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First Transcript- Uncle Phil lecturing Lou

Phil: sit down

Lou: i ain’t got time for no lecture
Phil: i said sit down lou
Lou: ((sits down and sighs))
Phil: you know (.) will was doing just fine till you showed up (.) but now that you’re
back you have responsibilities to him
Lou: look we’re still gonna take the [trip]
Phil: [oh bull] bull (.) will is not a coat that you hang in
the closet then pick it up when you’re ready to wear it (.) his life goes on he’s not
supposed to be here for you you’re supposed to be here for him
Lou: ((stands up)) you get off my back (.) you think I want this (.) it just
HAPPENED (.) now when will was a baby I [was scared]
Phil: [cut the crap alright] (.) cut it cuz I been
there but I didn’t run out on my family I was there every day for them because that’s
what a man [does]
Lou: [fine phillip] (.) y-you win y-you da man (.) you a better man than me
Phil: ((sighs and turns away))
Lou: you happy (1)
((both men look at each other ))
Lou: now you gonna tell will or not
Phil: I’m not gonna do your dirty work for you
Lou: fine (.) uh I’ll call him from the road
Phil: yeah why don’t you do that
Lou: yeah I’ll do that
Second Transcript- Will finding out about Lou leaving again
Will: DADDY-O (.) wassup
Lou: ((stops walking and turns to face Will))
Lou: will ha ((nervous laughter)) I’m glad you’re here um some business came up I
gotta handle (.) so we’re gonna have to uh put our trip on hold (.) you understand
Will: yeah (.) yeah th-that’s cool [that’s cool]
Lou: [ju-just for a couple of weeks]
Will: uh hmm I understand
Lou: maybe a little longer
Will: yeah whatever whatever
Lou: (1) look I’ll call you next week and we’ll iron out the details okay
Will: y-yeah yeah
Lou: it was great seeing you son
Will: you too (.) lou

Third Transcript: Will breaking down infront of phillip

Phil: I’m sorry (.) will
Will: pff you know what actually this works out better for me you know the slimmies
in summer comin to class wearing next to nothin you know what I’m sayin
Phil: will it’s alright to be angry
Will: hey why should I be mad im sayin at least he said goodbye this time I just wish
hadn’t wasted my money buying this stupid present ((takes out present from his bag))
Phil: i-I’m sorry you know if there was something that I can [do]
Will: [you know what you aint got to
do nothing uncle phil] you know it aint like I’m still 5 years old you know (.) aint like
imma be sitting up every night asking my mom whens daddy coming home you know
who needs him ay he wasn’t there to teach me how to shoot my first basket but I
learned didn’t I and I got pretty damn good at it too didn’t I [uncle phil]
Phil: [yeah you did]
Will: I got through my first day without him right (.) I learned how to drive I learned
how to shave I learned how to fight without him I had 14 great birthdays without him
he never even sent me a damn card (.) TO HELL WITH HIM (.) I aint need him then
and I don’t need him now
Phil: will will
Will: you know what uncle phil imma get through college without him (.) imma get a
great job without him (.) imma marry me a beautiful honey and imma have me a whole
buncha kids imma be a better father than he EVER was and I sure as hell don’t need
him for that for that cuz there aint a damn thing he could ever teach me about how
to love my kids
((will and phil stare at each other both crying))
Will: (7) how could he don’t want me man
((phil pulls will into a hug))

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