Winter Solstice 2023

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Winter solstice 2023 by Dan Van den Berghe Dec 22, 2023

Winter solstice is considered the astronomical start of a new year. Even though a Chinese solar new
year doesn’t start until “Li Chun” (beginning of spring), which usually falls at 4th of February in the
Western calendar, the preceding winter solstice is often more significant.

You could see the winter solstice as the “pure seed” moment of what the next year may bring, because
Water element is like the formless seed that will sprout in the next spring and then grow. In early
February, at the start of a Chinese new year, that seed first pushes above the ground and starts showing

By studying the moment of the winter solstice and how it affects different parts of the globe we can
estimate what may be in store for the year. Because the solstice is a precisely timed moment, we can
not only make four pillars charts, but we can also link each city and capital to an I Ching hexagram and
even a moving line, by using the circular hexagram arrangement that is commonly attributed to the
legendary Fu Hsi.

The current beta test version of the Four Pillars & Feng Shui software can do all the needed
calculations within seconds and displays it in the “4p cartography map”. I first posted such a map on
my Twitter for the winter solstice of 2022 (link: ) and used it to foretell that
peace between Russia and Ukraine would be unlikely this year. A major earthquake on the US West
coast did not happen, but protests in Europe were evident all year.

Here is the winter solstice map for 2023, which is the blueprint/seed for the coming year 2024:
A fully detailed map without compression to fit on the page can be downloaded here:

There is so much detail on a map that we can not cover everything, so just some of the things that jump
out and then the I Ching hexagrams and lines that will befall the major capital cities of the world.

1) Winter solstice is always in a Rat month, so the major factor to consider is the Day and Hour in the
four pillars. For most of the Americas, with the exception of Eastern half of Brazil, the solstice is on a
Water Ox day (Gui Chou). For the rest of the world it is a Wood Tiger day (Jia Yin). Because next year
will be a Wood Dragon year (starting from Feb 4th) as well as the start of Period 9 – Fire, the Wood
Tiger day zone is likely to see the most significant events. This is because Tiger is the birth of Fire and
Wood fuels Fire. So, Europe, Africa and Asia is where most of the “fireworks” could be seen.

In that context, looking at the Hour zones, Western Europe will get the solstice under the Fire Tiger
Hour. So, Wood Tiger Day and Fire Tiger Hour. Tiger can bring very fast, unexpected and shocking
events, especially the Fire Tiger. EU is scheduled for elections in June and that could bring shocking
outcomes. Population is angry (wood) and that will come out. That’s just one of the possibilities, with
double Tiger you never know and you don’t see it coming.

There is one planetary line that culminates in this hour zone. It is the Apogee (black moon), which
passes very close to Paris and Brussels. Physically the apogee is important because any full or new
moon there will cause bigger tides and thus bring increased risks for floods and freak weather.
For the astrological themes connected to the black moon you can check out this article: The Indian goddess Kali is connected to it
and brings in dark and destructive themes. In this context it may also be relevant that Paris will be
hosting the summer Olympics 2024 from July 26 until August 11. From 7th August onwards it will be
Water Monkey month, which happens to clash with the Tiger day and Fire Tiger Hour we have for this
zone. Even though security measures will be very high, I would stay away.

The US sees the culmination lines of Jupiter, Uranus and the Moon pass over its territory. That’s
relatively positive (Jupiter), innovative (Uranus), but with mood swings (Moon). Uranus is eccentric
and surprising, so the US presidential election could bring a weird campaign and/or unexpected results.

Of note is also the Mars line passing right between Beijing and Taiwan. There we have the Metal Horse
hour zone. Horse is strong Fire. With tensions already high there, and Mars traditionally being the fiery
planet connected to war and conflict, you can see the risk of conflict will be high there in the context of
a Metal Horse hour in a Wood Tiger day. The high noon line (red) goes straight through North and
South Korea, so all eyes could be on that part of the world again. More about that in the hexagrams and
lines for the major cities.

The morning line (green), middle of Rabbit hour, goes almost straight through Moscow. Given the
current geopolitical situation that’s one to watch. This line also goes through most troubled Middle East
countries. The morning line usually indicates where a new wind may blow, as it is the line most closely
related to sunrise. Note that Moscow, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza are all in the Hour zone of Fire Rabbit.
Rabbit favors diplomacy, so contrary to last year ( see 2022 winter solstice) when the midnight line was
dividing Russia and Ukraine, some settlement or peace agreement will be much more likely now.
The evening line (blue), passes through Alaska. May not mean much.

The midnight line (black) can imply a split or disconnect. Most of populated Brazil is to the East of that
line (on the Tiger day side). The rest of South America is to the West (the Ox day side). A potential
conflict with Venezuela has been making the news recently. And also more distance could grow with
Argentina, where a new president was just elected.

Hexagram lines
The hexagrams and lines for the luminaries and the planets and for some major cities around the world
are as follows:

Sun: 270.00 Hex: 2.6

Moon: 30.34 Hex: 38.3
Mercury: 271.54 Hex: 24.2
Venus: 230.68 Hex: 45.1
Mars: 260.04 Hex: 23.2
Jupiter: 35.72 Hex: 58.3
Saturn: 332.43 Hex: 37.1
Uranus: 49.63 Hex: 11.5
Neptune: 354.96 Hex: 13.1
Pluto: 299.06 Hex: 21.1
Node: 21.40 Hex: 61.5
Chiron: 15.46 Hex: 60.5
Apogee: 144.77 Hex: 47.5
Vertex: 0.00 Hex: 19.1

Beijing, CN: 8.6
Paris, FR: 47.4
Moscow, RU: 7.6
London, GB: 47.2
Washington DC, US: 9.4
Ottawa, CA: 9.5
Berlin, DE: 40.4
Tokyo, JP: 3.1
Roma, IT: 40.3
Brasilia, BR: 44.5
New Delhi, IN: 52.6
Pretoria, ZA: 4.2
Brussels, BE: 47.6
Buenos Aires, AR: 43.5
Canberra, AU: 42.5
Jakarta, ID: 20.2
Mexico City, MX: 10.4
Riyadh, SA: 31.4
Seoul, KR: 2.5
Ankara, TR: 7.1
Kyiv, UA: 4.4
Tehran, IR: 56.3
Jerusalem, IS: 7.3
Pyongyang, KP: 2.4
Taipei, TW: 23.5

To pick out a few examples. (Using the classic Wilhelm translation for the names and texts)

1 – Sun is at hex2.6. The hexagram connected to the culminating Sun position (given by the red high
noon line on the map) can be seen as a main theme for the coming year that is now still in seed stage.
Hex 2 is called “The Receptive” and consists of only Yin lines. While hex 2 can be very positive,
depending on the question or the situation, line 6 happens to be very dangerous:
“Six at the top means:
Dragons fight in the meadow.
Their blood is black and yellow.

In the top place the dark element should yield to the light. If it attempts to
maintain a position to which it is not entitled and to rule instead of serving,
it draws down upon itself the anger of the strong. A struggle ensues in which
it is overthrown, with injury, however, to both sides. The dragon, symbol of
heaven, comes to fight the false dragon that symbolized the inflation of the
earth principle. Midnight blue is the color of heaven; yellow is the color of
earth. Therefore, when black and yellow blood flow, it is a sign that in this
unnatural contest both primal powers suffer injury.

Dragons fighting, lots of blood... Hmmm, we better hope this becomes a kind of economic war or a war
of words, not a major armed conflict. Never mind 2024 will be a Dragon year and this line passes
through the Koreas, West Japan and also very close to China and Taiwan (see also the Mars line). Let
me point out this is not a reason to hide in your bunker for a year. Remember that this hex 2.6 is always
passing somewhere every year, just like all the other lines in the I Ching book. But of course, the winter
solstice Sun itself is not always on this line. Only once in 384 years on average.

2 - Mars, which was passing right between Beijing and Taipei in our analysis above is at hex 23.2
(which means hex 23 with line 2 moving). Hexagram 23 is called “Splitting apart”. That brings the
theme of the split between Beijing and Taipei right on the table. The hexagram text talks in terms of a
house that is close to see the roof collapse, the Yin lines are dominant and about to overthrow the last
Yang line. The text for line 2, I will copy it completely:
“Six in the second place means:
The bed is split at the edge.
Those who persevere are destroyed.

The power of the inferior people is growing. The danger draws close to one's
person; already there are clear indication, and rest is disturbed. Moreover, in
this dangerous situation one is as yet without help or friendly advances from
above or below. Extreme caution is necessary in this isolation. One must
adjust to the time and promptly avoid the danger. Stubborn perseverance in
maintaining one's standpoint would lead to downfall. ”
This sounds like a serious crisis and a dangerous situation. Let’s see (and please remember this method
is rigid, the hexagrams are determined by the exact time of the solstice, not by throwing coins. But that
alone does not guarantee any outcomes.)

To look where both sides stand in this possible conflict we look at Beijing and Taipei. Beijing is at hex
8.6 and Taipei is at hex 23.5
Beijing at hex 8, which is called “Holding together (union)”. It’s pretty clear that mainland China is
pushing for reunification. Line 6, quoting:
“Six at the top means:
He finds no head for holding together.

The head is the beginning. If the beginning is not right, there is no hope of a
right ending. If we have missed the right moment for union and go on
hesitating to give complete and full devotion, we shall regret the error when
it is too late.

This sounds like the reunification bid will fail and bring misfortune to Beijing. It’s already remarkable
that the solstice bring up exactly this hexagram and this line. That’s 1 chance in 384 odds.

Taipei at hex 23 which is “Splitting apart”, as we saw earlier for the Mars line. But now we have line 5:
“Six in the fifth place means:
A shoal of fishes. Favor comes through the court ladies.
Everything acts to further.

Here, in immediate proximity to the strong, light-giving principle at the top,

the nature of the dark force undergoes a change. It no longer opposes the
strong principle by means of intrigues but submits to its guidance. Indeed, as
the head of the other weak lines, it leads all of these to the strong line, just as
a princess leads her maids-in-waiting like a shoal of fishes to her husband and
thus gains his favor. Inasmuch as the lower element thus voluntarily places
itself under the higher, it attains happiness and the higher also receives its
due. Therefore all goes well.

This text is quite intriguing. A “shoal of fishes” could point to the use of underwater drones to defend
itself. This was already seen in Ukraine and will not have gone unnoticed. Big warships (like China
has) are slow and could become useless against opponents who have such shoals of fishes (drones).
The text appears favorable for Taiwan, but then it sounds like some kind of compromise is been
reached where the “lower element voluntarily places itself under the higher”. Who is the lower element
in this case? I will let you decide that for yourself.
Note also that Beijing, hex 8 with line 6 moving, and Taiwan, hex 23 with line 5 moving, both lead to
the same future hexagram which is hex 20. That suggests some mutual agreement could be found. The
name of this hexagram is “Contemplation(view)” and is described in terms of watch tower, a landmark,
that is both viewing and being seen from far away. It will be very interesting to see what happens in
this question.

3 – The Apogee line going straight through the heart of the EU is at hex 47.5. What kind of theme does
this bring in? Hex 47 is called “Oppression (exhaustion)”. This is described in terms of a lake that has
gone dry. The dark forces have taken control of everything. Times are very difficult and only the strong
of spirit survive and later thrive. This may point to the weakening economy, rising debts, and/or the
ongoing migration crisis. Also the growing censorship regulations that EU tries to enforce. Voters may
be exhausted with the rising costs of living and declining freedom.

4 – Jupiter line through the USA is at hex 58.3. Hex 58 is called the “Joyous (Lake)” and with Jupiter
also standing for joy and optimism it couldn’t find a stronger place. But line 3 talks about:
“Six in the third place means:
Coming joyousness. Misfortune.

True joy must spring from within. But if one is empty within and wholly
given over to the world, idle pleasures come streaming in from without.
This is what many people welcome as diversion. Those who lack inner
stability and therefore need amusement, will always find opportunity of
indulgence. They attract external pleasures by the emptiness of their natures.
Thus they lose themselves more and more, which of course has bad results.

Idle pleasure and indulgence. This could be the sex scandals that typically pop up in election years.
Maybe entertainment sector and casinos will have a great year.

5 – Uranus line through USA is at hex 11.5. Hex 11 is called “Peace” and Uranus typically stands for
upheaval and rebellion, so that’s an interesting mismatch. Line 5 says:
“ Six in the fifth place means:
The sovereign I
Gives his daughter in marriage.
And supreme good fortune.

The sovereign I is T'ang the Completer. By his decree the imperial princesses,
although higher in rank than their husbands, had to obey them like all other
wives. Here too we are shown a truly modest union of high and low that
brings happiness and blessings.”

The sovereign would be the president in this case. Is Taiwan the “daughter” Biden will marry to China
to broker peace and chalk up some geopolitical success to boost his re-election chances?

6 – Moscow is at hex 7.6. Hex 7 is called “The Army” and line 6 says it all:
“Six at the top means:
The great prince issues commands,
Founds states, vests families with fiefs.
Inferior people should not be employed.

The war has ended successfully, victory is won, and the king divided estates
and fiefs among his faithful vassals. But it is important that inferior people
should not come into power. If they have helped, let them be paid off with
money, but they should not be awarded lands or the privileges of rulers, lest
power be abused.

Kyiv is at hex 4.4. Hex 4 is called “Youthful Folly” and describes the dangers of inexperience. It’s not a
secret that the Ukrainian president came into power as a inexperienced comedian. Line 4 says:
“Six in the fourth place means:
Entangled folly bring humiliation.

For youthful folly it is the most hopeless thing to entangle itself in empty
imaginings. The more obstinately it clings to such unreal fantasies, the more
certainly will humiliation overtake it.
Often the teacher, when confronted with such entangled folly, has no other
course but to leave the fool to himself for a time, not sparing him the
humiliation that results. This is frequently the only means of rescue.

This sounds like Russia will become the clear winner of the conflict and have a very large say in the
peace deal that will be made.

7 – Washington DC is hex 9.4. Hex 9 is called “The taming power of the small”. This could point to the
situation where ministers, advisors or counselors have more influence than president Biden himself.
Line 4 says:
“Six in the fourth place means:
If you are sincere, blood vanishes and fear gives way.
No blame.

If one is in the difficult and responsible position of counselor to a powerful

man, on should restrain him in such a way that the threat of actual bloodshed
may arise. Nonetheless, the power of disinterested truth is greater than all
theses obstacles. It carries such weight that the end is achieved, and all danger
of bloodshed and all fear disappear.”

It seems to indicate a situation where the counselors need to restrain the president to avoid bloodshed.

8 – Buenos Aires is at hex 43.5. A “radical” new president has just come into power there. Argentina
has suffered economically for decades. Hex 43 is called “Break-through (resoluteness)”, which matches
the outspoken intentions of that new government. Eyes will be on the country to see if they can also
deliver on those promises. Line 5 says:
“ Nine in the fifth place means:
In dealing with weeds,
Firm resolution is necessary.
Walking in the middle
Remains free of blame.

Weeds always grow back again and are difficult to exterminate. So too the
struggle against an inferior man in a high position demands firm resolution.
One has certain relations with him, hence there is danger that one may give
up the struggle as hopeless. But this must not be. One must go on resolutely
and not allow himself to be deflected from him course. Only in this way does
one remain free of blame.

It almost sounds like the campaign speeches of Javier Milei. Let’s see if he can uproot the weeds in the

9 – Not all countries can be in the headlines at the same time, so I just selected the most current ones. It
would be too much to cover all countries, but you can find the currently active active hexagram for a
number of other capitals in the list above. And you can also try to eyeball it on the map (the hexagrams
are displayed at the bottom). If another country suddenly becomes top of the news for whatever reason
then you can always check to see what theme they got as their winter solstice 2023 “seed”. The above
examples already show how directly relevant some of those hexagrams (and line texts) can be. Of
course, it’s too early to tell if the outcomes those lines suggest will also become reality this year.
Since no divination is used for this method and the only input needed is the exact date and time of the
winter solstice we can already give the winter solstice map for 2024, which will be the seed map for the
year 2025, Wood Snake:

You can download the fully detailed map at this link:

The related hexagrams and lines that will come in effect that year:

Solstice/Equinox: 21 December 2024 ; 21 December 2024 09:21

0 (UTC/GMT) ; 0 E 0 0 N 0

Sun: 270.00 Hex: 24.1

Moon: 163.15 Hex: 29.1
Mercury: 248.57 Hex: 20.2
Venus: 316.08 Hex: 36.2
Mars: 124.75 Hex: 18.2
Jupiter: 74.46 Hex: 14.2
Saturn: 343.80 Hex: 30.1
Uranus: 53.93 Hex: 26.4
Neptune: 357.18 Hex: 13.3
Pluto: 300.75 Hex: 21.3
Node: 2.06 Hex: 19.3
Chiron: 19.03 Hex: 61.3
Apogee: 201.63 Hex: 62.6
Vertex: 180.00 Hex: 33.1

Beijing, CN: 30.5
Paris, FR: 45.3
Moscow, RU: 2.4
London, GB: 12.6
Washington DC, US: 40.2
Ottawa, CA: 40.4
Berlin, DE: 16.3
Tokyo, JP: 41.5
Roma, IT: 16.2
Brasilia, BR: 33.3
New Delhi, IN: 17.5
Pretoria, ZA: 8.6
Brussels, BE: 45.5
Buenos Aires, AR: 4.4
Canberra, AU: 61.3
Jakarta, ID: 37.6
Mexico City, MX: 46.3
Riyadh, SA: 27.2
Seoul, KR: 13.4
Ankara, TR: 23.5
Kyiv, UA: 23.3
Tehran, IR: 3.1
Jerusalem, IS: 2.2
Pyongyang, KP: 13.2
Taipei, TW: 49.4

Copyright 2023, Dan Van den Berghe

Please mention the link to this article if you want to cite from it or copy the method that is being used.
Thanks for your collegiality.

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