Nabishi 901V

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/ (SERVICE MANUAL TWO WAY RADIO oO sorv VHF (146-1748 ) BY PORTABLE THO WAY RADIO 2 NABISHI® so SECTION 1 : 1a a2 13 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 : 3.1 32 313 3i5 316 Z SECTION 4 : SECTION 5 : 1 2 SECTION 6 6 6 6 CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction ..... 2h Specifications I Operating Inseruceions =. 13 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION synthesizer - ; pee Receiver « 10 Transmiteer . 2 Power Suppiy 4 Block Diepran’ i ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE Alignnent Equipment Required .. eon ‘Adjestment. fone Location « ua PLLWe0 Adjustment. sssecres00: 220 Receiver Adjustment 0000000001 La Ih Transaitter Adjustaene 1.2. LR 5N Transmitter Adjustment ©. 18 SERVICING Channel Progranming . 5 Performance Tests «...slssss000 Repair P.G.Board Layout Inter-connect. Diagran = Circuit Voltage Diagram’: Aen Pwatt Radio Schematic Diagram ..0...00000 5 Watt Radio Schematic Diagram ..00.0.00001 Exploded View Diagram eres PARTS. LIST Connon Parts 12. KHz Spacing Parts 2skllz Spacing Parts 146-LsoMiis Band Parts 1S5-174MHiz Band Parts 2 Wate Radio Parts 5 Watt Radio Parts .llivessssscs Mechanical Parts ....csssssesssse OPTIONAL UNIT DIMF. Unit . cress. Unie’: Selective Caii tnit’! ‘SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION aa INTRODUCTION The 901V is a high perfomance synthesized portable two way radio with nominal RF power output of 5 watt (901V). “or 2 watt (SO1V Low) rt 4s intendel for operating in the 14@Miz to 1782 frequency range with 25 His channel spacing at +/- Siz deviation or 12.S¥0iz channel spacing and +/+ 2,SKilz deviation. The set has a eight chamel capacity. Mounted the top panel : main ON/OFF switch with ‘Volume’ control, "Squeleh* ‘control ané channel select, ‘Antena connector’ of BNC type, external Mic ‘and externl Speaker connector socket, red LED visual indication of tran- ssnitting Made (on air) and when battery voltage are low it is non-i1luni- ‘The 901 employs PLL frequecny synthesize system, to programing desired frequency renove the back cover, unplug the matrix board and plug-in diode {into suitable positions. (see section 4, channel programming). ‘The dual cawersion receiver employs discrete components and integrated circuit. It also includes a signal to noise ratio operated squelch circuit. ‘The receiver delivers approximately 0.5 watts of audio pover to a 8 chm speaker. The transmitter VOO provides 1/2 modulated operating frequency and via a doubler to drive a three stage broad band RF pover amplifier. An audio processor with instantaneous deviation control provides signal to VC 0, modulate. The DC supply to the set must be negative earth and may be between 8.4 and 415.2 volts. Nickel cadnitm battery can be used. oO 42 SPECIFICATIONS SoERAL Frequency Range (10M: segnent) Number of Chaznels Channel Spacing Programing clannel Step Power Supply RE Input / Output Impedance AF Input Impedance Frequency Stability Dimensions (Radio Only) TRANSUTTTER Exission Type Carrier Power Neximm Modulation ‘Avdio Frequency Response ‘Audio Distortion Spurious Enission Residual Nodulation Maxim Permissible Channet RECEIVER ‘Audio Output Power ‘Audio Distortion ‘Audio Frequency Response Maxime Sensitivity Adjacent channel Selectivity ‘Spurious Response Rejection Internodulation Rejection Noise and Hum Intemediate Frequency Maxima Permissible channel adeete 1594 ron, 8 aa.siie 12. Se 9.0V Ni-Cd Battery 50 om 8 om 0.00c88 130mm x 76m x 48m aKSORSE = 2H ox SW 2.5K: or Site Meets ‘MPT requirements Meets ‘MPT requiresents Less than 0,25aW At least 30H: below 3Kilz Dev 8 30, 0.5W Yaximan Less than St Meets MPT requirenents Less than 2uV'E.M.F. (2008 SINAD) More than 6088 at 12.54% Spacing More than 70dB at 25iUi2 Spacing More than 7038 Nore than 7028 More than 404B below rated audio Ist 2Ldiz , 2nd 455K aie OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS I (QPERATING CONTROLS AND_INSTRUCTIONS, a a o o} o @ | | eo] e- a ON-OFF / VOU comrrot ‘Tums the radio ON and OFF and adjusts audio output level. a CONTE . Sets the squelch threshold level. Rotate this control. completely Gamterclochvise to tum off the squeich finctions (GuNNEL SELECT swrToH Selects one of the programed channels. TRANGMIT / BATTERY INDICATOR fed IeD illuminates during the transait moie, Also indicates battery Condition during transaistion, if indicator goes cut during transmi- Ssion, batteries need charging imodiately. ANTENA Connects the flexible antema. An external antenna can be comected, using @ ENC connector. ENTERAL MIC JACK See the schenatic for the proper hook-up. When the external. sicrophone {S-comected the built-in microphone does rot Aimetion, ‘The optional KS1012 speaker-nicrophone can also be used, Econ endear camo Dynan rizoshone eon a DI i) (7) EXTER SPEAKER JACK ‘’n extemal speaker with an impedance of 8 ohm or an earphone can be comected to this Jack. (The built-in speaker will than Stop function) . (2) ECB ATEOA, Must be connected before operating the radio. (9) PUSH-TO-TALK (PTT) sHITC When depressed, puts radio in the transmit node. When released, the radio operates’ in the receive node. (20) BUILT-IN CONDENSER MICROPHONE a) ope xaxpoARD (12). BATTERY BOK / SEALED Ni-Cd POMER PACK ( OPTIONAL ) 23) GiARGER coNNECTOR (14) BATTERY GHARGE INDICATOR (Lights during battery charging) as) aao-smaP (OPERATION Before operating the radio, make sure that the pover ON-OFF / VOUME CONTROL ROWB (1) is at the OFF position and the SQUELG! ONTROL (2) is tumed compl- etely comter-clockwise. Connect the FLEXTBLE ANTENNA (8) and then slip the POER PACK or battery bor with Ni-Cd batteries onto the radio, (AL1 new Ni-Gd batteries/power pack mst bbe properly charged before use). RECEIVING (2) Tum the radio ON to a confortable Listening level and set the CHANNEL SELECT SWITGH (3) to the desired channel. (2) If only noise can be heard and so signal, turn the SQUELCH CONTROL (2) loclwise until the noise stops and set control just below this thres- hold. (3) Your radio is now set to receive calls on the selected channel. (A) If the squelch is unstable due to the reception of weak signals, adjust ‘the squelch control further clockrise until the proper threshold is obtained. ‘TRAGATTING (1) Set the controls as for RECEIVING. (2) Wold the radio in a vertical position with the speaker/microphone grills S-Som from your mouth. Press and hold dow the PIT switch and speak slowly and clearly into the grille area. When your have finished talking (transiting), release the PIT switch to Listen (receive). NOTE : The reé LED (4) illuminates during transaission. If the LED goes cut during transmission, this indicates the batteries/pover pack need charging immediately. orriays Number of options can be ordered to enhance the operation of your K6200 radio: (@) one EBON, (2) CICSS or SELECTIVE CALL. Your radio is designed to accomodate @ CICSS circuit board or SELECTIVE CALL circuit board. When CICSS or SELECTIVE CALL circuit 4s added, signal from radios not required with such will not be heard even it is received. This helps to avoid unwanted commnicat- NOTE + When the CICSS or SELECTIVE CALL is operating, there will be no noise even the SQUELCH CONROL is set fully coter-clockwise. If the SQUELO! CONTROL is set fully clocke:se, some weak signal wil] not be received. L SAFETY INFORUTTON POWER PACK/Ni-Od BATTERY (1) Alt batteries mist be charged prior to use, when charging(using the supplied wall charger or optional desk top charger) tum OFF the _ radio or remove the power pack/battery box fron the radio. (2) Avoid external short-circuiting of the battery, which could perman- ‘ently damage the battery and create a fire hazard. (3) Mover put batteries into fire, an explosion could happen. USE OF RADIO (GQ) Bo not hold the radio with the antenna close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes, while transnitting. (2) Do not hold the PTT switch on when not actually desiring to transmit. (3) Bo not operate @ trananitter near unshielded electrical blasting caps cor in an explosive atmosphere. (4) Use of other poner source may be harmful and danage the radio. POWER PACK ‘The pover pack or battery box slips easily onto the base of the radio and ‘there are various power packs available to suit your needs : a) @ 6) NetoBdc 8.4V 270M Size + He42.Som WoO D*3Sam N1096C 9,6V 270A Size : He48.Sem We6Smn D+3San N 10964 9.6V GOIMA Size : He68.Sem WeOSem D=SSom i SECTION 2 CIRGUIT DESCRIPTION 2.1 SYNTHESIZER LOCAL OSCILLATOR ‘The crystal oscillator Q1O6 with XTALLOL and XTALIO2 oscillates at 56- 76\8tz Frequency range. In the transnit mode, TSV is applied to D111 through RIS8,R139 and DLI1, is ‘tumed QN and selects XTALIOL. In the receive mode, RSV is applied to D112 through R141,R142 and DIL? is ‘tumed QW and selects xTALLOZ. MIXER AND LEVEL COWERTER : ‘The output signals from the local oscillator circuit and the VOD signals fed through buffer amplifiers QlO7 are mixed by the mixer QlO8. The output signals are fed to the low-pass filter to filter aut only the signals below fiz, then fed to Q109 to be anplified to proper drive level (sore than 1Sip-p) of the programable divider ICLO1. PROGRMNABLE DIVIDER AND REFERENCE FREQUECAY GENERATOR : ‘The input signals of ICIO1 are divided by the BD cole input signals 1000- 1799 from the matrix board at pin 3-15 and pin 1é are divided 1800, and put cut 6.2Si0iz frequency from pin 17, Reference frewency generator ICl03 con- sists of a crystal oscillor and 2 highspeed divider. XTALIOS oscillates at 6.d¥biz, which is divided by 1024. The 6.25IH reference requency is fed to the phase detector of ICLO2. This 6.2540l: referee frequency decides the variation step of the PLL cutgut frequency. PHASE DETECTOR AND LOOP FILTER : Digital phase detector, 1C102, detects the phase difference of the pulse signals of the 6.251Gic reference frequency and the output signal of the prog- Yamable divider, and proportionately puts out pulse signals at pin 3, which becanes high impedance when the PLL is locked. Pin 4 is for detecting the lock failures and chaage to low level according to the phase difference of the two pulse signals. When the lock fails, the pulse signal from pin 4 is integrated by RI37 and C215, and fed to the in- verter within ICI02 pin 2 and pin 1 to go to a high logic level. The mite function will be active and cut off pover supply of VO. The loop Filter, consisting of 1129, R129, R128, %126 and C17S, converts the pulse signal from pin 5 into a DC voltage and decides the response tine of the whole loop. ‘The autput voltage are fed to varactor diode D110 of the VOD circuit as the control voltage for the VOO frequency set. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR: ‘The VOO is a colpitts circuit using Q1OS, and oscillates in 62-874 range. ‘The oscillator frequency is controlled by a DC veltage which is supplied from the loop filter to varactor diode D110. In the transnit mode, TSV is applied to D108 thraugh R122, T104 and D108 is ‘turned ON and selects coil T104, it oscillates at 1/2 transmitting frequency. In the sane time, the VOO signal is frequency modulated by D109. The audio signal fron TX audio processor which are applied to the varactor diode D109. In the receive mode, RSV is applied to D107 throvgh R121, TOS and D109 is tumed OW and selects cofl T103, it oscillates at 1/2 receiving low side injection Frequency (receiver 1st IF are 21.4Mz). DIODES VATRTX = ‘The PLL circuit incorporates a diode matrix boaré to detemine its operation Ezequencies and eight channels can be programed into the board. ‘Tho TCHOL and T0402 is 3 to 8 line domltiplexer, it is decode from the chan- nel selector milti-codes to a channel Line. SYNTHESIZER CIRCULT 3 2.2. RECEIVER [RE AWPLIFIER AD FIRST MIXER ‘The RF signal from the antenna comector are fel to the five L-section low- pass filter and via a 2 pole band-pass filter, which is amplified by QOL, the MOS FET QlO1 provide about 20dB gain, and the cutput signal through a 3 pole band-pass filter fed to the source of the nixer. The low side injection signal from the VoD via a doubler circuit is fei to the gate of the mixer. ‘The Low sige injection frequency which is 21.4 below the desired signal, and the mixer (102 provide approximately 10dB of conversion gain. The 2 pole and 3 pole band pass filter is turned to the desired frequency range to reduce umvanted signal and help to inprove the image rejection. RF Filter Characteristics TE AMPLIFIER ‘The IF output fron the mixer passes through the 21.MHz crystal filter and is amplified by QUO3 before being fed to the IC301, 16301 provides the following functions : IF conversion fram 21.4Miz to 455K with extemal crystal XTALSO1; amplitude Limiting; quadrature detection with FAS; and squelch. Audio signal from pin 9 of [C301 is fed through the audio processor. SQUELO! crRaNT ‘% input signal to the squelch circuit is obtaired from the audio output of TC301 via R510, C315, C512 and decrease by VROOZ. This signal has a noise ‘evel vhich is inversely related to the level of an RF signal at the receiver input. 10 - ‘An operatioral amplifier within C301 is used in a band-pass filter configur- ation to select and amplify noise frequency abore the atulio band. The centre Frequency is approxinately 20KH2 for the 28it channel spacing version, and 12k for the 12.5itiz channel spacing version. the band-pass filter output is rectified by D501 to give a negative DC voltage which is an inverse function of the RF signal strength. A resistor of R506 to make the DC voltage at pin 12 of ICS01 greater than 0.7V. Pin 13 goes to a low output, when in a weak signal condition and the squelch is tumod fully clockwise (trigger), D301 will rectify enough noise to pull om the voltage at pin 12 below 0.7V. This will cause pin 15 of ICS01 to 0 to a high logic level, which the switch circuit QSO1, Q302 and (GOS will cut-off the power supplies of audio amplifier 1302. ly tape tsps RECEIVE AIDTO PROCESSOR ‘The audio sigals from pin 9 of ICSOL is fed to che de-euphasis amplifier IC 303a, It is to restore the flat audio frequency cesponse and at the sane tine attenuate the high frequency noise. ‘The de-enphasised cutput from the ICS03a passes chrough the active high-pass filter 1C503b and fed to ‘Volune’ control VROOI. The high -pass filter is {filtering below $00Hesub-audio signal. The audio signal is taken from the VR 001 to the audio amplifier. The audio axplifier provides about 26dB of gain ‘and the pover necessary to drive a low impedance speaker to rated power. C327 couples amplified audio to a speaker. " coarncertatie of Brbapasis tron@ point aoetver AF arectariatic oD 2.3 [RANSMrTTER [TRUNSITT AUDIO PROCESSOR ; The voice signal from the condenser Mic is pre-eaphasised by C530, R27, and is fed to the lov noise amplifier 1C304, which perfors 6d8/Octave response between S00 and SK: and amplify encugh signal level. ‘An instantaneous deviation control (IDC) fimetion is perfomed by Q512 and 515, which Liaived signal lovel at approxinately 0.6 volts. ‘The output of the Iiniter is sinilar to rectangulér waves and includes hamon- cs. These harmonics are elininated by the lov-piss filter 1CS04a, which cuts SOE or higher. Filtered signals are fed to the VOO in the main board to make Srequeney soiulation. oD 2 characteristic of Fre-imphasis from @ point ‘eanamition AP Characteristic ‘DOUBLER AND PRE-DRIVER ‘The VOD oscillates a half of a transmitting frequency, thus the miltiplier QUO, 1108 and 1109, multiplies two times to obtain transnitting frequency. This signal is fed to pre-driver QLIJ, which amplifies the signal level. DRIVER AND POWER AMPLIFIER ‘The cutput signals from the pre-driver is fed todriver QUIZ, and amplified up ‘to 5000N push a 2watt power stage or amplified signals up to 600nW to drive a S watt power stage. ‘The power anplifior QLI3 output matching network consists of L116, LiL? and 482, C155, by two L-sections, L-sections were used because they provide ex- cellent harmonic suppression and good efficiency over the entire band. 2 AUNOMATIC POWER CONTROL, The transnit power output is set at nominal by VRIOL, which controls the coll ector voltage of QUI and QlI2 and hence the gain of the broad band amplifier. The circuit utilises a pover detector D106, ania feed back loop, to hold the transnitter poner to noninal under conditions of varying supply voltage. 2.4 BONER SUPPLY 5Y_REGULATOR AND TI/RK SWITCH ‘The rogulated 5V is supplied to the PLL synthesis circuit, so that the set operates under a stable condition with as low power voltage as possible.The power supply voltage (B+) is fed to the RF power amplifier and the squelch switching circuit and through the 5V regulator of 1C305 is supplied to the PLL synthesis circuit. In the transmit mode the base of QS511 is grounded through R526, the microphone and the PIT switch and Q611 is turned ON, thus 0309 snd Q808 are turned ON and SV is supplied to the TX-audio processor of ICS0$. At the sane tine Q507 and (G06 is tumed ON and TSV is supplied to the VOD and transmitter circuit. In the receive mode, QS11 and QS09 is tumed OFS, the regulated SV is passes ‘through the RS41, R523 fed to the base of Q504 via the QS05. Thus the RSV is supplied to the VCD and receiver circuit. 2D DoorcxTOR ‘This LED is Light in the transait mode, tut when poser supply voltage becones: less than 7.5V it will be not light. The power supply voltage is divided by R001 and ROO2 and applied to base of QOL. The enitter of QOOL is comected to the LED, when the pover supply voltage is more than 7.SV and transmitter is ‘operated, the QOO1 is turned GN and T5V is applied to the LED through D305, R543 and QO01, and LED is i1iuminant. 14 WRMOVTT TOOTS l= IF AF BOARD ADJUSTMENT POINT LOCATION 1P3 [FF SS Se VR301 Figure 2 ” [SECTION 5 ‘ALIGHENT PROCEDURE 5.1 ALIGUENT BQUIPMENT REQUIRED ‘the following test equipaent or equivalent is required to properly align and adjust the K-6200. ALL test equipment mist be calibrated before attempting alignment. (2) AF Signal Generator (eg. National VP-7201A) (2) AP Power Meter (eg. Marconi 8958 W/50893 SINAD fiver) (3) RE Signal Generator (eg. Hewlett-Packard 86568) (8) RE Wattneter (eg. Bird 4431 W/8304-300 toad ‘and 10C eleneat) (5) Modulation Meter (eg. Marconi 2504) (6) Frequency Counter (og. Fluke 72208) (7) Digital muteinter (eg. Fluke 89255) (6) oscittoscope Frequency response great than 20Mz (9) Power Supply 9.6V DC/2 Aap (20) Chanel Selector: Soe figure 1 (41) Cables as foltow N to BIC for RF 2.5m 2 conductor plug for EXT Mic. 3.5am 2 conductor plug for EXT SP. ALigatar clips to power supply 1000 (open) O——To moo Ov N00 To +5V Figure 1 6 2: WATT TRANSMITTER MAIN BOARD ADJUSTMENT POINT LOCATION Figure 5 18 5 WATT TRANSMITTER MAIN BOARD ADJUSTNENT POINT LOCATION — — L102 < ea Bet ia Le ég_h— L107 | 1103 er Figure 4 L108 = 19 PLL_/ VCO ADJUSTMENT Connections Grane | no W400, 1900.45, Pigitat Selector Voltmeter 367 | no pe Frequency, power supply Counter Seep conditions: najust | Reading of value 2 | Get vai01 to full clockwise) | valor — 2 | set chamnet selector to waco | tio3 | voleeter-av 0c +/-0.10 3_| Pash Pre Key moe | voleseter-av 5c +/-0.1¥ 4 | see channet selector to 000 | check | Voltneteri.3v Dc +/-0.20 S| Push POT wey Check | Vortmeter-1.3v 06 4/-0.27 6 | set channel seiector eo m400 | 1125 | correct frequency on the frequency counter * + Frequency (Received frequency = 21.4ie)/2 20 3.3. REGEIVER ADJUSTMENT Connections Geanned ]oo noo, 1800.50 non osetznoscore| wst00 | go pep, | Pon / sno under aajost eter Tams |temcmeat tm» [Po Generator ower supp] ae conditions pajast_| seeding of value t Set chotelectar [0s x07 adjust the ne |_ to 8400 oa Meee Shepue [ecr ceselaccar |aaoasaoe | MX F¥sponse on 2_| fox zou ww. | Eo nooo 08 | ene ostntoscore fd approprite rs . = F | Erestney Gh” [Set chesebeotar | ri01 03 Notuarisacorr | to N000 bor Tepeat. Step 23 : several tine | | assure che we | Set cicseiector SiN Ratio on te Higveen curpue | to 1000 set voume| foe/StaD naver for au Be elec | 50 of | nore than 2030 for 6 | and aprroprite | Sct CheSelector | maxima AF | +/-1,54tir deviate Erecueney cutowe po | nore chan 268 for [| wotaiatiee (2) [set chcSetector | Wee oases aevieee to H000 ote + (1) the recelver covers LOW frequency range, Adjust the signal, Generator output frequency for lowest, Eange- ‘Riddle and upper of the (a) te 12.s4tte channel spacing is frequency modulate with Ings tone wists deviation oF IKliz tone and Srir deviation for 25Kitz Channel apactag version. 2 3.4 2M TRANSMITTER ADJUSTMENT Connections ‘channel |e 400, 1809. 450 en BF Sign Ino exe nic so1v ‘ro antenna | Generator under najuct fq Semester | rower 3-67 52 | no Frequency power sucpiy| counter ‘Step. Conditions aajust | Reading of value 2 [Geet vaior to fut anti-eiocxvise) | vatoa 2 | Set channel selector to 4400 tio | Maximan value 3 | Set channel selector to 8000 209) Coe 4 | set channel selector to N00 208 5 | epest stop 2,3, and 4 | See channel selector eo ndoo tan [correct frequency on and cut-off AP signal source ene. frequency counter 7] Gieset vatoi) vaIOL 2 wate RP power | Adjust supply voltage to 8.47 ‘heck | on the power meter (7 33) 3 | najuse suppay vortage to 13.27 | check 10 | see channel selector to W800 and Maximum permissible sajust AP Sig-cen for int: tone | vazoa | | deviation on the with Loon output level Nodslation meter * ii | Reset the AP Sig-Gen output level | check | 60¥ of maximum for lon Savsation (4/-25%) ‘he maxim deviate is 2-2-4ille for 12.5iGis channel spacing or 4-4.8K2 for 25x channel spacing version 22 3.8 SW TRANSMITTER ADJUSTMENT Connections Giant |oo waco,¥ Wodaiation selector vr A Signal oo ext Mie eae | veces bo[Eona}y aa be Prequensy rower sunpty| comter_ ft eee Condi ctone Rajust | Reading of value 2 _|_ Gee vaioi to full antivolockwiee) | vaoL 2 Set channel selector to #000 2109 ee on the 3_| set camel selector to na00 108 4 | Repost step 2 and 3 RF power meter for loa 5 | Set channel selector to 1400 tan [eorrect frequency on and cutwoff AP signal source the frequency counter © | (reset vo ao 5 Watt RF power 7__| Adjust supply voltage to 8.47 ‘creck | on the power moter (ey a3) | adjust supply voltage to 13.27 | check Set channel selector to 1000 and ‘aximan permissible ® | adjust aP sig-cen for ixiz tone | vaso1| deviation on the with Jooay output level Nodslation meter * io | Reset che AF Sig-Gen output level | check | 60¥ of maximm Geviseion (4/259) ‘The maximum deviate {e 2-2.akliz for 12.5KEis channel spacing of 4-4. 8kilz ‘or 25iiiz channel spacing version 2a SECTION SERVICTN 4.1 CHANNEL PROGRANMING = ‘The two way radio operation is restricted to « L0Miz switching range, the lovest programme step number (N) is zero, the upper step mumber is 800 ( 12.5i¢: per step ). The programing of cach of the eight transnit and receive channels is accomplished by insertion and soldering to the row of as required : (see figure 1). ‘&n inserted diode pushes ICLO1 (programatie counter) input to high level and adés the frequency increnent. Figure 1 ‘The Figure 2 shows how, when starting with NOCO, each successive diode influences the synthesizer frequency by a miltiple of 12.Siiz in an ascending binary codes decinal sequence. 12.51, 251 50nd: 00K: 125i 250% 00K: ie HIVLITI stop transnit (eeeive only) iat — eet eee ‘Site Figure 2 ‘The following examples show a simple method of calculating the correct ode programe. step minber = (operation frequency ~ lovest frequency) step frequency Bample 1: TX frequency 157,925 for chanel 3 ‘TK frequency 163.475Mis for chamel 4 eer nee | SIC) or 0.0325 Channel 5. step mmber = {165.475 ~ 150-000) _ 7g 0.0125 Figure 3 Example 2 [RK froquency 158.0792 for channel 5. IK frequency 162. 100M for channel 7. stop transmit for channel 1,2,4,6,7 and 8. Channel 5 step number = 158.075 ~ 155-000) _ 245 0.0125 (482.100 ~ 155,000) _ 565 0.0025 Channel 7 step rumber = Figure 4 4.2 PERFORMANCE TEST ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED The following test equipment or equivalent mist be calibrated before attempting test. When to check the receiver characteristic it is impor- tant to use a signal generator of good quality, because a bad signal source from the generator may cause good receiver giving @ poor test result. (see figure 5) ess q 3 #1 sig tan } mami | SED i wien . : : WN Figure 5 1. Transceiver Test Sot (ee. Heonettepackard 895A. The set WS cenibed Auto enciyeer, aaitation analyser, Signal feactatory and Transcetter rertece!) 2, Signal Generator (ee. Mowdest-Packard 86408 or 86624). 3. Spectra Analyoer (eg. Hcett-Packard 85688). 4. Prequney Counter (ea. Fluke 7208), 5. osetlisempe (Groqueney response up to 100M). {TO GHECK THE RECEIVER USIBLE SEASITIVITY ‘The signal generator is connected to the two way radio antenna connector, ‘the AF output signal is fed to the audio analyzer via the CCITT filter which measures SINAD. The test signal is modulated with a Ike tone at 60% maximm rated deviation and adjust RF output level is then reduced ‘until SINAD 2NB, whichever occurs first. This receiver is typically 1.4uV [BE for narrow band version ( 12.5Kliz channel spacing ) or 0.8uV EMF for ‘ide band version (25K channel spacing) IE the test signal level exceed 2uN EMF. check the RF anpLigier, mixer and IF amplifier circuit of receiver. 2 10 GIECK THE RECEIVER SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Connect audio analyzer and load to Ext. Sp. terminal. Set the signal generator output level for 32uV BE with 10 tone at 60% saximan rated deviation. ‘Adjust the radio voltme control for a reading of '0'dBn on the audio an- alyzer. Turn the signal generator modulation-OFF. The fall in Teading when the modulation is switched-OFF should be at least -45eB for narrow band version or ~490B for wide bind version. Mow reading (less than ~40dB) could be caused by a faulty IP amplifier IC BOL or a noisy VO. sci (2) To CHECK THE SQUELOH OPERATION: Comect audio analyzer across the Ext. Sp. terminal, and comect a signal generator to the Antenna teminal. Set the signal generator output level to zero with iz tone at 60% maximum rated deviation. ‘Adjust the receiver squelch control until the noise just disappears. Slowly increese the signal generator cutput leve! until the squelch gate opens", this should be at about 6 to 848 SINAD cn the audio analyzer. (2) 70 GHECK THE SQUELCH RATIO: ‘Turn the squelch control fully clockwise, Slovly increase the signal gene- ator qutput level until the squelch gate ‘opens’, this should be at about 2048 SINAD on the audio analyzer meter. ‘TO CHECK THE AUDIO OUTPUT LEVEL, AND DISTORTION Comect audio analyzer and load to Ext. Sp. terminal. Set the signal generator cutput level for InV IMF with 1iGlz tone at 60% max- mim rated deviation, Adjust the receiver volume control to the onset cf clipping, the receiver cutput should be 2 volts across 8 ohms load, and the distortion should not exceed 10%. Readjust the volume control to give a reading of 1.4 volts, the distortion 8 should be at least 24. If the distortion reading exceed St.Adjust the coils T102, L125 (see section 3, main board adjustment point location) until the best of value on the distortion meter. (BECK THE ADJACENT GUNNEL SELECTIVITY AND SPURIOUS REJECTION Adjacent chamel selectivity and spurious attenuation is a measure of a re- ceiver's ability to differentiate between a desired signal and in adjacent channel signal or other signals, two signal generator shall be used in this test. ‘Two signal source'A' and 'B' is via a combining network is connected to the ‘two vay radio antenna connector, the audio analyser and load comected to Ext. Sp. terminal. Set the signal generator 'A' to in channel frequency with Wiz tone at 60% maximm rated deviation, and set level for 20dB SINAD on the audio analyzer. Turn signal generator 'B' QN and modulate with 400Hz tone at 60$ maximm rated deviation, (2) AQWACENT GHUBEL SELECTIVITY ‘Tum generator 'B* to upper or lower adjacent channel and adjust its level for 14@B SIWO with audio analyzer milling KHz tone. The adjacent channel selectivity shall be expressed as the lover value of the ratio in dB of the evel of the undesired signal in the upper or lower adjacent. chamel to the level of the éesired signal. ‘This set is typically s6d8 for narrow band version or 75dB for wide band version. If the value is less than 6043/704B, check the 1st and 2nd T.F. filter and VOD cirauit. Perhaps a high SSB phase noise level fron the VCD. (2) sPuRtous RErECTION Vary generator 'B' frequency while increasing qutput level, lowest receiver frequency up to 1000Miz, whenever a signal is noted on the audio analyzer, ‘the generator level should be reduced until 1448 SINAD on the audio analyzer. Ratio in dB between generator's level for 14dB STAD at # spurious frequency is spurious rejection ratio, Iihen the spurious rejection ratio is below 70dB, chat RF signal band-pass filter circuit (consists of L101, L102 and L103 , L104, L10S) is tured out of receiving range. TO CHECK THE INTERMOOULATTON REFECTION Intermodulation spurious attenuation measures the ability of a receiver to 29 between a desired signal and certain combinations of two or more undesired signal at other frequences. Three signal generator shall be used in this test. ‘Three signal source 'A,B' and 'C! is via a combining network is connected to the two way radio antenna connector, the audio enalyzer and load connected ‘to the Ext. Sp. teminal. Set generator 'A' to ia channel frequency with a ii: tone at 60% maximm rated deviation, and set level for 20dB SINAD on the audio analyzer. Turn generator 'B" ON and turned to the next adjecent (high or low) channel frequency ani not modulated. ‘Turn generator 'C’ ON and turned to the separated by four channel separations in the channel frequency (sane side as generator 'B') and with a 400Hz tone at 60% maximm rated deviation. ‘The level of generator "B' and 'C' are increased together until SINAD degrades to 14dB. The ratio of the level of generator "B' or 'C’ (they are the sane) to generator ‘A’ is the intermodulation spurious attenuation. ‘The ratio of intermodulation rejection should be nore than 70dB for this set. Cypically 7403). {TO QIECK THE TRANSMITTER FREQUENCY ERROR AND APC FUNCTION (2) GECK THE FREQUENCY ERROR + ‘This isa frequency messurenent to determine that the transmitter is operating ‘at the desired Frequency. The measurenent is nade with no modulation applied to the transnitter. ‘This test is key in assigned frequency and put madulation analyzer in FREQ. ERA mode vis the transceiver interface (HPS9S3A test set). (iE TE apc FINCTION ‘The autoaatic power control (APC) is to hold the transmitter output power to nominal (2 watt or 5 watt) conditions of different supply voltage. This test is varying the supply voltage 8.4V to 13.2V, the transnitter output, ower shali kept in nominal condiations (+/-1.2dB) ‘TO GHBCK THE TRANSMITTER AUDIO DISTORTION AND MOMULATION LIMITING ‘This test determines the transnitter's ability to prevent overmodulation ‘when a transient or steady state modulation input exceeds the level necessary full deviation. 30 Operate the transnitter with INF sine vave input to the Ext. Mic terminal. ‘Adjust the audio level for 10h (60% of transnitter rated deviation) as neasure the transmitting audio distortion. The distortion should not exceed Sh, This set is typically 28. Increase audio level 2048 in one step, and seasure the instantaneous deviation response using the peak hold and peak + or ~ capability of the modulation analyzer. Measure the steady state deviation by taking the modulation analyzer out of ‘the peak hold mode ‘The maximum deviation should Limited 2.48 for nerrow band version or 4.8K for wide band version. TO CHECK THEE TRANSMITTER AUDIO FREQUENCY. RESPONSE ‘This is a test to determine the frequency Tesponse (flatness) of the audio and modulation circuits in cur transmitter. To male this measurement, set the audio source at a level required to generate a reference anount of modulation, usually at Hz, Without changing the audio source output level, its frequency is varied over the specified nodulation bandwidth of the transmitter and its deviation compared with the deviation meesured at our reference fre ‘quency. The change in deviation versus frequency conpared with our reference Exequency deviation, expressed in dB, is our frequency response. This transmitters with pre-emphasis, the deviation would increase at 6éB per octave rate vith a perfectly flat transnitter frequency response. The actual deviation could be plotted on the pre-enphasis curves previously discussed and the deviation, in dB fran these curves measured to determine the frequency response. ‘There is a sinpler method using the de-enphasis filters built into modulation analyzer and the pre-display mode. In the pre-display sode the modulation no longer indicates absolute deviation but will display 2 relative velue that would be constant with a flat frequency response transaitter that used pre- enphasis. Using the dB ratio mode allows this measurement to be made directly. Operate the transmitter with 1: sine wavw input to the Ext. Mic. terminal. ‘Adjust the audio level for 3.20 (208 of the trarsmitter's rated deviation) fas measured on the modulation analyzer. Place the modulation analyzer in the pre-display mode, then into the dB ratio mode, a Vary the audio source frequency over the specified transmitter audio frequency range and record the flatness directly in dB fror the modulation analyzer display. ‘This transmitter audio frequency response should within +1 or -3B for S0dH2 to Siliz frequency range TO CHECK THEE TRANSMITTER ADJACENT CHANNEL, POWER ‘Adjacent chanel power is a measure of the transmitter output when driven at high modulation levels. The purpose is to find if any unwanted frequencies (additional adjacent channel) are generated and to measure their levels. ‘This test requires @ spectrum analyzer or a specially calibrated receiving system. The spocrum analyzer or specially calibrated receiver (adjacent channel po~ Wer tester) Js via a attenuator conectored to the tvo way radio antenna connector, Operate the transnitter with 1.25K sine wave and 10a level input to the Ext Mic, terminal. Measure levels of transmitter sideband signal in adjacent channel. ‘The adjacent channel power should not exceed of SIdB below the transmitting ower for narrow band version or 70dB for wide band version. 2 4 REPAIR COMPONENT CHECKS If a transistor is suspected of faulty operation, an indication of its performance can be assessed by measuring the forvard and reverse resist ance of the junctions. First make sure that the transistor is not shunt ‘ed by sone circuit resistance (unless the device is completely unsoldered). ‘An muilti-neter should be used for taking the measurenents, using only the nedium or lov resistance ranges. ‘The collector current dravn by multijunction transistors is a further gu- ide to their operating performance. If an intergrated circuit (IQ) is suspect, the most reliable check is to measure the IC operating voltages. Due to catastrophic nature of most 1C failures, the pin voltages wil] usually be markedly different fron the rrecamended values in the presence of a fault. These values can be found (on the Circuit voltage chart, or in the component data catalogue. COMPONENT. REPLACEMENT Whenever components are renoved fron, or fitted to the printed circuit track, care mst be taken to avoid danage to the track, If it is necess~ ary to remove a component from the track, the following procedure is re- commended + Renove the solder from the component leads using a solder wick. loosen the individual leads from the printed track Withdraw the component from the top of the PCB. Because of the delicate nature of the printed track, the use of solder suckers is not recomended. o not remove the component from the PCB while the solder is still molten. Keep ali soldering operations, and the heat and solder applied, to a mini- ‘mim, A thermally controlled, fine tip soldering iron should be used. Ensure that the iron is earthed hack to the frane of the set. CRYSTAL FILTER REPLACEMENT ‘Should it become necessary to replace the crystal filter, both cans should be replaced together as the new parts are supplied as matched pairs. Observe polarity when fitting. 3 TO REPLACEMENT RE_PONER TRANSISTOR Unsolder the tabs by heating them with a soldering iron, then lifting them up towards the transistor with a thin stainless steel spike or screwiriver. Unscrew the transistor mounting screws or stud nuts and renove the transi- stor, ‘Trim the tabs of the replacenent to make then similar to the Faulty item, then Lightly tin the underside of the tabs. Sear the underside of the transistor with heatsink compound, Screw the transistor tightly to the heatsink than solder the tabs. CAUTION + Do not solder the tabs before tightening the screws, as this will fracture the device. 36 BOARD LAYOUT TE, AF. Unit BOARD LAYOUT 5 Watt Radio Main Unit Viewed fron solder side Viewed from component side BOARD LAYOUT 2 Watt Radio Main Unit Viewed ron component side BOARD LAYOUT Matrix Unit Viewed fron solder side nto, 2,0.0.0,.0, . 0,0,0,0,0 0.0.9 0.0,9.9,9.9,9,0 0,000.0 0,0 9,0,9,9,,9. 909290900099 99999 2000099000 YS SITITIIIIIIIISS 5 8,8,8,9,9,9,8,2,8,2,8,8,2,2,25|\ = TRE 8895889) (eke ob SSS (0000000 SOU Coccanrneneeaes 2.9, 0,0,0,0,0,0,,9 ODOOOOOOO0O000R0< TRANSMIT CHANNELS- RECEIVE CHANNELS — 54°99 4 99) ) BADALA ANDAR AD.A.As » AMAL A./.6) 6 AA.H8 90099 [ \@ reer HPO VKIQAC 00 3 z INTER CONNECT DIAGRAM or a soma MAIN BOARD. sp 39 TRANSCEIVER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (5W RADIOS K6200-5 ) EXPLODED VEEN AND MECHANICAL PARTS LIST Tre | PART NO, DESCRIPTION iar a | 273-620025-01 | volume inob 2 2 | Alas20goa-02 | Indicator plate i 3 }62s-s07s20-10 | Steet mut H7 2 3 | e2s-s00720-12 | sue no Ja § | 20x-e20041-04 | Top cabinet \a & | ou-103291-10 | Rotary variable resistor 1008 1 3 [a2sceoss0i-02 | Pee (B) Mtg. bracket assty: w/ecs | 1 (A) Meg. bracket-1, hinge | 8 | 0s0-620008-00 | P.c.soard Phenolic’ 1.éam Tis. Ja & | 011-108193-10 | Rotary variable resistor w/sw.10KA | 1 1 | Sto-100708-01 | Pad cord spacer 1 11 | 604-204008-10 | Nchine serew B/H 2xtsm white \2 12 |/603-30s005-10 | Machine screw T/H SxSam white 2 35 | 42e-eoio6-o1 | Bete nip i 1 | Sec603801-01 | Handle strap assty nylon w/strap clip, string ring, clip ring holder ‘s00-209012-10 | Sachine screw P/i x12 white 08102-00 | Model pate | 202-803301-02 | Back cabinet 600-204004-10 | Machine screw P/H 2xdom white | (090-620003-00 | P.C.loara FR 1.2m Thk. HAL. 428-601103.01 | Bracket for matrix board 292-605301-01 | Transmitting lever {600-264506-10 | Machine screw P/M 2.6xéem shite ‘601-264506-10 | Machine screw Kt 2.oxtmm white 424-603300-01 | Connecting bracket ‘A 6¢5-264506-10 | Machine serew 1/1 2.6x6nm white | 476-601102-01 | Contact spring sheet ‘29-e01101-01 | Bracket for connector S5t-eo1202-01 | Fibre plate for comector 'C’ 478-601105-01 | Connector °c" {601-208008-10 | Machine screw K/it 2xtmm white el-i62501-10 | Mic jack socket 2.5m w/nut 141-163507-10 | Earphone Jack 3.5m w/nut Shield bok (090-620002-00 | P.C-Board FRA tom THK. H.AAL. | (90-620001-00 | PC-Board FRA tom The: HAL, (51-130081-00 | RF Bower traneistor w/8-32NC not(S6) f31-290085-00 | RF Poser transistor (21) 37 | ss5-o20102-01 | shield plate 38 | ce8-to000i-03 | condenser Mic 39 | 200-620011-01 | Front cabinet | a0 | 4t1-603302-00 | Nane plate | st | s22-e0102-01 | Speaker fei paper 42 | 066-180218-50 | Speaker snalt round head § cfm 485 | S22-¢o1201-01 | Speaker nyton sheet 38 | Set-e2o0n2-o1 | Heatsink for’ (10-59) transistor (20) 451-620001-01 | Heatsink for (280 SOE) transistor (51) as__| afo-goui01-01 | Push spring sheet 46 | ox7-stoa00-c0 | Rotary digital switch (e1-791000-10 | BNC Connector with nut xl,vasher xl 4 | Hs:ezoons-o1 | Guat switch koh black waite its | 4, © ® bodde Vie a

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