K Ɔ S/ Campo Ɔ T/ Pista Ɔ / Empatar: Course

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course /kɔːs/ We went round the 18-hole golf course together.


court /kɔːt/ There’s a tennis court in our local park. pista

draw /drɔː/ We don’t want to draw – we want to win the match. empatar

fan /fæn/ I’m a Manchester United fan . forofo

get fit /ɡet fɪt/ I want to lose weight and get fit before my wedding. ponerse en forma

get injured /ɡet ˈɪndʒəd/ Try not to get injured in the football match. lesionarse

kick /kɪk/ You have to kick the ball and run. dar una patada a

Do you think we can knock out their team from the

knock out /ˈnɒkaʊt/ eliminar

lose /luːz/ They accept money to lose matches. perder

pitch /pɪtʃ/ The football pitch was very muddy. campo

player /ˈpleɪə(r)/ Who is the best player in your team? jugador

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