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BS Mathematics Project

Techniques for Optimization, Rates, and Curve Analysis using Differential

Calculus and its extension to Fractional order
Name: M. Imran Khan
ID: bc210413029
Topic: Math600

Define Tangent

In mathematics a tangent is a line that touches a curve at a single point

without crossing it. The equation of a tangent line to curve at a specific point () can
be expressed using the point slope form:

where m is the slope of the tangent line.

For example
Consider the curve given by the equation y=x 2. If we want to find the
tangent line at the point (2,4),
First, we find the derivative

Evaluating this derivative at x=2 gives the slope of the tangent at that point:
m = (2x2)
Now, using the point slope form, the equation of the tangent line becomes:
Above equation gives the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x 2 at the
point (2,4).

Continuity is a concept in mathematics that describes the absence of any

abrupt changes or disruptions in a function. A function f (x) is considered
continuous on an interval or at a specific point if it meets three criteria
1. f (x) is defined at that point or with in the interval: The function must have a
value at the given point or with in the specific interval.
2. The limit of f (x) as x approaches the given point or value from both the left
and the right exists: the left-hand limit and the right-hand limit must be
3. The limit f (x) as x approaches the given point or value is equal to value of f
at that point: In other words, the functions value approach each other as x
gets or arbitrarily close to the specified point.
If all the conditions are satisfied the function considered continuous at that point or
over the given interval.
For example:

consider the function .At first glance, this function seems undefined at
x=1 because of division by zero. However, simplifying the function yields, f(x) =
x+1except at x=1.
At x=1
1. f (1) = 1+1 =2 is defined.
2. The limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 is 2.
3. f(1) = 2.

Since all three conditions are met, the function is continuous at x=1.

Secant Lines:
A secant line is a straight line that intersects a curve at two distinct points. It
contrasts with a tangent line, which touches a curve at just one point. The term
"secant" is often used in the context of calculus and analysis to approximate the
slope or rate of change of a curve over an interval.

The equation of a secant line passing through two points and on a

curve can be expressed using the point-slope form:

Here, the slope represents the average rate of change of the function over
the interval .As the interval between the two points becomes infinitesimally
small, the secant line approaches the tangent line, providing the instantaneous rate
of change at a specific point on the curve.
Secant lines are valuable in calculus for understanding the behavior of functions,
especially when dealing with limits, derivatives, and the approximation of slopes
over small intervals.

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