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¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945 1

RNI No. MAHENG /2009/35528

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In pursuance of clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India, the following translation
in English of the Maharashtra Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2017 (Mah. Act No. XXVIII of 2023),
is hereby published under the authority of the Governor.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

Secretary (Legislation) to Government,
Law and Judiciary Department.



(First published, after having received the assent of the President in the
“ Maharashtra Government Gazette ”, on the 27th June 2023).

An Act to enact the law relating to agricultural land leasing in the

State of Maharashtra and for the matters connected therewith or incidental
WHEREAS the prohibitions and restrictions contained under the
various existing State tenancy laws governing agricultural land leasing
have forced the land owners and lessee cultivators to have informal
agreements only for cultivating the land, thereby depriving the lessee
cultivators of the benefits which are normally due to them;
¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö--48----1
2 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945
AND WHEREAS such existing laws also create insecurity among land
owners to lease-out agricultural land which reduces the access to land by
the landless poor, small and marginal farmers and others by way of
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to enact a law to permit and facilitate
leasing of agricultural land in the State of Maharashtra, so as to improve
agricultural efficiency and equity, access to land by the landless and semi-
landless poor, occupational diversity and to promote accelerated rural
growth and transformation; to provide recognition to farmers cultivating
agricultural land on lease for enabling them to access loans through credit
institutions, insurance, disaster relief and other support services provided
by the Government, while protecting fully the land rights of the owners;
and for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto; it is hereby
enacted in the Sixty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows :—

Short title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra Agricultural Land
extent and Leasing Act, 2017.
ment. (2) It shall extend to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
by notification published in the Official Gazette, appoint.
Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “agricultural land” means the land which is used or is capable of
being used for the agriculture and allied activities including fallow land;
(b) “Agricultural Year” means the year commencing on the 1st August
and ending on the 31st July, or such other year as specified by the State
Government, by notification published in the Official Gazette ;
(c) “agriculture and allied activities ” means raising of crops including
food and non-food crops, fodder or grass, fruits and vegetables, flowers,
any other horticultural crops and plantation, animal husbandry and dairy,
poultry farming, stock breeding, fishery, agro forestry, agro-processing and
other related activities by farmers and farmer groups;
(d) “Competent Authority” means the Tahsildar or such revenue officer
of equal rank, as may be notified by the State Government under section 8;
(e) “farmer” means a person who owns and cultivates land himself or
herself and includes a person who may or may not own land but cultivates
land by leasing in from others;
(f) “farmer groups” includes self-help groups, joint liability groups,
Farm Producers Organizations (F.P.O.s) and the like;
(g) “Government” means the Government of Maharashtra;
(h) “lease” means a contract between the Land Owner - Lessor and
the Lessee Cultivator by which the Land Owner - Lessor conveys use of his
agricultural land to the Lessee Cultivator for agriculture and allied
activities for a specified period for a consideration, based on an agreement
with terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by the Land Owner–
Lessor and the Lessee Cultivator ;
¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945 3
(i) “Leasing in” means the use of agricultural land by a Lessee
Cultivator under lease for a consideration which could be in cash or kind
or share of produce;
(j) “Leasing out” means transfer of land under lease by a Land Owner
- Lessor to a Lessee Cultivator for an agreed lease period for a consideration
which could be in cash or kind or share of produce;
(k) “Lessee Cultivator” means a person who leases in agricultural
land for the purpose of agriculture and allied activities against a
consideration in cash or kind or a share of produce, payable to the Land
Owner - Lessor as per the lease agreement;
(l) “Land Owner - Lessor’’ means a person who owns agricultural land
and has leased out such land to a Lessee Cultivator, under mutually
agreed terms and conditions;
(m) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.

3. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, on and Agricultural
land leasing
from the commencement of this Act, every person who is competent to under this
transfer agricultural land under section 7 of the Transfer of Property Act, Act.
4 of 1882 and who intends to lease in or lease out agricultural land for
agriculture and allied activities shall be entitled to enter into a lease
agreement, consistent with the provisions of this Act:
Provided that, for Leasing out any land held by a person belonging to
the Scheduled Tribes, prior permission of the Collector under section 36A
M ah . of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 shall be necessary and no
XLI of such permission shall be given unless the person Leasing in such land also
belongs to the Scheduled Tribes.
(2) The lease shall be between the Land Owner – Lessor who leases
out his land and the Lessee Cultivator who leases in such land for
agriculture and allied activities.
(3) The leasing in of agricultural land in the Scheduled Areas shall be
only by the person belonging to Scheduled Tribes or any other person
permitted by the laws in force in Scheduled Areas.
(4) The Land Owner-Lessor and the Lessee Cultivator shall be required
to enter into a written lease agreement with mutually agreed terms and
conditions which shall be required to be duly registered as per the
X V I provisions of the Registration Act, 1908.
1908. (5) The lease agreement shall inter alia contain the following details,
terms and conditions, namely:––
(a) the names of the Land Owner - Lessor and Lessee Cultivator;
(b) survey number, boundaries, location and area of the land being
leased out;
¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö--48----2
4 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945
(c) the duration of lease, expressed in months or years, clearly
indicating the starting and ending dates of the lease, which should,
as far as practicable, be compatible with the crop cycle or Agricultural
(d) the lease rent or consideration payable by the Lessee- Cultivator
and the due date on which such amount shall be payable by the
Lessee Cultivator;
(e) the terms and conditions for renewal or extension of lease, if any;
(f) any major default which shall make the lease liable for termination;
(g) the circumstances in which land may be resumed by the Land
Owner - Lessor and methodology therefor;
(h) the minimum period during which such resumption of land by the
Land Owner-Lessor shall not be permissible;
(i) any other mutually agreed provision, consistent with the provisions
of this Act.
(6) The duration of lease shall be decided and mutually agreed upon
by the Land Owner-Lessor and the Lessee Cultivator and any period of
lease as per the lease agreement executed under this Act shall not create
any protected tenancy right in favour of the Lessee Cultivator.
(7) The consideration payable by the Lessee-Cultivator for use of land
leased under this Act in the form of lease rent, or share of produce or in
any other form shall be decided and mutually agreed upon by the Land
Owner-Lessor and the Lessee Cultivator.
(8) The lease agreement under this Act shall not be entered into the
record of rights, but the information regarding lease agreement under this
Act shall be entered in a Register, maintained by the Competent Authority
in such form as may be prescribed.
(9) A lease agreement under this Act, even though registered under
the Registration Act, 1908 shall not create or confer any right over land X V I
including protected tenancy or occupancy right or any other right against o f
lawful eviction or lease termination or interest in favour of the Lessee
Cultivator other than those contained in this Act or the lease agreement
and shall not be used to establish any permanent right over the land in any
court of law.
(10) The possession of the land leased out under this Act shall be
deemed to have reverted to the Land Owner-Lessor upon the expiry of
agreed lease period, unless the lease is renewed by a fresh written lease
agreement which is registered by following the provisions of this section
for a period mutually agreed upon by the Land Owner-Lessor and the
Lessee Cultivator.
(11) Any dispute between the Lessee Cultivator and the Land
Owner - Lessor shall be resolved through the dispute resolution mechanism
provided under section 9 of this Act.
¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945 5
4. The Land Owner –Lessor,–– Rights and
(a) shall put the Lessee Cultivator in possession of the leased out of Land
land on the first day of the lease and shall not interfere with the Lessee Owner-
Cultivator’s use and possession thereof so long as the Lessee Cultivator,-
(i) does not default in the payment of lease amount ;
(ii) does not cause damage to the health of the soil;
(iii) does not use the land for purposes other than what is agreed
upon in the lease agreement; or
(iv) does not sub-lease the land to any other person;
(b) shall have right to receive the agreed lease consideration in the
form of lease rent or fixed cash or share of produce from the Lessee
Cultivator as per the agreed time schedule as per the lease agreement;
(c) shall be entitled to automatic resumption of the land without any
encumbrances on the expiry of the lease period as initially agreed upon or
as extended with mutual consent and the Land Owner-Lessor shall not be
liable for discharge of any charge or interest or liability created by the
Lessee Cultivator during the lease period;
(d) shall have the right to resume the leased out land during the
subsistence of lease if and only if the written lease agreement so provides,
with prior written notice to the Lessee Cultivator, as mutually agreed
(e) shall have the right to terminate the lease if the Lessee Cultivator
commits any of the defaults set out under clause (a) ;
(f) shall have the right to alienate the leased out agricultural land
including by way of a sale, gift, mortgage, etc. during the currency of the
agreed lease period, subject to the condition that such transfer shall not
affect in any manner the Lessee Cultivator’s agricultural right to cultivate
the land until the expiry of the agreed lease period;
(g) shall pay all applicable taxes and cess on the land;
(h) shall, during the term of the lease agreement, not create any
hindrance in the works being done by the Lessee Cultivator as per the
lease agreement.
5. The Lessee Cultivator,–– Rights and
(a) shall be entitled to an undisturbed possession and use of the land of Lessee
for the agreed period as provided for in the lease agreement; Cultivator.
(b) shall not claim any right over the land by virtue of the lease other
than those set forth in this Act or in the lease agreement;
(c) shall not sub-lease or mortgage the land leased in by him;
(d) shall have, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
any other law for the time being in force, no right to create change of any
kind on the land under lease agreement other than the rights granted in
the lease agreement;
(e) shall be eligible to raise loans from banks or co-operative societies
or other financial institutions without mortgaging the leased in land, based
on the lease agreement. The expected value of production or returns from

¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö--48----2+
6 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945
leased in land during the lease period may be used as collateral by credit
institutions for advancing loan to a Lessee Cultivator if this is mutually
agreed between the institution and the Lessee Cultivator;
(f) shall, during the currency of the lease period, be entitled to obtain
crop insurance, disaster relief or any other benefits or facilities that may
be provided to the farmers by the State or the Central Government, based
on the lease agreement;
(g) shall have the right to voluntarily surrender the leased in land
after giving such notice to the Land Owner-Lessor, as specified in the
terms and conditions of the lease agreement;
(h) shall vacate the land leased in by him immediately at the end of
the initially agreed term of the lease or the mutually extended period,
without any encumbrances created during the lease period;
(i) shall not have the right to build structures or erect any fixtures on
the land without the express permission of the Land Owner – Lessor;
(j) shall be entitled to compensation for the improvements or fixtures
made on the agricultural land leased in from the Land Owner – Lessor,
provided the improvements or fixtures are consistent with the lease
agreement and the lease agreement provides for such compensation.
Explanation.–– Compensation is the residual value of the improvements
or developments made on the land leased in, at the time of termination or
expiry of lease;
(k) shall pay the lease consideration in time, as specified in the lease
agreement, and any delay in payment beyond three months from the due
date, shall constitute a major default, entitling the Land Owner-Lessor to
issue notice for termination of lease;
(l) shall use the land only for agriculture and allied activities, as
mentioned in the lease agreement;
(m) shall not cause any damage to the land and shall be liable to the
Land Owner – Lessor for any damage caused to the leased in land and any
immovable asset on it;
(n) shall not have any right on the land leased in, other than those
specifically set forth in the lease agreement or in this Act;
(o) shall not sublease the land leased in by him to any other person,
and any such act shall constitute a major default, entitling the Land
Owner - Lessor to issue notice for termination of lease;
(p) shall not disturb the boundary of the land and survey stones, if
any, during the lease period.
Non- 6. (1) Leases under this Act shall not be heritable and the rights of the
transferability Lessee Cultivator granted under the lease shall not be transferable except
and non-
heritability as provided in the lease agreement.
of lease. (2) In the event of death of Land Owner - Lessor, the Lessee Cultivator
shall continue to cultivate the land leased in for the remaining lease
period, unless the Lessee Cultivator and the heirs of Land Owner-Lessor
agree to end the lease agreement early by mutual consent. In case of land
leased out by multiple Land Owners- Lessors, as long as one of the original
Land Owners is alive, the lease agreement shall stand.
¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945 7
(3) If there is single Lessee Cultivator who dies, the land shall revert
to the Land Owner - Lessor, at the end of the crop year, unless the Land
Owner - Lessor and heirs of such deceased Lessee Cultivator mutually
agree to continue the lease. In case the Lessee Cultivator has included the
name(s) of his or her son(s) or daughter(s) as a co-Lessee in the lease
agreement, the surviving co-Lessee shall be entitled to continue the lease
for the remaining lease period or any mutually agreed extended lease
7. The lease executed under this Act shall be terminated,–– Termination
(a) on expiry of the agreed lease period; of lease.

(b) if the Lessee Cultivator fails to pay the lease consideration as per
the agreed terms and as per the agreed time schedule;
(c) if the Lessee Cultivator uses the land for the purposes other than
agriculture and allied activities or those specified in the lease agreement;
(d) if the Lessee Cultivator sub-leases the leased in land;
(e) if there is any damage caused to the land by the Lessee Cultivator;
(f) if the Land Owner- Lessor and Lessee Cultivator mutually agree to
terminate the lease;
(g) if the Lessee Cultivator dies during the lease period, in which case
the termination of lease shall be subject to the provisions under section 6
of this Act;
(h) when the Lessee Cultivator voluntarily surrenders the land during
the lease period, under provisions of clause (f) of section 5 of this Act; or
(i) if the Lessee Cultivator is adjudicated as undischarged insolvent
or of unsound mind.

8. The Government shall notify the Competent Authority which shall Enforcement of
be responsible for the following, namely :–– lease
(a) enforcement of terms of lease;
(b) facilitating return of the leased out land to the Land
Owner - Lessor on expiry of the lease period.
9. (1) The Lessee Cultivator and the Land Owner-Lessor shall make Dispute
all efforts to amicably settle any dispute between them arising out of lease resolution.
agreement under this Act, using third party mediation whenever feasible.
(2) If the dispute is not settled through the mechanism mentioned in
sub-section (1), either party may file a petition before the Competent
Authority, which shall adjudicate the dispute using summary procedure
within a maximum period of three months.
(3) For every order other than interim order passed by the Competent
Authority under this Act, an appeal shall lie to the Collector.
(4) An appeal against the order of the Collector shall lie to the
Maharashtra Revenue Tribunal which shall be the final authority to
adjudicate disputes, under this Act.
8 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945
(5) Any appeal preferred to the Collector or the Maharashtra Revenue
Tribunal under this Act shall be disposed of within a maximum period of
one year.
(6) During the pendency of dispute between the Land Owner - Lessor
and the Lessee Cultivator, the Competent Authority or the Collector or
the Maharashtra Revenue Tribunal, may pass such interim order for
compliance of the conditions of the lease agreement as he or it deems
Provided that, he or it shall not pass any such order, as shall allow
Lessee Cultivator to remain in possession of land even after the expiry or
termination of lease agreement.
(7) If any stay order is passed then on the expiry of the term of lease
agreement, such stay order shall automatically cease to operate and the
Land Owner -Lessor shall be given possession of the land compulsorily.
Breach of 10. On receiving an application from aparty aggrieved by the non-
agreement. compliance or violation of any condition of lease agreement under this Act,
or breach of such agreement, the Competent Authority by issuing show
cause notice, require the other party, to immediately stop such violation or
breach and comply with the lease agreement and to personally furnish a
compliance report in this regard or else show cause as to why such fine at
a maximum rate of fifty thousand per hectare as the Competent Authority
may specify should not be imposed on such party. After considering the
reply to the show cause notice and the evidence on affidavit, and after
hearing both the parties, the Competent Authority may pass appropriate
order for ensuring compliance of the lease agreement and the case shall be
disposed of after ascertaining the compliance of such order :
Provided that, if the Competent Authority is satisfied that the
compliance of the lease agreement is not possible, then he shall order
termination of the agreement and determine the claims of both the parties
and may imposed fine upto a maximum rate of rupees fifty thousand per
hectare, the party responsible for breach of agreement, which shall be
recoverable as an arrears of land revenue :
Provided further that, the State Government shall be competent to
prescribe higher limit for the maximum rate of fine that can be imposed
under this section, by making rules in this regard.
Reinstatement 11. (1) On expiry of term, or termination of lease agreement, if the
of Land land Lessee Cultivator does not vacate the possession of land under lease
Owner -
agreement, directly or indirectly, then on application of the Land Owner
- Lessor, the Competent Authority shall within seven days, issue notice to
the Lessee Cultivator, directing him to hand over possession of the land to
the Land Owner-Lessor within 15 days from the date of service of notice
to the Lessee-Cultivator.
(2) If even after service of show cause notice as aforesaid, the Lessee
Cultivator does not hand over vacant possession of the land to the Land
Owner-Lessor within the time specified in such notice, the Competent
Authority shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of application from
the Land Owner-Lessor, under sub-section (1), secure actual possession of
¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945 9
land by using reasonable force, as may be necessary, and hand over the
same to the Land Owner-Lessor.
12. (1) No decision made or order passed or proceeding taken by any Bar of
officer or authority or the State Government under this Act, not being a jurisdiction of
Civil Courts.
decision, order or proceeding affecting the title to the land of a person,
shall be called in question before a Civil Court in any suit, application or
other proceeding and no injunction shall be granted by any court in respect
of any proceeding taken or about to be taken by such officer or authority
or the State Government in pursuance of any power conferred by or under
this Act.
(2) No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction over disputes under this Act.


13. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie before any Protections
court or authority against any public servant for anything done or intended for persons
acting in
to be done in good faith in performance of duty, pursuant to this Act or the good faith.
rules made thereunder.
14. (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Power to
Gazette, and subject to the condition of previous publication, make rules to make rules.
carry out all or any of the purposes of this Act.
(2) Every rule made under this section shall be laid as soon as may be
after it is made before each House of the State Legislature while it is in
session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one
session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of
the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, both
Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree
that the rule should not be made, the rule shall, from the date of
publication of notification in the Official Gazette, of such decision have
effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be ; so,
however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice
to the validity of anything previously done or omitted to be done under
that rule.
15. (1) The provisions of the Act shall have overriding effect over the Overriding
provisions of any other law in force on the subject from the date of its effect and
coming into force:
Provided that, any rights accrued, actions taken, cases pending under
any other law in force shall be governed by the provisions of such law:
Provided further that, if an existing lease agreement between the
Land Owner-Lessor and the Lessee Cultivator is sought to be further
extended or replaced by a new lease, the provisions of this Act shall apply.
(2) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that this Act shall
not have any retrospective effect and the existing protected tenants or
share croppers, existing on the date of coming into force of this Act, under
the existing Tenancy laws in the State of Maharashtra shall not be affected
by this Act.
10 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ +É`ö, VÉÚxÉ 27, 2023/+ɹÉÉfø 6, ¶ÉEäò 1945
Power to 16. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
Act, the State Government may, as occasion arises, by order published in
the Official Gazette do anything not inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act which appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of
removing the difficulty:
Provided that, no such order shall be made after the expiry of a
period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under sub-section (1) shall be laid, as soon as
may be, after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature.


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