Incumbency Certification

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公司抬头纸打印 (此 3 行内容去掉)



Date: XX-XX-XXXX(证明打印日-月-年)

To: Embassy of the UK

Dear Visa officer:

This is to certify that Mr/MS. XXX(名字)works in our company/unit as XXX(职务)since the year
of XXXX (入职公司年份) . Her/His monthly salary is RMB XXXX (月薪) .(after-tax) He/She
will have a tour to UK from XX XX XXXX to XX XX XXXX(日-月-年,旅行日期).

Her/His information is listed as follows,

Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No.
XXX(名字) M/F(性别) GXXXXXXXX(护照号码)

All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance,
will be covered by himself/herself.
We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying abroad.
We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our

Yours sincerely

Company/Unit Name: 公司/单位英文名称 Company/Unit 称呼 2 选 1

Add: 公司/单位英文地址
Tel: 证明人座机电话 此电话在电话调查时证明人必须要接听
Fax:公司/单位传真 没有传真请去掉此行
Name of the reference : 证明人姓名拼音
Position of the reference: 证明人英文职位

Signature: 证明人中文手写签字+公司盖章

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