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In a society fueled by social media readily available at the world’s lightning-fast fingertips,

everyone’s connected. Trust in major media sources has hit an all-time record low; in fact, brands
are now among the most trusted sources of information.

Genuine connections are essential, and celebrity endorsements on social media have proven a
great way for brands to make those connections. If you’re a brand with the times, you’re using
celebrity endorsement to promote your business.

I’m not joking — 75% of marketers use influencers as a marketing tool, and 43% plan to increase
spending on this form of advertising. Marketing has moved beyond commercials. While still
popular, social media platforms are on the rise as the top way to promote your business.

YouTube videos and celebrity promotions on platforms like Twitter and Instagram have had
massive impacts on promoted items. Celebrities and brands who team up both stand to see huge

1. Travis Scott & McDonald’s

When McDonald’s teamed up with American rapper Travis Scott in September of 2020,
they had no idea what they were in for. The meal they came up with, called “The Travis
Scott,” was so popular it managed to created supply shortages wherever it was released.

That doesn’t mean it was a bad idea. Not only did the meal become one of the chain’s
bestselling menu items, but Travis Scott saw a chance to gain, as well.

Forbes estimated that he earned approximately $20 million combined through

endorsement and product sales. That’s not a bad number.

The Travis Scott was the first time McDonald’s had attached a celebrity’s name to one of
their products.

2. Amy Schumer & Tampax

Stand-up comedian and actor Amy Schumer had a mission when she joined forces with
Tampax in July 2020. Together, they would educate others on an important, if slightly
socially taboo topic: periods.
The tampon brand released a series of YouTube videos featuring Amy Schumer talking
about personal health and hygiene. Known for her blunt humor, these videos are no

At the same time, they manage to come across as heartfelt with a personal message.

“No Shame In Our Tampax Game,” along with many others, got across a critical point:
There’s no reason to be ashamed of a normal bodily function.

The campaign saw great success as it went viral across social media. Who knew education
on a touchy topic could be so entertaining?

3. Snoop Dogg & Corona

When famous rapper Snoop Dogg paired with Corona in August of 2020, it was go big or
go home.

An ad starring Snoop Dogg, also featuring Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny, was shown
during the Golden Globes. Before the eyes of those tuning in from across the nation, the
rapper remained iconic with killer costumes and a fashionably strange shell phone.

Snoop Dogg did go big with this endorsement. He earned a neat $10 million for the deal,
not too shabby for one commercial.

A talented musician who has gone by many names, Snoop Dogg absolutely made even
more of a name for both himself and Corona with this one.

Advertising which uses celebrities (popular person or a group of people)

to advertise and sell their products and services is known as Celebrity
Advertising. This type of advertising focuses on the usage of celebrities
i.e., the virtue because of which they are popular to sell their products.
For instance, a glamourous celebrity may sell a beauty product saying
that her beauty is because she is using that product. The celebrity may or
may not be using that product, but endorses it in the advertisement.
Usually a celebrity who is likely to use a product or service is used for the
product. For example, a cricketer would be used to endorse energy drinks
but preferably not for washing powders.
Las billeteras digitales han experimentado en pocos años un vertiginoso crecimiento
como medio de pago, y un reflejo de ello es que el 60% de las más de medio millón de
bodegas que existen en el país lo utilizan en sus ventas, informó Andrés Choy Li,
presidente de la Asociación de Bodegueros del Perú.

El representante estima que actualmente existe 535,000 bodegas a nivel

nacional, de las cuales más de 320,000 privilegian este medio de pago
porque amplían su universo de clientes, aumenta su margen de ganancia,
evita los incómodos vueltos, especialmente cuando no hay sencillo o
cuando pagan con billetes “grandes”, pero además porque protege de
recibir dinero falso.

Pero no todo es color de rosa. El dirigente dijo que la mayor alerta de los bodegueros
con este tipo de pago son las estafas, de clientes que simulan el pago, pero no aparece
en el registro.

“Por eso la recomendación a nuestros asociados es siempre verificar que la persona que
te está pagando aparezca en el aplicativo de tu billetera digital para evitar problemas.
No es solamente “miré ya te pagué” sino que tiene que aparecer en tu billetera digital
esa transferencia de dinero”, señaló.

Actualmente en el país funcionan cinco billeteras digitales: Yape (BCP), Tunky

(Interbank), Ágora PAY (Visa), BIM (pago de telefonía), y Plin (BBVA).
Choy Li dijo que lo que frena el crecimiento de más bodegas con billeteras digitales es
la falta de internet en regiones del país, especialmente en las zonas rurales.

La billetera digital es un aplicativo móvil que se descarga en tu celular para realizar

operaciones financieras, sin contacto con dinero en efectivo, optimizando tu tiempo
pues puedes realizar tus operaciones sin salir de casa.

Estas aplicaciones fueron creadas para hacer transferencias de pago más rápidas, con
montos menores. Tienen la opción para que las personas que no tienen una cuenta
bancaria, también puedan usarlas.

Otro rubro de servicio que se ve extendido no solo en bodegas, sino también boticas, es
la de funcionar como agente bancario, en la que prácticamente se extiende la ventanilla
del banco a la bodega de tu casa, para depósitos, retiros y pagos de servicios.

Sin embargo, contra lo que puede parecer en Lima, solo el 5% de las bodegas tienen
este servicio a nivel nacional, informó el representante de los bodegueros. Esto es así
porque cada banco establece sus propios requisitos, pero además porque depende de
tráfico de clientes de cada bodega.

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