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RATING SYSTEMS OSS Operating Systems ' a operating system fs an interface belwan hissy ofa computer and enmputtey hovdenere. ve Software usher penis atl dhe basie bosk Live, + Fie management % memory) ranagentant * Process managemant a hainelling Cnput end output * Controlling peripheral devices suchas cist elvives and printers. The eperating system 13 @ sofkware dhab enables Applications to interach wait dhe Computers hardware. The SoFlevare dhol eontains dhe core Componants of dhe operating [System 's called dhe kemel. ) The populet operating Systems ene, | & Une eperating system » * Windows os ® OSlADO ast * 20s” » vms eke, Nowaclays ©penerting System 1's found elmost MM every alevia Like, & mobile phon, — ¥ personal Computer, * neuio Frame Computers, ¥ automobiles, 4 Tle toys. \ | jenable hes dwware and to manage @ system havdwares The purpose oF dhe eperahing system are bo Applications Csokkwares) to intevact evil dhe Compute, and ‘Sofware te sources. ad controls all of Computer yesources. X It cooielinates dha execution of user, pragiams ¥ OL provides Tesources of user programs. wat hides dhe eomnplexsty of software. * It Suppor multiple execution modes. cena of cheesy Gancons of te Operating system, ave, * * a a Resour management %) Mentory management M Process ‘managemant a Security & User antesfao A Computer system can be’ clivided cnt Ruy Yorelwave Operating system pplication programs Users. | Uset t user User 3 [777 7777 [Used ok pats compiles Fissemnbler Text Edhlov vo operating System y computer Harelevare (CPo| [RAM We] ® Twa Wtordware such as dhe crv, dha mamory, lo devices provides dhe basie Computing Yesources. The Qyplicattion Program such as werd processors, Compiler art web browser defia dho ways uo whieh these tesources are usec to solve dhe ating Problems oP dho 2 user. The operating system contiols ancl coordinates dhe use @F dro hardware among dhe various application Programs far dha various users, x Te operating system can explore two View poinks, » Users Wiews Rr pes dhe os ts Aesigneat fy ease Puse fer main Frame eo mn Compute sens anil) aness dhe same Computes dhrougts odhon termunals. ® system yeu». The 0S Is dhe Program 1's most intimate wit de ordware. we can view 0s as @ tesourw allocator 4 onhiol_pregtom Operating System _ Shuclures .- | The shuctave of dhe operating eystem Is discussect by ebivicting {} Into small components anal Vinny Shey are entereonnacteol andl meldecl into a kernel. Lsitnple _shuclares- @) Many eommareral, systems alo nol have a well defined Shucture as dhey were Aesiqnedt fo Yun on Liuited avetevare eg: Ms- Dos Te operator [system Operetor process Was Located tn layer s] lewjerh > Ugoy programs | Leyes 3 > Snpui/eutput monagement | Langer a —> Operator Process communications Cou ffening] Layer 1 = Memory endl altuna Management . f 2 > Precessoy allocation andl ‘athprog yam mung on cru, Er nlero_leernal systems. X Mero wera! systems designs oho. operating syskem by yemoving all non essential component of the bevnal, & The non essential componan's of benuls are vigentanted as systems andl uset programs. ¥ Each moro bemel systems are mede independently, | 8 The resut of dh dhe system is more secune | ay any component er ype tsemel fails, sho temaining operating system is unafRebeel and continees be | Runchons novrtally- alee __ Sppleatton ‘ppplication| / Pevite Rte \ re ae se: Server) SSS (Pe = Mila, meneny sealable | Vordevave Adwexntages:- x ot ellows 0s to be portable bekween Platforms, * Moro leeinels ave smaller, Shay can be sucien Raly ks} % OP wnioro teenol Pur } ewoutd not afRcted to he Feastons, | } S. vitae Machines: | Niwa! machine Concept 'S an extension of Layerech open & The operating system uring dhe cru scuclubing and Vittual memory Lechnigues creates an illusion dhat ha Ths pax processoy with tts oton Uivual memery, e Te major problern of um 1s to allocate a alisk drive b each uvtual machi ss ‘impossible . * “Wi wos take cave of using dha concept of nin! disk where each mini disk (Ss a vittual obish mappect fo dha eguited ywumber oP tyacles on physical disks, * the sum of dro aie ef dhe all mint obi must be smalier than dhe sre of dhe Prysieal clk span. pee process Protess process i tema} teoinal fromna| Nm vena. NO, Vorelevene Wilual machine dmplementation Vorduware on Teceiving system calls dhe \ivtua) rach'ne es Unto the Mpnitor modle, Changes dhe regisbey content | Progyam Counbey en dhe vittual machine anal executes dhe call. i &_Exo kernel: x pt dhe bottom layer, sunny cr bornol mode, 's @ program called dhe eno beinel. allocate tesoures to vitlaal machines & dh gob 1s to anc dren chek altempts to wwe dhe to mabe suse Yo mathe ts hying bo Uwe sonte body else’s Yesources. a TR aolven tages of exo komnel ts ghat i} saves a Louyen of, mapping. | ‘Batch Sustems:- Batch 4 | main Fame. computer systems Were dhe Fist Lenpaten used to commortal end scientific applications. Tha growth of gro mun Frame systems aye, i el system > Tima sharing | Batch systems —> multiprogrammecl sys Den ¥ The important bask of dhe batch processing system 1s b automatically teeep executing dhe fob ca babes bo veclme ¢ho setup time. * In dw eo ly dob proce ssing systems dhe jobs wore Plated cr @ job gues andl cho Mamory allocateat o Manager| by dhe pamory Memory, when spao is Qwatloble Ca oun memory, & joo was selected From dha job queue anol we Loaded cnty Memory. * one dhe Job is Leacledl into Primary memory .1} wails Brahe prow & When dhe processor become available, dha Processoy Schooluley select dhe dob anol execute ik. * The batch shategy 18 Implemantect to provide a bakh Rite processing. & at Follows hat dho Files oF dho sinter \recessecl bo Bpeeal up dho baste. bake ate (ach) + | pater |-— Joba} ating pL Bate | cpu : system = ai | Batch ae steps cnr bale operating System. | D The User preparesl a Job by Qsing punch cords ® Te computer Operator con collec sho panto cond fom ghe wel 3) The Programmer celleel dhe Jobs fom cUiPRien) users Ana sow dhe jobs Uilo batcha cwith similar needs. D OFbe1 sorting do batch, chat ean be submi} to the Processor for dia execttions. s) hore alt dhe jobs en dha single togetty. D Au dre obs bateh are excecuked queued tn dhe Pando corels ate processed! on Fist come Fish seneot basis enly. when a gob ts complekect dhe Oceupiect Memory of dw bask 1's freed, anal the output of dhe task is Gamfnedt into an output spoolso dat it con be later uieel for processing ex panting. The interaction bekveen phe wet and system 13 Limited cn batch operating System. eg pexyrolt system, Bank stabemonts. $fooe -> Simultaneous phanpharol Operation onli » Th syste auns dhe batches of gobs Cape of Batch _oparating _system:- | © ai imple. yatcheel _system:- w Te ts no clive} enlevacton belwecn user andl computor System luring execution oP jobs * The wet Used to prepare gobs én pant cords. x dt Ts ureel to tansfer dhe contol fiom dhe curient gob fo dhe nos job. ons. afbet dha otter Ma seguantial manor. ® martiprogramnmed_wBatelwa kero % “Tre matin aim OF muttiprogramedl Batch systems Ys to moximire dha utilization of cpu. Jobs - are pooled bogether baseel on similar Yequivemont anol shoe gobs aie execute) ky dhs CPU, Sequentially ono after dro other. she 08 Tintnins Several pbs & emery by ung dhe spooling and bu Pfering bechnigucs Spooling ts @ — Specialirecd fan of uuliprog reroming {6 enpying alata bekueen aiPRrent clevices. WRU prog sernming allows Various programs to tun Simultanoetaly - rauxth progreraming allows Verious progres yo Yan simultanzously » systems:- Mulhiprogtamming 13 known as eeeping multiple Programs th dhe mein memory. at dhe saree time Yeawly fox dhe execution. W Is an abilry of an operating execubes move dhan ona Program using a single Processor machine. €9> MS- excel; Aoogle chowa, uniy etc. system dhaot Jn Mualtipregrermming main objective is to use manage dho System resources. Muthpregramming Cnoeases dhe cpv utLaation. BN dha obs dha} enter gho system are bep! cn dhe Job Pool on dhe dhisk. Then dhe subset oF dhe fobs w dhe dob pool is Loaded nto momtoxy for execution. The eperating system picts and begins to execube one of dha gobs» dhe mary. whan dha Jobs need bo wat Bi some bask sacl as Slo opation, dho cpu is switched go anton fob. TW cycle Vs “epeabed until dhe jobs are completed, 8ystem Let Pio and Pe ate jun Programs Present ky dhe monn memory, Tho 05 probes ono. Progra and stoits leocecuuting 14. During exeeation promam PI nocd Ilo eperations a preg lo ope hen os wil Simply switch over fo program P2, | a pager Pr need some ‘lo dhen again IM switches to Ps and so on. JP dhore (3 no other pregrarn \emaining after P3 dhon cro usil pass Hs eontic) back to dha previows program. ® In muttiprogramming eystem, dha Fellowing Punchinalites are — nredeal. © Ab__ scheduling :- when several goes are ready fy execution to dhe gob pool, Pidsing @ subset to be | loaded cn memory. ® cho sehoeluing - | when several gobs are Yeady for execution co dhe momory, pretaing On among dhem | for execution. ‘Types ef multigroqramming pate ee © muttitasking operating system:- A multitasking 03. enables dhe Simmaltaneouy eperations OF dws or ne Programs. The os cloei dui by os eath Prograrnma. ‘ue ey out of memo ene at a hime. prlogiar dor has beer susitchod out of momory i's bemporarily saved on dhe alist until ts Yesuired once | more. [voorel process] [e-mail [web browser ] [oni vias | a [operating System ' CPU ® wut vser_ ose Mult user eperartiog System allows Many useis to shave Processing dime on a power fal central computer From FRrent kerminals. Ti is lone by dhe operating system tlokly Switching between bernuinals, each eof which 1s allobted eytain amount of Processor time on dha main computer. Tenninal w | Terminal B Teimhal ¢ EE Ganka _processov | multuser Operating system share processor time | A 8 c A B c | B Time = sbce faventoges OF tuatpegrammig:- # ¢Po vtilhation 1s high Idle state. * Memory utilization is ePPyenk because cpo i's over gees bo | & CPU dtroughpad Vs. hugh anal, also Sepports multiple Uileractive wer berminalls. Tine shaved 8 istem:- » The time dhe tor Time sharing system aye Lace extension of dhe | ‘ttre a an hose Suuiehing § In te ore task shoring ystems Allows many users to share uber Yesourees simultaneously. ting systems dha cro executes multiple Jobs by aariong. cham at Fined short intenals. shaved system wet can perforin mone chan aol enth foik gets dia samw amount oP Hine 1 | bo ereeube go it {s also called as muttitusking os. { | Tae aes Bach programm Urea fe Momoy 1's calleel provess. aa progr Uoodled nenry de cteaute , 14 pons a _ Shox period of, tim either -beRre completion eto Complete Qo. Thi shor perc oF ina nig whith Wer geb attention of cpu is knewn as time shix 04 fimme _slot_ov quantum. J} ys Agpicaly dha ever of , 10 40 too wll seconds. Dfetive stabe:- | | 1 | | | Df shaber: Te wet param 1s Under dhe control of CPL. only ore progiom available 1m hij tobe, The wet program is ready to execabe bout it I's waititg fey dhe cPv. mote dan Ome progiom ov wet con be iy reody State at a tine. 2 waiting state: Me users Program 'g watting for some Slo operations. More ghan on. wet can be cn waiting stale at a Hine. Uses seth Deez] cro achive stabe g User 5 “User ready stake User 6 # In dhe above obiagrarn wets Is in active state & Usetb Ys in ready state and werl2,34 ae wm waiting - gkabe - : x One dha time shia “oF dha user sis completed dhe control roves on fo dha mont “easly cuerie user 6- In dhis state sen 3,345 are Un waiting stabe and aser 's un teaoly stabe. Tui process is continua until all dhe wet yoregyeims are to be complebect Hdventoges: a Each user gets egual ‘me fo execute & CPU ulation Is gerd: & Recluted yeolundancy of programs. ao a} has quick ~esponse trie » cpu tdle tm v's teduced- Desktop systems: [potsonal_computer \- x The desklop gystem is dha envionment Jhrough which dhe cer controls dhe pessonatl computer. Cnotepad, Alesktop, Pe) ete. * personal computer Ys @ mao computer dles|gnad fev tue by ow person ai a tins. & Pes ean be weal to store, 1ehiewe and pimess dato oF alt teinds. % Personal Computes operating system ave unridely wed & word processing b Spreasl sheets 45 antemet. aves. “ You een seuy dha gout laptops Computer Systems, foblets, ekc aye ypot personal computers = The eperating systen such QS windlows 7, windows io, Brokiord ete. eg . & Anolvora, ® windows to , windows 7, windows xP, Lindews VI * (OSiy LOsis, LOS\, ® Mac OS X Panther, mac OS Xx Tye, mac os x on eke. * Linux ® Ubuntu | ® fedora. Peralllel__s Slems' (01) multicore systems. * parallel systems are othaiwise callecl as multiprocessor, Sysbems. a WHisa aightly coupledl systems Yove more drain Oya processo! Ln close communications, sharing eompuber buy, The eoerk clock, namviy 4 peripheral elevice>. processot } igh y Processor. shored Coupled : memory, [rowssor penallel eperating system are designee to Speeel up dhe execution of Programs bby chivieling dhe énto Twaltiple Segmnts. multiprocessor system hove 3 main advaniages. © Jnereaseal dough pe: By Cnereasing dhe pubes of prcessoxs andl getting mere wor clone tn less time. | Gd Economy, ef sealer | gave wore money cue to shoritg of peripherals, mass stoiage anal power supplies among multiple : Processors - d : fi dctenses_Retiabhily- whon several processors ate eperating simultaneously {P one processor fails, Shon dhe enotls of dia failed | processor I's shored by dha ottors. Thus failure th a | | Thu feutue na single processer oes tol - the syste hab slow clown dha system speed. such aystern axe callecl faut folerent syste, aml abibly to survive dha feulune 1s catlleal growafal degradation. Tyre_of penal nawpeesor_ systems CD Asyrmmetvie _mattipromssing = Asywmndric ‘muuliprocessing oo which each Processor ts assigned a st specific tose. A boss processor conhols dhe Syste. The ether processor either Look. to dhe boss processor Uubactions! ay prede Fred basks, This schema defina a boss - werket” yelationship. Tre boss Processor allocates dha work Fy wort Processor. CO _agometc_ mull rossing Symmnetn'c multiprocessing , cn ouch each Processor performs all basks Unithin dhe eperating systems. an ghd dhore 1s No boss worker relationship eneists between processor. each protessot has th own segistens and cotte, howeve! all Processors share physical memory { CPU, CPU CPUs | registers reqisters Neaisbens | Cache Cacho Cachs eee ae ‘emory Te clifftvene belween syinmabic and asymmabic Tualki processing nowy result ffom either honcware of solute. Speatal harclware can eb Fferentiade dhe multiple processors 01 dhe soRware can be ewritien to allow only one boss and Multiple evorkers. Sun Wier system operating system Sunds Version 4 —provicled asymmetric multiprocessing — whereas Version 5 Solaris 18 Symmutric en dhe sane hardware. Muth prowssing con came a system to change its Memory aness model fom wim memory peess Cuma) end to nonuniform mamovy @uess (numa) uma '- The Situation tn which auess to any Ram fio | Any cro tokes dhe same amount of me. | Wome gone pant of mamoy may take Longoi to acess Thon ethot parts creating a perRrnanw. Penalty. | A vecen} bend tr Cpu design d to auluale multiple computing wes ena single chip. gueb | Tualtiprowarox Systems are bermeol muth'cove, an be more effin’ dha muttiple chips evith Single cores became enchip communication is Rskes than ‘bedween clip communteations. | Distribukeel system 1's a Collection of indepen ‘eomponents Located on alifferent machines dhod share moages with each ether inoider to achieve common oa & Olstibukea Systems depends on nekvor king. * A network 3 dito eprnmunicaon path between +wo SY move systems. * Nekoovk can be classified based on dhe protocols creel cluitan belweer nocles ane anspor | ® TePlrp meelia. 1S dhe ost Commonly wea network protocol, ® somo ef otter Protocols axe ETPC Ale Transfer protocel) PTMCAsynchonowu hansfer mode) snmPC simple nedwoik Management Protocel . Baseel on dhe clitane between dha nodes Meworlks are commonly elassificel into | (@ cnn: Local Aiea Nehwoik, eonnects Computers eoHthin ‘oom, building 6 E | © wom Li Ng. OF @ Campus Wide Area Netwmk, usually Links busletig cthies = ©1 counhies. 9 glebal eompany tay have a WBN to conned ths offi eworlewidle, © WON Melo politan Wea Nehwork, could Link buileings with & aly, @ Small ate nohworte covers Short ‘duitanca of seuaral feels using \lustooth clevices, cad pan persona) rea Nelworls, V's dho computes a hot ennnect computers 1 deyices within dha yange of dha cubibieual persons Lie belween Prone ancl 4 hoadseb, smart phone 4 clesttop compares system teanhalizeal| cpovdinaite 4 shove yesourw Computer system On dha alutinbubedl system soPhware, sa Software enables computers to epordinabe dhol activities stores data i i | ! | na 40 share do resountes such as hmdware, sofware, pala ete _Myper_of elistnbuted system: . cl) ebient server gystern:- gt isa tightly Couplecl eperating system, at Js ted for wuuttiprocessors and hemogenseus ral Computer. client Server system works @ A contabiecl server because \ provide: dha approval to all Yeguats wstuel are gemwated by do —ebient side. } | | clid peer to. peer system: a} 1s @ Loosely coupleel Bysbem 9 15 implemented! tn dhe computer network application becawe it contains @ collection of provessors and dhey are nol shovable yemories OF Clocks as well. Gvery processor consists ef I$s own Leal Mnemtory, anal dhose procmssors eommunicate with each other Ymough Vario epmmunication macia such-as hugh speed wes on telephone Line. a wing dha ruddle were, dhose applications are capable of transfening all elaba to each other. a} allows distribution Ganspareney. Advan tages a Resourte shaving u | & Increased! dmoeygbput | ® thighor reliability | 4 Internet bechnology. ichoracteststey | X Resour shoring | % concorteny contol & Scalability ® Fault bleanw & Then penency. Real Time systems: CLetos) The Yeal time system means , dha 1esponse [Shoulel be guavanteel within a Speciffecl timing constraints Oy dhe system Should rieet dha specified eleadlLne. eg: Puight control system, real Hrme monitors, microwave oven, washing machin ebc | | y Tse systems analyze dha input data from i Sensois and auorelingly adjust controls to modify | Sensors \nputs. | eg mnoobicall imaging systems, cligital camera i % Based en dhe Fimuig eombaints teal mo systems can be classified into two types. © Borel_seal Hine system: In honed yeal time aystem dhe dead Une Ks hondled very Swietly- eoluc mam dhat given task must | : pee executing en specified Scheduled time, ano must be rempleteel within de assigned Hine uration. | eg Fuisha controller system, missile guidlanw system | Vor yea timo system aloe nok we (xy permanent memory, So shat Prowsses rust be Complete Propotly cn dhe Fist time ise Wer feal time system ts Purely dleterministe anol aime conubrouin. system. missing Consequences. | eg | users expecteal dhe eutput fo dhe give input ion & see dren sho gystero should process dhe nur data ‘end give dha oulput exactly by dhe s™ seeoncl. JY should nol give die oulpuk by dhe gh Seond 01 44> second. here § seconds 1s dhe clead Lin to Complete dhe process for given elata. On hana eal time system Aeodline Is very very important, 1 dhe clead Line G pot me, dhe System perfowrnaunce wall fail. © soko! tne _ sys In soft Rol Time RTos auept some delays by dhe eperating system. Jn dru dype of tos dare is a leoalLine assigned for dha specific Gees, bud dhe eloluy fox dhe —emall amount of time ts auuoptable. So. cleadl Une are honaltect SoF aly by dus etes. eg': online bransaction system Live stock: pria qualsion belaphone switches, a Jn Soft teal Hime system , dha meeting i dleadtins snot eompulsory 1 every task. but dhe Process shoulel get Proasseal andl get result. OP dhe systero is Imussing dhe daaol Une every dime, dhon die system gesRrnanca Rs very werst and wet cannot we drove sysbems, ['s: ege ¥ mobile communication, personal compaten, audios video ; system set top boxes web browsing telephone swikches System —_Components:- i Some of dhe system Components supportecl fo dha many oP dhe tnndew operating system ave, | & process management * main moms y management » Fle tmanagement * Slo Sygbend management % Secondlony ., storage ‘menage ment | * Networking | % Brobection system i * commana anterpreber system. Process. management: 8 process Is @ progtam cn exectition. 8 process Meeds contain ~esources, Cnelueking cpu time memory, Files fend To elevites to auomplish its’ baste. Cg’: worel prrowssing program, sencling elp to Printers, | Bpont from dhe Yesources various data “may passed while process Us creabeel. eg dlisplay dhe content Pa Fite, nome of die File as dhe giver. Unput . ¥ program Us passive entitg. but prowess u active entity. | | | | | | * Termination ef dhe process dhe ~esource are Yewable. / | » protess Us executeol seguenhially ene aPher another, the process ‘manage ment involves, & process crealior & protess — leletion x process suspension ane ‘Yesumphion \ process synchronization & process commu cation X process eloael locls. heunelling mechanism. Thao monory._maanegerents X Main mmamoy ts dhe longo anay oP eorls 01 bytes with Ib own adldtiess- 8 momoryislage storage area dhat con be dlivectly acessed by cpu. 4 pata can be sted cn matory Pom elise urhite process dha dala ©: execube an ‘UulucHon. | ® dt Is a volatile stovege device. % Main memory Lnvolves by allocating and Aeallocating Memory space. 4 deuele which Process: -loacl Unto memory. 5 keop track oP whieh wamory part i's cunently boeing usec. ‘a le vs a collection of a elated enBimation consistir of bits, bytes, Lina 0% ecards. > » Biles can be progam Pies and dala les. , | ® | « Pies ave eiganizedl into ebiyectories fr ease of we | | | anol access Control —orovictecl for muti’ wos systerns, to teste auess Files exeabeel by clifRrenb wars. | «e Rie manogertent cnvolves , Ls Re caeation and deletion. | Ly alrectory creation and cleletion. | b mapping Fites onto Seconclary Storage. % File back uy on stable storage media. Jo system manage ments. & perating sysbero Widder dha Enbermal’ Randdioning of dhe Blo clevices from dhe uses. y st consists of amivets for specific Nardwares i % 9} consists @F buffering caching spooling etc. | x Te eovia aAmivers interad with dhe Uulividual elrivers. Secondony siege mancgemant: x The main memory Cpnmany memey) 's volatile oohicb means dhe infrmation Stoed in it is (ost when power I's lost. ¥ Secondary storage Us uted to baa Up main memory. |e psa ave weal for baek up dato. & programs Ceompiter, “assembler, eckitois) ancl data can be storecl tn disks. Disks ave weel a both souw and destination of | | information by most ef dhe programs. 9 a tnwlves | Ls al’sk = Schocluling Storage allocation, | fiee spaw management a a Newry _maegenm Dishthubeel system is @ collection oP Broeessoxs dhat donot shove wertory 6y clock, each prowssor hat 1b Own Local memory. * The Prowssors en dhe System ate connected hough @ communication network. cuts bu beat systema provides wer auessto Uonfous System“ yesources. Carey, Wuyper beael tromafen protocel Mey Gul a requasd to exchange Enfrmation bekseen web senver anal web browser. The dutributeel systems Glepends on dhe — probocol weal fe1, communications. The shored yesourw allows. by tomputation speed up G oneveased data availability & Ephanceat reLabilty firsbection, _ System: a protection System provide mechanisms +o contro} auess of Programs, prowsser anol resoerces. Thy Unproves dhe reliability oP dho system. Only authowsecd wens andl Prowse geuin dhe aun dhe sysbem. a Te probection mecharusm mus by elistinguiish belween authoriveel ane wnauthored usage. Ly specify dhe contiols to ‘be imposed. 6 Provide a weans of enforo ment. Commane Snlereber sys mT Is dhe unberfew bekueen used _& openeting system . 4 Ht Us erthor tnduslecl tn dhe bemal of yun as 4 Special program. * dn babeh’ eperating system dhe eommands are veadl fiom a cond hone it 1s calledl a8 control carel Interpreken. % command unter preter system «(8° calleel_as_ shell. » The moun function GP chek fs to got mast commanel and execute Ié- ; & shell allows eeminands: to be typed GA M5.os, UNIT eke, * In windows, Mauntosh os ave wet Friendly mowe window # an windows based systems ql objects @re Yepesentedl graphically as icons anol Lnages. ® lOpeneting system _Senvieesi- | On operating system — provides An environmont Ry dhe execution of plograms. 3 provides certain sexes to Prgiom and to dhe wsets of dhe programs. The operating systern Bexvices olPR1 from one operating system bo another. 4 program execution » $lo eperations | D. Fle systero marnpulation A) comm munications. 2) Gnor detection €) Resour allocation 9) Accounting protection § security | i User inteifau - [program ¢ execution | The system must be able to (oad a program info memoy, ana to xun dod program. The progiam must be lable to ensl its execution, either nomally ey abnormally. go. _bpesattions:: Sine user program cannb execute do operations cbitectly Sperating system mut provide some mean to perRim Blo. a runny Program mou reyuire To, whieh Ry Lnvolve a Fle ev an Slo adovin. fa speuific Aevies , special fturch'ons Mou; be desired. Crecorehing CD, pvp, blanteing cluiplay screen] | eine ee operating system must hove @ wet intafo, Thu inter can bake several forms. © wmmmanc Lue enleifaw Cert} do dus wie bee commands un a Specific format and methos (Gy entering. dha . &g: key board foi typing Gn commands ur cet. © Barer inkerfa Second one U dhe bak interfaw, cy which Commands and ebyectves 4o control dhose commands are enterecl into files, and ghose Files ave executed ® cmasveal _vser_interfaw:. Coot) Most commonly wee user interfaw vs dhe qui, here dhe interac dhe voindow system witha pointing device to direct So, choose fom Men, anol make selections and a teey hod t enter text. Fle_ system manipulation: an due Fle system manipulation ‘she progres Med to ead and ovrite Ales and ainedovies. Try also need to Yeaot eunel write to create and clolebe dhom by home, Seaver for a gin File, and Uist File inBimation. Some eperating system indude pernussions hmanagernont fo allow 07 eleny access to fites ey duyedories baseat on File ownership. some fine fo allow personal choice lana sometima to provide spetiffe Features oy performan x Ichonacteristies, communications: - hove ave Many cicumslances ch which ono process exxchange enfermation wilh anothot process. sucha Ineds bo may occur between processes dhal are encceeiting communication fon dha same computer 0 cuffenent computers. The eommunication can be imnplemanteol via, © shovecl_wertory:- Two ey wre prowesses yead an write bo a shored, section ef numoyy. © message passing: Jn wher — packets of infermation is predefined Ramats are moved loelween processes ky dhe operating systems. Eror_ debertion:- The eperating sysbern needs to be lebecting and | omecting extois consbanbly. © emiois may eter tn cPpo fg memory harelware Cpower f sure’) ® Wo devis Ceonnection ffuluve on network, lack of papet in printer, ant ebc} ® user progam enor:- Such as amthmetic overflow, an atienpt 40 ; auess egal memey etc), fen eauk dupe ef enor, dhe eperating system should bake dhe appropriate action ko ensure conect andl: consistent Computing: Some tina it hes no choi bat to halt dhe System. i Resoure _ allocation: | “shen dhwre ave multiple users oF multiple jobs Hime, Yesourws mus) be allocated to each » Mantuing ai dhe Same esounw such as CPU cycles, Main memory of cham. Altocate dhe > file shyage an Blo devices. The operaling system Vave cpu sdwdtubing Youtines re fake imto aucun) dhe speed of dhe cPu. dhe jobs raust be ‘executed, dhe number oF yegisters available anol othet Ractors Tore yay also be ‘outlines to allocate printers, use anol othart Phoripheel elevices. Bewunting: | we want to keep track ef. uldo users we how co and whor laind of tompubet Yesourees. Thus Yecoral keeping yay be ued for Auounting anol auumulating usage [statisties, t fstection, onal sent Provide contiolleel auess to system yesoures Josing authentication. The’ owners of infemation stoteol ch mutt juset ov mehwor eo Computer System max want to contol we of thot [stn ai! Protection choses ensuring shad all auess to system esourles ¢'s conholled. Security of dhe system From outsiders es also important. Suth Seewnty stor wit Fegutving eath user bo authenticate himself er hotselP to dho system , usually by mea ’ ins of a passwera to gain auess bo system yesources, ‘Gustem Calls | y system calls act as an inlerfaw between a process | anl operating systems. ¥ Jie grnarally available in assembly Lunguoge Uutuetons. » Some systems allow ugha Longuage programs as c,cit ete. » Gr exemple, reading dota Ftom ena File and copys, Sham. fo anodhor File. Tus cnuslues dha number ef system cals edo dhe Fallowing. | D Requesting dhe wer enpalfoutpa file nants. D open. dhe input File and cteabe eutput file. D print emov massage or terminate iP cyput Fite oer not exists. 4) prin ento massage oY ask wey to Yeplaw existing Fie, 'P dhe eutput Fie already exists, S) Reacl dhe crput File ant enrite to output Fie. © Return status Lnfermaition Yegencting various possible enor eondition euving yead 61 untibe operation, eg parity emot, No mote clisk spau, printer out of paper ete. While mating system calls, Pavamebers such as Soure win] Ple, dhe address and lergto of merry ba Pex & Case of, Neo eperation neodl to be passed to, eperating sysbem. Timee__geninal_mathods are cuerl to poss parameters between a ae hoswig Yprogiano andl operating system, ®| store peramaters via table ch momnory. anal dhe table @oldyéss (8 passecl As paramabet ca registers. ® using Stace Cpus andl pep operations) 0 pararneters um Jegisters . | | | | x *! para meters register fer cal Loaal akhiews : We parameters a | From table x 5 em | ‘Systern call 13 sy | calls | | User program operating system Typea_of system callss: | System calls can be eal You r i L Y grup ighly “Uvto six ‘Major Categories. | a prowss contol + File monogement a douia managemun & Animation maintanane % tormmUmications x Protections, process_ gontiol = Process control is dhe System call dhat 1's wee to Aiect dha prowsses. some ef dhe proLess Control examples ave 2 endl, abo’ # (paid, execube ® creake prowss , » berminate prowss | & gel prowss atiibates. Set process attributes x wait Br tim ¥ walk event. | * allocate ard Free wremory & tuning program hating Th execution normally, | afber tus de 0s breinsférs contol to commanel interpreter. labok—> 9 Tunniyg, . program hating abrowmaly. 9 dump oP matory ¢s taken fr. clebugging punpose eral an error aignal event 7 message shaited - Kxeake & bominate prowess = Allows & New process to be createcl and berminoked when dhe proess has completed its task. the Forme [System call Vs wed to cyeabe processes in operating systems. Get provess 4 set prowss atmbutes:- Allows auessing prowss athibubes anol changing thom iP newssony to contol prowss execution. wail ¢ signal _evenb:~ wait —> waiting fr dhe prowss to Flush iy Bécation on ocurene of dhe vent. signal > fobs er process tnolicates dho ocewienw ofan even @ File 2 remeron’ :- Gile Management 18 dhe system calls dhol is usedl to hamlle dhe Files. 3H porBims dhe Pilewsng % creabe File , welelete file | ® pen, close eoushng Files | | | Ce eee & Rear, write, reposition while protassing fies. » cat Re altybutes and sel File alyibutes such 29 b> Re nome b type | Ly protection cocle | Ls acouniing information. ®ve Devia management: Devite meanagentent is dhe system call! dhat v's used Ho eleal with elevices. ot perform dhe Raitowing oyeratons. ® Requat ancl velease device % Real & write, vreposition dhe device * Gat elevia aiibubes ® sek levi attributes w Logically altach ot eletach eleviar while performing Slo ®_ Information maintenaowe:- | anal maintananie {3 de systern calls dhat is ued bo maintain information. Some system calls for’ Youtine infomation ~meuntarance Function such as » ger time oy date x set hima o1 date * get system data, set systern ata x get proess. file o1 clevita attributes & seb yprowss, File ov devia aittributes ©! Communications: There ave jwo common models of ne Trrotess Communications. | © message passing modlel ® sharecl memory —moclel. massege_ passing model: prowss A Lm | pros B [mk keme) Mk ¥ In message passing model, CaBimation Us transfered | dinough an inter proess communication fauliby. » messages can be exchangeat behween dha processes etthot eliectly et Crotivectly by common mail box. a Befove eommunation can take Pla, dha connection must be epened & Each computer Gra network hos a host nome by which } is epmmonly tenown. ¥ Gath proess has a prowss name, and dus name ts bremulabea cnid an dentfer by which dhe. operating System con eR Jo dhe process. & Most prousser hat wil Yeeniving connechow are Special purpose Glaemons Csenver). [Sheneck_ memory _ moclel:- j | process A J: Shovel memory Protess B . {kernel memory system calls to altos momory ownod by ethos Prowss. i | & Jn case of sharect momoy model, Prowss te map | | oe The prowss shove, memory dhe Yeading and unit to | dhese ghorect aren ave nob Lutdei eperaling sysbem Control. | % eg: @ variation of —prowss moclel —Jeads shaves mertovy — by olefoutb: © _protecton:- whe protection provides dhe rnachanism fey controlling Alu to dhe esources provicecl by a compuber system. protection Was @ Cone only en muurttiprogrammed tomputer systems with Several Users. System calls provides Protection chelude Seb_ peamssion (2, get- permission (> wlueh manipulate dhe Permission settings oP yesous such as Files anol dks. The allow.werc> and cleny were systers eails ‘speufy dhe ther Penticulo’ wet can. 01 cannob allowed auess lo eevbain yesources. ampontanl system calls ca_o8: oO wait) + process may hove 40 wot Bi auolhwi process to wompete 1&5 execution befeie proceecting. evhan a ponent process akes @ chilel process, cho Patent prows execution is suspencled. Until dhe elle process ts Fin'shecl. the waukC> system call tS Usect to Suspenct dhe penend Process. Gnu dhe chilel process hos complebedl its execution, contol (3 retuynec to dhe paren! prowss. open (2:- a epent> system call allows ou to auess a File on a Fle system. a) allloeates yesourtes to dhe file and provider dha handle dhat dhe prowess may eles bo. fake | Rd syste call creaber dha copy of dhe process which hn called it. The ene which has called fork 1's called Hie. porert prowess, anol newly createed proess is called iclula \rotess. precede whoo dhe yanniag process wants bo execute anothoy executable File. The process A Yemains dhe same colule dho lothor resources weal by dhe process are xeplaceet by he Inewly created process. kate when we ere actually Yepuived 40 bermiaate che program, a enuttd system call Us used- The yesourts which ate used lo eccupied by, ho. Process ate released after vel, dha laut system call. fase closecoe Jt U wed bo end Fle system auwess. when dhis Syste calll is invokee, it signifies chab dhe Program no longer require dha file, and dhe buféts are Flushect, dhe File inmohon t's altered, ard dhe File yesounw are deallocateel as a tesult. Process Control File Manipulation CreateProcess() ExitProcess() Wait() | Fork() Exit() CreateFile() Open() ReadFile() | Read() WriteFile() | Write?) > i CloseHandle() Close() Device Management SetConsoleMode() loctl() ReadConsole() Read() WriteConsole() Write() Information Maintenance — GetCurrentProcessID() . : é ah SetTimer() 2 Ree ae Sleep() Pe Sleep() Communication CreatePipe() Pipe() CreateFileMapping() Shmget() » MapViewOFFile() Mmap() Protection SetFileSecurity() Chmod( InitializeSecurityDescriptor() | Umask() SetSecurityDescriptorgroup() Key points The software that contains the core components of the operating system is called the kernel. a An Operating System (0S) is an interface between a computer user and |» 2 computer hardware, 3. Monolithic kemel implements all kemel services so its bigger in size : Where as exokernel implements nothing in kernel part 4, microkemel sits in between mono and exo kernel, 5. In computing, spooling is a specialized form of multi-programming for * copying data between different devices, 6. The user used to prepare jobs and put the jobs on the punch cards in batch systems 7. The turnaround time is the time interval between the time of submission of a process and the time of the completion of the process. 8. Spooling is a specialized form of multi-programming for copying data between different devices. © Multiprogramming - Multiprogramming is known as keeping multiple programs in the main memory at the same time ready for execution. 3 10.Multiprocessing — A computer using more than one CPU at a time. 11.Multitasking - Multitasking is nothing but multiprogramming with a Round-robin scheduling algorithm. 12.Multithreading is an extension of multitasking 13.1n time shared systems the short period of time during which user gets attention of CPU is known as time slice, time slot or quantum. 14,The process that receives the communication connection is called dacmons or server 15.Multiprocessor systems are also known as parallel systems or tightly coupled systems 16.A master processor controls the system in Asymmetric multiprocessing 17.The ability to continue providing service is Proportional to the surviving hardware is called graceful degradations, 18.A process is a program in an execution states. 19.Fork() command is used to create a new process in linux or unix, 20.In file manipulation system call for creating a file open( ) command used. 21,Command interpreter system is the interface between user and operating systems. 22.Command interpreter system is otherwise called as shell 23.Program is passive entity and process is a active entity. 24.Multiprocessing system to change its memory access model from = uniform memory access to non uniform memory access, 25.The failure in single processor does not affect the system but slow dow the system speed then it is called as fault tolerant. £ | - op | UNIT~ Il <0 process ts basically @ program in execution. " The execution of a process must progress cha sepusntiol fashion when we write a get of adions in seguantial order Us Calleck program when we are wribg A plogiarn re oF er4 anal compile (8 dha eompiler creates @ binmy code. tha onigina Coole andl binary Code are bot progiams. when we execute The Progen Vt becomes process, | when a Program 13 loadlecl into memory anol if ‘becomes a process ¥ can be divided cao 4 sections. & Stoel: The process State Contains dhe bemporary data Such as methodl Rincion povameters , yeturn address ancl Local variables. eileaps Tha can be aAynomically allocated memny bo a | Process oluming its yun tims. | Ths cndueles dhe coment achvity Yepresenbea by dhe | Value oF program counter anol content of gha | processors register. la Daba:- tes Reta contaiu dhe Global anol slutic variables, Layout of a prowss Crutale mal memory. Mocess _ stabes:- Ws @ process excwules ths shakes changes, “He slate loP a Process & eefned tn part by dhe cured actvity of | thot process. 8 process may be tn any one of dh» following, Ory | the process Us being creabed- 01 1s dha initial shoe, \ © fondly = THe process 1S uwnitiyg fo be assigned bo @ promsen, | Reaoly promssor allocated to dem by dha operating | Syste So dhol dhoy can ww. @ Running Instructions are being executedl. one dha process 7 has bean assign te a processor by dhs os schedule, the process state is set to Yunming andl dhe Prowssot executes yes ‘uubuchons Q wauiting: Tho. prowess, 4 waiting for somo event octets, fMOLESS | Moves Unto dhe waiting stabe rf i} needs fo wait for a Yesourte, guth as enaiting for wer input uoeutting fov a file eke. © Terminated: The process hos finished execution, A ts moved to dhe beiminated state whore i} waits to be vemoved Ftom main Mmamory.

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