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Findings and Discussion

Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion................................................................................................3

4.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................3

4.2 Findings.................................................................................................................................3

4.2.1. The importance of Transformational leadership on job satisfaction.............................3

4.2.2 Transformational leadership assists in providing employee job satisfaction to the

employees of Walmart (US)....................................................................................................5

4.2.3 The challenges associated with transformational leadership style on the jobsatisfaction
of the employees at Walmart (US)..........................................................................................6

4.2.4 The recommended strategies that can be used by the leaders while implementing
transformational leadership for the job satisfaction of the employees..................................12

4.3 Discussion............................................................................................................................14

4.3.1 The importance of leadership on job satisfaction.........................................................14

Transformational leadership helps in decreasing employee turnover...................................16

4.3.2 Transformational leadership assists in providing employee job satisfaction to the

employees of Walmart (US)..................................................................................................16

Encourage open communication............................................................................................18

4.3.3The challenges associated with transformational leadership style on the jobsatisfaction

of the employees at Walmart (US)........................................................................................19

4.3.4The recommended strategies that can be used by the leaders while implementing
transformational leadership for the job satisfaction of the employees..................................21

4.4. Summary.............................................................................................................................23

Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion

4.1. Introduction
The findings and analysis chapter is one of the most important chapters in the research study
because this chapter provides a holistic view of the major findings of the research. The findings
and discussion chapter include some specific data regarding the topic that helps to improve
knowledge and reach to a conclusion efficiently. In this chapter, some major findings on the
leadership of Walmart and how transformational leadership impacts job satisfaction are going to
be included. Also, the information regarding the challenges related to the transformational
leadership style on the satisfaction of the job of the employees is going to be included.

4.2 Findings

4.2.1. The importance of Transformational leadership on job satisfaction

Due to the increasing competition of the economic globalisation as well as the popularity of the
employee centred management approach where the mangers need to improve the effectiveness of
leadership, which can also help in enhancing the core competitiveness and sustainable
competitive advantage of the companies (Chen, Ding and Li 2021). Several research on
transformational leadership has been conducted where the impact of transformational leadership
for promoting different changes among the relationship of the employees as well as the
organisation. Many studies have also shown that transformational leadership affects the
perceived organisational support of the employees which also includes the perceived trust of the
organisations and the organisational climate which helps in supporting creative thinking (Astuty
and Udin 2020).

Transformational leadership highly emphasises on the connection as well as interaction among

the leaders as well as subordinates which directly impacts the relationship climate of the
employees. This eventually helps in impacted the job satisfaction of the employees. Envisioning
the visions as well as motivating the employees are two of the core responsibilities that are
effective in the leadership and as per Khan et al. (2020), transformational leadership helps in
guiding as well as encouraging the employees’ mindfulness by enunciating the visions which can
escalate the consciousness of the employees’ and consider the organisational goals, values as
well as performances. Transformational leaders have the capability of improving the outcomes of
the organisations according to the requirements of the market.

Apple is one of the companies with transformational leadership which has helped in enhancing
the job satisfaction level of the employees. According to Comparably (2023), there are almost
79% reviews that Apple has an excellent working culture, and 21% reviews were constructive
which stated that the Apple needs to enhance their working culture effectively.

IBM is another company which works on the basis of transformational leadership style and the
employees job satisfaction level is very high in the global organisation. According to Glassdoor
(2023), the reviews of the employees at IBM has observed that 92% of the employees approve of
the CEO and 88% employees have stated that the company can be recommended to a friend.
Many employees at IBM have mentioned that the work culture of the company as well as the
work environment is good which helps them to stay motivated for work. Employees also agree
that the company provides the employees with proper work life balance which is essential for job
satisfaction as well.

4.2.2 Transformational leadership assists in providing employee job satisfaction to the

employees of Walmart (US)
It can be stated that Doug McMilon who is the CEO of Walmart uses the transformational
leadership style and as per LinkedIn (2023), he provides much emphasis on investing in the
respective employees, embracing the right amount of technology, foster appropriate innovation,
leverage the data, champion the sustainability and leading with a distinct propose provides
lessons that are valuable. The CEO of the company has a belief of the fact that the employees are
considered to be at the very heart of Walmart and their level of satisfaction is considered to be
directly translating into the satisfaction of the customer. The transformational leadership has
helped in improving the benefits and wages of the employees and also provide the employees
with the distinct opportunity of development and growth. This kind of investment that is made
within the employees has increased the respective morale along with productivity which has
transformed the company into a more responsive and agile organisation. According to Khan et al.
(2020), the leaders that are considered to be transformational, encourages the respective
employees in achieving their goals which improve the level of performance at the work and this
exactly done by company with the respective employees. The company, focuses on changing the
respective attitude of the employees toward the work which enables them in coping the pressure
of the place of work and encouraging them in delivering the best amount of result.

4.2.3 The challenges associated with transformational leadership style on the

jobsatisfaction of the employees at Walmart (US)
In the analysis of Walmart’s workforce management in the case of the US, the negative
employee review has stated that the company’s management has failed to motivate the
Figure 1 Employee rating of Walmart US


The above figure is represented in Walmart US. More than 10000 employees are working in the
company. The revenue of the company in that region is more than around ten thousand billion
dollars USD. The management of the company has scored 2.5 only out of 5 based on the around
396 employee reviews. Most of the employees have shared negative reviews on the
organisational management of Walmart US.
Figure 2 Employee Review 1


The first employee review has illustrated that the person has worked in the company as a stocker.
The employee has to work for long hours as a stocker from 4 am to 1 pm. As per the employee’s
experience, the manager of the store has been very rude. Poor leadership skill has impacted the
performance of teamwork. The manager could not be able to appreciate the employees for their
contribution. Lack of focus on employee motivation due to inefficient communication has
impacted on the employee engagement process. The manager’s poor leadership traits have
generated employee dissatisfaction. The poor implication of emotional intelligence while
communicating with the employees has affected the leadership approaches of the company.
Figure 3 Employee Review 2


The second employee review has demonstrated that, the employee’s job responsibility was
overnight maintenance. According to the experience of the employee the leader of the company
has failed to maintain the team performance due to poor leadership management skill. The
employees could not be able to focus on personal development process and team work as, the
leader had mistreated the employees that has also impacted on employee retention process of the

Figure 4 Employee Review 3

The third employee review has stated that the employee has given only a 1.0 rating to the
workforce management of Walmart. According to the employee’s perspective, the leaders of the
company only promote favourite employees without overviewing the performance of the hard
workers. Workplace discrimination is one of the main instances of poor leadership management.
Gender discrimination, favouritism etc have impacted on the workforce management of the
company. Also, the reward management strategy of the company is weak. The management has
cut the holiday hours of the employees which has also disrupted employee motivation.

Figure 5Employee Review 4


Another employee of the company has shared that, racism is one of the core issue of the
workforce management of the company. The human resource manager of the store has
mistreated the cross-cultural employees and tended to hire employees from her nationality
Haitian. It has impacted on employee motivation and job satisfaction.
Figure 6 Employee Review 5


Another employee who is working as a customer service associate of the company in Saint
Cloud, US, has shared his experience and has stated that the company believes in a consumer-
first approach that is the core factor of increasing profitability of the company. However, the
management has overlooked employee satisfaction by prioritising ethical workforce management
practices. The management of the company has failed to respect the employees to keep the
employees satisfied.
Figure 7 Employee Review 6


The above-mentioned employee review has illustrated that the former employee has worked as a
stocker in Papillion, US. According to the experience of the employee, the management team
have failed to address the mental illness issue that has impacted the employee's well-being. The
leaders and the associates of the company put pressure on teamwork. However, there is no
proper employee well-being program that has affected the work engagement of the employees.
The employees have to work for long hours without getting proper motivation from the leaders.

4.2.4 The recommended strategies that can be used by the leaders while implementing
transformational leadership for the job satisfaction of the employees
The success of the businesses depends on the transformations of the leadership management
process. In the current context of business, transformational leadership has helped modern
organisations overcome the issues of modern organisational workforce management. The
increase of remote work culture has changed the prospects of current approaches of leadership.
The diversification of digital platforms like Alibaba, Amazon and Stripe has raised the strategic
directions of leadership management. Employee satisfaction and employee well-being are the
core attributes of modern organisational management.

Practicing new models of mental satisfaction

According to Hbr (2021), transformational leadership change has involved helping companies
enhance their current positions. Modern leaders have used visionary thinking that has assisted
company leaders in handling complex issues like overcoming the inertia of the organisations.
The leaders of the companies have encouraged the employees to enhance the diverse work
culture. The CEO of Unilever has stated that the leaders of the company have realised the sense
of urgency for making decisions to enhance the employee wellbeing program considering
transformational leadership (Unilever 2023). The CEO of the organisation has understood that
the industry shift has generated the appetite for shaping organisational behaviour by
understanding the requirements. Paul Polman has implied transformational leadership to change
the system of the companies. CEO has practised transformational leadership continuously to
improve the operational management of the company by adopting a new model of employee
well-being (Untitledleader 2023). The employee well-being model has enhanced the experience
and expertise of knowledge management approaches that have incorporated value-creation
opportunities. This model has been able to manage the balance between the change management
perspectives and work-life balance that has helped the organisations to gain employee
satisfaction. The concept of “wide advocate” has been adopted in the case of employee wellbeing
programs that have assisted the leaders in changing the perspectives of the employee
management process (Cipd 2023). According to this perspective, the transformational leadership
style helps to strengthen the characteristics of the leaders. The employee well-being practice-
based organisational management model has emphasised training and development programs
that have focused on motivating cross-cultural employees to adopt the new cultural shift of
organisations. It has also prioritised the implementation of effective performance management
program and reward management program that has increased the productivity of the new
employee satisfaction and well-being programs.
Implementation of the shared leadership concept

According to Mckinsey (2012), in case the enhancement of transformational leadership has used
collective intelligence, experience and energy. The degree of demand and effort of
transformational leadership has increased as modern companies have to complement the
contribution of the employees. Shared leadership has helped companies reinforce the approaches
of transformational leadership. By analysing the transformational leadership style of the CEO of
the Royal Mail Group, Dame Moya Greene has incorporated the aspects of shared leadership that
have guided the leaders to increase the productivity of the employee satisfaction and employee
well-being process. The strategic choice of shared leadership has improved the implications of
transformational leadership by establishing bonds and trust among the employees. To increase
the capacity of the operational management of the companies, the leaders need to focus on
building interpersonal bonds with the cross-cultural employees. Furthermore, the new concept of
shared leadership has increased transparency among the employees. Shared leadership has
empowered the culture of the organisational management by motivating the cross-cultural
employees to participate in the process of decision-making (Al Otaibi et al. 2023). The
empowerment of diverse workforce management has ensured the long-term growth of the
companies by increasing accountability, transparency and clarity.

4.3 Discussion

4.3.1 The importance of leadership on job satisfaction

Offering a flexible and motivated culture

The leaders of the organisation play a significant role in increasing motivation as well as the
well-being of the employees. Walmart and the leaders of Walmart have differentiated
propositions with respect to upward mobility which included low entry barriers into the jobs of
the company, maintaining the stability of 70% of the full-time employees and forecasted
scheduling which includes competitive compensation as well as benefits (Walmart 2023). The
company offers diverse training, and development as well as other ways to promote as well as
careers. The leaders of the company took some efficient approaches such as maintaining
belongings in which they aimed to make the company a place for every individual where the
people know that their voices are listened to, important, engaged as well as supported.
Prioritising the economic, physical as well as emotional well-being of the people through
offering them attractive payment benefits and other advantages encourages them to stay positive
and contribute their best towards the organisation.

Leaders as the strong predictors

According to Dubey, Pathak and Sahu (2023), leaders who are efficient increase the productivity
of the employees and ensure their job satisfaction through offering them an efficient and flexible
workplace arrangement. The leaders have the ability to shape the behaviour of the employees
which can contribute towards their overall performance. Leaders are strong as well as significant
predictors of the satisfaction of the employee (Raja et al. 2020). It has been found that creating
citizenship behaviour in the workplace is not easy and it requires efficient skills of the leaders
within the organisation. It is known that the development and increment of the organisation is
heavily reliant on the effectiveness of the leaders which is already discussed in other studies.
However it has been found that it is not necessary that leadership should be seen at the higher
authority of management only but it means that the leaders and the leadership are available at
every level of the company which needs to be properly nourished, cherished, adequately guided
as well as advised.

Role of leaders on the performance of the employees

The leaders of the organisation are the major facilitators of the organisation's citizens' behaviour
and citizenship behaviour has a significant as well as positive impact on the performance of the
employees and this is majorly supported by the level of awareness of every employee within the
organisation that are carrying out their job roles (Pasaribu et al. 2022). It helps to improve the
performance of the employees and the leaders play a significant role in increasing awareness of
the employees which is required to complete the tasks of the employees and work within the
proper schedule. Leaders motivate employees to work hard and contribute their best towards the
efficiency of the organisation. An organisation that has good organisational citizenship behaviour
will be able to improve its performance than the other organisations and ensure the success of the
organisation efficiently.
Transformational leadership helps in decreasing employee turnover.
The relationship among transformational leadership and employee behaviour has become
popular in the organisational context while several factors have been identified towards the
influence of transformational leadership on the behaviour of the employees (Li et al. 2019). The
social exchange theory has helped in understanding the impact of transformational leadership on
reducing the employee turnover rate in the companies. Transformational leadership has been
compared to several other leadership styles from where it has been identified that
transformational leaders use psychological authorisation for meeting the high-level needs of the
employees in exchange for lower level of turnover intentions among the new generation of
employees. Previous studies have significantly shown that transformational leadership can help
in creating inclusivity as well as encourage the atmosphere of the organisation which helps in
meeting the needs of the subordinates and enhance the alignment of the values with the
employees and the organisation (Chen et al. 2020). The social exchange theory explains that
there is a close relationship among the employees and the leaders and the turnover intention of
the employees are lowered when they are appreciated as well as cared by the leaders. The
findings sections have listed various companies and the reviews of the employees which
demonstrated the work culture of the specific companies. The companies are Apple and IBM
which has always utilised the transformational leadership style for enhancing the work culture
and satisfaction level of the employees.

4.3.2 Transformational leadership assists in providing employee job satisfaction to the

employees of Walmart (US)
Employee Job Satisfaction

According to TechTarget (2023), transformational leadership is a philosophy of management

which inspires and encourages the employees for developing and innovating ways that are new
for improving and growing the path to the future success of the company. With the very use of
this method, the significant executives provide employees that are trusted with the independence
for making significant decisions and supporting new approaches of problem solving and it has
been also stated in the previous literatures that this kind of leadership has the distinct potentiality
of maximising the performance level that is professional in the place of work because of which
many of the studies has shows that leadership that is transformational is much highly related with
the performance of the work of the respective organisations. The leader of the company is also
considered to be using the remuneration and intangible and tangible advantages during the
motivation process of the follower and as per Marta et al. (2021), employees that are considered
to be motivated are much empowered and have greater levels of satisfaction within the job which
is a great amount of benefit to the distinct organisation. The organisation is also considered to be
paying equal amount of money for the same amount of work along with promotions which are
based on the merit and there are equal amount of chances for all of the individuals that are
present at Walmart. The leaders of the company are considered to be extensively practicing the
golden rule as they put an emphasis on the distinct workers treating each of the employee in the
similar manner which they require to be treated. This leadership which is centred to the principle
has seen the respective application of the code of the ethics in day to day decisions that has been
made by the respective leader along with the organisation. According to Volpe and
Boland(2022), Walmart has been taking of their employees through the increment of their wages
and has also helped them in providing them with insurance of health. The leaders that are present
within the different departments of the organisation are considered to be empowering, training
and guiding the employees in order to support the strategy which has been targeted by the
company. This makes all of the employees working within the organisation much knowledgeable
and also provides them with appropriate amount of knowledge regarding the fact that they being
looked after which not only increases the rate of retention of the employees but also helps them
in getting cared of and also makes them much motivated with the work that is being done by
them in an appropriate and effective manner. These are some of the things which makes the
employees feel valued and motivated.

Providing Training

According to Ree and Wiig(2020), transformational leadership is considered to be helping the

employees in acquiring appropriate amount of training and also makes them much aware of the
fact that what kind of skills and behaviours are required by them for the conduction of job and
through the help of this, the leaders of the company are always motivated in communicating the
objectives that has been targeted to the respective workers. It has been also stated within the
aspects that, when the employees are considered to be satisfied with the training of job, they are
much more likely to be staying within the respective organisation and have much lower
intentions of the turnover. The results of certain researches has also provided indication to the
fact that the relationship amongst the satisfaction of the job training and the intentions of the
turnover could be effectively mediated by the satisfaction of the job. This is the same case which
is used within the organisation of Walmart and this has reflected upon the significant alignment
of the job proposition of the distinct employees. Walmart takes pride in providing appropriate
amount of training to the respective employees and this has been considered to be involving
them with relevant amount of data and information about the sub topics. Thus, training is one of
the most important things which are needed to be used by the organisation for having future

Encourage open communication

Transformational leadership helps in contributing towards open communication among the
employees and the organisational leaders (Monje-Amor, Vázquez and Faíña 2020). Open
communication mainly refers to as the ability towards communicating freely and convey the
thoughts of the individuals. In the corporate environment it is essential for the organisations to
foster open communication actively because it will help in promoting the satisfaction level of the
employees because they are able to share their feedback as well as opinions. Transformational
leaders help in encouraging the employees and enhance their satisfaction level which also
includes that they are able to foster open communication among the employees which offers
them the opportunity to share their views and feedbacks on certain areas. Walmart has higher
level of employee satisfaction which has been provided to the employees with the help of
transformational leadership (Santoso, Sulistyaningtyas and Pratama 2022). The leaders at
Walmart have open door policies for the meetings, and are transparent towards the financial
information of the company as well as the performance of the employees. The leaders at
Walmart also interact with the employees at a personal level which helps them to resolve the
workplace conflicts as well as meet the demands of the employees for their work life balance. As
transformational leaders choose to communicate properly with the employees, the employee
engagement level at the companies is high as well providing the employees with work life
balance (Mulang 2022). Transformational leaders have a proper vision and they usually share the
vision with their teams at higher level which helps the leaders to set the goals clearly as well as
understand the necessity of the employees towards reaching the organisational goal. The
employees are able to innovate and create which helps them to develop in new ways and enhance
the path towards the growth of the companies. With the help of transformational leadership, the
employees at Walmart are also focused on making their own decisions as well as share their

4.3.3The challenges associated with transformational leadership style on the jobsatisfaction

of the employees at Walmart (US)
Work Engagement

From the analysis of the employee reviews, it can be seen that the employees have stated that,
the work engagement process of the management of the US-based Walmart stores is very poor.
Lack of focus on employee satisfaction due to poor implication of transformational leadership.
Teamwork performance has been damaged by poor leadership. The manager was unable to
express gratitude to the staff for their contributions. The process of employee engagement has
been damaged by a lack of attention to employee motivation brought on by ineffective
communication. Employee unhappiness stems from the manager's inadequate leadership
qualities. Poor use of transformational leadership in the case of Walmart stores from the US has
affected the diverse work culture of the companies. They have failed to provide employee
wellbeing and employee satisfaction. The inadequate application of emotional intelligence in
staff communications has impacted the company's leadership strategies. From the analysis of the
literature review, according to Lai et al. (2020), Employee psychological presence has been
influenced by the transformational leaders of the companies' lacklustre attention to work
engagement. The task habits and psychological presence of employees have been impacted by
the leaders of the companies' lack of attention to modelling interpersonal communication.
Engagement among workers at work is correlated with personal presence. Improper
communication between emotional, cognitive, and physical tasks has led to psychological
absenteeism from work, which has affected the effectiveness of diverse or inclusive workforce
management (Purwanto 2020). Variations in transformational leaders' behaviours have affected
employees' engagement at work.

Poor Decision-making Process

The analysis of the employee reviews collected from Walmart in US regions has stated that the
management of the company has failed to design any proper ethical human resource
management policies. The leaders of the company have failed to motivate the employees within
the decision-making process. It has not reflected the implementation of the transformational
leadership style of the management. From the analysis of the literature by Asgari, Mezginejad,
and Taherpour (2020) state that this study examined how leaders' poor leadership style choices
and inability to effectively adapt transformational leadership styles within organisational
management have affected workers' job satisfaction. A person's work environment is linked to a
variety of emotions, characteristics, and sentiments that are related to their level of job
satisfaction. Positive behavioural changes within organisational management are impacted by the
transformational leaders' inadequate decision-making skills.

Lack of use of emotional intelligence

The findings have stated that an employee of the company who works in Saint Cloud, US as a
customer service associate has shared his experience and said that the organisation thinks that
putting the needs of the client first is the key to growing the business's success. However, by
placing a higher priority on moral workforce management techniques, management has
disregarded employee satisfaction. To maintain employee satisfaction, the company's
management has not shown enough respect for its workers.Alwali and Alwali (2022) claim that
inadequate use of emotional intelligence by transformational leaders to support staff members
influences staff members' job happiness. The effectiveness of emotional intelligence and its
function in mediating job happiness have been linked, according to this research. With the use of
emotional intelligence, transformational leadership has improved employee work performance
and improved employee interaction. The other employees have shared their experiences that
have shown that, the leaders of the company have failed to incorporate the emotional intelligence
for resolving the employee satisfaction issues. According to Rajesh et al. (2019), emotional
empowerment is the most important aspect of gaining job satisfaction from employees. This
research has analysed the effect of transformational leadership and the transformation of the
emotional intelligence of the followers. Lack of usage of aspects of emotional intelligence within
the transformational leadership behaviour has resulted in employee dissatisfaction as it has
impacted on creativity and knowledge management approaches of the employees.
4.3.4The recommended strategies that can be used by the leaders while implementing
transformational leadership for the job satisfaction of the employees
Maintaining Transparency

From the analysis of the literature review, according to Asbari, Santoso, and Prasetya (2020),
transformational leaders should possess a high degree of self-awareness, maintain a relationally
appropriate level of transparency, internalise the various morally valid perspectives that exist,
and balance processing within the individuals within the significant organisation as well as the
various circumstances. Barrane et al. (2021) also emphasise the importance of maintaining a high
level of transparency in all communication with stakeholders and employees. This strengthens a
strong sense of integrity and accountability inside the company in addition to increasing
individual trust. The analysis of the findings also has demonstrated that new models of employee
satisfaction model used by modern transformational leaders have helped them to increase the
transparency of the management. The organisational management model centred on employee
well-being practises has prioritised training and development initiatives that aim to encourage
employees from diverse cultural backgrounds to embrace the new organisational culture.
Additionally, it has given top priority to implementing efficient performance management and
incentive systems, which have raised the output of the recently implemented employee happiness
and well-being initiatives.

Building Trust

According to Unilever's CEO, the company's management has understood how urgent it is to
make decisions that would improve the employee wellbeing programme while taking
transformational leadership into account. The organization's CEO is aware that the change in the
market has increased demand for understanding the needs and using those insights to shape
organisational behaviour. Paul Polman has suggested using transformational leadership to alter
the corporate structure. The CEO has adopted a new model of employee well-being to
consistently practise transformational leadership and enhance the company's operational
management. The modern practice of transformational leadership with a shared leadership
perspective has improved employee motivation programs. The analysis of the literature review
has demonstrated that Ely and Thomas (2020) state that leaders who can establish trust have
started to dismantle systems of discrimination and subordination and have embraced a variety of
styles. Abbas et al. (2022) state that transformational leadership processes involve conscious
efforts to build trust between individuals within the organisation and their respective leaders.
Employees may be more motivated to work more productively and exhibit better corporate
citizenship behaviours if they have faith in the leadership.


According to the new model of employee well-being, transformational leaders have improved
the training and development programs to increase the productivity of the transformation of the
management. From the analysis of the literature review, it can be seen that Coaching is deemed
to be a thought-provoking communication technique since it helps people listen much better and
allows them to allow themselves to learn from others, according to Maier (2019). Professionals
would be able to ask more insightful questions that would force the team to consider topics more
carefully and would also help them become better team builders. The role of the transformative
leader is to establish an environment in which every team member can flourish. Therefore,
leaders must coach their corresponding staff members.

Acting with Integrity

The analysis of the findings has stated that companies have been able to strengthen
transformational leadership strategies with the aid of shared leadership. Dame Moya Greene has
integrated the elements of shared leadership that have led the leaders to enhance the efficiency of
the worker satisfaction and satisfaction of staff process by examining the transformational
leadership style of the CEO of the Royal Mail Group. By fostering relationships and trust among
the workforce, the strategic decision to implement shared leadership has enhanced the effects of
transformational leadership. From the analysis of the literature review, it has been stated by
Steinmann, Klug and Maier (2018), transformational leaders can help their team members see
these specific goals as attainable by exhibiting confidence in their followers' abilities, increasing
the opportunities for them to make a meaningful impact on their work, and providing both
emotional and practical support. To truly bring about meaningful change within their business, a
leader must gain the respect and trust of their colleagues. This can only be accomplished by hard
effort and dedication.
4.4. Summary
It has been found that the CEO of Walmart follows a transformational leadership style as he
offers different benefits to the employees and emphasises on spending on the respective
employees. The company offers different types of technologies that help to facilitate the tasks of
the employees. The company and the leader follow some approaches such as different training
and development programs for promotion as well as careers of the employees. However, it has
been found that the negative review of the employees regarding the leadership and management
of Walmart stated that the management is unable to meet the requirements of the employees. It
has been also found that there are more than 10000 employees and though the revenue of the
company is more than 396 dollars but they are not able to get good reviews from the employees
therefore it can be stated that the company lacked their focus on the employee motivation as they
get 2.5 ratings.
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