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Global Indian Interna.onal School, Dubai.

2022 – 2023

Revision Worksheet

1. Read the story about prejudice then answer the questions that follow.

Last year, Jack joined our class. His family had recently moved to Abu Dhabi from North America. I
had never really met anyone from America before. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much! My uncle
Mustapha says that most Americans eat unhealthy foods and watch TV all day. As he’s my favourite
uncle I tend to believe what he says.

One day, the teacher put Jack next to me in class. During lunch break we sat together and he told
me that his favourite hobby is indoor wall climbing. “That’s my all-time favourite thing too!” I said.
Jack told me that his mother gets nervous that he will fall and we laughed because mine does too.
Jack told me that he hardly ever watches TV and prefers to read. I told him what my uncle said
about Americans eating unhealthy food. Jack said that some Americans do eat unhealthy food but
that many don’t. His family are vegetarian and his mother hardly ever lets him eat sugar. I
sympathised because mine is very strict about treats too. It turns out that Jack and I have a lot in
common and we are now best friends. These days when I meet new people, I try to judge them
after I get to know them, not before.

(i) Why do you think the writer had this view of Americans? Was he right?

(ii) The writer says that he believed his uncle because he was his “favourite uncle”. What lesson
can we learn from this?
2. Museums tell us about our past and our heritage. Explain the definition of a museum in
your own words.
A Museum is…………
3. With your partner, try to come up with a defini4on for:

a. Na4onal:
b. Expatriate:
4. Read the ar4cle and discuss the answers

The Blacas Ewer, dating from the mid-thirteenth century, is among the most important objects in the
history of Mosul metalwork. The ewer stands out for its beautiful inlaid decoration and depiction of a
variety of themes relating to court life – hunting sports, military exercises, festivities – and literature.
Art is the expression of an artist’s feelings and emotions, or the depiction of events that take place in
the environment that surrounds him. The latter is even more true of artists in the past. The tradition of
depicting daily life scenes of the past has produced artefacts that serve us today as history books.
Pieces of art like this ewer, which display drawings or sculptures of ancient daily scenes of life, have
helped us learn more about specific periods of history, and the way people lived then, including
details such as clothing, food and other traditions.
This piece is displayed today in the British Museum, the first national public museum in the world.
The fact that the Blacas Ewer is part of the collection of this museum emphasises the aesthetical and
historical value of the piece.

a. Why is the Blacas Ewer an important artefact?

b. What does it tell us about Islamic heritage?

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