem af ie be Heart poops the pled bo the dungs Ehvough Phe Palomar Cayeulabion (for Ee panpee os posigicaten) : % Heat pumps Hu pare pleed be all He parts oor be reg Aystemati crrualalion t “4 Palmas Groslatton # The wpude bleed (which is & be om vated’) flow fro “emp be Coie gen Se the blood 2% onydjerevatell” (pro's) d , puoi: «The pure bloo jul te te Left at. trait peo veins. x Bystentic Crulaben < The blood frm Left alvin 6 pumped to te deft. anhiele. The Blood is pempe Qogt vanbricle by all tre parts ef cur bo thre the aovta and i branches. x SA Node (2x) Sino Abel Node » chs noele tnitiaby the hecot cubvity, Dt generar Impalas ck te normal rake Gg te hear. This” impulse prepagatd row Fhe reghe atria and Left arian % AV Node! @r) Abvio - Ventricular Node Ree me cel tre cprad of excitahen & about o.i2.4. Bundle of Ehin carried the akon potsntiol be the vantriclke 2A EG Lead Byles Tye Lend abyitene 9 Bipslan wie 2) Unipolar Lendl Mystere (alandeod — Lesof pystm) (Augmented Unipolar : Likkh — Lead Ayton’) ) Bipelar Lead afytem (01) _CSbernel Joa _aiyster* a Dt is ale knewn ws Binthover foads. x On Hes feed cyte, cco i reorded by sing o eledredes rival culpa i baker en tre differen 4 clellrical petunbial between Hse 0 glacboeder. He In toe atom , alestrodlr ave placed im 4 differant’ placed These con: D> LA (lett Armd) SLL (tet Lig) => RA (Bighk Arm) DRL (Rabe 1) p eal Pigkl by (er) clelrrde abe ot grew referahu tleckrede . | RA la (White coieuriead) (+) (Bisck colour toad) — Chest (Brown colour ead) | Ru uw | Green colourtead) (Red colour ead) bead 2? qe dito petentiel bebwian 2 elubrede ( one elalnde ny iw DA end anetter stetlnds ty Wn RA) are puconured . RL 4 Eee eferene® elubrde ee — Lead Ds The differen petal betoiten 2 alabroder (1 i m pL end another i in BA) peciured RL Referee Eledaeds). Fy as bead Jeol Th: Th diffarne om pe tinal bekeuten 2 elerbrodder (twin be and anther ia in LA) cot measured. RL IA Fle Reference Fe at Lead Tv | a4 =f bead + RA (Right arm) A200 Ay 2-4 Cardiac vector Ci ntheve a dvop V, from LA be RA Le b PA UL (Left ea) ahead 2 position + Dt gives vellage aleod & praition | ge ge volkage deep vy, from dan podiben : DE sever voltage drop Vy grow LL be LA Th clued path rom PA b LA & Lh and bak be RA Xs called 48 Either Ute b& Einthovan, cardiac glecbric ged rm @ Accords a dbmwvsrend one im the frontal plane of the body. The three prepections a ec viber are Shown in fig Eco _Wavgorm gov! Lead-II Lead-Ill R-wave amplitude = R-wave amplitude = R-wave amplitude = 0.07 t0 1.13 mV 0.18 to 1.68mV | —_0.03 to 1.31 mV Rai 2g ECG weweferm fo co th OV sasgmV $ head F Alweyt Vy > Vv, + Vp es ogimy fer ak Vo= O-im - Lal @ kiychoff'4 ve thege Taw Vg <= o.3emv fer Mad at in followed Vn = V, + Vg 3) Augmented Unipolar Limb Lead Lam a This Byikem ih mbrduted by Wilkon ja teen bebween Bing ke the central terminal. oot. ceywetlac|| Fe parr ef Jinb one terminal & 2 Dr thy Ayton, te vollag explorectery clecbode 4 Toe equal resiaters Leclnrdex arel He unker poink ala aw measure He velba a On tis lead aie, mall ynemone in Ere ECG veltege canbe yealised. xe A Lead wnncksrs ere paca le The jy faqmunttd Volkage Right Arm (ave) r a frm (AVE) 2) Ave nid Ve (tes Left i Atl vals Feet (Ave) ead Ave! ere, My ed AVR | ( Vy Vg are bipolar lead vatege) a LA ord LL ere annecke with tue reaiatera And commor pink iA conhuted be negative bermin x RA iA conneded = & poaitlve bwin + eperaticnal emplfier RL Ws Hu Referanee Tirninal, RS x PA and LL coe conrucked with tue Yediaters ard — eammen taminal as connebrd — Weh negabive Lamina, LA i connected bo peaitive taminal AVL ve_| (™ Vp are bp) 2.4} lead voltages RL iav the vaferene point. head AVF : Fug: 2 AVE RRA end LA cre connected wih bre resikbere and common teminal jg cannedid fe ragabive temanal of omplipien le LL ia tornmected with — pod ive ermal o amplfirn « RL IA ailing ax Redtrinn plednde pe = Va ~ Me] CM, Vy oe Bipolar tod) = velhagea : Uripolas Cheat Leads —————— @ 3 Fig; 2-12 Unipolar chest | ge heads V - Faath nbereodtal dpa § vege Atenal acpi Ye Rounth Ynbereatal spose ak eft aternal mengin vy — Midw between V, ond Vi, a fll Mietactl apa at wid~ clayiculay fine ve — Bane Level ev Vy o" canterioy cui fiary fine y, — Bame bevel a vy, OM mid euscellnny Aine Chest electrose Ps vea a du Unipolar cheat ead ayttom exploratory) aleabyeee 6 one the cheat elecbrrde “Tha check elebrodes are plasd on Fre din different plauc on be cheat ein ft PA, LA, LL ere connected wilh resiators and commen: pont ia faker cone connected — with ropa bernard th the empficr . a Cast thedyds 14 connected — te positive terminal af complifier . aa is used ov Reference point ze ECG Waweferm : Fa Lo 2y ECO wewefernt +The fellouin blaue clagran is wed for reeey I eleabro cardio. apt weeds ym . Caibraton | cy Dota] | _ Load Pre preacion|—>| Setsion |—*] anptar reat” )] | “tog” | Lee] al Taian finite owes |__| poser Display [+ ‘mplifier Unit ane ; | oo Feecback Network Ai: aus ECO Resardng methad |pefibrillater Probertion Creuile soe cna Tee Fanng ecg measurement Fe a th plebrodler wee & “4 pam 7 7 pn RA, LA ond LL gh bra patiank vrldbs dan 402 coded asthe Land jaledion lope eo chro digi brillatey pratection A The pretation cireik aap buffer enpli fins and ve lg protection rests uaffer amaphpiers eon waed (1 befor emphigier fer toc ah bff ~ «seaned a mite Lead thecbrode )) Pnpuke Vmpedance v4 nerd 4 wing ffe omplifier - oe Dyer volkage protection careutk 14 wed be prtab prampl pe curd power amplifiers rem ever veltege Lene Qelerton beg « 8 wing tix, we can choose either bipolar Lmb lead Eype or “auginunted Unipolar Amb Lead byre Catibration Coat : a Df tad deterrents df, then pome artifact (noise’) ig mkncluced ty the pabpul the ECG. MSc calibration crest 36 wired be help be the technictan te calibrale the outpak unk . a When He Lead felabion j« charmed , Hen emaptgier Ma Juitched off fr Ate Bima After Ere passage ck exrtifak (neise) , Hu preamplifier ia dwitthed “on. Pee Amapusfier * + Ditfowtiel (‘Commen Mads fejatien Pooser Armptgin = ae Pour Amphfrer i used be drive He onkpuk unit ot Pen moby it nad in the cutpuk unie This pan motor nacd — euffictent glecbrtcal power & wnitiake revrding. Bo, power emplager with gk herve amplifier with he an and bok comer Rabe 2a wud on pre aumpligtier- power qr" iA wees Re at a —<>| a [om <7 |RE ‘ | me ™ gm =Vee “Yee Nee Fig: 2 R, , Ra Poweromplfier cvsed tn He Ecer yeeordea (Py => Bindin editors > Fudbaue vecieter R > batleceor yeaa boy a This tivoth Ahows He power ep gieo th vised tr He ECG redler banish T and Te pub os He puck pull power euplin * The clan-B pth pull amplifier fas the dinadvarkaye Cress over dintulen i 7 4 Te averd Hos cress over distortion, Crrek Used hon inverter m 4 con ye the mpuk Aide ok the class —B path pl amplifies onkpak pevie? wher , Ve > Outpuk velte Ry —> head vedtater Fiedbak Nebierk: thea frrdenk neta le dompin wondiata of Re arent ! & He pen meber. Ausaili ] Amptser » at provide Gb cA connected between Che Lead Asluton bgfe and Re ( Right bag) tre paltunt. The cipfevakal SPR Sk eumph fier used on re amplifies block ip nok fe complitely elm nets be Common mode dignels, cure li np i Bo aibeoy complies is ued — fe yeeluce Common moele signal, The ontpak of eucniliany ampbfies is connaked with rig leg. Qe os ontpuk dived Hu body & Zero Common vel a ist) nia a redeted CHER FInd Oulpat Diepley Unik = chant veercler i¢ wed ad onkpuk unit cro ov paper Garrelly paper cheat recordar is wie Pan moter 4 ued in cutpue cond pen meter is in Hhig reaver as ren JA in US manufacta ss Eure phen ELG Paper dpeed = a meehiner . Paper speed = gomm Jax in Analyha Sf EC Woveferm : wo Ehe panpicall Ely Wave germ AV block. Here srgk hegre, x Fi (bh) Aheows gt é ILA nd peried haw rng tanduction me a (> 0224) - a Ce) shows | AA! (aes period > 0.14) vig (4) dhews tre slevalten cecur i $7 porte mye cardinal mnfecretion thak widening % @RE tomplex d. *® a serulta a 4 "4 (2) shows He negalhve T-wave (nonnally ieee petitive) Bb ves is tavitaty ina fpeteneg, le 69 (f) shows cempobely clifferenk C44 weweform, BE appeewa Lee brangalor waveforms LE 2g due tr tue yanbicalar fibrillation - DE m. be death DL should wattle ered y | dapibsillatey « | x fq (4) fhews — the Abreight fare. DE be wT paltent fa head , Erte wewweferm J chaired Fy: at Aralyia eter waveform 3. B&G (Elecre Encephale Gran) 2 Elect Encephale Grephy ) # Elestoo Enuphalegroply to Hu Abe cf te ctaksteal ccctrotly & Ee brains & The biole seal proowe q bran ia Encephalen . 4 Or CEG menturemune, £ Lebo eubivity | of brain Ia mec ered gpm cledreda whih aoe placed on bre deelp & Sure f ECS Aignal is brain. a Nhen elcid are plasel on th expeaes Aurgdare (correr’) the brain, the reerding 4s called on Eleubre ContheeGiver (f5Cott) # Than weolated peed elrcbode veotews esta na m4 ahto be advanucl nfo ta heural Hosue op the brain, wnusheck case va referred! be on depth reendg. btu Yeurdn v prey + brain j Plaumene ff clitbrda th EGE meaturement 3) EEG Rerereing fag t) Anelia G EEG Waveform 3} Applian GEG fisssure Higher inteeciual | functions Lateral coral | Frg: 218 Frontal lobe “Temporal lobe Hearing Fig 2-19 e conta gyrus Contra sulcus =» Post contra gyrus === Visual 5 Occintal abe Cerebellum Anatomy brose Throat Mout Trunk ‘Thumb fem | Leg Alnukwe ff brain a4 Parietal lobe Tralamus Fiypathatamus Venviete Corpus callosum Occipital obe vs Cerebetum Modula oblengata ag re bttare G bien * The ben contin 5 fH parte 1. Comebrume 2. Cerebellum 3, Maclulta oblong abe 4. Hpival cord a Hsave. » Crrebrum: consiaty cf fo hemiapheves depanakicd b x Cerebus 2b play a vital rele in the billy ho ee Ramone being te maintain “bey balance Le Medutla : Gb 2x aasovicled wilt the canbe} of the quncbors [ike bualteng » heart rate, kere funchient, ate a Pow: Gb ow on gnteronnabing exec Bee 5 nuclei in poms are reaponstble ge fe arpresarers. ore veel an Pors con reapendble fi cud bery Aythem BE carters mary acto fe viewed, ending olaramn ‘ta Auorourded 2 thalamus | Ayko PAS ( Pebionlen Ackvabon Ayton) : th by RAS. DF readves tre £occilea Hort rem all the cee lL. be dakinagecah that whe ‘ype g te the cerebral tented Rak Bar eter ypu RAS i hok foot Hypothalamus: This is the conker fer emiltons in Be brain DE wnteans pucker which ar reaperibl fer ear 1 doinking, , ametional behaviour qe Ge human basrg. tndinek connetions with Fre moter Basail Gaga: 26 4 A neurons. Corbral Covten: This 4 Hue Emportanke park Gs cerebrum. DE never on human brain Cortex 14 conta «2 bilhen divided inte vaotont — Lobes Cerebrum © DE consioly & bse 4 bids ue Hemyphoe wom of differet Lobed S Frental Lobe => Parietal Lobe > Temporal Lebe > Oecipited Lobe Frontal Lobe? Primary mofer hauront dend te the Various mutckes the bed. The frrrtel Ashe ia sexpontible “fer Ike tltgq ence - Prefvovtel Lobe: The sforvend past cf fhe brain vonkaowt heurent fe apesed moter contra) functions Like om movement contrel. OE 6 known of prefrental Lede Pasistal Lobes DE gonkeans — Aemsors (afferent) nerves pnd moby cenbre (efferent herves) Tampere fore: Audio denser spl ere Ereweel Exmpo rll Jabes qe te rte. De at veepemible fer heaving canbe and ie as Clee wad fr tre dtevoge prea in tog Etre mony olfactory bulb 2 BE a6 naar Che Contes of tr! brain. DE a recpomiibl, fer Pe pereption oF amall. Cecipitel hob DE ag bocaked at He back dich g the head over Cerebellum, ThE (abe haw bre viauok tavtee iquiliel mm Ut cto vena TEM YedPoniible Fev hamiephere 5, Aapavoled 4 Action potwttel 4 the Brain : > Tohibitery Post Abynaptic Potentiol (psp) } Encckatery Poak Aynap He Polentiod (epsp) potential along with a herve gabe da used & one enel_b other. the veal branimit he ingprmation yews 1 Ce bronumrtber dubstone ah nibibibory , inembrane potential G He reaper reuren ‘onerseses Imo negative diredton. Go Hak Te 16 less Likely t hachooge thu indeed potential change js calle es aay epsp (excitatory Teak Asya te pkantial Gy the Franimittey Aubghane ta excitatory, then He reapter membrane pubenticl will mereate an 8 poortive drretion. Qo that in mere Rleely cbacharge evel prduca a apile potsntial. This ini hed petenbed change 46 called as Epsp “eveted potential! Teas aon the potantteds clevelepeel in fj axtimnal stimuli Like Lhe, deund, ste Ehren Pre the bran of He ThA ts | The extanal éHmuls are ditched d finte organs bak Came | deme charges in Che abidorcal eubitg “ of the brain The tev also wud, beeanse Hace ere dome ‘vent Related Potential ’x bub ave chan tek are eveked bi wlll an event. J an prtenal dbmulud , an Ploumet sh Sledale EEG Manrement & Cun to ze Llicbeds placement system is inaed edn Heal dyttem , the distane bebueen Sy alutredes i joy, and 20%. of be diatan ce bebwveen A pesfirel pornds on the dcalp a) Anturios —_Postevie» (frent = Back) Measurement lavervent ber. (er) te-22 € ieckrode F (Frontal) (Central) (Frontal Pole) FP Nasion The dictane between Nasien and Dion over Che Jo divided ants 5 pond ) Frontal Pole (Fp): to% Navien- Snion chatane pbove Nasion. Anion dintance from FP. 2) Frental (Fr) i 20% 4 Naston - a) Cunkral Ce) 2 20% G Nasion- t) Paviekal (p): 20% 5 Nason — Anton Grion distene from F diakenee foe Ceantral Pore) aos dione em 5) Occipital (eo) °% a Nason - Trion ” ‘ Prion. ) Labnal Maaauments (21 lected: abysten) Se ’ 15 Figs a IL HT fraberal Meanorcrnere Ar point point 2% the diatoms 4 mecpured mm Luft te righ points ts eal em 1) Temporal Point (1): 10% G tre distoms fom f))canbal ants Ce): 20% gp the ame diatone, Bl FP,, FP, = Frontal pole points F,, Fy = Frontal points Ts Ty.ToTs = Temporal points 0,0, = Occipital points C3, Cy C, = Central points Ay. Ay ~ Pre-Auricular points W achannel | | | citerentat | |} | Fier | £ | Display] >| | ee ee cmnere - Caliaton =a ; sana |! proces ‘Audio stimulus <———— pit * Mist sims <——— ‘Output Unit Fy: 2.24 EFC permet alap pen wvdlin | Hee ove block de hows the GEG rRe x The Ode Aypbems [eae wed. These cliclrder gor conrerted gee cA oth ott channel Ae leckor 7 ou x Eight channel oa “ ee ie me bfier unl 6 unit & anh oo a mt preample ws A rnlenfereee create sone noise thak can be reduced by this lif ferentie! teem 5 cis doffeventiol emplfiens have vod coer (> sods) @ | inpuk impedanee grain than 78M | The cbputa frm digperetiel empties the aignol prougiing unit Theos on kputs - wer der Hux Pruning _ Aft prewng, lhe on connuted with cipgerentiod are connated wiFh are ptesed in wipes re olto owatlable Zu thx EEG % QSome oxho fo yeeader. Patertial quest from Suny pat bral con also be yen ded using this CEG read. Bo Aigral prowaiing wok ontpuls ere tannected with eundio Abimules , tacbr le (Feu) abrmulor t Afimuls visu EEG resphe ao guth a Akimuls (audible cbek oy flak a Xs 4 vigwed dbimulas) ere meosured , clan anc Che response ¢em by wing Ula ceG unl % The bime stale febween hire d reeled alto be measure the brain at The onkpulr from bh “afpenntiel’ ampbgn et om meh leer bank wit Qe comiate 4 low ps filer fsqh paw file bond paw filker. chase ome uve lek , Ppa type 4 bran waved enthoak neior a the ontps ft filter art cannecbed ait Diapley Reendes Unit - ; a an veund with & pM coe weed here One pen 74 dedicated fe cack — chanrel. x The hevmal — papet apecd in Chis veerder = go mm [aeerd cet Rewnding Med gmodsa eve ied i CEG revorcbng ) Unipolar (Mode: Dotentiol of be one referent a) Avec Meds (Wilson Mode): el © ‘bebeveen 1 alertrede wand the con be measuaed sith meapask atenkial can be measure overeat 4 all other clecbrrdes - a) Bipolar Mode: Porwntiol coon pe macsured — pebeveen aucensive pair & gleckndes —whidh ore chal apaed a4 Anobyie oh EES Liswagorts, ate Veriows Brain Waves the bron waved Ore pie the inkeniity a bsoun wowed O Boo. Frequeney renged upta I] 50 dec ‘Apna waves (2) Normally occiptaly ‘Beta waves (8) Normally patietally sand frontaly ‘Theta waves (8) Chiléren, sleeping adits Det waves (6) Premature babies, infants, sleeping aduts| Fay 2.28 Brain wewes Viview wins ton, de mzcourad whch wove qn palo Alpha Waves + ~ DEK reandsd from occipital region th brain a Oh pacny yang. te @ 1g Ht aD eon be measuord fem the normal prrsen usher he i awake (and he ig in a vedling Pe ) + 9% arp 14 20 - 2e0ftv (mean empl ble ~ 50h) then Hae persen ia alerping , These waves cere hob APPeare’- Beta Waves (P news) « Dk paeny n ja 13-ZoHe x Th reorded free parietal and rental veqer of. Hh scalp [Theta Waves (© waver) * Thta wave Y veuondlail ¢ron parietal evel Lamporal mye of He sealp «0G ety yen 16 4-8 ie a This wove muciured from children woolly. 7 aw LE can be meena frm dul when are gmoHo sLeets Delle News (of Wows) ae oceerad Mm corber the brain a De rend yen os — & He nved In premature ‘babies and when Fhe a Tk we ccek peraen is in deep sleep 3s Aral gts & EES Kaveder : ‘Awake. Mattern i aig oe menos REM sleep Aina wy seven SN Cerebra an a Dirk Ee waveforms a Fig (a) dhows EEG travegernt then Ue person fd awake * Fy (b) ahows Cet wavegernt when He parson um Belt alep- (Ce) chews EM waveforms —tshen the porsen le tn dream. DE IA noun os = Bem ALep ( Rapid ey Movernint) afi (4) shows EEG weveferon then caneabheai Ms applied te a pour ane whi the. pases wom deep sleep. wre when He person ja hawins x x Fia Ce) ahws EER wevefe Deore danke. On Hx conditions, E64 waveform folly ce aitedvee) became fla reapirolter and Greulatten eae revmeal only brain Waves are not chained. * “4 (2) chews tre Een waveform due & epileray. Epilepa is te S mp ken of — bredn ama: Qe m td r ‘d he to defect in birth debvery or ie ree be che # epilepry a defined oS aznehrenews elie chee dai ms or “ grep heures often anebaclvg fhe shel nds é . . ADE Hu perden ts having pacin famous , EEC Wo nek cbkained . TH BAL tamewy 14 Large, Ehe alebres! cavity fem He bron ja effected “tT 3.6 Applications f EG |» Epilepsy: E84 a very helpfal & find eh ccederia 4 epilepay x Anesthetic level: Bea is helpge! nd He dipth of wntontily % aneathedia 4 Brain Prjury Pf Hare 1s 4 Acar on bh ewebral cortec SE cnaba. wrritabve cf feck on Che mech hoalthy cortex , There ore idenbified by He ceq cvaveform - " cet wed te locate ty bamouy within Eu brain x Meriter desis surgery * CEL wavedormn ta helpfal te Phe locker fo pend pabent condi tren dai" aurqeny ie ef fede ga: the effect yoga ta iduinkifred by EEG. cet 14 veeevdes ge rn revmal parser hen the Fix, 5 deme time After dome Hee , perder how te de th ont again eet (2 fe je reeorelad fir the dame poten. with Une pravrowmt penser the elif fore Wave sgerns be anaethesiolegial & Peis compared give te effet tf qe: 4. 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The be delay neta ik by pevond. “l x Uually , An¥ f, ond hk AIS * New the conduchon velocity ane Bde Sb ae Used V = 50 m/dec Dk mean Lhere 16 some diforder in 494 Vehom/4- nerve conduchen |e Tha conduction valeiby 2 macsusel on Jb EMG yevefert moter herved set tel t th ee aan wc de ee ep Figure 2.30 Motor unit action potentials from normal dorsal interosseus ‘muscle during progressively more powerful contractions. (c) In the interfer ence pattern, individual units can no longer be clearly distinguished. (d) Interference pattern during very strong muscular contraction. Time scale is 10 ms per dot. (From J. A. R. Lenman and A, E. Ritchie, Clinical Electro- ‘myography, 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1977; reproduced by permission of th y 4s Appeals, Ge EME emer cA wed on Ee quld Ce ag glebrophyiolog x Cinteal recrophytelegi x Newselogy x Pay chiatry

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