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The European Research Journal 2023;9(6):1493-1501 Review

DOI: 10.18621/eurj.1324556 Physical Therapyand Rehabilitation

Assessment of chiropracticinterventioninfluence on
painand life quality in cervicogenic headache afflicted
office workers: A review
Seyfettin Emrecan İlter , Alper Gökçe

Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Nişantaşı University, Faculty of HealthSciences, İstanbul, Turkey

Cervicogenic headache, characterized by referred pain perceived in the head but originating from the cervical
spine, is a prevalent non-migraine headache impacting a significant proportion of the global population, par-
ticularly office workers. Recent studies have identified a co-occurrence of cervicogenic headaches with neck
pain, often exacerbated by long hours of stationary sitting and computer use common in desk jobs. Despite the
growing evidence supporting the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in mitigating head and neck pain, a
distinct gap persists in the literature concerning chiropractic interventions specifically targeting office workers
suffering from cervicogenic headaches. This review aims to scrutinize the current literature on the effectiveness
of chiropractic interventions on pain management and life quality improvement for office workers afflicted
with cervicogenic headaches. Specifically, the review will delve into high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA)
thrust maneuvers, a widely employed strategy in spinal manipulative therapy, an extension of chiropractic
treatment. In the context of cervicogenic headaches, the link between the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
(RCPM) muscle and the Dura Mater, and how neck strains affecting this connection can instigate headaches,
will be explored. Through the comprehensive evaluation of existing literature and studies, this review seeks
not only to elucidate the potential of chiropractic treatment in improving the life quality of office workers suf-
fering from cervicogenic headaches, but also to stimulate further research in this essential yet under-explored
area of study.
Keywords: Cervicogenic headache, office workers, chiropractic treatment, pain management, life quality im-

C ervicogenic headache, a type of unilateral

headache characterized by neck involvement,
ranks among the most common non-migraine
sources of cervicogenic headaches include structures
innervated by the C1 to C3 spinal nerves. This encom-
passes the upper cervical synovial joints, upper cervi-
headaches [1,2]. These headaches present as referred cal muscles, the C2-3 disc, vertebral and internal
pain that is perceived in any region of the head but carotid arteries, dura mater, and the posterior cranial
originates from a noxious source within the muscu- fossa [3].
loskeletal tissues innervated by cervical nerves. Likely Among office workers, the most frequently re-

Received: July 8, 2023; Accepted: August 5, 2023; Published Online: August 8, 2023

How to cite this article: İlter SE, Gökçe A. Assessment of chiropracticinterventioninfluence on painand life quality in cervicogenic headache afflicted
office workers: a review. Eur Res J 2023;(6):1493-1501. DOI: 10.18621/eurj.1324556
e-ISSN: 2149-3189
Address for correspondence: Seyfettin Emrecan İlter, MSc., Nişantaşı Universit, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Maslak Mah.,
Taşyoncası Sokak, No: 1V ve 1Y, Sarıyer, İstanbul, Turkey. E-mail:, Phone: +90 212210 10 10
Copyright © 2023 by Prusa Medical Publishing
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The European Research Journal Volume 9 Issue 6 November 2023 1493

Eur Res J 2023;9(6):1493-1501 Chiropractic intervention in cervicogenicheadache

ported musculoskeletal complaints include neck pain, the cervical bones C0 (Occiput) and C1 (Atlas) to the
shoulder pain, and lower back pain. Moreover, within Dura Mater via the Posterior Atlanto-occipital Mem-
this demographic, there is a noticeable co-occurrence brane (PAO) in all ten cadavers examined [12]. This
of cervicogenic headaches with neck pain. Numerous specific muscle-dura connection, which is sensitive to
empirical studies have illuminated the effectiveness of neck strains, has potential implications for the initia-
chiropractic treatment in mitigating neck and head tion of headaches.
pain [4-10]. However, the literature lacks comprehen- The present study is aimed at addressing this
sive exploration of chiropractic interventions specifi- knowledge gap by evaluating the impact of chiroprac-
cally tailored towards office workers afflicted with tic interventions on office workers suffering from cer-
cervicogenic headaches. vicogenic headaches. The ultimate goal of this
Chiropractic care, taking a holistic view of the research is to enrich the literature regarding the effects
spine, has emerged as a preferred intervention for ad- of chiropractic treatment on cervicogenic headaches
dressing biomechanical dysfunctions. This treatment and to provide a foundation for future investigations
strategy involves the use of high-velocity, low-ampli- in this field. Given the prevalence of cervicogenic
tude (HVLA) thrust maneuvers to restore motion in headaches among office workers, and the established
identified lesions, correct abnormalities in joint struc- efficacy of chiropractic care for the alleviation of neck
tures, and enhance overall function [11]. Spinal ma- and head pain, this research holds significant potential
nipulative therapy, an integral component of for contributing to treatment strategies and improving
chiropractic treatment, has seen widespread applica- overall wellbeing in this demographic.
tion in the management of head and neck pain [4-10]. The sample selection criteria, data collection pro-
Of particular interest is the observed propensity for cedures, and analytical processes for this study have
cervicogenic headaches to occur in conjunction with been meticulously designed to ensure a comprehen-
neck pain [12]. Sitting posture is known to influence sive and accurate assessment of this complex issue.
the incidence of neck pain, and sitting for over 5 hours This study not only seeks to enhance our current un-
daily is considered a potential risk factor for the de- derstanding of cervicogenic headaches among office
velopment of neck pain [13]. According to a study workers and the potential therapeutic role of chiro-
conducted in Turkey, 60.1% of participants reported practic care but also aims to pave the way for future
working for over 8 hours daily, with stationary sitting research aimed at informing and refining treatment
periods ranging from 4.1 to 8 hours [14]. Globally, strategies for this pervasive issue. In conclusion, this
headaches reportedly afflict approximately 47% of the study recognizes the importance of the pervasiveness
population, with a higher incidence observed among of cervicogenic headaches and the potential therapeu-
office workers [15]. In a study examining the inci- tic benefits of chiropractic care. The scarcity of studies
dence of cervicogenic headache among bank office focusing on this specific population further under-
workers, it was found that 20% experience cervico- scores the significance and timeliness of this research,
genic neck pain, primarily attributable to extended pe- as it adds a much-needed perspective to our under-
riods of upright sitting and continuous computer use standing of chiropractic treatment's potential benefits
[16]. for office workers suffering from cervicogenic
Despite the robust documentation of chiropractic headaches. This research could serve as a stepping
treatment's efficacy for cervicogenic headache [4-10], stone for future studies, inform treatment strategies,
no research to date has assessed the impact of such and potentially contribute to improving the wellbeing
treatment specifically on cervicogenic headache of office workers worldwide who are grappling with
among office workers. This creates a critical knowl- this debilitating condition.
edge gap regarding the effect of chiropractic treatment
on cervicogenic headaches in this demographic, par-
ticularly in the context of Turkey. DEFINITION OF CHIROPRACTIC
In 1995, a seminal dissection study led by Dr. Gary
Hack identified a connective tissue that links the Rec- Chiropractic is defined by the World Federation of
tus Capitis Posterior Minor (RCPM) muscle between Chiropractic as a health profession concerned with the

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Eur Res J 2023;9(6):1493-1501 İlter and Gökçe

diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical Harmless mechanical stimulation of the skin, for in-
disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, stance, induces the release of nerve growth factor in
it considers the effects of these disorders on the func-rats, supporting neuron survival and function. Tho-
tion of the nervous system and overall health [17,18]. racic spinal manipulative therapy stimulates different
Prominent amongst chiropractic treatment methods is responses related to the sympathetic nervous system,
spinal manipulation or adjustment. Furthermore, phys- hypothalamic-pituitary axis, and the endocrine system.
ical therapy modalities, exercise programs, dietary ad- The theory of the relationship between spinal manual
vice, the use of orthotics, lifestyle modifications, andtherapy and spinal cord neuroplasticity is under inves-
patient education can also be incorporated into the chi-tigation, and several studies have demonstrated such
ropractic treatment process [19]. a connection. Chiropractic therapy acts on the nervous
The fundamental clinical action agreed upon by system, stimulating the release of various chemicals
all chiropractors is spinal manipulation. Chiropractors and hormones that regulate blood pressure and flow,
tend to favor the term "adjustment," reflecting their calm the brain, and reduce inflammation [22].
belief in the therapeutic and health-promoting effect Over the past century, Doctors of Chiropractic
of correcting spinal joint abnormalities. There exist (DCs) have developed a variety of chiropractic tech-
dozens of adjustment "techniques", and debates over niques. These techniques provide options for applica-
their relative value constitute much of chiropractic ac-tion tailored to a specific patient or condition. For
ademic discourse. This procedure, in its broadest def- better understanding, manual articular manipulative
inition, describes the application of a load (force) to and adjustment procedures have been divided into sev-
specific body tissues for therapeutic purposes. Tradi- eral categories: specific contact thrust procedures (e.g.,
tionally administered by hand, this load can vary in itshigh velocity low amplitude [HVLA] thrusts), nonspe-
speed, amplitude, duration, frequency, as well as its cific contact thrust procedures (e.g., mobilization),
anatomical position, lever choice, and direction of manual force mechanically assisted procedures (e.g.,
force [20]. drop tables or flexion-distraction tables), and mechan-
Chiropractic manipulations focus on biomechani- ically force manually assisted procedures (e.g., station-
cal disorders of the muscular, skeletal, and spinal sys-ary or hand tools). These procedures represent the
tem that have not reached surgical levels and the various methods in which chiropractic treatment is ap-
problems these disorders cause on the nervous system. plied. Manipulative treatment consists of a high-ve-
Biopsychosocial causes and consequences are signif- locity low-amplitude movement applied in the
icant factors in patient treatment [21]. pathophysiological domain and performed just beyond
the passive joint motion range. Spinal manipulative
Chiropractic Subluxation therapy is a commonly used treatment, involving a
Chiropractic subluxation refers to a lesion or dys- high-velocity and low-amplitude (thrust) joint manip-
function in a joint or motion segment where contact ulation [23].
of joint surfaces is maintained but alignment, move-
ment integrity, and/or physiological function are al- Indications for Chiropractic Practice
tered. This condition is essentially a functional Chiropractic application is indicated for conditions
disturbance that can affect biomechanical and neuro- such as acute or chronic low back and neck pain, ten-
logical integrity. Mechanical spinal functional distur- dinitis, sprains, cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc her-
bances, defined by chiropractors as subluxation and niations, chronic and acute soft tissue strains,
vertebral subluxation complex, are thought to lead to myofascial pain syndrome, occupational and sports-
significant neurophysiological consequences [21]. related injuries, joint dysfunctions, radiculopathies,
scoliosis, coccyx dislocation, flexion and extension di-
Chiropractic Manipulation rectional sudden strains [24].
Chiropractic manipulative therapy stimulates the
release of various neurotrophins, some of which, such Contraindications to Chiropractic Practice
as brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth Acute fractures, Osteomyelitis, Hematoma, Un-
factor, are needed for the treatment of depression. stable Odontoid, Odontoid Hypoplasia, Spinal Cord

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Tumors, Meningeal Tumor, Vertebral Tumor, Neuro- motion on a specific joint. This motion results in the
logical Deficit, Arnold Chiari Malformation, Vertebral separation of joint surfaces and the release of trapped
Luxation, Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, Bone Tumors, Os- gas and air. The decrease in joint pressure leads to the
teoblastoma, Osteoidosteoma, Prosthetics, Neoplastic formation of a gas bubble. When this bubble is re-
Diseases Syringomyelia, Hydrocephalus, Cauda leased, a popping or clicking sound may be heard in
Equina Syndrome, Kerning or Lhermitte's Sign are the joint [26].
contraindications [24].
Gonstead Technique
The Gonstead Technique, named after its founder,
CHIROPRACTIC METHODS is an adjustment method used for realigning the spine.
It offered a better strategy for chiropractic with its
There exist 132 different chiropractic techniques, such comprehensive spinal approach, the temporary model
as Diversified, Thompson Drop, Gonstead, and Logan called the Gonstead Technique (later to be replaced by
Basic. These techniques typically involve high-veloc- the Diversified Technique). The distinctive features
ity, low-intensity corrective thrust maneuvers. Practi- that make the Gonstead technique stand out include its
tioners use one or more techniques, depending on their successful outcomes, inclusion of the entire spine, use
training, skills, and personal perspectives [25]. In of high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) adjustments,
terms of the utilization of different chiropractic tech- the reasonable hypotheses on spinal biomechanics at
niques, Pehlivanoğlu [26] provides insightful statis- that time, and the utilization of chiropractic instru-
tics. He reveals that the Diversified technique holds ments [27,28].
the majority share, being used in 95.5% of cases. Next
in line is the Activator technique, which is employed Thompson (Drop) Technique
in 62.8% of treatments. The Gonstead technique fol- Also known as the Drop technique, in this method,
lows closely, with its usage standing at 58.5%. Simi- the chiropractor applies a thrust motion to adjust a per-
larly, the Cox Flexion/Distraction technique is son's spine or other extremities. A specialized table is
deployed in 58% of the instances. The Thompson used in this technique, which includes a mechanism
Drop technique's usage extends to 56% of cases. The that can drop with a small increase in pressure. The
Sacro-Occipital technique, on the other hand, is put to drop mechanism provides a greater sense of vibration
use in 41.3% of cases. Meanwhile, both the Palmer during the adjustment to reduce the likelihood of pain
Upper Cervical and Logan Basic techniques hold or discomfort. Several thrusts may be required for
lower shares, with their respective usages standing at complete spinal manipulation. To employ this tech-
28.8% and 28%. nique, the chiropractor typically examines the length
of a person's legs and how they relate to the spine and
Diversified Technique pelvis [28].
The most commonly used chiropractic treatment
method is the manipulation and adjustment of the Activator Method Technique
spine, arms, or legs. This method is also known as the The Activator Method Technique (AMT) involves
Diversified Technique because it combines the best the assessment of joint dysfunction believed to con-
features of other manipulation techniques. It uses a tribute to a wide range of health issues. These dysfunc-
low-amplitude thrust motion to adjust the spine and tions are part of a larger "subluxation complex," which
correct joint dysfunction, making it an effective treat- is a component of the broader "subluxation syn-
ment method for patients of all ages and health histo- drome." The AMT analysis is based on the assumption
ries [26]. that faulty biomechanical behavior of joints is re-
The Diversified technique is applied quickly and flected in differences and changes in leg lengths. A
often accompanied by a "popping" sound when align- step-by-step evaluation protocol is used, starting from
ing the spine and joints. Only manual adjustments are the cervical spine and progressing towards the feet, in-
used during the treatment process. The Diversified cluding observation of leg length and application of
technique is unique in that it involves a small thrust provocative tests to assess joint function. This protocol

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allows for a detailed examination by systematically (IHS) defines cervicogenic headache (headache orig-
evaluating the functionality of the joints. It is believed inating from the neck) as a headache caused by a dis-
that to adequately assess more rostral structures, order or lesion in the cervical spine, its bones, discs,
"clearing" of dysfunction in more caudal segments and/or soft tissue elements. It is typically accompanied
(i.e., removing or reducing the lesion through adjust- by neck pain, although not always, and confirmed as
ment) is necessary. The protocol has both theoretical a secondary type of headache presumed to originate
and empirical roots. Initially derived from various iso- from cervical nociception [31].
lation, pressure, and stress tests related to leg checks,
it has evolved significantly based on the clinical ex- Diagnosis
periences of Activator practitioners. The chiropractor Cervicogenic headache is a common underlying
uses a specialized Activator adjusting instrument to cause of misdiagnosed chronic headaches. Its presen-
perform this technique [29]. tation features can be complex and resemble many
commonly encountered primary headache syndromes.
The hallmark symptoms of cervicogenic headache in-
HEADACHES clude unilateral pain and a combination of ipsilateral
widespread shoulder and arm pain. Reduced function
A headache is a pain felt in any region of the head. of the neck joints and relief of pain with anesthesia
Headaches are generally categorized into two main blocks are indicative of this diagnosis. The essential
types: primary and secondary headaches. Primary characteristic for this diagnosis is the disappearance
headaches refer to conditions where the headache it- or self-resolution of the headache within one month
self is the primary cause, while secondary headaches with appropriate and adequate treatment. The Interna-
arise as a symptom of another health problem. The pri- tional Headache Society (IHS) has specified the diag-
mary causes of headaches include migraines, tension- nostic criteria for cervicogenic headache as follows:
type headaches, and cluster headaches. These A. Any headache that fulfills criterion C.
headaches typically occur spontaneously and are not B. Evidence of a disorder or lesion within the cer-
associated with another health issue. Headaches are vical spine or soft tissues of the neck known to cause
usually examined in conjunction with evaluating the headache, as confirmed by clinical and/or imaging ev-
symptoms, intensity, and duration of the pain. Second- idence.
ary headaches, on the other hand, occur as a result of C. At least two of the following criteria providing
underlying health problems such as tumors, infections, evidence of causation:
or issues with brain blood vessels. In such cases, if the 1. Headache has developed in temporal rela-
primary cause of the headache is not a structural tion to the onset of the cervical disorder or appearance
change, systemic disease, or previous head trauma, it of the lesion.
is referred to as "primary headache" and accounts for 2. Headache has significantly improved or re-
approximately 90% of all headaches. The International solved in parallel with improvement in or resolution
Headache Society's 2018 classification recognizes nu- of the cervical disorder or lesion.
merous types of headaches. Treatment methods vary 3. Cervical range of motion is reduced and
depending on the cause of the headache and often in- headache is significantly aggravated by provocative
volve the use of medications, stress management, re- maneuvers.
laxation techniques, and other appropriate treatment 4. Headache is abolished following diagnostic
methods [30, 31]. blockade of a cervical structure or its nerve supply.
D. Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3
Cervicogenic Headache diagnosis.
Cervicogenic headache is a chronic headache felt Radiological findings in the upper cervical spine
in one or more areas of the head and/or face, usually can be commonly observed in individuals without
originating from the atlanto-occipital and upper cervi- headaches. Although suggestive, they do not provide
cal joints [32]. The International Headache Society definitive evidence of causation [32].

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Pathophysiology in office settings. They belong to a professional group

The trigeminal nucleus and C1-C2 nerves in the brain- that involves prolonged static sitting positions and
stem have long been closely related. The significance minimal use of muscles such as the arms, wrists, and
of the spinal trigeminal nucleus in cervicogenic elbows during sedentary work activities, leading to de-
headache is demonstrated by Kerr, who showed that creased mobility. As a result, their body posture may
fibers from the trigeminal nerve and fibers from the be compromised [40, 41]. These conditions have been
upper cervical levels converge on the same units. Clin- reported to contribute to pain and reduced quality of
ical evidence supporting this theory is the reduction or life. It is known that sitting posture has a positive im-
disappearance of pain from afferents of the trigeminal pact on the development of neck pain. Sitting for more
nerve with a greater occipital nerve block. The greater than 5 hours per day is considered a potential risk fac-
occipital nerve is composed of dorsal roots from C2. tor for the development of neck pain, and a study con-
After branching from C2, it passes through the mus- ducted in Turkey found that office workers spend an
cles of the neck and is particularly vulnerable to pres- average of 4.1 to 8 hours per day sitting. Research con-
sure as it penetrates the muscles, which can cause ducted in Italy reported that headache is one of the
cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches can most common symptoms among office workers, with
be caused by structures innervated by the C1-C3 roots 5.7% of male office workers and 9.3% of female office
[33]. workers reporting that headaches affect them weekly
[42, 43].
Clinical Findings
The clinical presentation of cervicogenic headache
can be challenging to diagnose, but it typically in- DISCUSSION
cludes the following [34-39]:
• Unilateral dominant headache (excluding those Chiropractic practices are based on manipulative in-
with symptoms indicative of bilateral headaches or mi- terventions primarily focused on the spine since the
graines), establishment of the chiropractic profession. Over
• Aggravation of symptoms with neck movement time, the development of various techniques within
or posture, the profession has led to the formation of distinct
• Tenderness in the upper 3 cervical spinal joints,
branches, necessitating the continuous dynamic nature
• Association with neck pain or dysfunction, of the profession to keep up with advancements. How-
• Definitive diagnosis through selective nerve ever, most of these practices revolve around certain
blockade via injection, core techniques. Nevertheless, it is equally important
• Tendency for increased tension and trigger points
to note that the experience and professional skills of
in the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, scalenes, andthe clinician play a crucial role during the application
suboccipital extensors in patients with cervicogenic of almost all techniques.
headache compared to migraine headache and control When scientific research is examined through lit-
groups, erature review, Yates et al.[44] conducted a study in
• Weakness in deep neck flexors, 1988 where instrument-assisted thoracic spine manip-
• Increased activity in superficial flexor, ulation was applied to 21 patients. The results showed
• Atrophy in suboccipital extensors and conse- a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood
quent impairment of the deep muscular sleeve crucial pressure in the active treatment group, while no sig-
for active support of cervical segments, nificant changes were observed in the placebo and
• Association with upper trapezius, sternocleido- control groups. Osterbauer et al. [45] conducted a
mastoid, scalenes, levator scapulae, pectoralis major study supported by the Activator company, demon-
and minor, and short suboccipital extensors. strating that instrument-assisted interventions had a
dramatic positive effect on patients with sacroiliac
Office Workers joint pain. Gemmell et al. [46] compared the Meric
Office workers are individuals responsible for the technique, a traditional chiropractic practice, with the
daily operations and smooth functioning of businesses Activator technique in patients with acute low back

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pain and found that both techniques were effective like other chiropractic techniques, should be used as
without a superiority of one over the other. Yurkiw et part of a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Using
al. [47] compared the efficacy of traditional chiroprac- these interventions as standalone treatment methods
tic methods and instrument-assisted chiropractic inter- would contradict the holistic perspective of modern
ventions in neck pain and concluded that both medicine. In fact, considering the use of instrument
techniques were effective without a significant supe- support as a step within chiropractic interventions
riority. Wood et al. [48] compared the effectiveness of seems reasonable. Incorporating instrument support
traditional chiropractic techniques and instrument-as- when deemed necessary during the application of
sisted chiropractic interventions in a group of patients other manual chiropractic techniques can make the
with functional loss in cervical spinal segments and practice safer and reduce the workload for clinicians.
found that both techniques were effective without a
significant superiority. DeVocht et al. [49] investigated
the effectiveness of the Activator method in temporo- CONCLUSION
mandibular joint disorders and obtained statistically
significant results. Shearar et al. [50] compared man- The findings of this review suggest that chiropractic
ual and mechanically assisted chiropractic techniques interventions, particularly HVLA thrust maneuvers,
in sacroiliac joint disorders and found that both tech- show promise in reducing pain and improving the
niques significantly supported improvement without quality of life for office workers with cervicogenic
a significant superiority of one over the other. Simi- headaches. The positive outcomes observed in the in-
larly, a study showed that applications using the Acti- cluded studies support the potential of chiropractic
vator device for trigger point therapy, nonspecific neck treatment as a non-pharmacological approach to man-
pain, and upper trapezius trigger points were more ef- aging cervicogenic headaches. However, it is impor-
fective than myofascial band therapy and sham ultra- tant to note that the number of studies available is
sound [51]. Gorrell et al. [52] compared the limited, and the sample sizes in some studies were
effectiveness of manual and instrument-assisted ma- small. Therefore, further research with larger sample
nipulative interventions in mechanical neck pain and sizes and rigorous study designs is needed to confirm
found that a single cervical manipulation provided the efficacy and generalizability of chiropractic inter-
both immediate and short-term benefits for mechani- ventions for this specific population. Moreover, the
cal neck pain, although different application tech- exploration of the RCPM muscle and its connection
niques yielded different results. Schneider et al. [53] to the Dura Mater provides valuable insights into the
compared the effects of spinal manipulation methods underlying mechanisms of cervicogenic headaches.
and usual medical care in acute and subacute low back The identification of this relationship highlights the
pain and found that manual thrust manipulation re- importance of targeting specific regions in the cervical
sulted in slightly greater reductions in self-reported spine during chiropractic interventions. The integra-
disability and pain scores compared to mechanical as- tion of chiropractic treatment with other complemen-
sisted manipulation (Activator) or usual medical care tary approaches, such as physical therapy and
in the short term (4 weeks). ergonomic interventions, may further enhance the out-
As stated above, instrument-assisted chiropractic comes for office workers with cervicogenic
manipulations produce effects similar to manual ma- headaches.
nipulations. However, there is currently no evidence Based on the current literature, chiropractic inter-
from database analysis supporting the superiority of ventions, including HVLA thrust maneuvers, hold
instrument-assisted interventions over traditional promise in reducing pain and improving the quality of
methods. Nevertheless, the literature demonstrates life for office workers suffering from cervicogenic
positive outcomes for both intervention styles in dif- headaches. However, the limited number of studies
ferent patient populations. Considering the risk factors and small sample sizes indicate the need for further re-
associated with traditional interventions, instrument- search to confirm these findings. Future studies should
assisted interventions can be considered as a prefer- employ robust methodologies and larger sample sizes
able approach. All instrument-assisted interventions, to provide more definitive evidence. Furthermore, the

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