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Embracing the new beats, new faces, and new stories. The freshers' party is not just an
event; it's the prelude to an incredible college saga, which was hosted by the Art and Culture
society. The event unfolded with a spiritual touch through a soul-cleansing Kirtan and a
warm welcome from our esteemed Principal. The Magus dance society mesmerized the
audience, and freshers showcased their flair in a dazzling Ramp walk. Poetry by the Nzm
society and a captivating monologue by the Drama Society added artistic depth. Gidda and
Musoc societies infused energy, leading to a talent round. The Bhangra Team's electrifying
performance marked the event's climax. The much-awaited results crowned Simarjeet Singh
Sandhu and Tanishka Maan as Mr. and Ms. Fresher and other titles for Charming personality,
Well dressed and Confidence were awarded to runner ups, concluding the day on a high
note. Prof. Renu Duggal's gracious vote of thanks added the perfect finale to an
unforgettable event.

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