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uNIT- | PILE System ONTeRERce 4 OPERATIONS s | | Rie concapts:- | A Pile Ys @ named collection of related infenmation. thot (s Yecotlecl on seconelny stotage. The Files may be hepresenbeat dhe programs end data. The data Files may be pa alphabetic, or bineny. dn general dhe File sa seguonce bf bits bytes, Lines ov ‘teeordls. @ Data | Ly numeric | Ls character &S bineay | b Cnaplueal Images program b Soune bs object % executable © documents (Text fi Tt Vs che sequence ef characters oyganised into Unes. Source fles:: J} is dhe sequona of subroutines and Punctons, each of which is Farther oyganisesl @8 dletavations Fotewed by executable statements. obec. ites dt is dhe sequonce of bytes oygpniseal Into blocks Understandable by dhe System Unker lexecutoble Fites:- at vs dhe series of code section dhol dhe Loacler can bring into memory aml execute. | | File _athibutes:- | Te File athibutes may be vary from ena operating systern to another. Tha may contains to dhe Following. & Nome Tha symbolic File name vs dhe enly “unformation bept tn human readable form. Thi unigue bag, usually a number, tenties che File within dhe File system. ype: This information 1s needled for systems shat Supports different types. x location:- eae This infiimation is pointer to dhe elevice ancl to che Location on thab elevite. ib ives ee the Curent site oF dhe Fite ano possibly maximum | alleved sire axe induced in chi altibutes. Access contol infrmation detemina Who can do Neadling ustiting executing and so on. M gate, Hime 4 userid: This infiimation may be leeph for creation, Last use, Lost modification, Thue olata can be weft for Probection, secunty and uaage monitoving. A file 13 an abstack data type. Thee are six basic File operations performed. The Operating sysbem provides system calls to cieate, ustibe, Yead, Aeposition, deleke and hhuncote Files. (© cveatig. few Thote are two steps to create a Fite. The spas in dhe Fite system mut be Found for dhe Fite. en enty For the now File mut be made tn dhe abirectory. @enttng o Fes. To unite dhe fe, dhe system calls speci® both dhe name of dw File and de information to tbe written to dhe Fite. quven dhe name of cho File, dhe system searches dhe Biredory to Find dha Location. “Te system mut weep a emriter pointer to dhe Location in cho File whore dhe pont wribe Us take plaw. S)Reading Fle: to ead fom a Fle dhe system calls specifies dhe ane of de File, ena whore dhe noxb bolo of dhe Bie should e put- enw dhe read har taken Plaw, dhe Yeadl pointer 1s updated. B Repositioning wnthin a Res Tre alitectory V8 searched for dhe appropiate enky land curient File position is set toa given valu. Thy Pe eperation ‘8 also known as a Fe seek. ® | © deleting a 1 Fite: et To elelete dro Pile search dhe ahitectory 1 the named File. Having found dhe associabed ebivectory enby, release all File spa, so chat ¥ can bé teused by ether Ales andl erase dhe elivectory. Puan es Fite: The wei may want to erase dhe content of File bub teeep ‘ts attributes, Yather ¢han forcing dhe wer to Aelete the File anol chon vecveate it. dhe Cunch'on allows ‘al attributes to emain unchangecl- open (Bo: Search the diectory shucture en aise By enty Ff and move dhe content oP entry to. memory. [cos lose CPI) :- | tnove dhe eontent of & enty & in momory to lliectoyy shucture on lish. Rte_ pointer: pointer to last yead [write Location, per process ther how dhe Fite epen. File open counts: To count dhe numbet of times @ fie is 9 to allow removal © data fiom open Rte table. eahun lest lWWoesses Close 1b. Rie. type encten sion Canction bnecutable + exe,-com, bin Yeady to Yun machine object » obj compiled, machine Languege (outta code CP, Java, pas} soure code to veriow languages ‘oaibeln -bat, sh command to dhe Uwmmand \nter preber. Text + bxb, aloe textual atu, cocuments Ubrery “Ub, dil Ubrovies oF outine fox Progranmners. ‘Auess Methods :- Te Files stores Unfemattons. when ¥ \s Wed, ha information must be Auwessed and Yeaat into computor rmamery. | | ‘the enfrmation in de File can be auosect én severe ways. Q sequontial ausss:- | a he simplest euess method 's dhe Sequontial acess. | | | i | ¥ Animation to dhe Fite is Provessed in oder, ene Yeured after dhe other. = example for dhir method 1's ecbitors anal Compilers Usually access file in shia Rashion. a Tre Yead anol evribe ave dhe most common operations. a The Yead eperation teods dhe od potion of du Pe and automatically advances a File Pointer. Crea nant >) and advances to dhe end of dho newly written | * Th unite eperations appends to dhe endl of dhe file | | * | | Leginning, moberiat Cuvrite. next ¢2) This mothocl, 1s based on tape model oP a Fre. ae end y= rewind —] L_. yeadllwvite => @pitect_auess_methees:- | & Dect @uess metho 's elrowise called as ‘yelative acess . | a 8 Fle is mode up of Raed tegth Ugical vecords thot Allow programs to yead andl write teords rapidly i Mo partiuulay order. Thus mothod (s based on disk model ofa Fie. In ehiveck Auess , dro File v's ulewed @s @ numbered Sequence OF blocks o1 xetords. we may ead block 4, thon yead block S4 and dhon wribe block 0. There axe Mo restrictions on She order oP 4, eoaing on vnriting for a itech auess Bie. fey a hvect auess muthods dhe Fie eperations must be moeliffed to include dhe block number as a parameter. we have Yeadin), whore nis dhe block number. The block numbet providect by dhe wer to dhe eperating System's nommally a -yelative bloek number. x The Yelative block number is dha index relative to dhe beginning ef ate Fite. she simulation. 0F sequential auess on a clitect awess a Gile v's cP cunend yostion Sequential Auess Implementation fox cbiect anes eset CPpeo; Yeaal— noxt yeaa CP; eps Cpl: uniibe_ neat write OP; L p= _Cp+h © ofton_auess muteds:. ¥ other aun methods can be built on top ef a chrecb etess mathods. % Huse method generally Unvolve dhe Uonstruction ef an index. fox dhe Fite. x To Rad che vetord in dhe Ate, we Frist seateh dhe index Qn shen we dhe pointer to acesss dhe File Anectly and to find dhe dlesited vend. x fy lange File ae Undex File may bevome too lage . 4 Un Sud Coser Enclen 1s created Ri dhe inter Cie. » To primeny File can have Pointers to secondary index Fite, ewhiee can point to dhe actual data ttems. leaa | Plt ac bbb el poee Sachin | addyess | age. Soshin, ieee Wative Fie. ————__ [Dineckoy shucluve :- A diectoyy can be viewec ox dha collection of odes. eneh mocle contains dhe information about all Ale. The clitectory can be lowed as dhe symbol table dhat hans late Flenomes into choi cbiectory entries. File system can be ‘Orgoniredk tn Fettovaing ywo ways. & Disks @xe vided into om ov more partitions. The Partitions ere also callleal as volumes. each Aor on @ | System contains atleast ene partitions. ae Gach panties contains information about Files wnithin ve. when considering @ porticular ebitectory Shute we nord to keep io mind dhe eperation dhat are to be performed on a cbitectry are a semielo ra. fle: we neolto be able to search 9 aitectory Shucture to Rina dhe enhy fr a patituler File. sine Filer hove symbolic name end similar noma moy indicate a Yelationship bekween Ries. soveote 9 File: New Files noel to be created and added to cho Aitectory. tddete a Ales whn a File is no longer needled, we want to be ‘able to Yemove It From tho elitectory- wat a ditecony:- we weed to be able to Lit dhe files tn a itectory ana dhe content of dhe Aitectory entty for each File in dha List. a Rerona a Fle: Renaming & File may also allow tts Position eithin the hitectory shutture to be changed. we must be able to change yho name when dhe content or we of dhe Fite chonges. ¥Tiaverse dhe Fle. system: we may wish to every within @ clitectory Shucture- for gave dhe eontent anol structore oF dhe entie Fle system tn ‘egulot Intervals. To toke dhe lbarkup copy of dhe entie cliectory. The most common schemes Fox ae Firing, wo auess to eliectory ard every Fle geliabliy ‘31s @ good Ydea to a lagieol sructure ef a arectory are, © single Level obrestory x Thr simplest directory structure is dhs sirgle level divectory- + pit Files ete contained tb dha soma dhivectory. ¥ Single level clirectory hos sign Reaunt Limitations, har dhe aumbat of Files axe ineveased or da system hos more thon One Wer. wit Piles are co adhe some elitertory dhey must hove uuigus Yames, * IF wo wets call dha data Rie test. bxt dhon dhe Uunigue Nome Yule ts violated. i =. e3- cn ere prograreraiag class a3 studenh called program for chet second assigomont preg2-¢ another n called it assigna.c am [est a | test ca eb ua ties, Two type of dho iisewlrantage: cain be Sttutect oO dhe Singla Level chitecbory. D Crouping Problem D Naming problem:-ab ts alifPealt bo pub unijee name ana temamber ¢ho noma of aii files. © Two level alitectory:- wo level chivectory:- Jn boo level hiecbory 6 coun be, creabead @ — separate alivectory Ra each aser. use] master Pia cbnecbory Cmro} sen [user] users fentT belo [test] [afdata] [attest x |elataTa] use Pie bs b & 8 b & 3 diseetory[ued] xeach user has ts own user Pile clixectory urs) -each UFO has ainiler shachwe, but Uist enly tha Flesof single user. * when @ user jobs stavh oF usex logs fo, the systerds master fle Aitectory us searched - ¥ ob can hove the some File name fin AiPRren’ user. **To eate a Ce. Ri a user, tho Operating — gystem Searches only dhob users Urp to whethr anodher Bile of thas name exists. * To nom a ‘particulary Re unigualy ca two level dlhectny, we must give both dhe user name f file nel . Speeifjing & user nome anol Pe name oliPines dhe. Path ifthe bee fim dha -veot,to a leaf. > Brey Fa to che system hou dhs posh nana. Tp nome de File cnmiguely, @ aser musk tnow dhe path hams clefine—tha—path—name oP the File clesireal- (© Tree _stuctureat — chiteclpyy :- spell | bio | progtanos [Bioaecount [hex] recorcter | 3 frecorder |Urst | Pint o L preg] cops | —— [ux] ov [oper] [el] Can [Ror 1 cbiectory contains the set of Bites ov Subcliveetovies. A aliectoty cs simply ancthar Fle, bub it ts Heabeot th a Bpecial way. All elivectovies have dha same ‘enteinal mab. ga bit ch cath cltetory , onkty ater dteientty asa Ble or as a — Bubelivectoty. Thee @ye some apeial system calls ate used bo creabe and elabe —chivectories. iuprbes. chide most common clivectory sbuckare. : hos a toot elitectory. Every Ee Nie ct nad unigus Hh nome « ; i ae sagen Pom dhe too’, through al) dhe subelirectovies Go specified fie. 5 om be in eau dliedy enty defines dhe ony aa Pile a Subdlirec oxy. ¥ each user Us th curren cbitectorys Tha cartent ebirectory Shout contain most of de files cthab eve cement interes bo dhe user. suppose ‘f you made a File, “the tumtent livectory cs seatchecl- IF dha Fle 1's noedlest dhat iS, not in dhe curent eliteclory.-dhao eho user mus’ esther speuify @ path nama ot change che current alivectory + Ts path nome canbe spedFiecl chto bwo ways, eee ata ee The absolute “patnname begins at dhe rook anal flows path clon fo dhe specified File, giving the clitectory name on dhe path. OnCatie: poh tana Tha ‘telative pathname dsfinay dhe path From che current — abitenboty. % deletion in tee shucknect clietinty con be clom In tuo ways. af dhe clitectory is empty it enhy to its containing elitecory can simply deleted. > Suppose dha eliteciny 63 nob empty dhen that cliectory will not delekad cn a elitectory Hts anless ib cs emply. 1 The user mut ololete alll dhe Pilea un chat elyectory andl chen delete dhe olizectory- GD _Auyelic gyeph alivectory:- The aeyelic graph and ites. consider two pret who hat allows dlivetoria bo hare shored Subelitectovies are combing on a gaint projet. The Bites associabeel evi piojecb coun be sbotel co @ subdirectory, separating dum flom othr pros and Fin of che G20 piograremers. 4 The came Ble os subdlitectony may be wm two diPRren — elixectoties. sgh + a share File & not dh same as lwo copies OF tle % having 4 ingortont os dha aubalretny. a raw Ple cs created by om Person cnill automatically appear tn all the shone —asubdliteetonies. * shaved Files an subaitertories ean be implemanteal by creating nw alitedony enby is called @ Link. fin aiyclic gaph elitecdory shudure és more Plxible chan i @ ainple hee shuene. but ib 1's also More complex. A File have Hie multiple absolube pet names, The dlistint Fle noms may res to dhe gone Fle. This Situation fs calleol aliasing pretlem. ¥ Tre Fle punter cenlains che edtual elise edeyess. anol tho apaue ts subequanbly reed fr otter Ges. dese Potnkews may int into che mildle oP oho Pls 4 The deletion of Unk doa nob need to eft he original Fle. only dhe Unk «& temoved. + oP te Pile ently its? i dleleted dha spaw for dhe Fle Cs allombed, Leaving the Linty elangling.. 2 Genwal h_ebrtenbor one serious problem evitla using an dcydic-gaph Shuciure 3 ensuring dhat dre is no eydes. of we star with the two level divetory and allow ese to create subobitectories & 4 vaP eyes are allbweal bo exit in abitertony, be avoid dhe searching buice, * To dele dhe fie in a Q veluz — 2e10 acyclic graph obnectery shucture in dhe tefrence Count mo hat dhore are ro more refrences b> dhe File ov litechony. don the fia ean be — oldebedt. vy The reference count moay be nonrew even ewhon It Is no Longest possible bo xekr be a cbitecbry ot Ble. Thi — anomaly resus form cha possibility of sho sel? referencing tn dha olinextoty — dtruettne, Te gerbage tollertion — Cnvolve —-braversing dha entite Pile system, mantel ng, evotything that can be accewed). Rie system _ protection:- = when unformation is kept in a computer system, we want to keep safe Ffom Physical damage and Proper auess, = Reliability is gencvally provided by duphicate copies of Fes. = mony conputers have Systern Frograms chat @utomotically copy click Fes & bape at ‘euler intewals. to Maintain a tepy. z Protection can be proviclect o& many ways, fox @ small single use system. * we might provide protection by Physically vemoving the Floppy ask and losing chem tr a File cabinet. Two common ways fer File system protections, aey ene, Qype of euess: The reed to protect dhe File vs dhe dhitect tesurt of Ate abibig io auess dhe file. System chat clo nol permis acess yo dhe Filles oP others wets do not naod Probection. There are So many operations ate Perm en to auessing files. & Read> ead fiom dhe file unvite:- ustite 61 teuriteda Fite execute Lood dhe File into memory anol execute ik. perl: write new infimation at dre end of file ddete :- delete dhe Fle and Flee vs spau for pasible reuse, Ust : Ust dhe nome and attibute oP dhe Pie. @ ausess_contols | The most common approach to dhe prokection problem fe to make attess dopendlent on dhe identity of dha wer. \artous wers my reeel chiPfrent types of auess to a File on leuiectoy. To: implement Ndlentity clapenctent auess is to associate wsito eath Fle and cUrectory a3 auess contol Ust (ACK) IF we want to allow eveiy om to ead a Rle , we mut all usets with ead auess. many ystems ecognire dhiee elassifcations oP wers in connection ust leach File. HONE F The Sey she created sth Mile “ur the Oroney, * Group 4 A eek a 824 Loho exe shaateg “Dh fle and need Stile aces Is & group, or ook Qreup. * orkersise¢ AU oth, Users Sn othe Syslern consbtube Hus Lrfivesy se. Ws WSL abroays ncbudes, —> Mode of access : read, write, execute > 8 Classes 0} User: ouoner, group, public > allach “the group ‘ile. To provide an efRecienb and convinien’ aves to dha lis © dhe operating systern imposes Ona of mote File System allows dhe dota to be stneat, loabeel anl rebiered. Application —-pragiams Lagieat ae systems Cite exganization medals 4 Basie File systere y do contol v Deniees. Ho _tonhol- The Lowest Level, te Jo control consisb of device drivers andl entoriupb howdlers bo bamfr enformation between dhs main numoty anal the clue system, Baste Fie syste ak neds only bo ue cssue gereric commands bo de eppropriabe device altiver bo ead arl one physical block on dha ebiste. File exganisetion malules- . at nos about dhe Filer and teh (e, blode @s well ey physical block. By Knowing dhe type of file. Allocation uieal, end dha toemtion of che fle, dhe File ergarantion module tan banlate Legicot block @ddliess fo physical block addtess fe baste Riv systens to branufer, Unie fle, seen ak manage mata data infermation. metuelata indudes au of dha Glo system —shuckne, excluding dhe actual daka. Jk manages dhe dliecty sbucte to previde the Re enganisation medul, eit da én formation - nw Pio eontret = block centaim dhe. tnfamation about da File, ‘enclucling owneiship , permu'ssions and oeation of . dhe Ble contains. 3t also responsible fer Piotection ' exncl securiy- a Seveal on clisk and tn memory shuctures are. Used bo implemant a File eystem. the Rie aystem muy contain tnfermation about, how bo book an operating system stored dhare, He bobal number of blocks, che number eunat loaition of fice blocks, the clieciny stucture end ‘Undividual Fles The on chi shuckre tndude dhe Rilowing. > book contol bbloetes- 3 conteins chfér mation needed by He syste bo boob an operating From that Pantition. oF dhe alist clow net contain @n opetating system, tur bloda eon emply. 36 (3 typically tho Piyst lode ef a partition. * Pontition conto) block :- Jk contains the —pantition Hews oletnils, Such as the tumber ef blocks Go the partition, size of He bloc fee ble count art flee ble pointers ond fice le contol block pointer & count. 4A aitectoiy structure & wee to eyganize the Rites. ¥ fo Feo contains many of aa Files cletails incuatiny Fe Permissions, ounatship. size andl Location of dhe data blocks, dn UPS this & catlleal tw inode. + TW d NeMOY panthon buble contesning dhe ‘nRimation —aboub each mounted pantition. % Ths sysbem evide open Fite table contains @ copy of the Fea of each open Fle-cr cuell as othod information. wt pr poss ep Pile table ctotans @ tn. to te appropriate enby cn dha sysbem enide een Pie tab, a2 evel ex ether ‘tnfeimation. wo crate a mow Fle an application Program calls dhe Logical fie aysbem. The logical file system knows to Rnad oP dhe liectory stuctuie. To create sho nao Ply i allomte dhe pew Fe8, Yeads he cexyproptiate obivectory “Unty nenoy, Site _petmissons Fite dates (create, axes, watte) File, umer, group, ACL > HH File sine File data beers what a dhetoy ts Geated wa Fle o vob, tha lepical File system can cal dha File eqgatizat'on rmodule to map dhe obivettoy Jo dito lish ~ blue nambens, which 2X pawed onto ahr base Fle aystem aral Slo camel system. An erty u made in He per provess open Rie table alto with the pointer to dha enby indha sysbero wide —open- Ple table and soma ether Ale Paty dhak contain @ pointes bo dhe current ewtion in the Ale andl the Quen fide tn oluch he Fie a Open. Tha open call vekuns & oer to dhe appoptiake —enby cn dhe pet procew Fle Sysbem —bubla. : o bo Cite nang pedory shuckne Directory shucks WB FCS user Space kermal memoty secondary storage. Fig> Rite open REE poo Blocks yess] eee een Cited SH res seconclayy storage wet Spat paces ope fA disk con be puiitioned and eth pantition con etter be Yaw containing no File system or cooked containing ohe. File system. Rau cbse & cued evhere no Bile system is apmopriabe. Somme swap Spates arcl data bases uses aw cis and fom cheiy dain bo suib chet meds. Boob énBimation can be stoed cn @ sepmabe partitions. again it ho it cwn Ramat becouse ab boot tne dhe sustem doe not hove Pile system elenice clrivers loaded and HhereRete cannot énlenreb dhe Fla sysbem Ramab. 4 boot hat leode tab urdleistond mutiple Ale systems anal multiple operating dysbem. can eteupy dhe book Space. ons loades! Th can bel ema of dha @parating systems available en the lish. Data shuchues exnal Piccecluyes ere used System call lo isolate He baste eancionatity, Pom Implementation details. The Pie System implementation consists of dee joy Layers. Te Rist yp a dhe Flle system inesRue, based! en he Ofer, teed, exribe and close calls and Fie, clescsiptors. The second, layer ts calle dha ite! SYMEMCYESDLayes. ib servers too imperbant Ranetions. a ob File Separtates Fe System — genoie eperation Pym dhais ‘inpemanttin by eleRhing a clean Ves interBeo. * tro ves (3 based on a Pe Tepiesentation — shuckare, cael node ¢hab contains @ numerical elesignaber for a nebwors ewiele nigus File. The teapnal mainbaios ene ynode shuduve fer eath active node, The wey do which dhe ditectoyia axe implemanted grab effet cho. ePReieny of th, File system: The bwo main mrathods, Uinaad Usb Implementation anal hash table implementation . + Unaat Usk implemnisten:: “Thi simplect msthod ases @ lineas Us of Riles rams enit poirier to ato. alata blocks exhiel yequites & Ureot —seate bo Piet @ ponteuler Fite. Thoygh ik is Vea simple to implement thi rmothod, ib takes much time. To creale @ new ile te aliterloig rut be searches to chee evhethes share & ony Pe evith du same nam. JP ib cs Nob there a new enby ts added at de ork oP aha ahitecloy. To delete a File the cliedtory hua to be searcheat Ri che namect Ale ana dhe span allocated bo ib is released. To reuse cho chhectoy enby wi monte dhe entry aa Unused assigning 1 @ special namo. ot with wel unued bit- ay Atbach it a List of fee elitetony entiies. Ci) copy the last entry ch dhe. iteebory tony operating sustero implement a soli, cock: © stre gho mmosb Yeanbly cued cliteckory ‘wo Rmation . *Hosh table inslementation- Yo hash table tote, a Linear Lik stn the Gitectory enties and a hah daly stuckne ewhic faves a value computed Room dhe fu nom G abo wed. Thi, hash tables yeluns a polnter to dhe Flanams en dhe Uiaoy Us aro Cr clocteases dha search time considerably excopt for wlllision situation where two or rote Pl nam hay bo dhe Same Lowtion. chsestion andl deletion can alto be olora CP Feien by. These olifficatties axe Pixeol size ard) opendeney OF dhe hah — Pan ction en dhab arn. Allocation — methects:- while using Res 00 chishe dhe main floblen és ww to allocate spare to these Files. bo chat chin space 2 wblired effestvely and Fils enn be auened gully. Tate are mony mother ene —averilable fa, Allocating elisk space. © gpatiquons allocations. Exexy Fle allocated on @ sek of contiquous bods on a elise. A Unaay cider c's mauintesnel on dha hist Bn ear aess wilh dui exdering, assuming ghab ely one Gob auessing dho eis. The rwumbex of clistu seeks Aqquited fr auestig coniiquouly elloented (tes co minimal as o> seeks tina WO wo ao Has x0 wo > Io ceniguow —allocten cath Pie exupies @ sat of contiguow bled o9 the eb’sh. * Tho olisk auldresses eRe a Uiuet erdering on cha olish 4 In 191 Vitbuol machina operating system uses cont{guous allocation berause 4 provides such goal petBimances. tte fle 0 deffuat by da clk aathes and length of dhe Fish blade. The ebtectory enty Br each fle cnubetbes the auodvess oP dhe story Yoek anal length of tha ava —aloabed fey ths Phe. + Qo thi allocation, only starting lotwtion end length ane required. eontiquews alloration supput both — seguantial aud elitec auess, an fo thy eonbiguow allocation * mutteds Many problems ate Buco). 30 gemaial any on of Rast Bi, best Rt, or worst Fe algorithm ave wed. all those | algorithms sues fom external Fregnontatien, som of tho Suskem eon avoid Awe Flognantabion. pebermining dhe space teyuitemenk for, Pile ts another problem enith contquow allocation. th, ane, an eutput fle may be ob'ffeutt bo estimabe. oPshe allocated apace ts nob sufReienb, de Re cantob be exckencle. Another solution vs bo Boat a layget hole. copy he contend «of de File bo de now space andl telease dha. previo spate. Thi series oP autiom may be ‘tepeabed as lenges opace—enuists although Tt cou be bina consuming. Some oystems alllowabe. @ eon gusws group oP spove nitty era than eahan dhab amount 's nob Large enough, ara anotor Group eP contiquow space an extend, vs Gude dha whol alloaation. Th Loaation of dha file block & then — aude «a2 = Loxton anol block count, anol Unk bo ta isk ble oP tha rank —enehenk, O Liste tlorstions. The solution for a de Pobleny dha’ exe aisecl do epntlgerow allocation 4 Linkesd allocation. do ahh allocation each File ts @ Linteal Usb of dive Hocks, ooore dhe lis blocks ate scattiuteal Phougbeut Ho clish.. The obheetory Conbains dhe. pointes bo dhe Prot an) Wat leds of tha Fe. enc Vleck conbaiu tho. pointer to dha naxt blocks er dhe Pointers axe nok made quedlubl. bo dw user, 4 now entty has to be ereabeal tn te ebyectony b ate a row Pie. Te ed a Rie te pentes ae to be say fetacel Rom Week blow. The mio advantage of “inked atzetin is Phat TE apes extnal agruntatton. Any flee blk on de fice spare Usk can be ascal be Sati q sequst. 4 fle can gio as beng as fee bleks ate aulable ant dhe ste eB ake Pe neat not be cledsredtushan dhe Reis creabed. she Unked allocation suffets supponticg alice artess Fites dhough i& works well By seuantial aues Files. Brot dhe any ont bleer oP a Ree, we mus stat at dha to begining oP aha. Pile, Rllow Me pointers unlit woe got to that bleeds. The wual sdutioo bo ee pioblem o to collect the | Dicks into multiple: called clusters, and fo allpcake be clusters Yathor dfn Dlotks. cltntors ean be ied io improve, dhe bis. @uess time, Ry many edhot algorithms. so dhy are weal en the mos operating Systems. iteclony ent} [ies ANAM: pap slat} blk = Lpayy [BIE no of disk blooks An tmpovtant veriation on the Linkes) allocator raed {8 dha wie oP Fe ailoration Table Cradl. Tha simple bet ofReient — mathe. of bik space ailloaation e's weal by the spas. qhe buble hen ent entry fer each aint Woke, arc ts Udlexee! by block number. The FaT és weal much as cs a Linked Usb. The alitectory enky contains dha Pou rurmbor of dhe Ash bloc oP dhe le. Tho fable enby —‘Urdlexeol by dhad — bled umber chen conlnim dhe block umber oP tha nu bles ch tt fe Tui chain @ontinuews untit dhe ot blur evhido = hav dhe Special eral of Ple value a: dha boble ently. unueol blocks ene “nalented by @ 0 tath yolue Q see goats The Unkel allocation solver tho. extomall Frog rantaton ard sire ladatation problems, ef contigupws allocation. On dhe ebsense of a Pat, Linked alloca too 7 ‘camnd —suppenh ePfieionb iter atens, since. dha peintor to dhe blots are, ealhteal ently Hy, bloom ell over dha obseha One — Wed WD be velvievad tn ether. dndexecl allocation solves hb problem y bringing Gl dhe. potnten bo gdhon Colo ona loticn, tach fle hus ‘ls cum ele bbs ehieh Us an ergy oP lik blows adress. Tha livectory confains the @dolies OP Jha, tndlex, blocks ‘Index. blow Fite wha fle i created, all pointers in the idler blocks are eb to mil. dndleeol allpeahoo suppor dined aues, ewithoub 24 Pring om entemnal Fg martaion- because NY fee. blow on dha bile may satisfy a eu Ru more spate. anelaxedl allocation oles au Pot fiom uiaubed spas The pofnker over hanal oP che txalon Hou CS geraly greater dan dhe polnkor evettaad of Linke) allocation Teh point raises dhe guation of thous lange dhe elon blove shoul be dhay aye. ® Lintees) schwima!- An tntler blods ¢s— ormally one Lik blou., fy, tt con be real andl untitten elivectly by AtseP. to allow fer Longe File, we movy Un, bogedhar several Uulex bled © tuttilevel Crolox— A Nerlent of dhe Linked tepresentution ts to use Fast level ‘urlex block bo Point to a seb of secore] evel iter blots, ewhitlh do tun point to dhe file block. Tw eawuess ° blows gh eperatting, aptern uses dhe. Fist Level ude. © me a second level index block are chat block bo Pu dhe desieal lata block. ©_combinaal sehen. Arotter alternative, weol in dhe UPS, Us to bee te Fists points oP the Lider block Uo dhe les nodle. ate ih og oP those poinkets point to elitert blocks, hab is dhe, enntolo —eddesses oP blocks dha’ contain datn of du Fle Thu dw dba Ri small Pres alo nob teed a separate inalex. block mode ournets tay Frnastomp CO] sia Has | {oloia] count + fee spe managemanhs Ginee dhe clisk space U Linibedl, ewe raed bo Yeuse de spare fiom deletes Rles Rr now iter “P pasible. To beep bok oP fee litt Space, dha systern maintains a free spate Usk. Te fies gmc Usb teutdeds at Ree clitk. blocs fuse nok allocated to some File oy olivectory. Freuantly, tt flee spouo Usb o implemmied a o bit rap bit veetor . cosh blocs cs Yepresenbel by “1 bi IF dha blork Ree, dhe bib is Te iP the Bork t allocabeel the, bi ds ‘0 for example, consider a disk whore bos 93,452 4 10, 1, 13,1817, 19, as, 26 and a7 ate Ree andl de test of dhe bloue are allocated: Thon tho free spas bis map may be 08 NOD} C00110DO000 II OODO0:... . The =molin advantage of dha @pproach a ts its simply ard effeieny én Freling dha -Brot Fast Reo Hou or 9 toosecutive fee bles on tho obisk. y_Unkeel Usb: Another appioach to fee Space managemaot i bo Link Ingeticr a tho fee alin Hk, baaping dhe pointer odin Past fee blade uo @ —speeiol Location on dha chisk ard cashing ib tn munoty. The fius ble emia a points to dhe ont flee elisk Woes end 80 on. In ou example we exoulel aeep a pointer bo blue a. ar cho Fisk Ree —bloun. Blo, 2 would contain a pointy 4 whic cout point to bled +, ewhie would Point to blouse wwhido ould oink bo block # andl 30 on. Free jay Wed ee = uo » WB ef “Dyed aD #f SC aH op ot DB 00 ab at peru ia A modlifiestion of Hu fee Ush approach is bo stove dhe address of n blouks in dhe Fst flee bloue. The Pst n of hese blows are actually Fee. The Last bloue confains tha aches of another 1 Flee blouks ard 30 on. y_ counting | Anofhes @ppreach (s tp bake advantage of tha Rey thab, genesally several contyuow blest may be allocated 01 Pacol | Simultansously evhan spate ts allloeatect with dha contigtow allocation algorithm or dhrough clustering. Thus vYather chon beaping a Usk of fie. olde adbliesses. exe oan teeap the @abdtiess Of He Pst Reo bles anal dhe number of Ree contiguous ta « Risb-ie*btowe. blocky dhat Pillow Usage of open create read write close Iseek stat ioctl system calls in os System calls are the calls that a program makes to the system kernel to provide the services to which the program does not have direct access. For example, providing access to input and output devices such as monitors and keyboards. We can use various functions provided in the C Programming language for input/output system calls such as create, open, read, write, etc, Descriptor table: A file descriptor table is the collection of integer array indices that are file descriptors in which elements are pointers to file table entries. File Table Entry: File table entries are a structure In-memory surrogate for an open file, which is created when processing a request to open the file and these entries maintain file position. Standard File Descriptors: When any process starts, then that process file descriptors table’s fd(file descriptor) 0, 1, 2 open automatically, (By default) each of these 3 fd references file table entry for a file named /dev/tty(linux-unix terminal) Read from stdin => read from fd 0: Whenever we write any character from the keyboard, it reads from stdin through fd 0 and saves to a file named /dev/tty. Write to stdout => write to fd 1: Whenever we see any output to the video screen, it’s from the file named /dev/tty and written to stdout in screen through fd 1 Write to stderr => write to fd 2: We see any error to the video screen, it is also from that file write to stderr in screen through fd 2. 1. create(): The create() function is used to create a new empty file. We can specify the permission and the name of the file which we want to create using the create() function. It is defined inside header file and the flags that are passed as arguments are defined inside header file. int ereate(char *filename, mode_t mode); Parameter filename: name of the file which you want to create mode _ : indicates permissions of the new file Return Value + return first unused file descriptor (generally 3 when first creating use in the process because (), 1, 2 fd are reserved) + return -1 when an error create() works in OS Create a new empty file on the disk. Create file table entry. Set the first unused file descriptor to point to the file table entry. Return file descriptor used, -1 upon failure. 2. open(): The open() function in C is used to open the file for reading, writing, or both. It is also capable of creating the file if it does not exist. It is defined inside header file and the flags that are passed as arguments are defined inside header file. int open (const char* Path, int flags); Parameters + Path: Path to the file which we want to open. + Use the absolute path beginning with “/” when you are not working in the same directory as the C source file. + Use relative path which is only the file name with extension, when you are working in the same directory as the C source file. + flags: It is used to specify how you want to open the file. We can use the following flags Flags Description O_RDONLY Opens the file in read-only mode. O_WRONLY Opens the file in write-only mode, O_RDWR Opens the file in read and write mode. O_CREAT Create a file if it doesn’t exist. Flags Description O_EXCL Prevent creation if it already exists. O_APPEND —_ Opens the file and places the cursor at the end of the contents. O_ASYNC Enable input and output control by signal O_CLOEXEC Enable close-on-exec mode on the open file. O_NONBLOCK _ Disables blocking of the file opened. O_TMPFILE Create an unnamed temporary file at the specified path. open() works in OS + Find the existing file on the disk. + Create file table entry. + Set the first unused file descriptor to point to the file table entry. + Return file descriptor used, -1 upon failure. 1 program to illustrate ‘open system call #include #include #include #include extern int ermo; int main() { // if file does not have in directory // then file foo.txt is created, int fd = open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT); printf("fd = %d\n", fa); if (fd ==-1) { // print which type of error have in a code printf("Error Number % d\n", ermo); // print program detail "Success or failure" perror("Program"); i return 0; 3. close(): ‘The close() function in C tells the operating system that you are done with a file descriptor and closes the file pointed by the file descriptor. It is defined inside header file. int close(int fd); Parameter + fd: File descriptor of the file that you want to close. Return Value 0 onsuccess. +1 on error. close() works in the OS: + Destroy file table entry referenced by element fd of the file descriptor table — As long as no other process is pointing to it! + Set element fd of file descriptor table to NULL JC program to illustrate close system Call #include #include < int main() { int fdl = open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY); if (fdl <0) { perror("e1"); exit(); } printf("opened the fd = % d\n", fdl); // Using close system Call if (close(fd1) < 0) { perror("cl"); exit(); I printf("‘closed the fa.\n"); Output opened the fd = 3 closed the fd. 4. read(): From the file indicated by the file descriptor fd, the read() function reads the specified amount of bytes ent of input into the memory area indicated by buf. A successful read() updates the access time for the file. The read() function is also defined inside the header file. size_t read (int fa, void buf, size_t ent); Parameters + fd: file descriptor of the file from which data is to be read. + buf: buffer to read data from + nt: length of the buffer /C program to illustrate ‘fread system Call #include #include #include #include int main) { char ¢; int fd = open("sample.txt", O_RDONLY, 0); int fd2 = open("sample.txt", O_RDONLY, 0); read(fdl, &c, 1); read(fd2, &c, 1); printf("c = 9¢c\n", c); exit(0); ) 5. write(): ‘Writes cnt bytes from buf to the file or socket associated with fd. ent should not be greater than INT_MAX (defined in the limits.h header file). If ent is zero, write() simply returns 0 without attempting any other action, The write() is also defined inside header file. size_t write (int fd, void* buf, size_t ent); C program to illustrate ‘waite system Call #include #include int main() { int sz; int fd = open("foo.txt", O_.WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd <0) ( perror("r exit(D); } 8z_= write(fd, "hello geeks\n", strlen("hello geeks\n")); printf("called write(% d, \"hello geeks\\n\", %d} " Teretumned %d\n", fd, strlen("hello geeks\n" close(fd); } 6. Iseek() Iseek() system call repositions the read/write file offset ie., it changes the positions of the read/write pointer within the file. In every file any read or write operations happen at the position pointed to by the pointer eB. let’s suppose the content of a file Fl is “1234567890” but you want the content to be “1234Shello”. You simply can’t open the file and write “hello” because if you do so then “hello” will be written in the very beginning of the file. This means you need to reposition the pointer after ‘5S’ and then start writing “hello”. Iseek() will help to reposition the pointer and write() will be used to write “hello” #include #include off_t Iseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); ‘The first parameter is the file descriptor of the file, which you can get using open() system call. the second parameter specifies how much you want the pointer to move and the third parameter is the reference point of the movement i., beginning of file(SEEK_SET), current position(SEEK_CUR) of pointer or end of file(SEEK_END). Examples: + Iseek(fi,5,SEEK_SET) ~ this moves the pointer 5 positions ahead starting from the beginning . reek {a5 SEEK_CUR) ~ this moves the pointer 5 positions ahead from the current po . Isak f-S SEEK CUR) ~ this moves the pointer 5 positions back from the current position in . Isek(f-5 SEEK. END) = this moves the pointer 5 positions back from the end of the file Program using Iseek() system call that reads 10 characters from file “seeking” and print on screen. Skip next 5 characters and again read 10 characters and write on screen. on in #includecunistd.h> #fincludestfentl.h> #include int main) { int nf; char bufi[ 10); f=open("seekin; read f,buff,10); write(1,butf,10); Iseek(f,5,SEEK_CUR),//skips 5 characters from the current pos read(f,buff,10);, write(,buff,10); J the output will be the first 10 characters “1234567890” followed by “fghijxxxxx”. The in between 5 characters are skipped because we used Iseek to reposition the pointer 5 characters ahead from the current (SEEK_CUR) position. ctl In computing, ioctl (an abbreviation of input/output control) is a system call for device-specific input/output operations and other operations which cannot be expressed by regular system calls. It takes a parameter specifying a request code; the effect of a call depends completely on the request code. 8. statQ): Stat system call is a system call in Linux to check the status of a file such as to check when the file was accessed. The stat() system call actually returns file attributes. The file attributes of an inode are basically returned by Stat() function An inode contains the metadata of the file. An inode contains: the type of the file, the size of the file, when the file was accessed (modified, deleted) that is time stamps, and the path of the file, the user ID and the group ID, links of the file, and physical address of file content. We can say that inode contains all the data that is required for the stat() system call and it is the index number for the file which is saved in the inode table. Whenever you create a file an inode number for that file is created. Using stat system call the system tables can be viewed. Eire eA eLE Stat is used to get the status of a file. The syntax of C stat system call may not be same for every operating system. In Linux the syntax for stat system call is as follows: int stat(const char “path, struct stat *buf) Here const char *path specifies the name of the file. If the path of file is a symbolic link then you need to specify the link instead of file name. ‘Then in the function we have a stat_structure in which the data or information about the file is stored which uses a pointer named buf, which is passed in as a paramteter and filled in during the execution of the call and readable by the user after the call.

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