Karl Carandang - Challenges in Community Organizing During Pandemic Times

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Karl Carandang - Challenges in Community Organizing During Pandemic Times

1. What are your most significant learnings from the session on community organizing with Dr.

The most significant learning I had on the session on community organizing is that the goal of
community medicine is not for the community to be dependent on us the public health
practitioners but ironically for the community to be so empowered that in the end they won’t
need us. The subtle awareness that success is not determined by communities' constant
reliance on public health practitioners is what really stood out to me. Rather, the focus is on
empowering the community to such an extent that it becomes self-sufficient and does not
require outside help. This viewpoint opposes the traditional hierarchical approach to healthcare
and promotes a more egalitarian framework in which communities take an active role in their
own health. It emphasizes the value of investing in the community's long-term resilience and
autonomy in addition to treating health challenges, forging a mutually beneficial partnership that
goes beyond conventional responsibilities in healthcare. This newly acquired viewpoint

2. During this time of pandemic and limited engagement, what do you think are the challenges
in community organizing?

In the time of pandemic and limited engagement, a particular challenge in community organizing
is a thorough follow-up, and this subsequently affects rapport building. Due to the limited time,
the community does not have a constant face that they interact with but rather a revolving door
of changing faces of healthcare practitioners. The community and public health professionals
have a great deal of challenges in developing a lasting relationship and establishing trust
because of this transient dynamic. In order to overcome this obstacle, creative approaches are
needed to forge long-lasting relationships and close the gap created by infrequent in-person
encounters. This will guarantee that the fundamentals of community empowerment in
healthcare endure during difficult times.

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