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Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

1 ROAD CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND EQUIPMENTS ............................................................................................................ 2
BASIC EARTHWORK OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 2
CLEARING AND GRUBBING (M2) ............................................................................................................................................ 3
EXCAVATION [VOLUME MEASUREMENT] ............................................................................................................................. 3
HAULING [VOLUME-LENGTH MEASUREMENT]:................................................................................................................... 4
GRADING /SHAPING THE ROADBED:................................................................................................................................... 4
COMPACTION: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
HOME TEST ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 CONSTRUCTION OF SUB BASES AND BASES ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1MATERIAL QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 5
SPREADING.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
COMPACTION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ............................................................................................................................ 8
HOME TEST ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 CONSTRUCTION OF BASE COURSE ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................ 9
LAYING ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
COMPACTING ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
1.3.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ...............................................................................................................................12
HOME TEST .....................................................................................................................................................................................12
1.4 CONSTRUCTION OF SURFACE COURSE ..........................................................................................................................12
PRELIMINARY TREATMENT ......................................................................................................................................................12
1.4.1 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENTS ..........................................................13
1.4.2 BITUMINOUS SURFACING JOB-MIX FORMULA (JMF) ..........................................................................................15
1.4.3. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................................16
ASPHALT CONCRETE MIX DESIGN............................................................................................................................................20
HOME TEST .....................................................................................................................................................................................26

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
(Take the design parts in mind) Earthwork is the first work performed on most construction projects. It
encompasses a number of activities, from clearing the site to excavating for structures or pipes. The
earthwork done on a project prepares the site for other construction work, such as building bridges and
paving roads. Problems with earthwork often do not become apparent until other construction work has
been done, at which point the effort to correct the problems is both time consuming and expensive.
Therefore, earthwork operations must be carefully inspected to ensure that the work done is in accordance
with the Specifications. The Inspector should closely observe all earthwork operations and bring all
problems to the attention of the Contractor and, when necessary, the Engineer.
Nearly all highway construction works, especially those in new locations, involves a considerable amount of
earthwork. The term earthwork is applied to that portion of highway construction, which required
converting the right-of-way from the natural condition and configuration to the section and the grades
prescribed in the plans.

Basic Earthwork Operations

May be classified as:
 Clearing and grubbing  Grading /shaping of the roadbed
 Excavations  Compaction
 Hauling

Figure - 1.0 earthwork heavy equipment

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Clearing and Grubbing (M2)

Clearing and grubbing is generally the first operation to be undertaken on any project involving earthwork,
and thus it precedes any excavation.
 Clearing and grubbing may be defined as the removal of trees, stumps, roots, down timber, rotten wood,
rubbish and other objectionable material form an area marked on the plans.
 Clearing refers to the removal of materials above existing ground surface, and grubbing means the
removal of roots, stumps and similar objects to a nominal depth below the surface. Frequently, clearing
and grubbing constitute a single contact item that includes the removal of topsoil to a shallow depth.
Operations: - Contractors choose the equipment they use for clearing and grubbing. They employ a variety
of equipment, although the use of bulldozers and power saws are the most common. The Contractor must not
be allowed, however, to use equipment near structures that are to remain when such equipment might
damage the structure. The Contractor should not be permitted to continue to use any equipment that gets
poor results or delays progress. The Contractor should completely dispose of all tree and plant growth
removed during clearing and grubbing in accordance with the Specifications. All debris removed becomes
the property of the Contractor unless otherwise specified.
Measurement and Payment: The Standard
Specifications state that clearing and grubbing will
be paid for at the Contract lump sum. The
Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions
should be carefully reviewed for any exceptions to
this method. If additional areas beyond those
indicated in the Contract must be cleared, no work
should be permitted in the area affected until a
price for this added work is approved and the area
is measured and recorded.

Excavation [Volume measurement]

Excavation is the process of loosening and removing earth or rock from its original position in a cut and
transporting it to a fill or to a waste deposit. Excavation work consists of the removal and final disposal of all
materials taken from within the limits of construction as necessary for the preparation and construction of the
roadbed, embankments, subgrades, shoulders, slopes, sides, ditches, approaches, intersecting roads, and
private entrances.
Classification of Excavation
Rock excavation; material that cannot be excavated without blasting or the use of rippers and all boulders
or other detached stones.
Common excavation: excavation and disposal of all materials of whatever character encountered in the
work, which are not classified as rock, borrow.
Borrow excavation: excavation of approved material required for construction of embankments.
Unsuitable excavation: the removal and disposal of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixtures of soil
and organic matter not suitable for embankment material.
Excavation and embankment work follows clearing and grubbing, and is one of the key operations in the
construction of a graded roadbed upon which the base and wearing courses will be built. Excavation is the
work to dig up and haul earth material from the right-of-way. The Section of the roadway to be excavated
is typically called a “cut” section. A portion of the excavated earth material is usually used to form the embankment
portion of the roadbed. The Embankment section of a roadway is typically called a “fill” section.
Roadway and Drainage Excavation – the excavation and grading of the roadway and ditches, including
the removal and disposal of all excavated material and all work needed for the construction and completion
of the cuts, embankments, slopes, ditches, approaches, intersections and similar portions of the work.
Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
Excavation for Structures – the excavation of material in order to permit the construction of pipe culverts,
concrete box culverts, foundations for bridges, retaining walls, and practically all other structures that may
be required in a particular job.
Borrow excavation – when sufficient material for the formation of embankments and other elements of the
roadway structure is not available from excavation performed within the limits of the right-of-way,
additional suitable material is generally taken from borrow pits.
The opening and working of borrow pits is frequently a large-scale operation that requires the best in mass-
production methods of earth moving.
Hauling [Volume-length measurement]:
 Haul and Overhaul: the unit price for excavation includes payment for transporting material from cut to
fill for a distance up to a “free-hall” limit. When the material is moved a distance greater than this free-
haul distance, it is usual to pay for the added transportation under a bid item called “overhaul”. Units for
overhaul are commonly the station-m3 or m3-km. Overhaul distance is the total distance minus the free-
haul distance, which is commonly set as 0.5km. According to ERA Manual, FHD is around 3KM.

Grading /shaping the roadbed:

Grading or finishing describes a number of operations associated with shaping the roadbed and the rest of
the cross-section. Surfaces that will underlie the traveled way and shoulders are compacted and smoothed to
close tolerances. Roadsides and other ditches, back slopes in cuts, side slopes on embankments, and roadside
areas will be dressed (graded) to the requirements set by the plans and specifications. Generally there is no
specific pay item covering these finishing operations; rather the contractor is instructed to include these costs
in other bid items.

Rolled earth embankments are constructed in relatively thin layers of loose soil. Each layer is rolled to a
satisfactory degree of density before the next layer is placed, and the fill is thus built up to the desired
height by the formation of successive layers. The general nature and purpose of compaction are well
understood, it is that soils should be compacted by rolling, at or near optimum moisture content, to some
percentage of the maximum density established through the use of a known laboratory compaction effort.
Excavation involves loosening, digging, loading, hauling, and disposing of material obtained from roadway
cuts, channel changes, ditches, structure foundations, and borrow pits. Disposal of the material is accomplished
by incorporating it into an embankment or wasting the amount that is surplus or of an unsuitable nature. This
item of work includes constructing, shaping, and finishing all earthworks for the entire length of the roadway,
including the approaches, in conformance with the required lines, grades, and typical sections shown on the
Plans, and with the Specifications.
Methods of payment for embankment construction vary. Some agencies specify that the price per cubic meter
of excavation or of borrow shall include all changes for compaction, for water as needed, or for aerating
the soil. Others pay for rolling (compaction), either at a bid price per hour of rolling with an acceptable
roller or at a bid price per cubic meter of material/ number of pass.
Home Test
1. List the earthwork equipment and match their particular operational tasks
2. What are the major operational tasks in preparing subgrades of highways? In sequential way
3. Do we have a specific material & construction quality requirements in the construction of sub grades?
If any, try to list

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note


Description: The sub Base and base work shall consist of furnishing, spreading, and compacting graded sub
base, shoulder and base material constructed on a prepared bed and all incidentals in accordance with
Specifications in conformity with the lines, grade thickness and typical cross-sections shown on the design
Drawings and/or as directed by the Supervisor.
1. Granular sub-base material shall consist of natural or processed aggregates such as gravel, sand or
stone fragment and shall be clean and free from dirt, organic matter and other deleterious substances,
and shall be of such nature that it can be compacted readily under watering and rolling to form a firm,
stable sub-base to the specified standards.
1.2.1Material Quality Requirements
2. The material shall comply with the following grading and quality requirements:

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
a) The sub base material shall have a smooth gradation curve based on the limits for grading A, B and C
given below.
Table 1.1 Grading requirements for sub base material
Sieve designation Mass percentage passing
Standard (mm) Alternate (AASHTO) A B C
63.0 (2.1/2) inch 100 -- --
50.0 (2) inch 90-100 100 --
25.0 (1) inch 50-80 55-85 100
9.5 (3/8) inch -- 40-70 50-85
4.75 No.4 35-70 30-60 35-65
2.0 No.10 -- 20-50 25-50
0.425 No.40 -- 10-30 15-30
0.075 No.200 5-15 5-15 5-15

b) The material shall have a CBR value of at least 30% determined according to AASHTO T-193. The
CBR value shall be obtained at a density corresponding to Ninety Five (95) percent of the maximum
dry density determined according to AASHTO T-180 Method-D
c) In order to avoid intrusion of silty and clayey material from the subgrade to the sub-base, the ratio D15
(Sub-base)/D85 (Subgrade) should be less than 5, where D85 and D15 are the particle diameters
corresponding to eighty five (85) % and fifteen (15) %, respectively, passing (by weight) in grain size
d) The fraction passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200 ) sieve shall not be greater than two third of the fraction
passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve. The fraction passing the 0.425 mm sieve shall have a Liquid Limit of
not greater than 45 and a Plasticity Index of 12 or less. The sub-base material shall have a linear
shrinkage of 6 or less.
e) Sub-base shall comply with the following physical requirements:
Table 1.2 physical requirements of Sub base Materials
CBR @ 95% MDD (AASHTO T180) and 4 Minimum 30%
days soakIndex (F1)
Flakiness 303030%30%
Minimum 35
Ten per cent Fines Value (TFV) Minimum 50KN
Wet/dry ratio (%) Minimum 75
Plasticity Index (PI) Maximum 12
Plasticity Product (PP=PI x % passing Maximum 75
Sodium sieve) Soundness Test
Sulphate Maximum 12
Los Angeles Abrasion value Maximum 45
Aggregate crushing value Maximum 30
1.2.2 Construction Requirements
1. Granular sub-base shall be spread on the approved subgrade layer as a uniform mixture.
2. Segregation shall be avoided during spreading and the final compacted layer shall be free from concentration of
coarse or fine materials.
3. Granular sub-base shall be deposited on the roadbed or shoulders in a quantity which will provide the required
compacted thickness without resorting to spotting, picking up or otherwise shifting the sub-base material.
4. The compacted thickness of any layer laid, processed and compacted at one time shall not exceed 225 mm.
Where a greater compacted thickness is required, the material shall be laid and processed in two or more layers.
The minimum layer thickness shall be 100 mm.
5. Granular sub-base shall be spread with equipment that will provide a uniform layer conforming to the specified
item both transversely and longitudinally within the tolerances as specified in "Table for Allowable Tolerances" in
the General section of these Specifications.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
6. No hauling or placement of material will be permitted when, in the judgment of the Supervisor, the
weather or road conditions are such that the hauling operation will cause cutting or rutting of the
subgrade or contamination of sub base material.
Traffic on Sub-base
The Contractor may allow construction traffic and public traffic to run on the sub-base subject to the prior
permission of the Supervisor; but any such approval shall not remove from the Contractor his responsibility to
maintain and repair any damage to the sub-base wherever directed by the Supervisor and his unit rates
shall be deemed to include the cost of any such maintenance and repairs.
Compaction trials
Prior to the commencement of the granular sub-base operation, the Contractor shall construct a trial length,
not to exceed five hundred (500) meters and not less than two hundred (200) meters, with the same
approved sub-base or aggregate base material as will be used during construction to determine the
adequacy of the Contractor's equipment, loose depth measurement necessary to result in the specified
compacted layer depths, the field moisture content, and the relationship between the number of compaction
passes and the resulting density of the material.
1. The moisture content of sub-base material shall be adjusted prior to compaction by watering with
approved sprinklers mounted on trucks or by drying out, as required, in order to obtain the specified
2. The sub-base material shall be compacted by means of approved vibrating rollers or steel wheel rollers
(rubber tyred rollers may be used as a supplement), progressing gradually from the outside towards the
center, except on super elevated curves, where the rolling shall begin at the low side and progress to the
high side.
3. Succeeding pass shall overlap the previous pass by at least one third of the roller width.
4. While the rolling progresses, the surface of each layer shall only be shaped and dressed with a motor
grader if directed by the Supervisor to attain a smooth surface free from ruts or ridges and having the
required section and crown, free from any segregation.
5. Rolling shall continue until the entire thickness of each layer is thoroughly and uniformly compacted to the
specified density.
6. Any area inaccessible to rolling equipment shall be compacted by means of mechanical tampers or other
compaction equipment approved by the Supervisor, where the thickness in loose layers shall not be more
than 10 cm.
7. If the layer of sub-base material or part thereof does not conform to the required finish, the Contractor
shall present his proposals for remedial works to the Supervisor for approval. All remedial works shall
be undertaken at his own expense and may include removing the non-conforming material or layer and
replacing with new material in accordance with the Specification, or, subject to the Supervisors’ approval,
the Contractor may be allowed to rework, water and the material before the next layer of the
pavement structure is constructed.
8. Immediately prior to the placing of the first layer of base course the sub-base layer (both under the
travelled way and the shoulders) shall conform to the required level and shape, and be tightly bound,
free from movement under compaction plant, and free from compaction planes, laminations, ridges,
cracks and loose or segregated material.
9. Prior to placing the succeeding layers of the material, the top surface of each layer shall be made
sufficiently moist to ensure bond between the layers.
10. The edges or edge slopes shall be bladed or otherwise dressed to conform to the lines and dimensions
shown on the Drawings.
11. No material for construction of the base shall be placed until the sub-base has been approved by the
Compaction Requirements

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
1. The relative compaction of each layer of the compacted sub-base shall not be less than Ninety Five (95)
percent of the maximum dry density determined according to AASHTO T-180 Method-D.
2. The field density shall be determined according to AASHTO T-190 or other approved method.
3. For all materials, the field density thus obtained shall be adjusted to account for oversize particles
(retained on 19 mm sieve) as directed by the Supervisor. Also for adjustment of any material retained
on 4.75 mm sieve, AASHTO Method T-224 shall be used.
4. Moisture content for calculation of field density shall be observed on material passing 4.75 mm sieve.
5. Where required by the Supervisor, the completed sub-base shall be proof rolled with a fully loaded
truck with a minimum axle load of 10 tones driven slowly (at not more than 6 km/h) along both lanes and
shoulders of the sub-base surface at the Contractor’s expense.
Proof rolling shall be satisfactorily completed before the layer is submitted to the Supervisor for approval
and shall be carried out in the presence of the Supervisor.
Any movement in the completed sub-base layer shall be rectified by additional rolling or removal of the
relevant sub-base material and its replacement with fresh sub-base material in accordance with the
Specification and as directed by the Supervisor, all at the Contractors expense.
1.2.3 Measurement and Payment

1. The quantity of sub-base to be paid for shall be measured by the theoretical volume in place as shown
on the Drawings or as directed and approved for construction by the Supervisor, placed and accepted in
the completed granular sub-base course.
2. No allowance will be given for materials placed outside the defined limits shown on the cross-sections.
The accepted quantities measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic meter of
granular sub-base, for the pay item listed below and shown in the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing all materials, hauling, placing, watering, rolling, labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the item.

Pay item
Description Unit of Measurement
201 Granular Sub base m3

Home Test
1. List the equipment used in the construction of sub base courses and match their particular operational
2. What are the major operational tasks in preparing (construction of) sub base courses of highways? In
sequential way
3. Do we have a specific material & construction quality requirements in the construction of sub base
courses? If any, try to list
This item shall consist of provision, spreading and compacting one layer of aggregate base on the prepared
sub-base in accordance with the Specifications and the Drawings and /or as directed by the Supervisor.
1.3.1 Material Requirements
1. The material shall consist of hard durable aggregates produced by crushing gravel or rock with a
maximum Aggregate Crushing Value of 25.
2. It shall be clean and free from organic matter, lumps of clay, or other deleterious substances.
Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
3. The material shall be of such a nature that it can be readily laid and compacted without segregation.
4. The aggregates shall comply with the following grading and quality requirements.
Table 1.3: Gradation Requirements
Standard sieve size (mm) Percentage by mass passing
50 100
37.5 95-100 100
20 60-80 70-85
10 40-60 50-65
5 25-40 35-55
2.36 15-30 25-40
0.425 7-19 12-24
0.075 5-12 5-12

a) The gradation curve of the material shall be continuously smooth and shall fall within the envelope limits
for the grading given above when determined by the method AASHTO T-27, the mass of material
passing the 0.075 mm sieve being determined by the method AASHTO T-11.
b) After crushing, the material shall have a Flakiness Index (BS Standard 812, Part 105-1990) of less than
30 per cent. If the amount of fine aggregate produced during the crushing is insufficient, non-plastic
angular sand may be used to make up the deficiency.
c) The coarse aggregates shall have a percentage of loss by the Los Angeles Abrasion test (AASHTO T-
96) of not more than thirty five (35) percent. Alternatively the mechanical strength of the aggregate
fraction of the crushed stone base can be defined by the TFV (Ten per cent Fines Value) test in which
case the minimum TPF (kN) shall be 110 and the minimum ratio of the Wet/Dry Test = 75%.
d) The material shall have a loss of less than twelve (12) percent when subject to five cycles of the Sodium
Sulphate-Soundness test according to AASHTO T-104.
e) The fine fraction of the material shall be non-plastic if the aggregate is from sound rock and in this case
the percentage passing the 0.075 mm sieve may approach 12 percent. Where the aggregate is
produced by crushing and screening natural granular material, rocks or boulders, and may contain a
proportion of natural fine aggregate, a maximum P.I. of 6 is allowed. If the P.I. approaches this upper
limit of 6, it is desirable that the fines content be restricted to the lower end of the range. To ensure
this, the maximum Plasticity Product (PP) value of 45 shall be permitted. ( where
PP=PI×%pass the 0.075mm sieve)

1.3.2 Construction Requirements

Preparation of Surface of Sub-base Course

Prior to construction of the crushed aggregate base course, the section of the sub-base course shall not have
loose material or moisture in excess of optimum moisture content and shall have been accepted by the
1. The base course material shall be transported damp and in such a way that no segregation occurs.
2. The base course material shall be laid by a self-propelled paving machine approved by the Supervisor.
The rate of travel of the paver and its method of operation shall be adjusted to produce an even and
uniform flow of material across the full laying width, free from dragging and without segregation of the

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

The Contractor’s personnel should develop a spread rate for the base course material prior to starting the
spreading operation. The spread rate converts the tonnage of each truck to the number of meters along the
centerline that tonnage should cover. These computations should be checked by the Inspector. The spread
rate should be based on the wet density at 2 percent or so above minimum density.
Maximum dry density 2160kg/m3
Optimum moisture content 8.0%
Maximum density (wet) 2333kg/m3
Minimum Density (95%) 2216kg/m3
Target Density (97%) 2263kg/m3
Spread Depth 150mm
Bottom Width 9.2m
Top Width 8.0m
Area 1.29m2

So a truck with a 30000kg (65,000lb) net load would cover a spread of 10.28meters (32.7’).
Once laydown has started, the Inspector should perform depth checks and width measurements in order to
verify the computed spread rate

1. The base course material shall be laid and compacted at the optimum moisture content, within a maximum
of plus 2%, to a dry density which shall be:
- Not less than ninety eight (98) percent of the maximum dry density according to AASHTO T-180, Method D
(Modified), for 95% of measures.
- CBR value of not less than 80% when tested at the values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture
2. The field density shall be determined according to AASHTO T-191 or other method approved by the
Supervisor. For all materials, the field density thus obtained shall be adjusted to account for oversize
particles (retained on 19 mm sieve) in accordance with AASHTO T-224.
3. The compacted thickness of any base course layer laid, processed and compacted at one time shall not
exceed 200 mm, and where a greater thickness is required, the graded crushed stone shall be laid in two
or more layers.
The compacted thickness of any base layer shall not be less than 3 times the maximum size of the graded
crushed stone.
4. On completion of compaction the base course surface shall be well closed, mechanically stable, free from
visible movement under compaction plant and free from compaction planes, ridges, and cracks, loose or
segregated material. If the surface fails to meet the requirements of this Specification, the Contractor

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
shall take the action set out according to the construction clauses in the Specification or such other action
as the Supervisor may instruct or else agree.
5. Completed base course shall be maintained in acceptable conditions at all times until prime coat is
6. If the base course is to be left uncovered for an indefinite length of time before receiving surfacing, the
Contractor shall maintain the surface until final acceptance and shall prevent raveling by wetting,
blading, rolling and addition of fines as may be required to keep the base tightly bound and leave a
slight excess of material over the entire surface which must be removed and the surface finish restored
before application of prime coat.
7. Under no circumstances shall the base course be opened to public traffic or heavy construction plant
without the prior written approval of the Supervisor. Such approval shall not release the Contractor from
his obligations to maintain the base course in satisfactory condition and to undertake any repairs as
required by the Supervisor. The cost of any such maintenance and repairs what so ever the causes shall
be deemed to be included in the unit prices for the Works.
Trial Section
Prior to commencement of aggregate base course operations, a trial section of two hundred (200) meters
minimum, but not to exceed five hundred (500) meters shall be prepared by the Contractor using the same
material and equipment as will be used at site to determine the adequacy of equipment, loose depth
measurement necessary to result in the specified compacted layer depths, field moisture content, and
relationship between the number of compaction passes and the resulting density of material.
Testing of the Finished Surface
The Specifications require that the finished surface of base courses not vary from that required on the Plans
by more than ½" (13 mm) when tested with a 10' (3.048 m) straightedge. The straightedge test consists of
placing the straightedge on the surface of the compacted base course parallel to the centerline of the
pavement. Next, the distance between the finished base course surface and the bottom of the straightedge is
measured. If the distance is equal to or less than ½" (13 mm), then the compacted surface is acceptable. If
the surface is not acceptable, the Contractor must re-grade it and the Inspector must re-check it until it is
acceptable. Note that the Contractor is responsible to provide a 10' (3.048 m) straightedge acceptable to
the Engineer.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

1.3.3 Measurement and Payment

Measurement: The quantity of aggregate base to be paid for shall be measured by the theoretical volume in
place as shown on the Drawings or as directed and approved for construction by the Supervisor, placed
and accepted in the completed crushed aggregate base course. No allowance will be given for materials
placed outside the theoretical limits shown on the cross sections.
Payment: The accepted quantities measured as above shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic meter
for aggregate base, for the item listed below and shown in the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing all materials, material rights, hauling, placing, watering, rolling, labor,
maintenance and repair, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete this item.

Pay item Description Unit of

No. Measurement

202 Crushed aggregate Base course m3

Home Test
1. List the equipment used in the construction of base courses and match their particular operational
2. What are the major operational tasks in preparing (construction of) base courses of highways? In
sequential way
3. Do we have a specific material & construction quality requirements in the construction of base courses?
If any, try to list
4. Discuss with the following practical procedures of road construction.
a. The need of sub-grade soil preparation and embankment construction
b. The basic difference during the construction of sub-base and base courses of the pavement.


General Description
1 This work shall consist of furnishing and mixing aggregates and asphalt binder additive at a stationary
mixing plant, to a specified temperature, transporting, laying and compacting the mixture on an
approved primed or tacked base, bridge deck or concrete pavement in accordance with these
Specifications and in conformity with the lines grades and typical cross-sections shown in the Drawings or
as directed by the Supervisor.
2 It is the duty of the Contractor to provide a mix of quality and consistency appropriate to the design use
of the road. This responsibility is subject to the limitations imposed by the Specifications.
3 The compliance criteria contained in the Job Mix Tolerances provide an indication of the maximum
acceptable value of the standard deviation of each parameter. If any bituminous mix shows variability
in excess of these limits, the cause shall be determined and the fault rectified. If the excessive
variability continues the Supervisor shall stop the production and laying of that mix in the Works until the
Contractor has demonstrated his ability to re-establish acceptable control to the satisfaction of the

Preliminary Treatment
Before a bituminous surface is placed, the surface to be covered generally requires the placing of a
preliminary treatment, a primer or a tack coat.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
Prime coats: are placed on dust or gravel surface. The purpose of priming is to waterproof and dust proof
the surface, plug capillary voids, and coat and bond loose particles. It also hardens or toughens the surface,
promotes adhesion between the existing surface and the new surface, and penetrates the surface to ¼ inch.
The priming material may be:
 A low viscosity tar, such as RT-2, RT-3, or RT-4; A low viscosity asphalt such as MC-30, -70, -250, or
SC-70, -250, -800; or A diluted asphalt emulsion.
A tack coat: is a coating of asphalt on an existing paved surface that provides a bond between the existing
surface and the new surface. The two essential properties of a tack coat are: (1) it must be very thin; and (2)
it must uniformly cover the entire surface of the area. When tack coats are too heavy, they leave a surplus of
asphalt that bleeds into the overlying course. A thin tack coat does no harm to the pavement. A thin coat will
properly bond the courses.
Tack coat materials may be: (1) a road tar, grade RTCB5-6, RT-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11; (2) an asphalt cutback
such as RC-250, or -800; (3) a diluted emulsion; or (4) an asphalt cement, such as an AP-3 (85-100
penetration) or AP-1 (120-150 penetration).
The procedure for estimating the bitumen required for a tack coat is similar to that described for
a prime coat except that the tack coat is applied only over the proposed width of the pavement.

1.4.1 Material Requirements for Bituminous Concrete Pavements

Mineral Aggregates
1 The working face of the quarries from which mineral aggregates are being extracted shall be
acceptably uniform and be free from layers, veins or intrusions of weathered rock, soil or other
unsuitable minerals.
2 Mineral aggregates shall consist of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and crushed rock filler material.
3 The coarse and fine aggregates shall be clean, hard, durable and sound particles of uniform quality,
free from decomposed material, organic material, clay lumps or other deleterious substances.
4 The coarse aggregate which is the material retained on a BS 4.75 mm (AASHTO No. 4) sieve shall
consist of crushed rock or gravel having at least two fractured faces on each particle.
5 Fine aggregate which is material passing BS 4.75 mm (AASHTO No. 4) sieve shall consist of 100%
crushed rock or natural sand. Fine aggregate shall be stored separately.
6 When the combined grading of the coarse and fine aggregates is deficient in material passing the BS
0.075 mm (AASHTO No. 200) sieve, additional filler shall consist of finely divided rock dust or cement
free of deleterious material conforming with ASTM D242 and the following grading.

Table 1.4: Grading Requirements of Fillers

Standard Sieve Size Percentage Passing
AASHTO BS mm By Mass
No. 30 0.600 100%
No. 50 0.300 95-100%
No. 200 0.075 70-100%

7 Specifications for the coarse and fine aggregates are given in Tables 1.5 (1) and 1.5(2) below.

TABLE 1.5 (1) Coarse aggregate for bituminous mixes

Cleanliness Sedimentation or Decantation < 5 per cent passing
0.075 mm sieve
Particle shape Flakiness Index <45 percent
Strength Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) (4) < 25 For weaker
Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
aggregates the Ten per Cent
Fines Value Test (TFV) is used
Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) (4) < 25
Los Angeles Abrasion < 30 (wearing course)
Value (LAA) (5) < 35 (other)
Abrasion Aggregate Abrasion Value (AAV) (4) < 15
< 12 (very heavy traffic)
Polishing (wearing Polished Stone Value (4) Not less than 50-75 depending
course only) on location
Durability Soundness: Sodium Test < 12 per cent
Magnesium Test < 18 per cent
Water Absorption Water Absorption (7) < 2 per cent
Bitumen Affinity Immersion Tray Test (6) Index of retained stability > 75
Effect of water on cohesion of compacted per cent
TABLE 1.5(2) Fine aggregate for bituminous mixes


Cleanliness Sedimentation or Per cent passing 0.075 mm sieve:

Decantation (1. 2) Wearing courses
< 8 per cent for sand fines
< 17 per cent for crushed rock fines
Other layers:
< 22 per cent

Sand Equivalent Traffic Wearing course Base course

(material passing Light (< T3) > 35% > 45%
4.75 mm sieve) Medium/Heavy > 40% > 50%

Plasticity Index
(material passing <4
0.425 mm sieve)

Durability Soundness Test (6) (5 Magnesium : < 20 per cent

cycles) Sodium : < 15 per cent

Asphaltic Material
Asphaltic binder shall be asphalt cement 85-100 penetration grade meeting the requirements of AASHTO
M-20 or a grade approved by the Supervisor
Composition, Marshall Stability and Flow
Using the method described in BS 594 (1985): Part 1, the material shall be designed and made to comply
with British Standard BS 594: Part 1: Group 2 wearing course design mixtures.
The grading shall fall within the ranges in Table 1.5-3 below

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
TABLE 1.5(3) Rolled asphalt flexible bituminous surfacing’s

Wearing Course (1.2)

Mix designation WC5 WC6

BS test sieve (mm) Percentage by mass of total aggregate passing test sieve
28 - -
20 100 100
14 90 – 100 90 - 100
10 50 - 85 50 - 85
2.36 50 - 62 50 - 62
0.6 35 - 62 20 - 40
0.212 10 - 40 10 - 25
0.075 6 - 10 6 - 10
Type of fines Natural sand Crushed rock
Bitumen grade (pen) 40/50 or 60/70 60/70
Thickness (mm) 50 50
Filler/binder ratio 0.8 - 1.0 0.8 - 1.0
Bitumen content Minimum target value
(per cent by mass of total mix) 6.3 % - 0.5(3)

3. The asphalt concrete wearing course mixture shall meet the following Marshall Test Criteria:
- Compaction number of blows each end of specimen 75
- Stability 10 kN minimum
- Flow 2-4 mm
- Percent air voids in mix between 3 and 5 %
- Minimum voids in mineral 15 %
- Loss of stability 20% maximum

1.4.2 Bituminous Surfacing Job-Mix Formula (JMF)

1. At least 6 weeks prior to commencement of asphalt production, the Contractor shall start the tests for the
design of a proposed JMF as described in 305.2.3 above. At least one week prior to production, a JMF
for the asphalt mix to be used shall be established jointly by the Contractor and the Supervisor.
2. The JMF shall be established by Marshall Method of Mix Design according to the procedure prescribed
in the Asphalt Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2), May 1984 Edition or the latest edition with the following
recommendations taken into account:
- The combined aggregate gradation should be adjusted within the allowable limits to achieve
maximum stability whilst not going below the minimum requirement for void content.
- The minimum bitumen binder content according to the results of the Marshall Method of Mix
Design should be used provided that it will still satisfy the durability, the stability and the void
content requirements.
- The mix is required to have a Marshall Stability at 7 days of not less than 10 kN, the minimum
flow shall be 2.0 mm and the maximum flow of 4.0 mm.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
3. In addition to meeting the requirements specified in the preceding items, the mixture as established by
the JMF shall also satisfy the following physical property:
- Loss of Marshall Stability by immersion of specimens in water at sixty (60)oC for twenty four (24)
hours as compared with the stability measured after immersion in water at sixty (60) oC for twenty
(20) minutes, shall not exceed twenty (20) percent. If the mixture fails to meet this criterion, the
JMF shall be modified or an approved anti-stripping agent shall be used.
- Should a change of source of materials be made, a new JMF shall be established before the new
material is used. If results or other conditions make it necessary a new JMF will be required.
4. The assistance of the Supervisor in the job standard mix in no way relieves the Contractor of the
responsibility of producing a bituminous mix meeting the requirements of the Specifications.
1.4.3. Construction Requirements Preparation of Aggregates

2. Before being fed to the dryer, aggregates for the bituminous mixture shall be separated into two or
more sizes and stored separately in cold bins. One bin shall contain aggregate of such size that 80%
will pass a 2.36 mm sieve and the other bin shall contain aggregate of such size that 80% will be
retained on the 2.36 mm sieve. Should fine material be incorporated in the mix, a separate bin shall be
provided in addition to the two bins mentioned above. If filler is used as a separate component it shall
also be stored and measured separately and accurately before being fed into the mixer.
3. Asphalt cement shall be heated within a temperature range of 150 oC -175 oC at the time of mixing. All
material reheated more than 40 oC above the maximum shall be considered overheated and shall be
rejected till the material is sampled, tested and approved by the Supervisor.
4. Dried aggregate weighed and drawn to pug mill shall be combined with a proportionate amount of
asphalt cement according to the job mix formula. The temperature of asphalt, except for temporary
fluctuations, shall not be lower than 15 oC below the temperature of the aggregate, at the time the two
(2) materials enter into the pugmill.
5. In placing the materials in bins or in moving it from bins to the mixer, any method which causes
segregation or uncontrolled combination of material of different grading, shall be discontinued and the
segregated or degraded materials shall be rescreened, or washed, and if necessary passed through the
dryer before being mixed.
6. Each aggregate ingredient shall be heated and dried at a temperature not to exceed 170 oC. If
aggregates contain sufficient moisture to cause foaming in the mixture or their temperature is in excess of
170 oC, shall be removed from the bins and returned to their respective stock piles. In no case shall the
temperature of an asphaltic mix exceed 170o C when discharged from the pug mill.
7. Immediately after heating, the aggregates shall be screened to required sizes and stored in separate
bins for batching and mixing with bituminous material

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note Transporting
2. Bituminous materials shall be transported in clean vehicles which shall be insulated, unless otherwise
agreed by the Supervisor, and shall be covered over when in transit or awaiting tipping.
3. The use of dust, coated dust, oil or water on the interior of the vehicle to facilitate discharge of the mixed
materials shall be permissible but the amount shall be kept to a minimum, and any excess shall be
removed by tipping or brushing. Laying
2. Materials shall be spread, levelled and tamped by an approved self-propelled paving machine. As
soon as possible after arrival at the site the mixed material shall be supplied continuously to the paver
and laid without delay. The rate of delivery of material to the paver shall be so regulated as to enable
the paver to be operated continuously and it shall be so operated whenever practicable.

3. On vertical grades of over 5.0 per cent, the laying operation shall be preferably made in the uphill
4. The rate of travel of the paver and its method of operation shall be adjusted to ensure an even and
uniform flow of material across the full laying width, free from dragging or tearing and without
segregation of the material.
5. The material shall be laid in compliance with the requirements and recommendations in BS 594, but in all
cases subject also to the following additional requirements.
6. Bituminous material which is hotter than 140 o C shall not be laid or deposited on bridge deck
waterproofing systems unless precautions against heat damage have been agreed with the Supervisor.
Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

7. Hand laying of any bituminous material will be permitted only in the following circumstances:
I. For laying regulating courses of irregular shape and varying thickness;
II. In confined spaces where it is impracticable for a paver to operate;
III. For footways;
IV. At the approaches to expansion joints at bridges or viaducts;
V. For laying of varying widths in small radius curves.
8. Hand raking of wearing course material which has been laid by a paver and the addition of such
material by hand-spreading to the paved area for adjustment of level will be permitted only in the
following circumstances:
(i) At the edges of the layers of material and at gullies and manholes;
(ii) At the approaches to expansion joints at Bridges or viaducts;
(iii) Where otherwise directed by the Supervisor

9. Hand laid work shall confirm to all the Specification requirements except those relating to the manner of
operating pavers.
10. All joints shall be offset at least 300 mm from parallel joints in the layer beneath.
11. For the resurfacing of existing roads the Supervisor may direct the application of a tack coat, to the
requirements of the Specification to the surface on which laying is to take place.
12. When a paver laying base course or wearing course material approaches an expansion joint at a bridge
or viaduct, it should be taken out of use as soon as there is a danger of the material being laid fouling
the joint. In laying the remainder of the pavement up to the joint, and the corresponding area beyond it
by hand, the joint or joint cavity shall not be fouled with surface material. Compaction
2. Bituminous material shall be laid and compacted in layer thicknesses which enable surface level and
regularity requirements to be met and adequate compaction to be achieved. The maximum thickness of
compacted material laid in one pass of the paver shall be 100 mm.
3. Material shall be uniformly compacted as soon as rolling can be effected without causing undue
displacement of the mixed material and shall be substantially completed while the temperature of the
mixed material is greater than 90oC. Rolling shall continue until all roller marks have been eliminated
from the surface.
4. Compaction shall be carried out using 8-10 tones dead weight smooth wheeled rollers having a width of
roll not less than 450 mm, or by multi-wheeled pneumatic tyred rollers of equivalent mass, or by
vibratory rollers or a combination of these. Wearing course (and base course) material shall always be
surface finished with a smooth wheeled roller which may be a dead weight roller or alternatively a
vibratory roller in non-vibration mode. Vibratory rollers shall not be used in vibrating mode on bridge
5. Vibratory rollers may only be used if they are capable of achieving at least the standard of compaction
of an 8-tonne dead weight roller and shall be equipped or provided with devices indicating the
frequency at which the mechanism is operating and the speed of travel which can be read from the
ground. The performance of vibratory rollers which the Contractor proposes to use shall be assessed by
the Contractor producing evidence of independent trials indicating to the satisfaction of the Supervisor
that, under comparable conditions, a state of compaction at least equivalent to that obtained using an 8-
tonne dead weight roller is achieved by the make and model of vibratory roller it is proposed to use and
no damage is caused to the underlying completed crushed stone base.
6. The material shall be rolled in a longitudinal direction with the driven rolls nearest the paver. The roller
should first compact the material adjacent to any joints and then work from the lower to the upper side of
the layer overlapping on successive passes by at least half the width of the rear roll or in the case of a
pneumatic tired roller, at least the nominal width of one tyre. On vertical grades of over 5% the roller
shall preferably first compact the material in an upgrade direction to prevent downhill flow of the

7. Rollers shall not stand on newly laid material while there is a risk that it will be deformed thereby.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note
8. Where joints between laying widths or transverse joints have to be made in wearing courses, the material
shall be fully compacted and the joint made flush in one of other of the following ways, method (iii)
always being used for transverse joints:
i. By heating the joint with an approved joint heater at the time when the additional width is being
laid but without cutting back or coating with binder. The heater shall raise the temperature of the
full depth of the wearing course to a figure within the rolling temperature range specified for the
material and for a width not less than 75 mm on each side of the joint. In this case however, the
Contractor shall have available for use in the event of breakdown, equipment necessary for
operating method (iii).
ii. By using two or more pavers operating in echelon where this is practicable and in sufficient
proximity for adjacent width to be fully compacted by continuous rolling; or by using a multiple
iii. By cutting back the exposed joints to a vertical face of not less than the specified thickness,
discarding all loosened material and coating the vertical face completely with a grade of hot tar
or hot bitumen suitable for the purpose before the next width is laid.

8. The density of the compacted mixes shall be related to the daily Marshall Density which shall be
determined by making four standard Marshall Specimens from samples of the mix taken from the mixing
plant and paver. The density of each sample shall be determined and compared with the mean value.
Any individual result which varies from the mean by more than 0.015 gm/cc shall be rejected. Marshall
Tests shall be repeated on a daily basis to establish the daily Marshall Density for that particular day's
production. The daily Marshall Density shall not vary from the Job Mix Design Density by more than ±
2.0%. Loss of stability shall be tested on other four Marshall Specimens from samples of the mix taken
from the plant and the paver.
The density achieved shall be not less than 97 percent of the Marshall Density of each day's production.

Trial Areas
1. When the Contractor is satisfied that his plant is producing a consistent mix, he shall propose the laying
of a trial area for the Supervisors’ approval to demonstrate that the properties of the mix produced in
the plant are within the specified limits. The trial shall conform to the requirements of specifications or
Clause 600.14, as supplemented by the additional requirements detailed in this Clause.
2. At least 14 days before material from each source of the bituminous mixture is first laid in the Works, the
Contractor shall lay a trial area at his own cost to demonstrate the compaction plant and rolling
procedure selected by him for achieving the specified density for the Supervisors’ approval.
The trial shall be not less than 50 m nor more than 150 m in length and of a width to be approved by the
Supervisor. If the trial area complies with the Contract it may be considered for acceptance as part of the
permanent Works.
3. For the trial the Contractor shall use the materials, mixing and laying plant proposed for the main works.
Where the required level of compaction is not achieved the trial area shall be removed and the trial repeated, at the
Contractors cost.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Asphalt Concrete mix Design

Asphalt concrete mix properties
 Stability  Stripping
 Workability  Fatigue cracking
 Skid resistance  Thermal cracking
 Durability  Bleeding

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Objective of mix Design: to determine an

economical blend or mix and gradation of
aggregates and bitumen that has
 Durability-resistance to physical and
chemical change
 Stability-must bear traffic stresses without
excessive deformation
 Workability-easy to spread and compact
 flexibility-must withstand tensile stresses
without cracking
Mix Design basics
 The right grade of Asphalt cement
Related to fatigue, cracking, thermal
cracking, stability
 The right type of aggregate
Related to stability, durability, stripping,
skid resistance
 The right mix volumetric
Relates to stability, durability, stripping,
bleeding, skid resistance

Typical Gradation Requirements for Asphalt Concrete

Sieve Allowable Percentage Passing
Base Courses Surface Courses
37.5mm (11/2in.) 100
25mm (1in.) 90-100
19mm (3/4in.) 100
12.5mm (1/2in.) 60-80 90-100
9.5mm (3/8in.) 70-95
4.75mm (No.4) 25-55 45-70
1.18mm (No. 16) 15-40 20-50
0.3mm (No. 50) 4-20 5-25
0.075mm (No.200) 2-8 3-10
Approx., asphalt content 4-7% 5-8%

Some of the common Mix design methods for making and evaluating trial mixes have been the
1. Marshall method 3. Triaxial method
2. Hveem stabilometer method 4. Superpave method

1. Marshall Method of Mix design

Marshall Method will be highlighted here and you have to refer the remaining other methods by your own.
Marshall Method consists of the following major steps
1. Aggregates are blended in proportions that meet the specification
2. The mixing and compacting temperatures for the asphalt cement are obtained from the Temperature-
Viscosity graph.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

3. Briquettes, 101.6mm (4in.) in diameter and 60-65mm (2.5in.) high. Are mixed using 1200gm of
aggregate and asphalt cement content at various percentages both above and below the expected
4. Determine the relative density of each specimen and the mix volumetric (Dmb, VTM, VMA, VFA).
5. Measure the performance properties of the each specimen at 60ºC (140ºF)

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Results of a trial mix have been plotted below. The mix is to meet the asphalt institute’s requirements for a surface
course subjected to medium traffic, the 12.5mm maximum sized aggregates.

 Asphalt content @ maximum density =5.1%

 Asphalt content @ maximum stability=4.7%
 Asphalt content @ 4% air voids =4.3%
Average Asphalt content =4.7%

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Example 2 Illustrative example on Marshall mix Design

1. Aggregate Blending
• 45% coarse aggregate (A)
• 50% fine aggregate, (B)
• 5% mineral filler, (C)
To avoid segregation in measuring samples for Briquettes, Aggregate A and B are each divided in two sizes
Sieve size Aggregate size % passing
9.5mm A (CA) 58%
1.18mm B (FA) 38%

To make a Briquette containing of 1200gm of aggregates, the following portions are used

 Aggregate A: >9.5mm: 0.42 x 45 = 18.9% x 1200g = 227g

(Total 45%) <9.5mm: 0.58 x 45 = 26.1% x 1200g = 313g
 Aggregate B: >1.18mm: 0.62 x 50 = 31.0% x 1200g = 372g
(Total 50%) <1.18mm: 0.38 x 50 = 19.0% x 1200g = 228g
 Aggregate C: =5.0% x 1200g = 60g
(Total 5%)
Total = 1200g

2. Temperature-viscosity Relation
Assuming the Temperature-Viscosity relationship for the asphalt cement is represented by line A on figure ----.
Mixing temperature------------- (190-150) centistokes----161-167oc
Compacting Temperature_____(310-250) centistokes ___152-156oc
3. The sample is mixed with asphalt content as designed. (Assume 4.7%)
4. The sample is compacted into briquette with 35, 50 or 75blows of Marshal on each face (see table)

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

5. Density determination
Mass in Air 1226.4g
Mass submerged 721.9g
Volume 504.5cm3
Density m/v=1226.4/504.5=2431kg/m3

6. Voids Calculation
Density 2431kg/m3
PB 4.7%
The relative density value for a blended aggregate can be found from

Where: p1, p2, and p3 and RD1, RD2 and RD3 are the percepts and relative density
values for Aggregate 1, 2 and 3. For this example the bulk relative values are 2.68, 2.71, and 2.64,
respectively. Hence

Also given is
Asphalt absorption 0.9%
Relative density of Asphalt 1.06%
Therefore taking a 1m3 volume:
MB=0.064×2431 = 156kg
MG=2431-156= 2275kg
MBA = 0.009×2275 = 20kg
MBE = 156-20=136kg
VG= 2275/ (2.693×1000) = 0.845m3
VBE= 136/ (1.06×1000) = 0.128m3
VA = 1-(0.845 + 0.128) = 0.027m3
AV= 2.7%
VMA= (VBE+VA)/V=15.5%
VFA= VBE/ (VBE+VA) =82.6%

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

7. The sample is tested in the compression machine, Maximum load =5780N (1300lb). The volume
correction for 2.5 in (60-65mm) thickness sample is 1.04. The corrected stability is 1.04×5780=6010N
(1350lb). The flow dial reads 29 (units of 0.01in.) at the beginning of compression and 40 at the end.
Therefore, the flow is 11, or 2.8mm.

Home Test
1. List the equipment used in the construction of Bitumen Surface Courses and match their particular
operational tasks
2. What are the major operational tasks in preparing (construction of) Bitumen Surface Courses of
highways? In sequential way
3. Do we have a specific material & construction quality requirements in the construction of Bitumen
Surface Courses? If any, try to list
4. Does the magnitude of the load affect the minimum temperature of asphalts penetration grade? Reason
5. On asphalt mix plant production and paving: An asphalt Batch plan produces mixture using 6.2%
asphalt cement and producing 1360kg per batch. Material is stored in three hot bins before mixing.
Tests were made on samples from the three bins, with results as follows.

Determine the Mass-Demanded from each bin

For Q#4, After completing your calculations, [Refer to worked EXAMPLE on highway Engineering II, last year]
to check your results.

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Q. #5. Blend the following aggregates

Sample -1
Sieve size, Weight retained, gm. Specification % Weight Retained
A(02) B(01) C(00 D(San E(Fille Lower Upper A(02) B(01) C(00) D(San E(Fille
) d) r) limit limit d) r)
20 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 1078.8 0 0 0 0 90 100 27.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 1956.1 17.6 0 0 0 67 87 49.17 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 934.85 2744 2.8 0 0 44 74 23.50 91.53 0.28 0.00 0.00
2.36 8.77 236.4 250. 42.49 0 28 58 0.22 7.89 25.22 8.68 0.00
7 5
1.18 376. 123.3 0 17 40 0.00 0.00 37.94 25.19 0.00
9 2
0.6 210. 195.9 0 11 30.5 0.00 0.00 21.16 40.03 0.00
2 8
0.3 99.8 81.16 0 5 21 0.00 0.00 10.05 16.58 0.00
0.15 38.6 39.6 27.85 3.5 15.5 0.00 0.00 3.89 8.09 5.57
0.075 7.8 6.97 44.06 2 10 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.42 8.81
pan 6.7 0.06 428.0 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.01 85.62
∑ 3978.6 2998. 993. 489.5 500 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 0

Q#. 6 from these given data Calculate

Material Specific Gravity % by Weight 1. The theoretical specific gravity of a void less mix
2. Percent voids if the measured specific gravity G is
Crushed Gravel 2.65 44.7 2.37
Sand 2.65 40 3. The proportion by volume for case (2)
Limestone 2.82 9

Bitumen 1.02 6.3

Q#7 MARSHALL TRIAL MIX Draw and Calculate

Bitumen Content% Density(KN/m3) Stability(N) Flow(0.25mm) Air Void (%) The required bitumen
3.5 23 3200 7 6.8 content to have
4 23 3500 8 5 1. Stability =3330N
4.5 24 3350 9 3.9 2. Flow =2-4mm
5 24 3200 12 3.3 3. Air Void =5-7%
5.5 23 2800 14 3

Highway Engineering III, Lecture note

Check your results the following



% of Passing

60 Lower Limit
Upper Limit

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Log scale sieve size

Q #7
Density(KN/m3) VS Bitumen Stability(N) VS Bitumen Content(%)
24.2 3500
24 3000


23.6 2000
23.4 1500
23.2 1000
23 500
22.8 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Bitumen Content(%) Bitumen Content(%)

Air Void(%)VS Bitumen Content(%)

Flow(0.25mm) VS Bitumen Content(%)
7 16
Air Void(%)

5 10
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Bitumen Content(%) Bitumen Content(%)

 Bitumen content @ max. density =

 Bitumen content @ max. stability =
 Bitumen content @ 4% air void =
 Average Bitumen content = 3.8%


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