Act 1 - ECE

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Specialized Communication in English

Unit 1 Expression of ideas based on texts

Evaluatory activity 1
Student name: Manuel Adiel Buenfil Lara
Campus: Conalep 2 Group: 508

Learning outcome:
1.1 Express obligations, advice, predictions and concerns about scientific or technological
situations presented in informative texts, using modals.
Activity of evaluation:
A short conversation about something they are worried about and use a piece of advice
like possible solution.

1. Read the text about the use of fingerprints in technology. If you have questions or
doubts, conduct a brief investigation about the subject.

Paul, K. (2017). Here's how easily hackers can copy your fingerprints, MarketWatch
Available in:

2. Analyze the problem and fil the information requested in the table:

Causes Consequences Possible solutions

Biometric Data If your device were stolen, the try to clean the screen every
person could easily access it by time the phone is put away or
having a small trace of your not used.
fingerprint on the phone.

End to end By not having end-to-end encrypted have the option of end-to-end
encrypted data data, it would be much easier for encrypted data in order to
someone to obtain your personal have the necessary security
information. of our data.

The abuse of It makes manipulation and extortion Establish times or moments

technology of people much easier. for the use of technology

Specialized Communication in English
Unit 1 Expression of ideas based on texts

3. Use the modal verbs may, might, can and could to elaborate questions and
answers addressing the information in the table, to simulate a dialogue between
two persons. Focus on the exposition of the theme and provide preventive
recommendations. Maximum extension: 300 words.


Person 1 .- How could we take care of data privacy from hackers?

We have some options that might work. -.Person 2

Person 1 .- Seriously? I would like to hear them.

Of course, one of the first would be to recommend to the user to activate end-to-end
encrypted data, so that there is more security for personal data. -Person 2.

Person 1 .- I like the idea, we can make it known through a notice within the updates.

Of course, the other proposal is for people to keep their device screen clean whenever
they are not using their phone. -. Person 2

Person 1 .- It's fine the same way, but there may be people who already do it.

Is that right. Finally, it is more than anything an advice for people to take care of their
data.-. Person 2

Person 1 .- Advice? Go ahead, I'll listen to you.

People must establish times for using cell phones. -. Person 2

Person 1 .- What do you mean with that?

That they should not abuse the use of technology, because this way a hacker can reach
them more easily. -. Person 2

Person 1 .- Oh, I understand, well we should make these possible solutions known to
everyone, to avoid hackers.

Sure, I'll work on it .-. Person 2

4. Use your mobile device or free recording software to make an audio with the
dialogue you wrote (up to three minutes). Upload your audio to a cloud storage
and share the review link in the document that contains the table and the dialog.

Check the evaluation rubric to verify that your submission meets the established criteria.

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