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Reproduction in animals

Reproduction: the production of new organism from the existing of organisms of the same
species is known as reproduction. Reproduction is essential for the living of species. On this
earth. reproduction by human being ensure that human species will continue to exist on this earth
for all the time to come. The production of more organism with the same basic characteristics as
the parents will continue.

Asexual reproduction: the production of a new organism from a single parent, without involvement
of cells is called asexual reproduction. Only one parent is needed to produce an organism.
Asexual reproduction is the simplest method of reproduction. It takes place in the bodies of
organism who have a simple structure.

Binary ssion: in the process of ssion, a unicellular organism splits to form two new organisms.
It takes place in organisms like amoeba, paramecium, leishmania, et cetera

In amoeba, the nucleus rst divides itself into two parts. After that the cytoplasm of amoeba
divides into two around each nucleus. In this way, one parent amoeba divides to form two smaller
amoeba called daughter amoebae.

In paramecium, it has small structures like threads called Cila over its surface. It divides into two
small parts to form two smaller paramecia. This happens by the division of nucleus followed by
the division of cytoplasm.

Manya causes the disease known as Kala Azar or black fever. Kaala azar is also known as lesh
maniasis. In this organism cell division takes place longitudinally with respect to a whip like
structure called agellum at its end.

We can observe the banner, division of amoeba and paramecium under the microscope in pond

Multiple ssion : in multiple ssion, the parent organism splits to form many new organism at the
same time. This happens as follows, sometimes a cyst or a protective wall is formed around the
cell of a single cell organism. Then the nucleus of the cell split to form Several nuclei is called
daughter nuclei. Little bits of cytoplasm collect around each nuclei and thin membrane are

Plasmodium is a protozoan which reproduces by the asexual method of multiple ssion. malaria
parasite Plasmodium is carried by female anopheles mosquitoes from one person to another.
Plasmodium is a malaria parasite, which produces malaria disease in human beings.

Budding : in budding, a small part of the body of a parent organism grows out as a bud
which detaches and becomes a new organism. Once it is fully grown. organism like hydra and
yeast Follow this reproductive method.

in hydra, rst, a small growth called bud is formed on the side of its body by a repeated Miotic
division this then gradually grows to form a small hydra by developing a mouth and tentacle. Then
the tiny new hydra detaches itself from the body and live a separate life, this is called Budding.

In East, which is a unicellular non-green plant, the nucleus of parent yeast cell divides into two
parts and one part of the nucleus moves into the bud. Ultimately, the bud separates of from
parent yeast informs a new cell..

We can study the asexual reproduction in yeast, as follows, take an 100ml of water in a conical
ask and dissolve 10 g of sugar in, add 5 g of yeast powder to the solution and stir well. Put a
cotton on its mouth and keep it aside in a warm place for 3 to 5 days. Then take out a small
quantity of the solution and place it on a clean slide and then drop a little iodine solution on it and
observe it on the low power and then under high power. Note the formation of the part on the
Spore formation: in spore formation, the parent plant produces, hundreds of microscopic
reproductive units called spores. When the spores case burst, then the spores spread into the air.
When these airborne spores land on food and favourable condition, they germinate and produce
new plants, fungi, bacterial like rhizopus, mucor and non- owering plants such as ferns and
mosses, reproduce by this method.

Tiny spores of bread mould are almost always present in the air. If we keep a moist slice of bread
aside for a few days then the spores of the bread mould present in the air settle on the bread and
germinate to form new plants. The common bread mould plant consist of a ne thread like
projections called hyphae and thin stems having knob like structures called sporangia. the spores
are the asexual reproductive units which bread mould plants under suitable conditions.

Regeneration: the process of getting back a full organism from its body part is called
regeneration. Animals like hydra and planaria show regeneration. If hydra or planaria somehow
get cut into a number of pieces, then each body piece can grow into a completed organism.

Planaria is a at form which is found in freshwater points. It possesses great power of


The regeneration-of organism from its current body part occurs by the process of growth and
development. The cell of a body part of an organism divides rapidly to make a ball of cells. in the
ball of cells move to proper places within the ball shapes to form di erent types of tissues.

Multi cellular organism cannot give rise to complete individuals from their body parts
through the process of regeneration because the process of regeneration can be used only by
organism which have relatively simple body organisation consisting of only a few specialised cell
in multi cellular organism, since complex multi cellular organism have a very high degree of
organisation in the body they cannot be reproduced from the cut body parts because the cells
present in one part of an organism may not be present in the other.

Fragmentation: the breaking up of a body of a simple, multi cellular organism into or more pieces
on maturing, each of which subsequently grows to form a completely new organism is called
fragmentation. Organisms like spirogyra and sea anemoes can reproduce by the method of

Spirogyra is a green lament and algae plant which is found in ponds and lakes. Spirogyra simply
breaks into two or more fragment upon maturation and each fragment, then grows into a new

We can study spirogyra in laboratory as follows, collect some water from a pond which appears
dark green and contains long lament Type structures take out the green coloured mass from the
pond and separate its thread or lament by using two needles. place the lament on the clean sli
de and put a drop of glycerin over it. Cover it with a slip and keep this under the microscope. First
see it under lower power and then the higher power of the microscope.

The main di erence between ssion and fragmentation is that, a unicellular organism
breaks to form two or more organism, whereas in fragmentation multi cellular breaks to
form two or more organisms.

Vegetative propagation: in vegetative propagation, new plants are obtained from the parts of old
plants like stems, fruits and leaves without the help of any reproductive organs.

It is a common observation that green grass plants spring up and dry elds after rain. This is
because the elds have dry stems of old grass plants over them. These dry stems have birds
which are in inactive state by getting rainwater. These buds present on dry grass stems get
activated and grow to produce new green plants, this is vegetative propagation.
Bryophyllum plants can be produced by vegetative propagation by using either a piece of its
stem or its leaves. For example, if we plant a broken piece of a stem of a dry lm plant on the
ground, we will get its new plant growing from it in a weeks time. The leaves of byrophyllum plant
have special types of buds in their margins. These buds may get detached from leaves and fall to
the ground and then grow and produce new plants.

Money plant can also be grown by vegetative propagation by using a piece of its stem as
follows, cut a piece of stem of money plant in such a way that it contains at least one leaf on it .
dip one end of the stem in water. After a few days, we will nd that new roots appear . if we cut
the stem of money plant in between two leaves, then it will not grow into a new plant because it
does not have a growing point in it.

A tuber is a thicken underground stem of a plant which is swollen with stored food. It has a
number of buds called eyes and each tuber grows into a new plant. When the old tuber is planted
in soil there are two types of tubes, stem tubes and root tubes. potato is a stem tuber where as
sweet potato is a root tuber. potato tuber can be used for vegetative propagation is follows. A
potato tuber has many eyes on its body. These eyes act as organs for vegetative reproduction .
Note that it is not necessary to plant the whole potato tuber in the ground to produce new
potatoes, you can even plant cut pieces of potato in the ground.

The roots of a guava plant have buds which can develop into new guava plants. some
examples of the plants which can be reproduced by vegetative propagation are onion, banana,
garlic, water hyacinth , tulip, mint, strawberry and lily.

Arti cial propagation of plants: the process of growing many plant from one plant by man-made
method is called arti cial propagation of plants. The three common methods of arti cial
propagation are cutting, layering and grafting.

Cutting: a small part of a plant which is removed by making a cut with a sharp knife is called
cutting. a cutting, maybe a piece of stem route or even a leaf while cutting one should make sure

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