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III BA English Language Theory and Practice

Section – A (4 x 1 = 4)

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. ‘Adverbs’ and ‘Adjectives’ usually stands for ________.

a) objects b) events c) abstracts d) relations

2. ‘Sharpner’ is an example of _______.

a) O-E b) E-O c) E-A d) O-E-A

3. ______ makes a distinction between competence and performance.

a) Eugene Nida b) Susan Bassnette c) Peter Newmark

d) Noam Chomsky

4. “This book is mine” is an example of ________.

a) Possessive Pronoun b) Possessive Adjective c) Reflexive Pronoun d) Demonstrative


Section – B (4 x 2 = 8)

5. a) Define Syntactic Marking of the Referential Meaning. (or)

b) Describe the marking of meaning by semotaxis with examples.

6. a) What is a connotative meaning of a sentence? (or)

b) How to translate Idioms from SL to RL?

Section – C (8 x 1 = 8)

7. a) What are grammatical classes and universal semantic categories? Explain with examples.


b) Elucidate the functions of Transformational Generative Grammar.

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