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1999 Joint Meeting EPTF - IEEE IFCS



'University of Colorado. BoulderCO. USA

Time and Frequency Division
325 Broadway. Boulder CO. USA

ABSTRACT dispersive
using a
sinusoidal signal describedby
rely on spread spectrum groupdelay measurements are J2 P sin (ut)
prone to potentiallylargetimingerrorscaused by
coherentinterferencethat is timedelayed.Reducing where the power level is P. the frequency is a and f is
thelevelof thecoherentinterference.increasingthe
time. The phase. 4 of this signal after a propagation
pseudo-random code
or a fractional
correlator can minimize these timing errors. time of r, is given as


uses where T isthephasedelay. The groupdelay, is
spread spectrum conununication links for the transfer of defined by
time and frequency to users across the world The two
systems that are widely used for the transfer of time-
and-frequencyinformation are theglobalpositioning
system (GPS) and two-waysatellite time-and-frequency Since the medium is assumed to be non-dlspersive, the
transfer (TWSTFI'). In both of these systems a timing groupdelay is equal to the phase delay when there no is
signalisencodedon a carriersignalusingbi-phase interfering signal. Consider the case where a signal of
spread spectrum modulation Data taken over the past power P,,,, with the same frequency q delayed by time
ten years indicate that although T W S m is a two-way rd is summed with theon@ signal. The phase of the
system where there should be common mode rejection interfering signal with respect to the main signal is 9
of pathdelays,thedelaystability of this methodof described by
transfer has generallynotbeenmuchbetter than
common view GPS.
a e=m,,
TWSTFT link that shows a factor of 5 improvement in
stability over otherTWSTFT links [l]. In this paper we where rd is thetimedelaybetweenthe main and
discuss limitations on time and frequency transfer due interfering signal. Figure [l] shows that the combined
to hdamental limitations
in groupdelay
measurements. Both GPS and TWSTFT relyon a

groupdelay measurement transfer

to time and
Understanding groupdelay
measurementsandtheirlimitations are essentialto
establishingastablemethod of timeandfrequency
transfer. The simplegroupdelay theory in the case of a
propagating sine waveis presented first and is followed
by the groupdelay theory of a spread spectrum signal
with cornlators as the detecting elements.


Let us assume a groupdelay measurement in

which we are trying to measure the propagation timeof Figure 1. Vector diagram showing the relation
a signal from point A to point B through some non- between the main signal with power P, the delayed
signal with power Pm, andthe resultant vectors u m
with powerPr.

U.S. Government work not protected by U. S. copyright

signal has an angular deviation a and a new level P,. To period of dr, is equal totheperiod of the canier
keep the math simple we will make the assumption tllat frequency m. The conclusion is that a group-delay
the delayed signal is small compared to the main signal. measurement may not be a good estimate of the time
so that we can use the s m a l l angle approximation delay in the presence of delayed coherent interference.
For large rd thepeak groupdelay diverges from the
sin(a) = a . (5) phase delay without bound even for small values of P,,,.
Figure 2 is a plotof AT,. for increasing delay rd.
Starting with between the main and interfering signal.


Using a spread spectrum modulated signal to

weget. after using some trigonometric identities and measurethe group-delay will limit the group-delay
the small-angle approximationane'qression for a variations due to coherent interference. The group-
described by delay deviation from the phase delay goes to zero as the
timedelay rd. between the main signal and delayed
signal becomes larger and the delayed signal is no
longer correlated with the main signal. An example of
a system that uses a spread spectrum signal to measure
time delays isGPS. For GPS. the delayed coherent
l k s elpession for a is used to obtain the groupdelay interference could be due to multipath effects.
variation. Multipath signals can some cases the
multipath signals may be only 10 dB below the direct
signal. Multipath effects are well documented and the
following derivations can be found in many
publications [2.3]. The results can be generalized to
cover delayed coherent interference from any source
Arg is the Werence between the phase delay and the such as: multipath, reflections due to impedance
group-delay when there is time delayed coherent mismatch in long antenna cables, multiple reflections
interference. For e.uample. if the groupdelay were through filters. near-field reflections in antennas. and
being measured to try to determine the electrical delay reflections in waveguides. A simplified modelof a
of a cable. Arg would be the time error due to VSWR in noncoherent earlyAate (EL)correlator such as is used
thecable being measured. Thegroupdelay variation in both GPS and T W S m systems is described below.
has a peak value that varies linearly with ?d, and goes The complete derivations of these equations are
through a full cycle when the phase between the main


PN(t-T+ Tc/2)

l Figure 3. Code loop detector model.
50 100 150 200 presentedin [2,3]. In Figure 3. the E L codeloop
rd (m) detector is displayedin its simplest form. The input
signal Y(t) is split and is the input to the early and the
Figure 2. The group delay error A 5 as a function of late comelator channels. The reference pseudo-random
the delaybetween the main and interfering signal rd code sequence (PN) to the early and late correlators is
for the an interfering signal level -20 dB from the spaced by a chip. The time variable is t, the reference
main signal. sequence time estimate is T, and the chpping period is
T,. In both the early and late correlation channels, the
signal and thedelayed signal goes through 2n. The output of the correlator is band-pass filtered and

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squared. The code detector error signal S(E) isthe code detector error signal for the case of no
difference of the early and late correlation clmnel interference. When the delay-locked loop is locked the
oui,. its. The error signal S(E) is dnven to 0 by the function S(&) is equal to 0
delay locked loop @LL) in normal tracking operation.
The tracking-loop error (t-T) is given by E.
P.RjN(rg-r-+)=PS&(rg -r++>, (13)
CORRELATOR rB = r , (14)
First we consider a groupdelay measurement and rg measures the desired quantity r.
without an interfering signal. The spread-spectrum Now consider the case where there is a
signal is propagating from A to B in a nondispersive coherent interfering signal that is delayed by rd. The
medium. The spread spectrum signal is input signal Y(t) is the sum of the direct signal and one
delayed interfering signal:

y(t)=J2P.PN(t-r).sin(w.t+wt) (15)
where P is the power level of the signal. PN(t) is the
pseudo-randomcode sequence and W is the carrier +~.PN(t-r-r,).sh(o.t+or+8),
frequency. After a propagation time 5; the signal
where T is the propagation time.w is the dxect signal
carrier frequency and rd is the t h e delayof the
reflected interfering signal with respect to the dlrect
signal. B is the phase of the interfering signal with
respect to the main signal and is related to rd by
is received and decorrelated by the E L correlator. The equation (4). The error signal from the codeloop
error signal S ( & ) is gven by detector S(&) is

S ( C ) = P . R ; ~ ( ( E - % ) + P ~ * R -$)
~ ~ ( E(16)

where Rm(t) is the autocorrelation function of PN(t)

+ 2p. R , (6 - %) P m R ,
* (6 + 5, - 4) COS(WT,)
and E is defined as thecode timing error. The code - P . R ~ N ( ( s + ~ ) - P , . R ~ ~+%)
timing error is
- 2 P . R , ( € + ~ ) . P , R p N ( & + t , +%).cos(oT,).
The error signal is a fimction of r-& the timedelay
between the direct and reflected signal and P,,,/P the
where r- is the measured groupdelayand r is the ratio of reflected signal power to direct signal power.
propagation delay as defined above. Figure 4 shows the Figure 5 shows the code detector error signal for the


-2Tc 0 1 Tc 2Tc
-2Tc 0 1 TC ZTC
E Loop Timing Error E Loop Timing Error

Figure 4. S(&) without interference. Figure 5. S(€)with interference.

U. S. Government work not protected by U. S. copyright.

case where interference is present. S. MINIMIZING GROUP-DELAY ERRORS IN
During tracking mode S(&) is 0 and E is not 0 SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS
as in the case where there is no interference. The group-
delay error drg is obtained by solving for E with the The most obvious method of reducing the
condition S(&)=O. drg is a complicated function of P, groupdelay error is by reducing the reflected signal
P,,,, u1 and ?d. For f d < 0.5 T,. the eqxession for d7, is power. P,,. Antennas can be positioned to reduce the
manageable and is given by effects of multipath. All impedances should be
matchedto minimize signal reflections in cables and
For P,,,<<P. and when ?d 0.5 T,. Equation (17)
system components such as filters and amplifiers.
Phase stable cables should be used
mapping small phase changes into large delay errors
The other method is to eqdoit the correlation
properties of the spread spectrum system. Recall that as
reduces to f d becomes larger tlm l d f the clup spacing of the
correlator the groupdelay error begins to decrease.
One methodof decreasing the groupdelay error is
therefore to decrease the correlator spacing [3].
Decreasing the correlator spacing comes at an e'xpense.
The linear tracking region and the acquisition
which is identical to the expression for the sine wave performance are degraded [3]. It may not be possible to
signal (see Equation 9). The function for the group- operate under these conditions in cases where the
delay error changes when ?d becomes larger than T,. signal-to-noise ratio is poor. Figure 7 shows the group-
Witha spread spectrum signal the interfering signal
begins tolose correlation with the mahi signal as r,,
becomes larger than the c h p spacing of the correlator
(in this example T, = 400 ns). A plot of the groupdelay
error as a rd varies from zero to 1.5 T,, is shownin
Figure 6 for the case of an interfering signal that is -20
dB lower in power than the direct signal. The carrier

20 ' . I I I , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1

-201 , , , , , , , , I , ,
0 loo 200 300 m 500 600

ry (ns)

Figure 7. Group delay error as a f i c t i o n of zd.

The chip period is 400 ns and the detector is a 1/10
chip En correlator.

delay error as a function of ?d for the same signal

conditions as in Figure 6 but with a one-tenth chip UL
correlator. In other words the reference codeto the
Figure 6. Group delay error as a function of Td.
early and late correlators is s p a d by one-tenth of a
The chip period is 400x1s and the detector is a
1/2chipE L correlator. Another method of reducing the group-delay
error is to use a higher chip rate. By increasing the chip
frequency is 70 MHz and the chip rate is 2.5 MHz. The rate you decrease the correlation time window during
error becomes smaller for ~4 > 200 11s. Understanding which the interfering signal affects the groupdelay
the groupdelay error function can help us improve the measurement. Figure 8 displays the group-delay error
spread spectrum time and frequency transfer systems. for the same signal levels as in Figure 6 but the spread
The following section discusses some possibilities. spectrum signal is generated by a 20 MHz chip rate.
The E/L correlator spacing is one-half of a chip.

U. S. Government work not protected by U. S. copyright.

In the TWSTFT system one of the sources for fimctionon the phase of the carrier. The VSWR in
tlle groupdelay error is the VSWR in the 30 m to 60 m ground station components isclosely coupled to the
environment and may be the major cause of instabilih
in TWSTFT. New technology that isnow available
may be used to increase the stability of current methods
of time and frequency transfer. Some of this
technology includes optical fiber RF links. modems tllat
are capable of chip rates in excess of 20 MHz. phase
stable coasial cables. and better antenna designs.


Larson,K.. “Comparison of GPS Carrier Phase and

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Two-way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer.”
4r (m)
to be published in Roc. 30” Precision Time and
Time Interval Systems and Applications Meetings.
Figure 7. Group delay error as a function of Td. 1998.
The chip period is 50 ns and the detector is a one-
half chip En correlator. Holmes. J. K..Coherent Spread Spectrum S’stenrs,
John Wiley and Sons. Inc.. NewYork. 1982.
cables that go from the laboratory to the earth station Van Dierendonck A. J., “GPS Receivers,” Gfobal
[4]. The cables lengths are such that reflected signals Positioning Systems: Theory and Applications.
due to VSWR are delayed from the main signal by 300
Vol. 1,American Institute of Aeronautics and
to 400 ns. As has been illustrated in Figure 6, the Astronautics, Inc., Washington. 1996.
groupdelayerror has the potential of being large.
Making thereflected signal delay larger than 600 11s
Ascamnz, F. G., Parker, T. E. and Jefferts. S. R.
(greater than 1.5 Tc)could make the groupdelay error “Pseudo-random code correlator timing errors due
smaller without changing the chip rate of the modems. to multiple reflections in transmission lines,” to be
Th~scould be accomplished by using an optic fiber RF published in hoc. 30* Precision Time and Time
link with a propagation delay greater than 600 ns. The
Interval Systems and Applications Meetings, 1998.
delayed coherent interference caused by reflections at
the ends of the fiber would be delayed by greater than
600 ns and wouldno longer be correlated withthe
direct signal. To implement this method of mitigating
the groupdelay error, optical fiber should be used and
not a longer RF cable. Reflections in the RF cable can
occur at random places along the cable due to dielectric
imperfections, kinks, or temperature gradients.
Reflections in optical fibers are, for the mostpart,
constrained to occur only at the ends.


All groupdelay measurements are sensitive to

delayed coherent interference. Groupdelay
measurements using a swept sine wave have a group-
delay error function that is proportional to the time
delay of the interfering signal. The spread spectrum
groupdelay measurement systems have the advantage
that the groupdelayerror function is 0 outside the
correlator bandwidth. In addition, using the time
correlation properties of spread spectrum systems can
minimize the groupdelay error function. Systems that
suffer delay errors due to VSWR problems cannot be
calibrated due to the sensitivity of the groupdelay error

U. S. Government work notprotected by U. S. copyright.


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