Cloud Computing: Semester 5

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UNIT - 2

UNIT - 2


Cloud computing architecture refers to the design and implementation of the
infrastructure and services that are offered by cloud providers. It includes the
hardware, software, networks, and management systems that support cloud
computing services.

One of the key aspects of cloud computing architecture is the use of the
internet as a platform. Cloud services are typically delivered over the internet,
and customers can access these services from anywhere in the world, as long as
they have an internet connection.

The use of the internet as a platform for cloud computing offers many benefits,
such as:

1. Accessibility: Cloud services can be accessed from anywhere in the world,

making them ideal for businesses with distributed teams or customers.

2. Scalability: The internet provides an almost infinite scale for cloud resources,
allowing cloud providers to quickly and easily add or remove computing
resources as demand for their services fluctuates.

3. Cost-effectiveness: Cloud providers can share computing resources across

many customers, reducing the cost of infrastructure and making it more
affordable for businesses of all sizes.

However, there are also challenges associated with using the internet as a
platform for cloud computing. These challenges include:

1. Network latency: The time it takes for data to travel over the internet can
cause delays in accessing cloud services, which can impact performance.

2. Security: The internet is prone to cyber threats, which makes it important for
cloud providers to implement strong security measures to protect customers'

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3. Dependence on internet connectivity: Access to cloud services relies on
reliable and high-speed internet connectivity, which can be a challenge in
some regions or for some customers.

Overall, the use of the internet as a platform is a fundamental aspect of cloud

computing and enables the delivery of scalable, cost-effective, and accessible
computing services to businesses and individuals around the world.


The cloud reference model is a conceptual framework that describes the layers
and components of a cloud computing architecture. It provides a standardized
way of describing the various layers and components of a cloud computing
architecture, helping to ensure that different cloud providers are using a
consistent set of terminology when describing their services.

The cloud reference model consists of five distinct layers, each providing a
different set of services or functionalities. These layers are:

1. Cloud service user: This layer represents the end-users or clients who
consume cloud services and applications.

2. Cloud service provider: This layer represents the cloud provider who offers
computing resources and services to the cloud service user.

3. Cloud service integration: This layer represents the middleware services and
management tools that integrate and manage various cloud services.

4. Cloud service platform: This layer represents the infrastructure and platform
services that provide computing resources and tools to the cloud service
integration layer.

5. Cloud service infrastructure: This layer represents the physical infrastructure

(such as servers, storage, and networking resources) used to support the cloud
service platform layer.

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Each layer in the cloud reference model interacts with the layers above and
below it, creating a multilayered architecture. This architecture enables the
creation and delivery of cloud services that are scalable, reliable, and cost-

Overall, the cloud reference model provides a standard way of understanding

and describing the different layers and components of a cloud computing
architecture. This standardization helps to ensure interoperability and
compatibility between different cloud providers and services, making it easier
for organizations to adopt and integrate cloud technologies into their

1. Public cloud: A public cloud is a cloud computing environment in which a
third-party cloud provider delivers computing resources and services over the
internet to multiple customers. The services provided by a public cloud are
available to any individual or organization that wants to use them, and the
resources provided are typically shared across multiple customers. Public
clouds are typically used by small to medium-sized businesses or for non-
sensitive applications where security requirements are not as stringent.

2. Private cloud: A private cloud is a cloud computing environment in which

computing resources and services are operated exclusively by a single
organization. Private clouds can be hosted either on-premises or in a third-party
data center and are typically used for highly sensitive, mission-critical
applications that require greater control and security than a public cloud can

3. Hybrid cloud: A hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment that

combines public and private cloud resources to create a unified computing
environment. A hybrid cloud allows organizations to leverage the scalability
and cost-effectiveness of the public cloud while maintaining control over
sensitive data and applications in a private cloud environment. Hybrid clouds
are ideal for organizations that have fluctuating demand for computing
resources or need to meet specific regulatory or security requirements.

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The economics of the cloud refer to the cost-saving benefits and efficiencies
that cloud computing can provide compared to traditional on-premises IT
infrastructure. There are several key economic advantages of the cloud,

1. Reduced capital expenses: Moving to the cloud can reduce an organization's

capital expenditures (CapEx) by eliminating the need to purchase and maintain
expensive IT infrastructure and hardware. Instead, cloud providers offer pay-as-
you-go pricing models, allowing organizations to pay only for the resources they

2. Lower operational expenses: The cloud can also help reduce an

organization's operational expenses (OpEx) by allowing them to scale resources
up or down as needed, without incurring additional costs for equipment or

3. Greater flexibility: Cloud computing provides greater flexibility than

traditional on-premises infrastructure. Organizations can quickly and easily spin
up new computing resources as needed to meet changing business demands,
without having to invest in additional hardware or infrastructure.

4. Access to new technologies: Cloud providers typically offer access to a wide

range of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and blockchain. This enables organizations to innovate and stay
competitive without incurring the high costs associated with building and
maintaining these technologies on their own.

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Computing platforms and technologies refer to the hardware, software, and
tools used to create, manage, and deploy computing applications. Some of the
most common computing platforms and technologies include:

1. Operating systems: An operating system is a software component that

manages hardware resources and provides services for computer programs.
Popular operating systems include Windows, macOS, and Linux.

2. Programming languages: A programming language is a set of instructions

used to create software applications. Popular programming languages include
Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript.

3. Application development frameworks: Application development

frameworks provide a structure for developers to build, test, and deploy
applications. Common application development frameworks include Ruby on
Rails, Django, Node.js, and .NET.

4. Cloud computing platforms: Cloud computing platforms provide computing

resources, such as servers, storage, and networking, over the internet. Popular
cloud computing platforms include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft
Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

5. Virtualization: Virtualization technology allows multiple operating systems

and applications to run on a single physical machine, making more efficient use
of hardware resources. Popular virtualization platforms include VMware and

6. Containerization: Containerization technology allows developers to package

an application and its dependencies into a lightweight container that can be
deployed across different environments. Popular containerization platforms
include Docker and Kubernetes.

7. Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) and

machine learning (ML) are computing technologies that enable systems to
learn, reason, and solve problems without human intervention. Popular AI and
ML platforms and tools include TensorFlow, PyTorch, and IBM Watson.

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Overall, computing platforms and technologies continue to evolve and expand,
with new tools and technologies emerging regularly to help developers build
and deploy more efficient and powerful applications.


Cloud computing economics refer to the cost and financial benefits of using
cloud computing services as compared to traditional on-premises IT
infrastructure. The economic benefits of cloud computing are numerous,

1. Reduced capital expenditure: With the cloud, organizations can reduce their
capital expenditure (CapEx) by eliminating the need to purchase and maintain
expensive IT infrastructure and hardware. Instead, they pay for only what they
need on a consumption-based pricing model.

2. Lower operational expenditure: Cloud computing also reduces operational

expenditure (OpEx) by offloading the maintenance and management of IT
infrastructure to cloud providers, reducing the need for on-site IT staff.

3. Increase in operational efficiency: The cloud provides elasticity and

scalability, enabling organizations to quickly and easily scale computing
resources up or down as per their requirements, which helps in faster
deployments, improved end-user experiences, and reducing waste.

4. Access to advanced technologies: Cloud providers often offer access to

advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning
(ML), and the internet of things (IoT), which helps organizations in innovation
and digital transformation wave.

5. Reduce the time to market: Companies can leverage cloud’s global footprint
to rapidly enter new markets worldwide without the need for extensive
investments in on-premises technology, reducing the time to market and IT

However, it's important to note that there are some costs associated with cloud
computing that organizations need to consider, such as data egress fees,
additional security needs, and compliance requirements. Also, a clear
understanding of the existing IT infrastructure and the applications' suitability
for deployment in the cloud is crucial to ensure maximum returns.

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Cloud infrastructure refers to the physical and virtual components that make up
cloud computing environments. It includes the hardware, software, networking,
storage, and other components required to provide cloud services. Cloud
infrastructure typically encompasses the following components:

1. Servers: In cloud computing environments, servers are used to run software

applications and to store data. Cloud providers typically use virtual servers that can
be quickly provisioned and decommissioned as per the customers' need.

2. Storage: Cloud infrastructure often includes large-scale storage systems that can
store data in various forms, including databases, files, and object storage. Cloud
providers offer scalable storage solutions, including block storage, file storage, and
object storage.

3. Networking: Cloud infrastructure includes networking components that connect

various servers and storage systems to form a virtualized environment. Cloud
providers offer various networking services such as virtual private cloud (VPC),
content delivery network (CDN), and load balancing services to provide a highly
available and scalable network.

4. Data Centers: Cloud providers operate large data centers around the world to
ensure high availability and low latency. They are designed with redundant power,
cooling, and networking infrastructure to provide a resilient environment for their

5. Virtualization platform: Cloud infrastructure relies heavily on virtualization

technologies, such as hypervisors and containers, to manage and allocate
computing resources to multiple virtual machines. These platforms offer improved
resource utilization and flexibility, making it easier to manage cloud infrastructure.

6. Management and monitoring tools: Cloud providers offer management and

monitoring tools that help users monitor the performance of their applications and
infrastructure, manage security, and control spending.

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Private clouds are cloud computing environments dedicated to a single
organization. They provide many of the same benefits as public clouds,
including scalability, flexibility, and self-service capabilities, while providing
additional control over data and security. When it comes to the economics of
private clouds, there are several factors to consider:

1. Capital Expenditure: Building a private cloud requires significant capital

expenditure (CapEx) in terms of hardware, software, and infrastructure. This
includes purchasing servers, storage systems, network devices, and
virtualization software licenses. The organization will also need to invest in
building or leasing a data center facility or co-location facility specifically for the
private cloud.

2. Operating Expenditure: Once the private cloud is set up, there are ongoing
operating expenditures (OpEx) to manage the cloud infrastructure, including
ongoing hardware maintenance and upgrades, energy bills, and personnel

3. Scalability: Private clouds offer scalability and the ability to add or remove
resources on-demand, which can help organizations reduce overall
infrastructure costs in the long run. However, due to the limited shared
resources, private clouds may not be as cost-effective as public clouds in terms
of scaling rapidly.

4. Customization and Control: Private clouds allow organizations to customize

and control the infrastructure and platform to meet the needs of specific
workloads, making it easy to ensure compliance with policies and regulations
while keeping tight security controls.

5. Return on Investment: Private clouds can provide a high return on

investment, especially for organizations that have high levels of in-house IT
infrastructure, complex workloads, and security-sensitive data. In such
scenarios, a private cloud can provide better control and visibility while
providing the same benefits and flexibility offered by a public cloud.

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Software productivity in the cloud refers to the ability of software development
teams to develop, deploy, and iterate their software applications rapidly and
efficiently within a cloud computing environment. Cloud computing provides
software development teams with many tools and services that can enhance
their productivity, including:

1. Collaboration and Communication: Cloud-based tools make it easier for

teams to collaborate and communicate with each other in real-time.
Collaborative tools such as project management software and chat applications
facilitate better teamwork, task allocation, and project tracking.

2. Access to Resources and Tools: Cloud computing enables easy access to

development tools and resources across multiple devices, operating systems,
and locations. It eliminates the need for software installations, upgrades, and
maintenance, allowing teams to focus on application development.

3. Scalability: Cloud computing makes it easy for teams to scale their software
applications by adding more computational resources and testing them
without affecting application performance. Scaling can be achieved quickly
and cost-effectively by using cloud-based infrastructure, services, and platform-
as-a-service (PaaS) offerings.

4. Automation: Cloud-based services for testing, integration, and deployment

can automate many of the processes that are traditionally performed manually.
This automation increases efficiency, reduces the risk of errors, and allows
software developers to focus on creating code.

5. Flexibility: Cloud computing services allow development teams to

experiment with and iterate on software applications rapidly and efficiently,
without being constrained by the limitations of an on-premises infrastructure.
Cloud-based development tools and services enable teams to innovate and
respond quickly to changing business needs.

6. Security: Cloud service providers typically offer comprehensive security

controls, monitoring, and compliance features that protect against cyber
threats and facilitate compliance with industry regulations.

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Economies of scale is a concept that refers to the savings in production costs

that result from producing larger quantities of a product or service. When it
comes to cloud computing, economies of scale can be achieved at various
levels, including hardware, software, and services.

Public clouds typically offer economies of scale due to the large scale,
centralized infrastructure, and shared hardware resources. Public cloud
providers can spread their costs across multiple customers, reducing the cost
per customer. In contrast, private clouds typically require greater upfront
investment in infrastructure, making it challenging to achieve economies of
scale unless the organization has a large IT environment with extensive

Here are some ways in which public and private clouds offer economies of

1. Hardware: Public clouds typically have massive data centers, allowing them
to buy hardware in bulk. For example, public cloud providers can procure
servers, storage, and network equipment at a lower cost than a single
organization can. In contrast, private clouds require organizations to purchase
their own hardware infrastructure, making it challenging to achieve economies
of scale.

2. Software: Public clouds typically have standard software and platforms that
can be used across multiple customers, allowing providers to spread the cost of
software licenses across many customers. This reduces the cost per customer,
making it more affordable for organizations to access the latest software
features and capabilities. In contrast, private clouds require organizations to
purchase their own software licenses, making it challenging to achieve
economies of scale.

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3. Services: Public clouds offer a wide range of services, including compute,
storage, and analytics, which they can provide at a lower cost than individual
organizations due to economies of scale. Public clouds can also offer services
that are not financially viable for individual organizations, such as artificial
intelligence and machine learning. In contrast, private clouds typically require
organizations to manage their own services, which can result in higher costs
and lower productivity due to the need for redundant and unused resources.

Overall, public clouds offer greater economies of scale than private clouds due
to their ability to spread the cost of infrastructure, software, and services across
multiple customers. However, private clouds offer greater control and
customization, making them more viable for organizations with specialized
needs or regulatory requirements.

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