Lesson Plan Sample 1

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Theme: ¡Vamos de compras!

Sub theme: En el supermercado

Topic: ¿Qué quieres comprar?

Level: Grade 8 | Form 2

Duration: 40 minutes

General Objectives
At the end of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Express themselves in spoken and written language in shopping for items at the
supermarket and market in Spanish.
2. Ask and enquire of others about items of grocery.

1. Participate in group problem solving activities which require them to communicate in the
target language based on particular problems/ situations.

Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify at least 10 items of grocery that are commonly found in the supermarket from a
chart with pictures of 15 items.
2. Enquire and state what they want to buy through dialogues and roleplays with at least
80% accuracy.

Previous Knowledge
Students are familiar with the meaning of the verbs comprar and querer
New Material

El vocabulario

-harina aceite leche pan azúcar mantequilla,

arroz, sal huevos galletas queso Venta

-Super ofertas descuentos

La gramática

Quiero comprar (2 verbs used consecutively)

querer* (stem changing verb)

¿Qué quieres comprar al supermercado?

Al supermercado quiero comprar …

Lesson Activities


1. Teacher presents a newspaper advertisement with items on special at a grocery store and
draw students attention to introducing new vocabulary and structure ¿Qué quieres
comprar? Through a brief description of the chart in Spanish (5 mins)
2. Students will follow up with repetition of items in Spanish. (5 mins)



3. Teacher will show students a comic strip with a brief conversation that utilizes the
structure “que quieres comprar” and highlight the structure. (5 mins)
4. Teacher will discuss the content of the comic strip explaining the structure used to ask
and say what you want to buy in Spanish as well as other vocabulary and expressions
used in the comic strip. (5 mins)

5. The game BINGO will be played to reinforce the new vocabulary. (5 mins)
6. Students work in pairs asking and responding to the question ¿Qué quieres comprar? By
selecting various items from their BINGO card. (5 mins)

7. Students will write a brief dialogue based on the chart displayed. The dialogue should be
a conversation about which items they want to buy at the supermarket with reasons such
as the item is discounted. (10 mins)

8. Students will be given 5 situation response questions to complete individually by writing
the correct responses to situation response questions given. (homework)

Cross check – Lesson Implementation Table

Objectives Teach (new Practice/ reinforce Assess Objective
materials/ (new material/ (degree of
concepts) concepts taught) mastery)
Identify items of Step 2 intro Step 5 -BINGO Step 7 - dialogue
grocery activity
Ask and state what Steps 3, 4 Step 6 Step 7 - dialogue
they want to buy

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