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Power Plants Dr. Banipal N.


1. "Power Plant Technology" by: M. M. El-Wakil
2. "Power Plant Engineering" by: Frederick T. Morse
3. "Power Plant Engineering" by: G. R. Nagpal
4. "A Course In Power Plant Engineering" by: S. C. Arora & S. Domkundwar

1. Steam Properties
2. Steam Cycles
3. Feed Water Heater
4. Steam Generator
5. Boiler
6. Fuel and Combustion
7. Chimney
8. Condensers
9. Water Circulation
10. Pumps
11. Fans
12. Steam Turbine
13. Gas Turbine
14. Compressor
15. Combined Steam-Gas Power Plants
16. Applications‌

Power Plants Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob

Saturated Temperature (Ts): It is a temperature at which boiling begin at a known

Un Saturated Water: Water which its temperature is less than saturated temperature,
T < T s.
Saturated Water: Water beginning in boiling, T = Ts.
Wet Steam: It is a mixture of saturated water and saturated vapor at saturated
temperature, Ts.
Super Heated Steam: It is a steam at temperature more than saturated vapor at
saturated temperature, T > Ts.
Temperature, T

at constant pressure
5 L+V
6 L.H. = Latent Heat
S.H. = Sensible Heat
2 Liquid

S+L 3

S.H. L.H. S.H. L.H. S.H.
Enthalpy, h

Power Plants Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob

Power Plants Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob

Using Steam Tables to Specify Vapor State:

1. All the specific properties for saturated water will give as (νf , uf , hf , Sf) and
for saturated vapor (νg , ug , hg , Sg) and the saturated temperature is (Ts oC) as
in Table No.1 and Table No.2.
2. For superheated steam, its specific properties are given as (ν, u, h, S) for
different temperatures and pressures, as in Table No. 3. This table can also be
used to find the specific properties of saturated vapor.
3. Table No. 4 gives the specific volume for saturated water.
4. To find the properties at the mixture region (water + vapor), we must know
the dryness fraction (x), which is the mass of dry steam in 1kg of mixture.
mass of dry steam
mass of mixture
Note: It can be use the interpolation to find the mid value of the properties.

Power Plants Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob
Wetness Fraction: It is the mass of water in 1 kg of mixture. Wetness fraction = 1-x.
for saturated steam or dry steam x = 1 and for saturated water x = zero.
volume of dry steam  volume of water
mass of wet steam
For each 1 kg of wet steam there is (x) kg of dry steam and (1-x) kg of water.
v  v f 1  x   v g x  v f  v g

 v  x  vg

For enthalpy

h  h f 1  x   hg x  h f  x hg  h f 
 h  h f  x  h fg

For internal energy

 u  u f  x  u fg

For entropy
 S  S f  x  S fg

The Interpolation
 T  T1   T  T1 
v  v1     v2  v1  , h  h1     h2  h1 
T 
 2 1T T 
 2 1T

 T  T1   T  T1 
u  u1     u 2  u1  , S  S1     S 2  S1 
T 
 2 1T T 
 2 1T

Home Work: Steam at a pressure of (110 bar) and its specific volume is (0.019611
m3/kg). Find temperature, enthalpy and internal energy for the steam.

Example: steam at (5 bar) and (325 oC), find its specific volume and enthalpy.
Solution: from Table No.3
T (325 oC) > Ts (151.86 oC)  the steam is superheated.
at p=5 bar and T=320 oC  ν = 0.5416 m3/kg , h = 3105.6 kJ/kg
Power Plants Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob
and at p=5 bar and T=330 C  ν = 0.5512 m /kg , h = 3126.2 kJ/kg
o 3

 at p=5 bar and T=325 C


 325  320 
v  0.5416     0.5512  0.5416  v  0.5464 m /kg
 330  320 
 325  320 
h  3105.6     3126.2  3105.6  h  3115 .9 kJ/kg
 330  320 
Example: Sketch a pressure volume diagram for items and mark on for the
following points, labeling clearly the pressure, specific volume and temperature of
each point.
a. P = 20 bar, T = 250 oC and ν = 0.11144 m3/kg
b. T = 212.4 oC and ν = 0.09957 m3/kg
c. P = 10 bar and h = 2650 kJ/kg
d. P = 6 bar and h = 3166 kJ/kg

For point (c) Table No.2 at Ts=179.91 oC
and P =10 bar
hg = 2778.1 kJ/kg , hf = 762.81 kJ/kg
 h < hg  the steam is wet steam and
we must find (x).
 h  h f  x  h fg

 2650=762.81+x(2015.3)  x = 0.936
 v = x. vg = 0.936 * 0.19444 = 0.182 m3/kg


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