The Simple Sentence Structures (Part 1)

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_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate


Sentence structures Examples

1. 1. Passive voice Topic: Environment.
Be + PII - People kill animals for fur.
Notes: Be + being + VPII Animals are killed for fur.
Modal verbs + be + VPII - People are cutting down forests every day.
Forests are being cut down every day.
- We can take actions to save the earth.
Actions can be taken to save the earth.
2. 2. have sb do sth = have sth Topic: Parenting
done - Some parents are so busy that they have to ask others
to take care of their children for them.
Some parents are so busy that they have to have others
take care of their children for them/ have their children
taken care of.
3. 3. Comparisons Topic: Modern life
Life in the past was difficult but safe. Life now is easy but
Life now is easier but less safe/more dangerous than it
was in the past.
4. 4. Would rather (do) sth than Topic: Children’s health
(do) sth Children like to sit in front of the computer more than
playing outside.
Children would rather sit in front of the computer than
play outside
5. 5. ago vs. for/since Topic: Modern technology
It’s ... since ... Computers were invented 50 years ago.
Computers have been around for 50 years/ It’s 50 years
since the first computer was invented.
6. 6. used to & used to V ing Topic: Transport
People often walked to work but now they don’t because
they have the habit of getting around in vehicles.
People used to walk to work but now they are used to
getting around in vehicles.
7. 7. Modal verbs + have PII Topic: Historical places
One thing we should do in the past was to protect
historical places better.
We could/should have protected historical places
8. 8. About to, expected to, have Topic: Natural resources
(no) intention to/of, to, for, - Oil resources are going to be depleted if we don’t take

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

so that … immediate actions.

Oil resources are expected/about to be depleted if we
don’t take immediate actions.
- We need to use resources sparingly. If so, our future
generations can still use them
We need to use resources sparingly so that our future
generations can still use them/ for our future generations/
to leave some for our future generations.
9. 9. Allow/enable sb to do sth Topic: Economy
prevent sb from doing sth Because of free trade, customers can enjoy cheaper
goods, and some cannot monopolize the market.
Free trade allows customers to enjoy cheaper goods,
and prevents some companies from monopolizing the
10. 10. So ... that ... Topic: Social issues
... so ... that ... Hundreds of people die of hunger in some severe famines.
Such a/an adj ... Some famines are so severe that hundreds of people
die of hunger.
So severe are some famines that hundreds of people
die of hunger.
There are such severe famines that hundreds of people
die of hunger.
11. 11. Too Topic: Severe weather
Too adj a/an N for sb to do In some places, people cannot live anymore because the
sth weather has become too harsh.
In some places, the weather has become too harsh for
people to live.
12. 12. Enough N/ adj enough Topic: Animals
Some animals die because there is not much food left.
Some animals become extinct because there is not
enough food for them.
There is not enough food for some animals to survive.

13. 13. Have difficulty doing sth Topic: Communications

Communicating face to face is difficult for some children.
Some children have difficulty communicating face to
14. 14. manage to Topic: Exams
Every year, only three out of 10 students can go to
Every year, only three out of 10 studentsmanage to go
to university.
15. 15. It is adj (of sb/for sb) to do Topic: Animal rights

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

sth People kill animals for our own pleasure and comfort and
Doing sth is adj for sb it is cruel.
 It is cruel (of humans) to kill animals for our own
pleasure and comfort.
Killing animals for our own pleasure and comfort is
16. 16. Find Sb/sthadj Topic: Animal rights
I think that killing animals for our own pleasure and
comfort is cruel.
I find killing animals for our own pleasure and comfort
17. 17. Seem, appear Topic: Waste
Nylon bags may be convenient, but they are indeed
harmful in the long run.
Nylon bags seems/appears convenient, but they are
indeed harmful in the long run.
18. 18. Be worth V-ing, be Topic: Space exploration
worthwhile We should spend money on space exploration for its
considerable implications.
Space exploration is worth spending money on/ is
worthwhile for its considerable implications.
19. 19. Adverbs (to sb’s surprise) Topic: Computers
It is interesting to see that computers have replaced many
other household appliances.
Interestingly, computers have replaced many other
household appliances.
It is amazing that computer has developed non-stop in the
past decades.
To our amazement, computer has developed non-stop
in the past decades.
20. 20. spend time doing sth Topic: Obesity
take sb time to do sth Many people sit in one place too much.
Many people spend too much time sitting in one place.
To get fit they need a lot of time and patience.
It will take (them) a lot of time and patience for them to
get fit.
21. 21. See, catch, find ... sb V/Ving Topic: Violence and crimes
Many of us just walk away when we see that others are
being bullied.
Many of us just walk away when we see others being
22. 22. V_ing/ Vpii, S+V Topic: Travelling
(On being VII), S+V When we travel around the world, we can broaden our

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

knowledge and minds. When we are equipped with this

knowledge, we can improve our work performance.
Travelling around the world, we can broaden our
knowledge and minds. Equipped with this knowledge, we
can improve our work performance.


Use the sentence structures you have learned today to express these sentences and
ideas and another way.

1. The left hemisphere of the brain influences logical thinking, while the right hemisphere
decides creativity.
(Use sentence structure # 1)
Logical thinking is influenced the left hemisphere of the brain, while the right hemisphere
decides creativity
2. We could minimize the consequences of motorbike accidents by protecting the brain.
(Use sentence structure # 1)
The consequences of motorbike accidents could be minimized by protecting the brain
3. It is better to learn with a teacher or a friend because he can help you acquire and
absorb information quickly.
(Use sentence structure # 2)
It is better to learn with a teacher or a friend because information have acquired
and absorbed quickly
4. Geniuses are fast in acquiring new information, have good memory and intellectual in
thinking. Ordinary people are not like that.
(Use sentence structure # 3)
Geniuses are faster in acquiring new information, have better memory and
intellectual in thinking than ordinary people
5. Many people like reminiscing about the past more than taking actions about the
problems at present.
(Use sentence structure # 4)
Many people prefer reminiscing about the past to taking actions about the
problems at present.
________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017
_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

6. People started to be conscious of the consequences of their irresponsible actions on
global warming only a few decades ago.
(Use sentence structure # 5)
only a few decades since people started to be conscious of the consequences
of their irresponsible actions on global warming
7. My grandfather was very adept at sciences with a wide knowledge and an excellent
memory. Now he suffers from memory loss.
(Use sentence structure # 6)
My grandfather used to adept at sciences with a wide knowledge and an excellent
memory. Now he suffers from memory loss.
8. We needed to reinforce our knowledge before the competition but it's too late now.
(Use sentence structure # 7)
We needed to have reinforced our knowledge before the competition but it's too
late now.
9. Scientists are going to apply robot technology to medical treatments of diseases as well.
(Use sentence structure # 8)
Scientists are about to apply robot technology to medical treatments of diseases
as well
10. Cognitive ability helps us understand abstract concepts, such as globalization.
(Use sentence structure # 9)

11. Eating disorder makes some people not have a healthy diet and lifestyle.
(Use sentence structure # 9)
Eating disorder prevents some people not have a healthy diet and lifestyle
12. Our parents are very tolerant so they can forgive our irresponsible or rebellious
(Use sentence structure # 10)

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

Our parents are so tolerant that they can forgive our irresponsible or rebellious
13. The transition between adolescence and adulthood is an important milestone in our life.
It can decide our happiness or failure for many years.
(Use sentence structure # 10)
The transition between adolescence and adulthood is such an important milestone in
our life that it can decide our happiness or failure for many years
14. Some concepts are very abstract so children cannot grasp them as easily as adults can.
(Use sentence structure # 11)
Some concepts are too abstract for children to grasp them as easily as adults can.
15. Many people are old but not mature. That's why they are still dependent on their
(Use sentence structure # 12)
16. People with autism cannot interact with other people easily.
(Use sentence structure # 13)
17. Many disabled people can develop their full potentials although they don’t have money
to have a good education.
(Use sentence structure # 14)
18. We should raise people's awareness of traffic rules because it is important.
(Use sentence structure # 15)
19. I think the effect of a stable upbringing on the mental development of a child is very

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_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

(Use sentence structure # 16)

20. Many people think they are capable of raising a child but it is more difficult than they
(Use sentence structure # 17)
21. Imagination is important for creative thinking. Encouraging children to visualize
through drawing or building models is useful for their creativity.
(Use sentence structure # 18)
22. I was disappointed at the slow reaction of the government to the economic crisis.
(Use sentence structure # 19)
23. People need time to practice new techniques before they became subconscious.
(Use sentence structure # 20)
24. We can see that unemployment is increasing at an alarming rate now.
(Use sentence structure # 21)
25. Many young people are influenced by peer pressure and they have rebellious
(Use sentence structure # 22)

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

_______________________________________________IELTS Preparation Course: Upper-Intermediate

PRACTICE 3 (Sentence structures 1-11): Read the essay topic below.

ESSAY QUESTION: Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources,
such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and
explain why it needs to be saved. Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Below is a paragraph of a student’s essay. The sentences are too simple and not complex
enough. Improve his writing by rewriting each sentence below, using ONE different sentence
structure you have learned.

People appeared on earth and started to rely on natural resources, such as forests.

Forests help us to live comfortably. But people are cutting down too many forests.

Forests were often thick and hundreds years old. Now they are thin and young. We

like to use up wood resources more than use them sparingly. A good thing to do in

the past was to plant new trees. But people did not care about forestation because

they were irresponsible. We are going to lose all of our forests in some places in the

future. We will have to ask our own children to suffer because of our actions today.

This future is so gloomy, we cannot overlook deforestation anymore.

________________________________________________________________________Vu Hai Ha, 2017

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