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Understanding the Self

Act 1

Track yourself
1. How would you describe yourself?
I think what best describes me is being an ‘artist’, a sentimental one. Most of the things I do, I relate with
art, I create art, I enjoy art, I want art to be included in my future. My personality just revolves around it.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?
Being an artist or having phantosmia. I think the former makes it more special, because not everyone took
their time to work their skills or even bother learning art and all the hard parts of it. It’s all I could think of.
I never really stood it out unless it’s me live-painting in front of many people or when the school-pub
released new articles and the name of the author is me. My talents and the things I do best makes me stand-
out, and it makes me feel special, fulfilled, and seen.

3. How has yourself transformed itself?

I don’t even notice when I change, or I notice it way too late. I learned new things; online, from other
people, from the news—and it all transforms the way I perceive the world and many other things. I meet
new people, we talk, we build new relationships and I experience new things through them, they make me
happy, some broke me, they make me feel loved, they give out support. I learn every day and I change, and
more and more I get to know myself and say that "this is more me”.

4. How is your self connected to your body?

I think my body is my physical self and there are different ones the emotional and mental. When my body
is well and satisfied, it affects me mentally and emotionally. When my body is in pain or discomfort it also
becomes detrimental to myself.

5. How is your self related to the other selves

They are all connected. In different circumstances, I relay on the other. I use the others in situations and
scenarios where they would fit best. That co-existence builds who I am.

6. What happened to yourself after you die?

I cease to exist. My physical self disappears from the world. Though my memories may continue
to live on through legacies I may have made. I also cannot think nor feel as I am dead.

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