Medical Jurisprudence-1

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——— wvswe ul 2 aninval, VELULE Wie DULYLLL PLuper ‘Coroner (Medica) ex: A Coroner is an officer appointed by the Government to hold an .enquiyy of deaths suspected as unnatural and Non an (Medical axa Ven oa) i Ay gle > phicay Who veslAakads’ boy tneqner (Ca is treated. : )URES 19 his jurisdiction. In Pakistan only Karachi city “possess “Coroners. In_other_ towns District Magistrates and other Magistrates are @¥officio coroners, although they creat as such. Coroner's Court is'a Court of Enquiry and rota Court of Trial. At the Coroner’s Court no accused is to be present but any suspected person should, if possible, be present. The accused has the right of producing witnesses, ° cross-examining witnesses, either himself or through his counsel. The accused can make any statement which he may sends the alleged, if found guilty to the for trial in a proper manner. — Be ‘Duties of a Coroner: Following are the duties of. h Coroner :-- ‘ "ave. 7 . : 3 E Y (1) To hold an enquiry in the case of a dead body lying in his jurisdiction, the mode of death being sudden and unnatural. Ya To hold. an enquiry if a death occurs where some i suicide or homicide is suspected. * 4@ To hold an enquiry if a death is caused by an accident or poisoning. : “(4) To hold an enquiry if a death occurs because of a wi roadside accident. (5) To hold an enquiry if a death occurs in jail or in the Court of Law, police custody, asylum or in the certified school. : V (6) He can order any medical man to hold a Post-y ahs +. mortem examination. } O>¢ un MAIN MY" Chena a dead upd cab pian eagle () on A AeA ee e180 PED ate a he ~™ the case or who held the post-mortem examination, 1 an to give evidence in his Court. ef dog |l- SUN fa V(8) He can order for identification df a dead body. Le Ye) He can appoint a deputy coroner to act for him when sick or absent from any Jawful or reasonable fre ee CAMAQ_ Ay ney cated fan nics eat) any dealh wat dluetto na wal fAMLE: Lot |. LOGLeAl2 Ax te inte “the | | OME Se dA een 1. If the dead body of a person is lying within the Coroner’s jurisdiction and there is cause to suspect that such, person died a sudden death of which the cause is unknown, . If there is reason for suspicion that:- A ern @ ide Death was caused by homicide, suicide, o; infanticide, i.e, death by violent -or unnatural tsho wutde means, Also deaths due to starvation, exposure or an ey neglect. (i) ‘The death-was caused by an accident or poison or : drug mishap or machinery,’ ie, any kind of accident, injury or ‘exposure in any industry- or | os . tetanus 3 Gi ii) The death was caused by an occurrence arisirig out - of use of vehicle in the Street, public road or a Aaa Ley private place. (This would include any death caused ae “<¢4 by perambulator, bath-chair, bicycles and train oy, > fatality). . ae /@v) The cases where the cause of death is certified or given as post-operative shock or haemorrhage, these also include all deaths during operation or. . under anaesthesia, - K (v) The death occurred in circumstances, the continuance or possible recurrence of which is prejudicial to the health or safety of the public. (This would include all suspected or alleged deaths during an operation or: under anaesthesia or death due to rare infectious diseases). 3. Deaths occurring in jail ox Pe any place of detention ‘within the jurisdiction of his Courts. e harge_of a police. + The.policé office station — a_sub-inspector of Police) is supposed to inquire nediately into the unnatural and deaths suspected ae . (a w) f b uc’ Hanser v Cantata, se 21 lay. He conducts the enquiry at the site of death-with ee of the area. He sends the information of the death to medical officer ortem | . “The medical officer is obliged to report.on the post-mortem done and gi give a ‘probable cause of death to the police official accompanying the dead body. A detailed report is later sent to the superintende Police ¥ who i a turn forwards to the Magistrate concerned. iis wa @ Waa Roce due EAS pa Sea Taits Tn case of rape the victim is sent to the medical officer with a full report fot ay i examination, Crime ah force Table 1. Tt is only a Court of It is a Court of inquiry. trial. (2) oe of] The accused need The accused Accused: not be present should be during the trial. present during . the trial. (a): Punishment: | Coroner has © no The Magistrate power to impose “can impose fine fine or punish the and i accused, .punishment. ta Contempt Coroner can punish Magistrate can of Court: “those guilty - of. punish _ those contempt of Court, guilty of. if the offence is contempt of committed within Court, whether . the precincts of his the offence is : Cou - committed a dilyict ist « » ad within or o a { ' '| without _ the ef J Pe | precincts of Court. 22 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE (Investigating | Inquest held by Coroner | Inquest held by police officer: who is qualified and | officer, sometimes by 2 : experienced, and as such | Head Constable who ig it is superior to police | not qualified in law o¢ inquest. medicine, (2) Place: Held only in Karachi. Held all over Pakistan . except Karachi. (8) Informing |. He need not inform’ the| He has to inform the Magistrate: Magistrate about thé crime. Magistrate of the area, (4) Witnesses: dury helps. He does not} Panchayatdars _ help require the signature of the| who are chosen at witnesses, random. They sign the . report. (©) Warrant fr He can issue warrant fér| He’ cannot’ seus arrest: the arrest of the accused, warrant, but can arrest an accused =. in, cognisable offence. (6) Summoning pf He can summon the doctor He cannot” summon doctor: to his -Court to _ Bre the doctdr to. give evidence, evidence, (7) Exhumation: | He can order a body to be] He cannot . order . exhumed, exhumation. (8) Analysis "lof He can direct analysis of! He cannot direct the viscera: any of the organs or of their] analysis of viscera. contents, ee a > lo LEGAL PROCEDURES oo EXHUMATION tt is the examination of a dead body taken out of the grave for the suspicion of ere becaiise of | mgs any other foul veattty UM nA MA Or ( Alitopsies wee goa @ car Ee in the following circumstances: ' (1) In criminal cases, eg., homicides, suspected ‘homicide masked as suicide, suspicious poisoning, death as a: result of Sane abortion and Ay (eens wien wey etapnirntin, The ceils Oo Be sd: (2) civil cake aac such bs aaa death! *daim, liability for malpractice, survivorship and inheritance claims or disputed identify. ~ 1. District Magistrate. .2. Coroner. 3. Sub-Divisional Magistrate. A_ police officer cannot order exhumation. After exhumation Post-mortem ex: tion is done by the m medical, officer and the parts are sent to” the chemical laboratory for 1, Earth taken from above the coffin. 2. Earth taken from below the coffin. 8. Earth taken from within the coffin. 4, Hair from head. 5. ~ Hair from pubes. ei2 Vanes fails \s Wes 6. Nails, teeth. ~ alodowen, ~ "A hie cl aloov €. 7. Bones. The exko al Aen erik é g 8. Heart. on he J 9. Stomach, MAY 24 | MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 1G: Intestine.

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