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The character is an ace with ranged attacks.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character adds +1 to their Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +1 bonus to Agility
checks other than attacks.
The character is a sharpshooter.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: Accuracy 1, Rank 2
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character adds +2 to their Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +2 bonus to Agility
checks other than attacks.
The character could hit a fly at one hundred paces.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: Accuracy 2, Rank 3
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character adds +3 to their Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +3 bonus to Agility
checks other than attacks.
The character can out-target almost anyone.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: Accuracy 3, Rank 4
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character adds +4 to their Agility damage multiplier, and they gain a +4 bonus to Agility
checks other than attacks.
The character has extra limbs that can grab objects and attack foes.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has an additional prehensile appendage (like a tail) or a symmetrical pair of them
(like arms) that can be used to lift objects, use tools or otherwise take actions that normally require the use
of a hand. This grants them an edge in Melee and Agility checks.
A character can have as many additional limbs as they like—within reason—but they get no additional
advantages for them.
The character can advance their allies on the battlefield.
Power Set: Tactics
Prerequisites: Rally on Me, Scatter, Rank 4
Action: Reaction
Trigger: The character (or an ally in line of sight) stuns or defeats an enemy.
Duration: 1 round
Cost: 15 Focus
Effect: Any allies in earshot can be affected, up to a number equal to the character’s Ego defense. Each
affected ally can immediately use a free movement action to move toward the enemy that triggered the
The character is prepared to fight.
Power Set: Martial Arts
Prerequisites: Do This All Day, Rank 3
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character gains one additional reaction per round, which can be used only to activate a Martial
Arts power.
You won’t like them when they’re angry.
Power Set: None
Prerequisites: Mighty 3, Rank 4
Action: Standard or reaction
Trigger: The character is harmed by an attack.
Duration: Concentration
Cost: 10 or more Focus
Effect: The character becomes angry and uses that anger to increase their strength. For every 10 points of
Focus they spend, they add +15 to their Melee damage bonus and lose –2 from their Logic—and
subsequently their Logic defense. While using this power, they cannot use any other powers that require
The character can communicate with an animal friend.
Power Set: Telepathy
Prerequisites: None
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character can communicate telepathically with one animal of their choice, and they must have
befriended the animal before. They cannot switch to another animal unless the animal dies, but they can
select this power multiple times if desired.
The communication can be verbal, visual or even more complex, such as imparting location information.
There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as the character and the animal are in the
same dimension.
Animals with a telepathic bond are generally willing to communicate, even if they aren’t friendly. Bonded
animals often do whatever the character asks, even if it might put them in danger.
The character can communicate with a type of animal.
Power Set: Telepathy
Prerequisites: None
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character can communicate telepathically with one taxonomic order of animals, such as birds,
mammals, fish, amphibians and so on. They can call out to them as a group up to 500 spaces per rank
away, and they can communicate specifically with ones they have met or at least seen.
They cannot switch to another taxonomic order, but they can select this power multiple times if desired.
The communication with the animals can be verbal, visual or even more complex, such as imparting
location information. There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as the character and
the animals are in the same dimension.
Friendly animals often do whatever the character asks, as long as it doesn’t put them in danger—and they
may be willing to risk even that for one they consider a friend. Hostile animals simply ignore all such
requests—which make them a poor choice for communication.
By manipulating visual light, the character creates a moving hologram.
Power Set: Illusion
Prerequisites: Static Illusion, Rank 2
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Cost: 5 Focus
Effect: The character creates a visual-only illusion anywhere in line of sight, within 50 spaces. The
illusion can be anything up to four sizes larger than the character, and it can move freely within its limits.
The character breaks concentration if they move beyond 50 spaces from the illusion or lose line of sight to
When confronted by flashbangs and flares, the character’s eyes or lenses polarize.
Power Set: Battlesuit, Cybernetics
Prerequisites: None
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character cannot be blinded/dazzled by excessive light.

The character has some protection.
Power Set: Battlesuit, Cybernetics
Prerequisites: None
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has a damage reduction of 1, which reduces the attacker's damage multiplier by 1.
For a battlesuit, this reflects the suit’s armor. For cybernetics, the protection can be layered over the skin
or laced underneath.
The character is protected as if by steel.
Power Set: Battlesuit, Cybernetics
Prerequisites: Armor 1, Rank 10
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has a damage reduction of 2, which reduces the attacker's damage multiplier by 2.
The character’s skin is protected like a tank.
Power Set: Battlesuit, Cybernetics
Prerequisites: Armor 2, Rank 15
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has a damage reduction of 3, which reduces the attacker's damage multiplier by 3.
The character’s skin is protected like a battleship.
Power Set: Battlesuit, Cybernetics, Special*
Prerequisites: Armor 3, Rank 20
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has a damage reduction of 4, which reduces the attacker's damage multiplier by 4.
*The maximum Armor level for powers is 3. There may be some exceptions (as with Iron Man's
Hulkbuster armor.)
The character can enter the Astral Plane.
Power Set: Telepathy
Prerequisites: Rank 2
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Cost: 5 Focus
Effect: The character can project an avatar into the Astral Plane, leaving their physical body in a deep
trance in the real world, where it is vulnerable to attack. While in the Astral Plane, they can interact with
other characters in the Astral Plane, but they are intangible, invisible and generally undetectable in the real
world. However, they can sense things in the real world. If the character is Rank 4 or higher, they can also
take on a transparent form that can be seen in the real world.
While in the Astral Plane, the character can fly, and in combat, their Flight Speed is equal to their rank
times their Run Speed. Outside of combat, they can move 10 times as fast.
The character can enter the Astral Plane.
Power Set: Magic
Prerequisites: Rank 2
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Cost: 5 Focus
Effect: The character can project an avatar into the Astral Plane, leaving their physical body in a deep
trance in the real world, where it is vulnerable to attack. While in the Astral Plane, they can interact with
other characters in the Astral Plane, but they are intangible, invisible and generally undetectable in the real
world. However, they can sense things in the real world. If the character is Rank 4 or higher, they can also
take on a transparent form that can be seen in the real world.
While in the Astral Plane, the character can fly, and in combat, their Flight Speed is equal to their rank
times their Run Speed. Outside of combat, they can move 10 times as fast.
The character enters an aggressive attack stance, ready to strike in any direction.
Power Set: Martial Arts
Prerequisites: None
Action: Standard
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character doubles their Melee ability bonus to damage.
The character’s mind is cybernetically enhanced.
Power Set: Cybernetics
Prerequisites: None
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character’s Logic score cap increases by 6. They also have edge on Logic checks not used for
combat, and they gain a permanent +2 bonus to their Logic defense.

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