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Anthropology is particularly the comprehensive study of mankind.It

tries to accounts for the social and cultural variations in the world.Anthropology
has humanity as its object of research. It is the investigation of individuals - their
birthplaces, variations and nature, dispersion, customs, languages, and social and
religious beliefs. Anthropology is the investigation of all parts of mankind
consistently.It is studied by a skilled person called Anthropologist.
Anthropologists are skilled in deconstructing generalizations, stereotypes, and
searches for universal laws. They produce knowledge of relevance to significant
contemporary issues, which is of value to government, policy makers, businesses,
technology developers, health care providers, teachers, and the general public.
They also contributes to the education of social work students through its
emphasis on the role of culture and of social context in the delivery of social
services Like social works, humanistic concerns for the integrity of individuals and
the character and quality of their lives.

Human beings develop different fields of studies for different purposes.From this
siences anthropology is one of the most useful science.It helps
government,scientists,and others in many ways.Anthropology able to suggest
sound solutions to all things human.For example, it is often applied in areas of
Environmental Change, Health and Nutrition, Globalization, Social Justice and
Human Rights, cultural resource management (CRM) , Cultural Dimensions of Civil
and Religious Conflicts and Development.Let us see some uses deply;
Contributions of Anthropology in terms of peace and security
Peace and Security is a universal aspiration of human beings that is present in all
times and in all cultures. This exhaustive contention can be understood and
accepted if we reflect upon the meaning and the role it plays in life of any person.
In essence, every human being wants to live in peace, in a sociologically and
ecologically friendly environment, and avoid all the threats and risks that
endanger him or her at any cost. Security is a state of well being that enables one
to exercise one’s freedom to develop the project of life that every human being
seeks to put in practice. Maintaining international security and avoiding war
requires both technological and social understanding.
By definition, social creatures live in networks. This game plan brings people into
close contact, and that can cause friction for instance, when two people need
something very similar. For anthropologists, conflict happens when arrangement
neglects to determine contrasts between individuals or on the other hand
gatherings of individuals. As mentioned in our previous class one of the basic
features of anthropology is its approach which is relativistic, holistic and focused
one .this means that one might say it looks any phenomenon from different
vantage focuses. In view of its relativistic methodology, anthropology encourages
us to be more delicate to and energetic about social variety and fluctuation. It

encourages us to keep away from a portion of the mistaken assumptions that
ordinarily emerge when people of various social customs come into contact.
Anthropology causes us battle against bias and separations. It causes us battle
against ethnocentrism; the conviction that one's own way of life and one's own
specific manner of life is better than others-social, social, and material life. This
emerges from ignorance about other ethnic gatherings and their methods of lives.
Anthropologists somehow battle ethnocentrism by promoting cultural relativism.
Anthropology helps us to reduce conflict by using different methods. One of them
being negotiation. Negotiation actually attempts to avoid conflict in the first place
so technically speaking it comes before conflict. To achieve settlements humans
must practice some degree of relativism even if the other side’s
Point of view isn’t precisely aligned with their own interests. And there are also
other methods of conflict resolution.
•Avoidance: Parties encountering struggle move separated; the move may be
strict, and in limited scope social orders
•Social sanction: A general public uses any of a wide assortment of social
methods to forestall strife; these strategies incorporate criticism of people who
endeavor to force their will on others in the gathering.
•Mediation: A nonpartisan middle person may come in to aid dealings
•Rituals: custom may summon the way of life's otherworldly assets and
additionally guides (divine beings) to bless any goals to strife; in light of the fact
that the purification is by definition significant, the gatherings are more averse to
abuse it.
•Law and courts: These proper frameworks of compromise have the power to
authorize their decisions.
•Post-conflict compromise: Though it doesn't carefully forestall struggle post-
conflict compromise — in which the clashing gatherings cooperate calmly —
diminishes the probability of additional contention at times.

Anthropology plays a crucial role in peace keeping and security by making
awareness on the society. Since the goal of anthropology is to appreciate
diversities and cultural relativism in contrary to stereotype and ethnocentrism.
Culture is increasingly an important consideration in peace operations. Efforts to
ameliorate culture-based difficulties between organizations participating in
missions and between mission elements and local populations are proliferating.
These focus on providing guidance about what to expect and how to act toward
individuals from other cultural groups.
Because of its relativistic approach, anthropology helps us to be more sensitive to
and appreciative of cultural diversity and variability. It helps us to avoid some of
the misunderstandings that commonly arise when individuals of different cultural
traditions come into contact. Anthropology helps us fight against prejudice and
discriminations. It helps us fight against ethnocentrism; the belief that one's own
culture and one's own way of life is superior to others cultural, social and material
life. This arises from ignorance about other ethnic groups and their ways of lives.
Anthropologists have been slow to focus explicitly on peace. At the same time,
anthropology provides a great deal of data that is highly relevant to
understanding peace. Ironically, writers from other disciplines have raided
anthropology for information and insights but have not always been true to the
accepted canons of science and scholarship in their use of anthropology. Once the
idea and aims of anthropology is well-known and practiced by the society, the
ways that leads to conflicts is being eradicated and peace is easily acquired. That’s
why the ministry of science and higher education (MOSHE) has decided to put this
course as a common course.
Anthropologists have better equipped themselves to understand conflict. Thus
they use this types of conflict resolution method to reduce instability and bring
peace and stability to the society.
The aim of anthropology is to investigate all facets of humanity. And the study of
human culture and its influence on society is one of the main studies in this
category. One of the world's biggest challenges has been turmoil created by
discrepancies from the beginning of time to the last few days. Community, faith

and the like could be different from these variations. The study of human history,
human physical differences and oppressed groups offers insight into various
aspects of human society. It also helps to understand the reasoning and rationale
behind cultural patterns and group behavior. This encourages us to find common
ground for these disagreements to work through and settle in harmony.
Having said this, anthropology helps us understand, know and tolerate the
variety of cultures from around the world. It has contributed in the protection of
human rights by abolishing harmful and backward practices or traditions. Modern
anthropology developed in the 18th Century with the Age of Enlightenment as
one of its main factors. Ever since, the world has become more knowledgeable
and open towards novel cultures because they are studied thoroughly using
different research methods under the branches of anthropology. The different
branches and types; the research methods that are used in the study of
anthropology are the driving forces to achieving peace and security in today’s
Contribution of anthropology in healthcare
One of the Significance of anthropology is its main contribution in healthcare of
the society. Even if health care of the community has its own broad science,
anthropology plays important role which helps different problems to be solved
easily. For this reason, there is a field of anthropology which has a high
importance in healthcare, Which Is called medical anthropology.
So, anthropology helps health workers to study disease that has sociocultural
nature. This is because of that anthropology helps them to understand the culture
of the society easily. By understanding the culture deeply it help's in identifying
and describing concerns and understandings of disease including local knowledge
of cause and treatment relevant to disease control, So that health workers
translate these local concerns into appropriate health interventions.Like by
providing to be incorporated in education and communication strategies for
disease control.Conventionally it helps in the translation of local concepts of
illness and treatment and the adaptation of biomedicalknowledge to fit local

Anthropologists mostly asks questions about the root cause of public health’s
toughest problems. Mostly these problems are often not amenable to study using
controlled clinical trials or cross sectional survey designs, rather they are dynamic,
system level problems that require field based observation and the use of
multiple methods that are both qualitative and quantitative. For this reason,
anthropology suits them.
The other use is in issues as preventative health and harm reduction practices,
the experience of illness and social relations of sickness and also the other main
use of anthropology in health care is in cultural and historical conditions shaping
medical practices and policies. Further more it helps to understand genetic
sources of some hereditarydisease like sickle cell anemia and fibrosis through the
broad area of physical(biological ) anthropology called human genetics.
In public health One of the main issues that anthropologists had solved is ,in
figuring out the cause of “kuru” in PapuaNew guinea .By 1960 a disease called
kuru spread in peoples of eastern highland ,the patients experience
uncontrollable tremor ,originally it was thought to be a genetic disease but with
extensible field observation and study of anthropologists it happened to be a
disease which is transmitted through mortuary ceremonies as kin ate the bodies
of their deceased ancestors ,anthropologists help to solve this problems.

Contributions of Anthropology in terms of development

Development refers to a process of change through which an increasing
proportion of a nation's citizens are able to enjoy a higher material standard of
living, healthier and longer lives, more education, and greater control and choice
over how they live. Anthropologists have long been concerned with processes of
social andcultural change and have made significant contributions to their
understanding.Anthropological studies range from human hereditary qualities to
character and society, the ancient past to the present, preliterate clans to current
modern urbanites, the traditions of antiquated developments to the convictions
of people groups today. Anthropologists explore human advancement, remake
social orders and developments of the past, and dissect the way of life and
dialects of current people groups. As I have said in the past statements

anthropology deals with the progress (development) of society whether it is
politically, economically and socially.Anthropologists counsel on and work inside
guide institutions in the creation and execution of development projects. While
financial specialists see total estimates like gross national product and per capita
income, just as proportions of pay dispersion and monetary disparity in a society,
anthropologists can provide a more fine-grained analysis of the qualitative
information behind these numbers, such as the nature of the social groups
involved and the social significance of the composition of income. Hence,
anthropologists frequently manage evaluating the significant subjective parts of
improvement once in a while overlooked by a monetary method. Anthropologists
have long made practical contributions to planned change and policies, in
additions to this anthropologists work on individuals in which these individuals
are affected by their child hood experiences which influences adult’s personality
and adult’s personalities are reflected in environmental, social and religious sects
as a result which recycles to the child hood experiences. And as we come to
development, developments can be assured if and only if an individual who
becomes people when many is productive so in order to an individual becomes
productive his cultural, religious, environment background plays a big role.

Anthropology is the most important sience for human beings.It is not only done
in research places,rather it is also studied in the society.It studies societies and
cultures deeply.Due to this reason,it solves a lot of problems that are not solved
by the government.Anthropology also helps to solve problems of the society.

it must be given starting from lower grades and changed in practice. It helps not
to see conflicts and instability in our country.If occurs it has a great importance to
solve easly.

Generally Anthropology is a science that must be developed.A Government shoud

work a lot on it to develop.It must be given starting from lower grades and
changed in practice.


1. Cultural Anthropology Chapter 16
2. Cyril S. Belshaw, Current Anthropology Volume 15,Dec, 1974
3. Zerihun Doda, M.A,Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology, Debub
4. Kottak, Conrad P. 2007. Mirror for humanity: A Concise Introduction to
Cultural Anthropology. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw- Hill.
5. Kottak, Conrad Phillip. 2010. Window on humanity: a concise
introduction to anthropology. 4thEd. New York: McGraw-Hill.
6. Smith, Cameron M. and Davies, Evan T. 2008. Anthropology for
Dummies®. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
. James, H. (Ed) 2010. 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Book.
Thousand Oaks, California
10: SAGE Pub. Ltd.
11. The Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
12. Anthropology freshman common course module.pdf

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