Prep 2 Mrs/Esraa Osman: Choose The Correct Answer

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Prep 2 Mrs/Esraa Osman

Choose the correct answer

1-Oxygen molecule splits into two free atoms in the stratosphere layer under the
effect of…………….
a-heat b-infrared radiations c-ultraviolet radiations d-cooling down
2-………….compounds are known commercially as Freon
a-Halons b-Nitrogen oxides c-Hydrocarbons d-Chlorofluorocarbon
3-All of the following cause erosion of ozone layer except…………..
a-freon b-aerosols c-nitrogen oxides d-iron oxides
4-……………radiation is characterized by thermal effect
a-infrared b-ultraviolet c-visible light d-X-ray
put [] or [x] and correct the wrong ones
1-Ozone layer is found in the stratosphere layer
2-The ozone layer allows the passage of all near and medium ultraviolet rays
3-The increase in carbon dioxide gas percentage in the atmospheric envelope leads
to the increase in the Earth's temperature
4-Infrared radiation can't penetrate the atmosphere because of its short wavelength
Write the scientific term
1-A molecule is formed by combing an atom of an element with molecule of the
same element ozone gas
2-A type of ultraviolet radiations that is absorbed completely (100%) by the ozone
layer far ultraviolet rays

3-The continuous increase in the average temperature of the air near the surface of
the Earth global warming
4-One of the atmosphere components that its ratio increases in recent years to
reach about 0.038% carbon dioxide gas

Mrs/Esraa Osman 01018316424

1-Ultraviolet radiation has a ………..effect , and infrared radiation has a ………..
2-Among the reasons for increasing CO2 gas percentage in the atmosphere is
burning of…………….and……………..
3-The thickness of ozone layer is about ………mm
3 300
or equals……….Dobson at the
standard temperature and pressure
methyl bromide gas
4-……………...…….is used as insecticide to preserve the stored agriculture crops
Give reason
1-Stop producing Concorde aero planes Because their exhaust contain nitrogen oxides
that causes erosion of the oxone layer
2-Increasing the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air during the last
years Due to the increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
1-Greenhouse effect and ozone hole [Concerning : Causes – harms ]
comparison Greenhouse effect Ozone hole

Mrs/Esraa Osman 01018316424

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