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Hello everyone, ı am zeynep. I’m going to talk about how we can amend the constitution.

Before focus on how we can change the contutituon, ı wanna give information about why do we
need a constutional amendment and who can change the constitution.

Let’s start with Why does the constitution change?

We live in a world that is changing and transforming rapidly every day. States, society and individuals
are also affected by this and feel the need to update themselves. constitutions are also like this, and
may need to be changed to be suitable for the conditions of the developing world.

So, who can change the constitution?

The authority to make amendments to the Constitution is given to the “secondary constituent
power”, which is one of the established powers. For türkiye, secondary constituent power is the
great national assembly of Türkiye.

the secondary constituent power must make constitutional amendments in accordance with the
constitutional rules that it will change. for example: we can give an example of the “constitutional
amendment procedures” described in Article one hundred seventy fifth of the nineteen eighty two
Turkish Constitution.

Finally, How can secondary constituent power amend the constitution?

the amendment is made by changing or removing the articles of the existing constitution
İNVALİD) and adding new provisions. each country may set different rules and restrictions for
constitutional amendments.

now let's look at how the constitutional amendment is made according to the Turkish constitution
of nineteen eighty two

the proposal stage.

According to the first paragraph of Article one hundered and five of the Turkish Constitution, "A
constitutional amendment may be proposed in writing by at least one-third of the total number of
members of the Grand National Assembly.”

* In other words, since the total number of members is six hundered, the constitutional
amendment proposal submitted in the form of a motion must have the signatures of at least two
hundered members.*

the authority for proposals belongs only to deputies.

Constitutional amendments may be proposed for other articles except for the first three articles of
our Constitution.(However, the Constitutional Court's decision dated June five, two thousand eight,
ruled that Article four is an immutable article.)

the interview stage.

Proposals for constitutional amendments are first discussed at the Constitutional Commission. It is
examined and reported here and sent to the Speaker of the Assembly.Then it is presented to the
General Assembly.
interviews are held twice and the second interview cannot be started before forty eight hours after
the end of the first interview.”* the reason for this is that decisions on constitutional amendments
are not taken quickly and these decisions are evaluated more seriously.*
the first interview

first, an interview is held about the entire constitutional amendment proposal.

A “secret ballot” is then held on the articles of the proposed constitutional amendment.

Each article must be adopted by at least three-fifths of the total number of members of the Grand
National Assembly (three hundered and sixty votes). Articles that do not reach this number be
rejected at the first interview.

the second interview

in the vindictive interview, there is no re-interview for the items.

Proposals for amendments to the articles are discussed.

The amendment motion is first voted on by a signal vote.

If accepted, it will be voted on by secret ballot. And this secret ballot is held one by one for each

It is necessary to keep the vote held in secret for the adoption of the constitutional amendment
proposal.* The reason is that the legislator wants the deputies to make objective decisions
away from the pressure of their parties.*
the approval stage.

The approval stage is the final stage. The nineteen eighty two Constitution gave the approval
authority to the President and the public.

The decision stage is the finalization of the acceptance or rejection of the amendment proposal after
the discussions held at the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly.

The form of approval of the adopted law varies according to the number of votes.

1. Probability: The adoption of the amendment with three hundered and sixty- three hundered and
ninety nine votes:

The president cannot sign this law and put it into effect. the president either sends it back to
parliament for reconsideration or submits it to a popular vote.if the amendment is returned with the
same percentage of votes, a public vote will be held on the amendment.

2. Probability: The amendment will be adopted by four hundered or more votes;

The President may sign and enact this law, brings it to a popular vote or return it to parliament.

If it is accepted by at least a three-fifths majority when it is sent back to the Parliament, the President
must submit the law to a public vote.

If it is adopted by at least a two-thirds majority, the President either approves the law or submits it
to a public vote. if the result of acceptance is obtained in the popular vote, the constitutional
amendment becomes final.

The laws approved by the President are announced in the Official Gazette and entered into force.

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