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12/23/23, 11:19 AM Mail - Daniel Drach - Outlook

Successful transmission to 18773850645. Re: UNKNOWN

NoReply@MyFax.com <NoReply@MyFax.com>
Fri 12/22/2023 5:47 PM
To:​dandrach@hotmail.com <dandrach@hotmail.com>​

Your fax was successfully sent to 18773850645 by MyFax.

Fax Details

Date: 2023-12-22 23:47:26 (GMT)

Number of Pages: 5
Length of Transmission: 291 seconds
Receiving Machine Fax ID: HelpDesk#:8776974889

Please note the domain used for sending a fax by email with MyFax has changed.
You must now follow your recipient’s fax number by @send.myfax.com instead of

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The MyFax Team

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