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Special Revolution Manual

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© 2007

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There’s a Revolution going on. A Revolution of people changing

their lives into something that surpasses their imaginations. And

these people are making the changes themselves, under their own

control, and under their own conditions. They’ve started to live life

on their own terms, not the terms that have been imposed on them

for all their lives. The Revolution is changing the lives of people

around the globe as you are reading this. And it’s slowly turning

into what could be the greatest Revolution in the history of

mankind. More and more people that joined the Revolution are

waking up to their power to ‘attract’, or rather design, engineer and

create a life beyond what they ever dared to dream before.

Today, the Revolution is calling you. If you’re ready to turn your

life into something beyond what you’ve ever imagined possible in

your dreams, then you’re more than welcome to join. We’re an

underground Revolution working overtime to wake you up. This is

your call to join and to wake up to the knowledge that can set you

free, if only you decide to apply it. The choice is yours.

The Revolution is based on certain premises that most likely have

been hidden for you for your entire life. If you truly knew the

details of this knowledge, you’d be living the life of your dreams

already. If that’s not the case, then you need the premises of the

Revolution and their application details to create that life. And

that’s the exact reason why you got here. In this book, you’ve

finally found your key to achieving your dreams and imaginations.

The time is right. You’re ready. This is it.

Don’t waste another second, and start reading!

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In life, there are universal principles that pull the strings behind the

scenes on the course of your life. And these universal principles

never err. That’s right, never. Not even once. Indeed, some people

call these principles ‘universal laws’ that guide your life all the

time, whether you like it or not.

To an extent, they’re predictable. They’re predictable, not in the

sense of how they bring things into your life, but rather in the sense

that they bring things into your life, depending on how you align

yourself with them. The way in which you choose to ‘pull the

levers’ on these universal principles determines the way you’re

going to experience life. You can consciously design a life beyond

your wildest imaginations. You can live a life with so much

happiness and prosperity, you’ll be flooded with it and it would be

coming out of your ears, your nose, and other areas for that matter.

The alternative is to live a life full of ‘accidents’, ‘bad luck’ and no

conscious control over whatever is happening. When you’re aware

of the universal laws, the choice is yours.

Although these laws or universal principles lie at the root of the

courses of people’s lives, some people have never even heard of

them. Others do know that these laws exist, but they really don’t

know much about their nature and effects.

All in all, the great majority of people really doesn’t know the true

nuts and bolts of how to apply them to their advantage.

As long as you don’t know what these laws are or how they work,

you’ll never be able to consciously get yourself in tune with them in

order to seize the fruits of true prosperity and happiness. You must

know what the universal laws are first. Then everything else

follows, by design if you will.

The first thing to consider when you try to understand the universe

is the true nature of the universe and your place in it. Once you’re

aware of that, you’ll gain a better idea as to the application of the

universal laws to create the life and destiny of your dreams.

It depends on your belief system and what you were brought up to

accept as to what you conceive as ‘the universe’. It depends on your

religion, your education, how you were brought up, and many more

other factors.

This is not the time and place for a full discussion on the nature of

the universe and the nature of reality, though. What’s important to

realize at this point, is that we humans tend to have a problem. Our

problem is that we tend to have very limited perspective of

ourselves and of the universe in general. This is because we believe

that what we perceive with our 5 senses is all that exists.

Most people live in a ‘5-sense prison’. People generally rely on

nothing more than what we call ‘the 5 senses’ (hearing, seeing,

tasting, touching, smelling). For most people, what they can

perceive with their 5 senses is all there is to life. If they can’t hear

it, see it, taste it, touch it, or smell it, then it most certainly isn’t


Or so most of us think…

But nothing could be further from the truth. Consider this for a


As most of us have learned in our physics classes during high school,

different colours of light have different wavelengths, or frequencies.

The colour red has another wavelength or frequency than the colour

blue. That’s how your eyes, together with your brain, can

distinguish between different colours. Your eyes pick up the

different frequencies, and your brain decodes them into an image of

different colours. That’s how ‘sight’ works.

Likewise, different sounds have different wavelengths, or

frequencies. Hit a high note on a piano and then a low note, and

you’ll notice they sound differently. They sound differently,

because each note has its own frequency or wavelength. That’s how

your ears, together with your brain, can distinguish between

different sounds. That’s how ‘hearing’ works.

Now, get this:

Your eyes can only see within a limited range of frequencies. For

example, your eyes cannot see infrared or ultraviolet light. That

doesn’t mean the frequencies of infrared and ultraviolet light

don’t exist. It’s commonly known that infrared and ultraviolet

light do exist. It’s just that your eyes are too limited to perceive


Your ears can only hear within a limited range of frequencies.

Your eyes cannot hear sound beyond the upper limit of human

hearing. Sound at frequencies beyond this upper limit is called

ultrasound. Just because you can’t hear it, doesn’t mean

ultrasound doesn’t exist. Dogs hear it, it’s there.

The point is, it’s the same with the universe. The universe is not

just a physical collection of planets, stars, gasses, dust and other

‘physical stuff’ hanging around in a vacuum of nothingness. Even

science (generally pretty stubborn in accepting knowledge alien to

the ‘status quo’ while still having the potential to set humanity free

if only given serious attention) slowly starts to acknowledge that

there’s more to the universe. It has been estimated by mainstream

science that only 4% of the energy in the universe is visible to us

humans. The rest is so-called ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’. Look

it up if you don’t believe it. It’s true. And that 4% is a very

generous estimate, considering the fact that the number of

frequencies possible is nothing less than infinite!

Now, look at the world and all the things going on on Planet Earth.

Look at the moon. Look at the planets in our galaxy. Look at all the

other galaxies, the stars and all the constellations, and consider the

vastness of the universe for just a minute...

Now realize that according to science, all this, this whole vast

universe with all its galaxies and stars, is not more (and probably

less than) a mere 4% of all the energy in the universe. Considering

all the things going on in that mere 4% of energy we can see, and

the fact that this is a very generous estimate…

Then consider what’s probably going on behind the scenes, in that

other (probably more than) 96% of energy that we cannot see!

Anyway, looking at the progressing study of quantum physics for

instance, both science and humanity in general appear to be waking

up from their age-old conditioned and self-imposed limitations, and

they slowly start realizing that there’s more to what we call ‘life’. I

suggest you don’t wait for stubborn science or anything or anyone

else to give you a full disclosure on the nature of the universe and

reality. The power to ‘attract’, or even ‘create’ whatever you want

is there for you to grab. And it has always been there. And you can

apply it now.

At any time in history the knowledge to set you free has been

existent. It has been passed on generation after generation in

mysticism, legends, myths, allegories, and so on. It has always been

there for you to be found. No matter where you look, whether it’s

ancient South-American cultures, Native American cultures,

African cultures, ancient Chinese cultures, the Egyptian and Hindu

culture, ancient Middle-Eastern cultures, you name it… Basically

every culture around the world with a significant history talks

about a ‘golden age’ in their myths, legends, allegories, and so on. It

was an age in which people prevailed. People prevailed simply

because they knew about the metaphysical principles pulling the

strings behind the scenes of what we call ‘reality’. They knew how

to design or create a life they loved.

However, over time, this knowledge became more and more

exclusive for an elite group. Knowledge disappeared, through

incidents like the burn-down of the Library of Alexandria. Ever

since, the knowledge about these principles has been suppressed

through the ages, to make sure only a small group of elite people

would know how to apply these principles to their advantage, and

benefit greatly.

While this knowledge has always been around in these ancient texts,

and therefore available for you to grab at any time, no effort was

ever made to make this knowledge available to people like you once

again. After all, were you taught about these universal principles in

school? I didn’t think so. As a consequence, very few people know

about it.

And so, throughout history, there have always been elite groups

prevailing, while the ‘common people’ usually had a hard time to

get by and never lived the life they always longed for.

And alas, it’s still the same today…

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Time is making changes. As the Revolution is manifesting itself

more and more prominently every day, the lives of more and more

people are changing. Today you were selected to join.

Today, you found your VIP-ticket to this knowledge. This is the

knowledge about the laws or principles that govern the ways of the

universe and the ways of life behind the scenes. It’s knowledge

about how the strings in the theatre of life are pulled, and how you

can take control. And it’s here for you to grab. So let’s delve into it

right away.

You, as a human being, are a child of the universe. The universe is

all that exists, beyond what you can conceive with your mind or

your 5 senses. The universe is an infinite ocean of energy. You are a

droplet of that infinite ocean. You have an individual perspective,

but you have a seamless connection to the vast totality of

the energy ocean. Everything and everyone is part of this universe.

And at the same time, everything and everyone is seamlessly and

indivisibly connected to the whole of the universe, in all its vastness

and infinity.

Everything is connected. Everything is part of the same one, total,

vast, almost inconceivable ocean of energy we call the universe.

Every living creature is a part of this ‘whole’. Nothing is separate,

although it appears that way.

But appearances can be deceptive. The oceans on our planet are

enormous collections of droplets of water. Jump inside the water

and walk out, and you see droplets all over your body. Now there’s

a whole lot of droplets left in the ocean. In fact, the ocean consists

of droplets. However, you cannot see one droplet separated from

another. The ocean is a whole.

It’s the same with the universe. You, just like everyone else, in the

deepest core of your being, are an individual droplet of energy

making up a part of the universe. But simultaneously, you are an

indivisible part of the whole ocean of energy. Everything is

connected, everyone is connected. This example is as close as a

metaphor can get.

It’s because of this indivisibility and this inconceivable infinity that

the laws discussed in this book work. Get in tune with them, and

you’ll get in tune with the true nature of the universe. Get in tune

with the true nature of the universe, and you’ll be in control of

your life and destiny. You’ll be able to create whatever it is you


The laws of the universe are practical knowledge. They’re not about

theory. Those who knew about them, throughout history,

prospered. They prospered, no matter how bad conditions seemed or

how hopeless circumstances appeared. These people didn’t care

about theoretical proof of the workings of these laws. They cared

about their practical functioning in their lives. And so they

prospered. You can do the same. You can apply the knowledge

about these laws to your own advantage in creating your own life

and destiny of your dreams. You can write the script of the movie

of your life, with the knowledge of these laws.

So without further ado, let’s introduce the main universal laws that

govern your life:

The Law of Gratitude

This universal principle that states you must show gratitude for

what you have. If you show gratitude, you simultaneously show

you appreciate the things in your life, no matter what those

things may be. It is just a matter of acknowledging them and

telling the universe that you are glad you have them in your life.

By having that feeling, you send out a positive, high frequency

energy to the rest of the universe, the whole that you are an

indivisible part of. What you send out, comes back to you in

multitude. So by exerting the energy of gratitude, you’ll actually

speed up your growth and success to higher levels than you

would without it, regardless of your current circumstances.

All in all… If you appreciate the things you have, no matter how

small they are or how hopeless the rest of your current situation

seems, you are telling the universe that you are grateful for what

you have. You’ll send out the high frequency energy of gratitude,

and you’ll let the universe, the ‘whole’ behind the illusion of

division, know that you’re ready and open to receiving. As a

consequence, you’ll receive more. That is, more of what you

send out (as you’ll learn further on).

The Law of Attraction

Although people don’t get taught about the law of attraction in

school, the knowledge of this principle appears to slowly but

steadily resurface from the depths of centuries-long suppression.

Still, the most successful people in any period of history knew

about it and practiced it every day. The most successful people

of today are doing it as well.

The law of attraction is all about cause and effect. It states that

if you focus your attention on something long enough, you will

manifest it in your life’s experience. It all starts in the mind. You

think of something, and when sufficient energy is focused on it,

it’ll manifest into your life eventually. The thinking is the cause,

the focus of the right type of energy is the means, and the

manifestation is the effect.

In general, whatever you focus on expands. Focus on negativity,

on the adverse circumstances in your life, and you’ll attract

more negativity. You’ll end up even more negative, you’ll focus

on even more negativity, and you’ll attract more of it. It’s a

vicious cycle.

However, you can turn such a vicious cycle around easily. Focus

on positivity, and you’ll attract more of it in your life. You’ll

start appreciating the increasing positivity (appreciating =

gratitude!), and you’ll attract more positivity. This is another

cycle, not a vicious one, but a self-reinforcing cycle of positivity.

So focus on the positive, and focus on what you want. Do realize

that nothing changes if you do nothing. You’ll attract people and

experiences through the law of attraction, but you must seize

opportunities as they come up and take action as you get the

inspiration to do so. Only by inspired action will you seize the

benefits of the law of attraction.

So, again, focus on what you want, whatever that may be. Make

a vivid image of it in your mind, and really feel the positive

emotions of experiencing it. Dwell on the image, put positive

emotion in it, feel it, take action towards it, and make use of the

inspirations that’ll come into your head and the opportunities

that’ll come up in your life. The universe, the whole, will send

you inspirations, people and experiences that’ll lead you to what

you focus on. Don’t try to write the exact script for how you

want to manifest your desires. That’s the job of the universe

itself. Just take action on your inspirations and opportunities.

That’s how the Law of Attraction works together with the

principles of the Law of Allowance (see further on).

The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect, also known as the Law of Karma,

states that what you cause will have an effect. Who would’ve

thought… It’s actually common sense. It’s the age-old knowledge

of ‘what comes around goes around’. If you go out and do bad

stuff that has adverse consequences for other people, things will

come back to you eventually.

However, there’s a nuance to this law. This is a principle that

many ‘experts’ seem to miss. It’s not entirely as to what you

actually cause to happen to others, it’s rather the original

intention behind your actions that caused something to happen.

If something bad happens, that really, truly and absolutely

wasn’t according to your intentions, then you don’t have to fear

that bad things will come back to you in multitude. It’s the

intention of your action that sends out the type of energy to the

universe. And the nature of this energy determines the effects.

So intend good things (intention = focus!), and you’ll cause good

things to come to you.

One final note. Times are changing at this crucial time in

history. ‘Time’ itself changes. People are saying it all the time:

“Time appears to be moving faster these days”. It does. And this

has consequences with regard to the law of cause and effect. In

the past, it took a significant amount of time for effects to follow

the cause. It was like living in ‘slow motion’. Now, times are

different. Effects follow the cause much faster. That’s good

news. Intend and cause good things, and you’ll seize the benefits

much faster! You can change your life around quicker than ever!

Now is the best time ever to turn your life around!

The Law of Love

Love happens to be the building block of all things. Love is more

than emotion or feeling of fancying someone. Love is the most

balanced form of energy. Love is the balance of all. Love is

stillness, peace of mind. The universe is Love.

Love can take on many forms. Love can be considered

acceptance of yourself, or of others. Love is unconditional. Love

doesn’t set terms. Love is freedom. Love is freedom for you to be

who you truly are inside, not what others think you should be.

Love is the freedom of others to be who they truly are inside,

not what you or anyone else thinks they should be. Love is never

to impose anything on anyone.

No matter what you do in life, if you do not approach or leave

the situation out of Universal Love, it won’t work. Everything in

life is unified, the universe is a whole. By accepting this and

working in harmony with it, you are working in accordance with

the universal laws. And there’s no doubt that you’ll notice it in

your life.

The Law of Allowance
This principle states that in order for you to get what you want,

you must be receptive to it. You just can’t merely say to the

Universe that you want something if you don’t allow yourself to

receive it. This will destroy your purpose for wanting it in the

first place. How can you want something, if you simultaneously

say that you don’t allow yourself to have it? By working in

harmony with this law, you tell the universe that you give

yourself permission to get what you want.

At the same time, you tell the universe that you allow things to

happen. In other words, you pull your ego out of the story. As

discussed under the law of attraction, you act according to the

inspirations and opportunities as they pop up in your life, but

you stop trying to control every single detail of HOW you want

things to happen. You leave the HOW to the universe. You just

‘do’. You take action, and by taking action according to the

inspirations and opportunities that the universe brings into your

life, you’ll manifest what you desire.

All you need is love in doing it. And it starts with a love of

yourself. Love for yourself to allow yourself to be who you truly

are, instead of some image of what others think you should be.

At the same time, that’s expressing love for the universe,

because you are the universe. And simultaneously, that’s love

for others, because they are the universe as well. And that’s how

love, or the Law of Love, sets the stage and creates the

circumstances for the Law of Attraction to work.

The Law of Vibration

We’ve already been touching upon it. The universe is energy,

and so are you. Your intentions, your love, your thoughts and

your desires send out energy. Energy is vibration. Each vibration

attracts the same kind of vibration. That means that the kinds of

vibrations you send out, determine the kinds of vibrations that

come back to you.

You must have heard of ‘good vibes’ and ‘bad vibes’. These are

good vibrations and bad vibrations. If you know about ‘good’ and

‘bad vibes’, you must have experienced that it’s not pleasant to

be near to someone who sends out ‘bad vibes’. ‘Bad vibes’ attract

‘bad vibes’. Likewise, ‘good vibes’ attract ‘good vibes’. If you

really want something, be grateful to begin with. That’ll charge

yourself with ‘good vibes’. Then focus on what you want, and

amplify your image with love and positive emotion. You’ll

charge and even flood it with ‘good vibes’. That makes you more

than half way there.

In order to complete the cycle of ‘attraction’, you must know

about the principles of the Law of Vibration. These principles

give you the knowledge, or at least the realization that you can

exert conscious control over what the

universe will bring to you. Therefore, in order to get what you

want, you need to be in complete harmony with what you want.

You need the ‘good vibes’ to attract the ‘good vibes’. Feel bad

about something, even deep down inside, and you’ll send out

‘bad vibes’. ‘Bad vibes’ will never be matched with what you

perceive as ‘good vibes’. You’ll block your own efforts.

Therefore, you must be in harmony with what you want. You

must send out like vibrations. To make sure you set the right

stage by sending out ‘good vibes’, you can amplify such

frequencies by applying the principles of the other laws

discussed above. By applying these principles, you set the stage

for ‘vibrational magnetism’ to ‘attract’ what it is that you want.

Knowledge about the Law of Vibration makes you know deep

inside that you can allow the universe to bring to you what you

want according to the vibrations you send out. The Law of

Vibration serves as a simple concept to ‘understand’ (to a very

limited extent) the mechanics of how the other laws help you

create your life and destiny. Or at least, it helps you realize the

incredible possibilities you have in exerting conscious control

over the course of your life.

In light of this subject, it’s important to realize that your deepest

feelings, even the subconscious ones, determine the vibrations

you send out. You may be able to fool your conscious self, but

you can’t fool the universe. For example, you may think

positively and try to see the beauty in everything around you.

But if there’s still a lot of suppressed anger or other emotions

that we dub ‘negative’ deep inside of you, then these will

predominantly determine the type of vibration you send out. If

that’s the case, you need to deal with those emotions, and face

them in order to get rid of them. It’s only in that way that you

‘clean out your subconscious garbage’ and allow the real

‘attraction’ of the ‘good’ things you desire to take off.

Apply all of these laws together, and you’ll end up with anything

you want.

However, you should never see these laws in isolation. Everything

is a whole, and that whole is the universe. These laws don’t work in

isolation. They only work together in ‘synergy’.

Some talk about a whole collection of ‘subsidiary laws’ that they

think you should know about. Dissecting all things into small details

is the tendency of the conscious, rational, analytical mind. Such

actions make things too complex. The big picture of the intuitive

part of your mind and your left brain will be blocked, while that is

exactly where your creative potential stems from. The Universal

Laws discussed in this document are the main Laws of the Universe.

They automatically cover each individual minor subsidiary law

your conscious mind can conceive of.

You’re using these laws in your life right now. It’s just that you may

not have been aware of them until today. Now that you are aware

of them, you can start taking your life in the direction you want.

Act in harmony with the universe and its laws, and you’ll prosper

in life. Happiness, peace and prosperity will fall upon you, if that’s

what you desire. However, go in opposition with them, and you’ll

create the opposite.

The choice is yours.

You may need to ‘get the hang’ of applying these laws. Please don’t

give up too quickly if things don’t seem to be going your way

immediately. You may be in the process of cleaning up subconscious

emotional turmoil to make a clean sheet and thus pave the way for

the true ‘attraction’ to begin. Besides, everything new requires

adjustment. Every new skill requires practice. Just allow it to be

engrained in your system. Eventually, the application of these laws

will be second nature. Chances are you’ll ‘remember’ as you start to

apply them anyway.

Humans used to apply these laws almost ‘automatically’ a long time

back in history, the so-called ‘golden age’ that every culture around

the globe talks about in their myths and legends. The recollection of

these laws is stored in your DNA. It’s time for this knowledge to

resurface. It’s time for you to create the life and destiny you desire.

By applying these laws, you’ll have success in life. ‘Success’ will be

what you define it to be. In general, success for you will be

happiness, a sense of fulfillment and peace of mind. Every person is

unique, and so every person will have his or her own detailed

definition of what makes them happy and fulfilled. Have your own

definition, and live by it. Apply these laws, and you’ll be able to

detoxify your life of anger, fear, and resentments. You’ll experience

your natural state, which is one of joy, peace, and contentment.

People who are aware of these universal laws and principles don’t

worry about what other people do or think they should be. Neither

do they blame others for their own mistakes or do they feel


Instead, their knowledge of the laws that govern their lives makes

them to take the time necessary to identify the cause of the effects

they don’t like. This allows them to see into how they themselves

developed their present situation, the one they don’t like. If they

like what they manifested, they acknowledge their creation, they’re

grateful for it and then they repeat the process. If they don’t like

what they manifested, they identify the cause of why they created

the adverse circumstances by seeing into the principles of each

universal law and where they went wrong.

When they find out where and in the application of which law they

need to make changes and adjustments, they make the desired

change accordingly. And thus they consciously cause their

situations to improve. They take control. And so should you.

Successful people don’t sit around and say “I’ll try.” Neither do they

wait for scientific proof of the workings of the concept. No, they

apply the laws in the knowledge that they work, that they’ve

always worked at any time in history, and that they always will

work at this plane of existence.

They take action, and they take responsibility.

And they consciously create success.

And so can you, and so you should!

The time is ready for this crucial knowledge to be available to all

humanity. It’s time for you, as well as for all other people, to be

able to change your life into what you’ve always wanted and what

you’ve been longing for so bad. By changing yourself, and by

allowing other people to change themselves according to the

universal principles, the whole world will change into the most

remarkable place.

That’s the nature of this Revolution. Today we are marking a period

in history that will one day be known as ‘The Greatest Revolution

of All Time’. It’s the Revolution that puts an end to people like

yourself living a life far from what your undiscovered potential

allows, simply because you don’t know any better. All that, while

in the background a select group of elite people is benefiting

extremely from this knowledge by keeping it to themselves. This

knowledge can set you free.

Therefore, feel free to share this report with your all your friends,

family, colleagues or even people you know only vaguely. Even give

it to complete strangers if you want. Leave the contents exactly the

same, and simply pass this book on as it is. Spread the knowledge!

Help humanity to take control back and change the world into the

most incredible place! Join the Revolution! ‘Revolutioniz’!

A gift of knowledge like this can be the most powerful gift possible.

And you know, the Law of Cause and Effect dictates that ‘what

comes around, goes around’. What you give out eventually comes

back to you in multitude, based on the intentions that you back up

your actions with. That’s right. And in this era things come back

even quicker than at any other point in history! You’ll experience

the benefits before you know it!

So share this book with the sincerest intentions, and someday soon

you’ll benefit from giving others such a remarkable gift. Chances

are you’ll benefit in a profound way that you couldn’t have possibly

made up yourself. And take note, those things, the ones you

couldn’t have made up yourself, are the most exhilarating things in

life! The fun of such experiences cannot be put into words. You

really should experience them yourself!

We hope it has been insightful and that you picked up a thing or

two. Of course, a short booklet like this could never convey the full

array of knowledge and information to allow you to really soar to

heights that may appear to be unattainable at this point. Although

this booklet does give you the knowledge that can significantly

uplift your life, there’s much more to know if you want to jump to

the next level of achievement after reading this short manual. There

are more details to applying the universal laws. Master the details,

and you’ll master life.

If you want to take control back over your life, if you want to soar

to incredible heights and really take your life to the next level, or if

you simply want to find some more information and details, then

take a look at

The Revolution is calling you to join and to ‘revolutioniz’ your life.

Harness the hidden laws of the universe, and a great Revolution is

exactly what you’ll experience. Your life will turn into something

more exhilarating than you’ve ever dared to imagine! It’s the

greatest gift you can give to yourself, to the world, or to the whole

universe for that matter.

Your detailed instructions for your job in the Revolution are

awaiting you at You’ll learn exactly

how to harness the universal principles of life and apply them to

your advantage.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

We wish you all the best in life.

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram

Join the Revolution at!


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