7 Steps Overcome Stress Eating

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7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

Do you find yourself routinely eating when you’re not

hungry to calm yourself from the stresses of life,
particularly now?
Do you find your hand at the bottom of an empty bag of
chips as waves of shock enter your brain because you
barely remember eating most of them?

We all occasionally eat when we are not hungry, but

when stress eating starts to become too frequent and you
find yourself routinely using food as a means to ‘check
out’ after a difficult day, the following steps are just what
you need!

These steps are the beginning points to help you

overcome stress eating.

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

1. Eat Regular Meals and Snacks

Our bodies are incredibly complex organisms that have

enabled our species to survive through serious
challenges. And deprivation is yet another stressor.

So, when you decide to forego your breakfast or lunch,

your body gets clever and creates a strong, primal drive
to get that nourishment it so desperately needs.

Eating at regular intervals gives your body the

nourishment it needs to help you weather those stressful
situations in which we frequently find ourselves.

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

2. Feel your Feelings

Do you frequently find yourself halfway through a bag of

chips when you’re not even hungry?
Depending on your family of origin, culture, or your
personality, you may have difficulty feeling and
expressing your emotions.
Many of us find that negative feelings bring up many
emotions and so we resist letting ourselves feel them and
instead numb or quiet ourselves with food.
Are you anxious about an upcoming deadline, sad over a
fight with a friend, worried about a parent’s health…..?
Acknowledge those feelings and determine what you
really need:
Is it a phone call to a friend?
15 minutes to read a favorite book?
A quick walk around the block?

If you're so inclined, journaling your feelings with a

curious mind can be eye-opening.

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

3. Schedule 15+ minutes of ‘Me Time’


I get it. I have a crazy life too. Some days, it’s so difficult
to get the basics done, that this step might seem like a
luxury. But, trust me when I tell you it’s a necessity. This
is more important than getting your kids to soccer
practice or attending that volunteer meeting.
We all manage to find time for the things that we feel are
a priority. If you are routinely putting your needs behind
others', it might be time for some soul-searching.
The key to creating time for yourself is to schedule it in
your calendar – right now.
Start small: plan a week of 15 minutes a day for doing
something you really want to do, completely
uninterrupted. And make sure you get the support you
need to make it a reality. Get up a little earlier in the
morning, plan something during your lunch break,
arrange to have your spouse pick up the kids...

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

4. Pull Up a Chair When You Eat

It’s really hard to fully experience foods when we stand

eating them at the kitchen counter or nibble as we are
driving down the highway!
Show yourself a little love by sitting down and paying
attention to what you are putting in your mouth.
Eating should involve more than just our sense of taste.
• What does your food look like?
• How does it smell?
• What is its texture?
Allowing ourselves the full experience all the elements of
our food makes us more satisfied.
This is a relatively simple step, but it pays big dividends.

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

5. Eat Foods You Enjoy

Stress eating often strikes hard when things are out of

balance in our lives, i.e. too much time at work, sleep
deprivation, eating with rigid rules.
Part of achieving balance in terms of food means that you
eat foods that give you joy and satisfaction.
Now, before you assume that I mean subsisting on a diet
of diet of only pizza, cheeseburgers and ice cream, I
assure you that wouldn’t bring much joy after a few days!
But, getting satisfaction from food is one of the key
principles of Intuitive Eating, a tool I use to help women
ditch dieting and help their bodies find their natural
weights, and it can help curb stress eating once and for

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

6. Make Sleep a Priority

Often, we feel like adequate sleep is a luxury in our
overscheduled lives.
However, getting enough sleep is a key element in
making more wise food choices. Adequate sleep
increases our productivity during our waking hours and
helps us better regulate our food intake.
When we are sleep-deprived, we often mindlessly reach
for food or beverages to give us a pick-me-up.
Hormones that regulate our appetite also get out of
whack when we skimp on sleep, making us hungrier and
more apt to find ourselves eating something we might
not otherwise.
But when we are well-rested, we feel our hunger and
satiety more accurately. So, strive to get your 7 to 8 hours
of zzzzzz’s every night!

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

7. Journal About Your Ups & Downs

Everyone’s experience with stress eating is unique.
What helps you move past it is your ability to learn from
each experience you have. Can you remember the last
time you ate because you were triggered from an
external emotion? When things have calmed down, see if
you can replay the scenario in your mind, using a sense of
curiosity instead of judgment:
• What did you feel in your mind and in your body?
• Where were you standing or sitting?
• What did you eat?
• What did you really need at that particular place and time?

How would things have been different if you had

acknowledged your feelings and engaged in the behavior
you really needed, whether it was a quick nap, a cup of
tea, a phone call, reading a book, etc.?
And when you do have slip-ups, show yourself some self-
compassion. Contrary to what you might think, research
has found that self- compassion, rather than beating
ourselves up, actually helps us engage in more healthful

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

7 Steps to Overcome Stress Eating

I hope you have found these steps helpful in your goal to

overcome stress eating.
These tips only begin to scratch the surface of the work I
do with women to help them ditch dieting, learn to enjoy
all foods again, and find health and happiness in their
bodies. It’s all about learning to become an Intuitive
Curious about the Intuitive Eating approach?
Contact me to set up your complimentary 15-minute Take
Action Call. It will give us a chance to discuss your needs
and help you determine your next best steps to achieve
your food and nutrition goals!

Kelly Abramson MS, RD

Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

NpowerYou, LLC
Alexandria, VA
Offering in-person and video telehealth appointments
Phone: 703-402-8212
E-mail: kelly@NpowerYou.com

Copyright © 2020 Kelly Abramson MS, RD | www.NpowerYou.com

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