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Legal procedures Coroner: A coroner is an officer which is appointed by govt to conduct an inquiry of death that suspected as unnatural and suspicious by an inquest in his jurisdiction, (law) the territory within which lawfully authorized power can be exercised. In Pakistan only Karachi city possess coroners. In other towns District Magistrate and other Magistrates are ex-officio coroners, although the seldom act as such. Coroner courts are court of inquiry and not court of trail. The coroner sends the alleged to the presidency Magistrate for a trail in proper manner, if found guilty. Pec A inquiry in to the cause of unexpected or unnatural death. ‘ies of a Coroner: Following are the duties of a coroner: - (Page No 19). Legal procedure at an Inquest Coroner Inquest: (Page No 20) 4 vO a A Police Inquest: (Page No 20) Diff Between coroner courts and Magistrate court: (Page No 21) Diff Between police Inquest and coroner inquest: (Page No 22) Exhumation The act of unearthing a buried individual corpse when legally it is required for medico-legal investigation Forensic science Scientific knowledge that is applied in the investi Svidence in a court of law, e.8. forensic odontology (The identification of unidentified dead body by teeth, the alignment of teeth and overall structure of mouth), forensic gation and establishment of facts or photograph etc ballistics and fore ee isprudence, Forensic Medicine, Foren: | Medicine and Judicial Medicine are all nce that uses medical Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicin synonymous terms which used to denote that branch of medicals. Knowledge for legal purposes both in criminal and civil cases. Toxicology ‘That branch of medical science which deals all adverse effect of chemicals (like arsenic) on biological system (such as human body) In simple form ‘every contact leaves a trace’ which provides a basis for the recovery and interpretation of evidence. For example When it applied to a criminal case “it states brought into the scene, and something will be taken away from the scene. It is for the forensic practitioner/scientist to identify what those types of contact were by identifying the contact and putting it into an evidentially sound format, The principle can be applied in all settings, for example by linking a suspect's DNA to seminal fluid obtained from a complainant’s vagina, or by identifying hair from a balaclaya (a closed cap) used in an armed robbery. Legal systems/legal procedures “Laws are the collection of rules imposed by authority for the benefits of collective society There are many national variations but the basic pattem is very similar. The exact Structure is frequently developed and thus determined by the political system, culture and ; stion. Decisions made by judges in the courts have grown over timeand this body of decisions is reerred to as common tay on law? The ‘doctrine of precedent” ensures that principles determined in one cout or fease law’, ' : oe will normally be binding on judges in inferior courts. In our judicial system, the supreme court of , Me court o| the highest court in all matters under the 1973 Constitution, resort and the highest appeal court in the country, Pakistan i which is the last however the high courts are the highest court for criminal and civil cases in the provinces as per our constitution framework. Legal systems mainly comprising on two types of laws: 1. Criminal Law IL Civil Law 1. Criminal law Criminal law deals with relationships between the state and the individual and in such cases, probably the area in which forensic medical expertise is most commonly required. Criminal trials involve offences that are inst public interest’; these include offences u against the person (e.g. murder. assault, grievous bodily harm, rape). property (¢ theft, robbery and burglary (Entering a buildi vehicle or other enclosure unlawfully with intent to commit felony (i.¢ murder, arson or to steal valuable property), and publie safety and security of the state (like terrorism), In these matters the state acts as the voice or the agent of the people. In a criminal trial it is for the prosecution to prove their case before the court or the magistrates “beyond reasonable doubt’. If that level cannot be achieved, then the prosecution fails and the individual equitted. If the level is achieved then the individua convicted and a punitive sentence is applied. Itisa ver Well established principle of law that ‘an aceused is deemed innocent until found guilty under the law’, Itis the main responsibility of defence lawyers to identify inconsistencies, inaccuracies oF weaknesses of the prosecution case and he can also present their own evidence, oe snalties that can be imposed in the criminal system commonly include financial ( rhe fines) 0 punishment (Deatings), mutation (amputation of pars of the body) and capital 4 loss of liberty (imprisonment) and Some countries allow for corporal punishment (execution). I. Civil law law is concerned with the resolution of disputes between individuals. The aggrieved party undertakes the legal action, Most remedies are financial. All kind of disputes are including e.g. alleged negligence, contractual failure, debt, and libel or slander. So, the civil courts can be viewed as a mechanism set up by the state that allows for the fair resolution of disputes in a structured way. In civil cases, if the standard of proof is met, the penalty that can be imposed by these courts is designed to restore the position of the successful claimant to that which they were before the event, and generally that financial compensation (damages). st whom the action is being taken is In both civil and criminal trials, the person ag: il trials itis the als is the state and in ci called the defendant: the accuser in criminal tr plaintiff iving evidence/Called into court 0 some formality When called into court, every witness will, almost consistently. und 2 the oath’ or “swearing in’ requires a religious text to ensure that they tell the truth. “Takin: (eg. the Quran, or Bible- what the case may be ). onee the oath has been taken, the Witness is liable for the penalties of falsehood. Whether called as a witness of fact, a professional witness (like doctor) of fact or an expert witness (such as forensic pathologist or forensic expert), the process of giving evidence is the same: When this questioning is completed, the other lawyers will have the opportunity to question the witness: this is commonly called ‘eross an ation’. This questioning will test the evidence that has been given and will concentrate on those parts of the evidence that are damaging to the lawyer’s case me final part of giving evidence is the “re-examin: ion’, Here, the original lawyer has the opportunity to clarify anything that has been raised in cross-examination but he cannot introduce new topics. y ‘The judge may ask questions at any time if he feels that by doing so it may clarity a point or clear a point of contention, or if he thinks counsel are missing a point, However, most judges will refrain ftom asking questions until the end ie the ree 7 Cour — > Rafe > ‘alumna el 2 Cie Page LF ~p Gsrone wn tafe 83 ee es es 4 . covong~: 7 Ta —tfe 2° ge tenn da ped fo a) Cetongy wdye) ’ bin Police a tae ee O ere

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